2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [高考寻踪] (2015·广东阅读C) Actually, children learn early the psychology of characters in TV shows. 事实上孩子们很早就能理解电视节目中人物角色的心理。 答案:To my entertainment;entertaining

  ③The sun came out from behind the clouds.() ④Spring comes, and all kinds of flowers come out. () ⑤It is about to come out in Britain, and later in France and in Spain.

  () 答案:①透露 ②结果是 ③出来 ④开放 ⑤出版 [构建→导图助记]

  [归纳拓展] come about 发生 come across被理解;偶然遇见或发现 come after sb.追赶或追逐某人 come at sb.扑向某人 come off能被去掉;举行;发生;(指计划、方案等)成功 come on (指演员)出场;开始;改善;(用于口语)以鼓励某人做某事;得了吧 come up with 提出

  注意: come out作“出版”讲时,为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态;而publish“出版”;为及物动词,可用于被动语态。 When did your book come out? =When was your book published? 你的书何时出版的?

  [图解助记] 答案:①care about ②doesn't care about

  [归纳拓展] care for 喜欢;照顾 Who cares? 谁会关心? take care of 照顾 take care 注意,小心 with care 小心,慎重

  [巧学助记] Wendy, whose job is to take care of children, cares about their growth instead of caring only about her salary, because she cares for them. 温迪的工作是照顾孩子们。她关心他们的成长,而不是只在乎薪水,因为她喜欢他们。 7.Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most. 我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。 答案:①Sad and tired ②Surprised and happy

  [归纳拓展] 句中的brave,good and strong是形容词短语作状语。 (1)形容词作状语时,在结构上可以是单个形容词,也可以是形容词短语,通常要用逗号将其和句子的其他部分分开;表示时间、原因、让步、结果、伴随或方式等。 (2)在句中位置比较灵活,通常位于句子主语前或句子主语后,有时位于句末,单个形容词作方式状语时还可直接位于动词后面。

  ①Seriously injured, some of the passengers were sent to the nearest hospital at once. 因严重受伤,其中有些乘客被立刻送到最近的医院。 ②The next morning people found the little girl lying in the corner, dead. 第二天早晨,人们发现那个小女孩躺在角落里死了。 基础知识巩固 5.Zhao Benshan is considered as one of the greatest ________ (comedy). 6.We were both very busy so we only see each other ________ (occasion). 7.There are many places of ________(interesting) in China, attracting tourists from all over the world. 8.There isn't much in the way of ________(entertain) in this town—just the cinema and a couple of pubs. 答案:1.bravery 2.interesting 3.moving 4.argument 5.comedians 6.occasionally 7.interest 8.entertainment 5.She is ashamed to tell anyone that she has _________ _________ him. 她羞于告诉任何人自己爱上了他。 6.Having worked nonstop for three hours in the sun, John returned home, ______________________. 在阳光下连续工作三小时后,约翰回家了,又渴又饿。 7.________in the library regulations that any book borrowed should be returned by due time, or the borrower will be fined. 图书馆规定要求,任何借出的书要在到期前归还,否则借书者要被罚款。

  答案:1.come out 2.care about 3.To our great relief/Much to our relief 4.play an important part 5.fallen in love with  6.thirsty and hungry 7.It is required 3.After the long journey, the three of them went back home, and they felt tired and hungry. →After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ________ ________ ________. 4.This is the book which was borrowed from the library. →This is the book ________ ________ the library. 5.If you work hard, you will succeed sooner or later. →_________ ________,________ you will succeed sooner or later. 答案:1.It is generally agreed that 2.It was;that 3.tired and hungry 4.borrowed from 5.Work hard;and 3.影片中的主角是一位勇敢的优雅的女性,她的所作所为令人感动。(character,brave,graceful,female,moving) 4.她的粉丝看这部影片时,立刻就喜欢上了她。(fall in love with) 5.他们关心她,等待她的下一部杰作。(care about,masterpiece) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 答案: She is a famous actress and better known for her performances in comedies. To our surprise, at the age of 16, she played a part of a woman teacher in a film whose setting was in a remote mountain village. The leading character in the film was a brave and graceful female and what she did was moving. When her fans saw the film, they fell in love with her at once. They care about her and wait for her next masterpiece. 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes 必修二 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.__________(n.)角色;人物 2.__________(vt.)使感兴趣 →___________(adj.)感兴趣的 →___________(adj.)令人感兴趣的 3.__________(adj.)感人的 →___________(adj.)感动的 →___________(vt.)使感动 character interest interested interesting moving moved move 4.__________(adv.)有时;偶尔 →___________(adj.)有时的;偶尔的 →___________(n.)场合,机会 5.__________(vi.)争论 →___________(n.)争论 6.__________(adj.)有趣的;令人愉快的 →___________(vt.)使愉快 →___________(n.)娱乐;款待 7.__________(n.)(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景 →___________(vt.)

