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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ziyuanku.com Ziyuanku.com * 话题 10 话题词汇狂背 相关单词 1. concert

  n.音乐会 2. folk

  adj.民间的 3. musician

  n.音乐家 4. organize

  vt.组织 5. well-known

  adj.著名的 6. traditional

  adj.传统的 7. inspiration

  n.灵感 8. monotonous

  adj.单调的 9. humorous

  adj.幽默的;诙谐的 10. appreciate


  11. advertisement

  n.广告 12. actor

  n.男演员;参与者 13. attractive

  adj.吸引人的 14. fan

  n.扇子;迷;狂热者 15. instrument

  n.工具;乐器 16. hit

  n. (演出等)成功;打击;打 17. classical

  adj.经典的 18. performance

  n.表演;履行 19. romantic

  adj.浪漫的 20. reputation

  n.名誉;名声 相关短语

  1.dream of 梦想 2.cultivate skills 培养技巧 3.take part in 参与;参加 4.would like to do想要做某事 5.ask sb.for advice on sth.向…寻求建议 6. be fond of 喜欢;喜爱 7. come up with 想出;提出 8. source of joys and inspiration 乐趣和灵感的源泉 9. compose a song 创作歌曲 10. stick to 坚持 11. by chance 偶然;意外地 12. sign up 报名;跟……签订合同 13. be honest with 对……说实话 14. come true 实现 15. form a band 组建乐队 16. have an appetite for 爱好 17. a waste of time 浪费时间 18. break up 打碎;解体 19. improve creativity 提高创造力 20. be serious about 认真对待 相关句子 1. In his spare time, he likes listening to pop music and playing computer games.

  在他的空余时间里, 他喜欢听流行音乐和玩电脑游戏。 2. In addition to improving creativity, learning music cultivates many skills

  that will continue to be useful to

  children throughout their lives. 除了提高小孩的创造力外, 学习音乐能培养许多使小孩终生受益的技能。 3. As a matter of fact, to be a singer or musician, one should have a talent for

  music or have the ability of composing a song. 事实上, 想成为歌手或音乐家, 一个人必须有音乐天赋或创作歌曲的能力。 4. Besides, learning a musical instrument will help your children develop concentration, patience and perseverance, which will help them later in life to tackle difficult challenges. 此外,学习弹奏乐器培养小孩的注意力、毅力和耐心,有助于他们在以后的生活中战胜困难。 5. She imagines that some day she would become a singer, standing on the stage, and performing with the fans clapping, and an unknown one hit the world overnight!她想象有一天成了一名歌手站在舞台上表演, 有歌迷为她鼓掌, 一个默默无闻的她居然一夜成名。 6. Practicing musical instruments improves your children’s hand-eye coordination. 练习弹奏乐器发展小孩的眼手的协调能力。

  7. Music is the source of joys and inspiration

  in life音乐在生活中是乐趣和灵感的源泉。 8. There will be

  a special personal concert

  given by Hong Kong famous singer, Liu Dehua.香港著名歌手刘德华将举行个人演唱会。 语篇模块 Dear Mr. Smith,

  Since you are a well-known musician, I’m writing this letter to ask you for some advice on how to form a band. I, together with two boys and three girls in different classes in our school, who are all fond of

  pop music and modern dance, want to form a band.

  I’d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to start with, and whether it is enough to practice only at weekends. How can we get more chances to perform? We’d appreciate it if you would come up with

  a name for our band. Looking forward to your reply.

  Best wishes

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua



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