  →__________以……为背景 occasionally occasional occasion argue argument entertaining entertain entertainment setting set

  高频必知 8.__________(vi.) 跳跃;飞跃 9.__________(adj.) 优美的;优雅的 10.__________(n.) 情节 11.__________(n.) 部分;节 12.__________(n.)喜剧 →____________(反义词,n.)悲剧 13.__________(n.)女演员 →____________(n.)男演员 →____________(v.)表演 leap

  graceful plot section comedy tragedy actress actor act

  14.__________(adj.)女的;女性的 →____________(adj.)男的;男性的 15.__________(n.)杰作 →____________(n.)大师(vt.)掌握 16.__________(adj.)勇敢的 →____________(n.)勇敢 female male masterpiece master brave bravery [情景活用] 用所给词的正确形式填空 ①It is believed that if a book is __________, it will surely __________ the readers.(interest) ②At first they __________ about how to spend the money, but later they got into a silly __________ with each other.(argue) ③Our English teacher is very funny and __________. Much to our __________, he always __________ us for hours with his stories and jokes.(entertain)

  ④We are both every busy so we only see each other very __________. He pays me __________ visits in his spare time and we try to use the __________ to express our love.(occasional) 答案:①interesting;interest ②argued;argument ③entertaining;entertainment;entertains ④occasionally;occasional;occasion Ⅱ.短语互译 1.出现;出版 ______________________ 2.扮演角色;起作用

  ______________________ 3.令某人吃惊的是

  ______________________ 4.属于

  ______________________ 5.吃惊地

  ______________________ 6.关心;顾虑;在乎

  ______________________ 7.fall in love with

  ______________________ 8.be in love with

  ______________________ 9.every now and then

  ______________________ 10.at the age of

  ______________________ come out play a part to one's surprise belong to in surprise care about 爱上;喜欢(表动作) 爱上;喜欢(表状态) 有时;偶尔

  在……岁时 [情景活用] 选用以上短语填空 ①A pocket edition of the dictionary will ____________ soon. ②It makes me feel good that you ______________ me. ③He leaned back in his chair and looked at me ___________. ④They __________________ each other at first sight when they first met at the party last month. 答案:①come out ②care about ③in surprise ④fell in love with

  Ⅲ.典句析练 1.Unusually, __________ the female character __________ interest us most. 不同寻常的是,正是女主角最吸引我们。 [解析] it is...that...在本句中构成强调句型。 [仿写] 是这种无私的爱令我们感动。 __________________ the selfless love __________________ made us moved.

  2.__________________, Xiulian is the character we care about most. 我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。 [解析] brave, good and strong是形容词短语作状语。 [仿写] 那些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。 These travelers returned to the hotel, __________________.

  3.But ______________________________ he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”. 但是绝大多数人认为他比电影史上任何一个人更懂得“娱乐”一词的意义。 [解析] It is agreed that意为“人们一致同意……”。 [仿写] 人们一致同意要充分利用空闲时间。 __________________ free time should be made full use of. 答案:1.it is...that...;It was...that... 2.Brave, good and strong;tired and sleepy 3.it is generally agreed that;It is agreed that Ⅳ.单元语法 频度和地点状语,副词及副词词组 语法填空 1.Everyone needs to learn new things __________ (constant) on the job and it is common practice for people to go back to school. 答案:constantly 句意:每个人都需要在工作中不断地学习新的东西,人们返回学校学习也成了惯例。constantly表示“一直,不断地”。 2.All the soldiers were placed exactly __________ the local government wanted them for the control of the comeback of the flood. 答案:where 考查状语从句。分析句子成分后可知,在状语从句“__________the local government wanted them”中缺少地点状语,故用where引导地点状语从句。 3.__________ his strength failed and he dropped behind in the race.(gradual) 答案:Gradually 考查副词。句意:他逐渐地体力不支,在比赛中落后了。gradually“逐渐地”,符合句意。

  4.Old batteries can't be thrown away __________(casual) even when they are no longer useful,because they'll pollute the environment. 答案:casually 句意:即使旧电池没有用处了也不能随便扔掉,因为它们会污染环境。casually“随便地”。

  5.Tony can hardly boil an egg, still __________(little) cook dinner. 答案:less 句意:托尼甚至都不会煮鸡蛋,更不用说做晚餐了。句中虽然没有明显的表示比较的词语,但根据语境可知,题干前后是比较的意思,而still less是固定结构,表示“更不用说,更别提”,因此答案为less。 考点探究演练

  ②He no longer __________ __________ __________ __________ his stamp collection. 他对集邮不再感兴趣了。 ③The girl in the seat is studying the old woman __________ __________. 座位上的那个女孩正饶有兴趣地打量着那位老妇人。 答案:①interest himself in ②shows an interest in  ③with interest


  [高考寻踪] ①(2015·安徽任务型读写) Once we have a common interest, a friendship can begin. 一旦我们有共同的爱好,我们就可以交朋友。 ②(2017·重庆阅读C)The idea of being able to walk on water has long interested humans greatly. 能在水面上行走这种想法已经很长时间让人们感兴趣了。 答案:①for ②with;about ③into [归纳拓展] (1)argue with sb. about/over sth. 关于某事和某人争论 argue for/against 支持/反对 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 劝服某人做/不做某事 (2)argument n.争论,争辩;争议 [高考寻踪] (2015·陕西阅读D)But he argued that this did not prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success. 但是他争论到这并不能证明父母的参与就是成功的根源。 答案:in character

  [归纳拓展] a man of character 有个性的人,有骨气的人 a leading character 主角 注意:character既可以作可数名词,如表示“人物,文字”;又可以作不可数名词,如表示“品质,性格”。


  The character is practising writing Chinese characters to build his character. 这个人物正在通过练习写汉字来培养自己的性格。


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