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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编












  第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)


  1. Who is the man?

  A. A student.

  B. A salesman.

  C. A policeman.

  2. What does the woman want to do?

  A. Cancel the meeting.

  B. Change the time of the meeting.

  C. Skip the meeting.

  3. What do we know about the man?

  A. He has never been across the ocean.

  B. He does not understand what the woman means.

  C. He likes mathematics a lot.

  4. What kind of job would the woman prefer?

  A. Any job with a high salary.

  B. An average job with a nice salary.

  C. An exciting job with an average salary.

  5. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. The weather.

  B. What happened last night.

  C. Sleeping problems.




  6. What is special about the meal?

  A. The amount of food.B. The price of food.

  C. The kind of food.

  7. What does the man suggest the woman do?

  A. Try a dessert.

  B. Try his favorite meat.

  C. Eat as much as possible.


  8. What did the man ask the woman to do?

  A. Take a break.B. Take more pictures.

  C. Show him the photos.

  9. Why did the man complain?

  A. The beach was dirty.

  B. There were no pictures of him.

  C. The weather was bad.

  10. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. The woman is very selfish.

  B. The man will copy his pictures into his PC.

  C. The speakers are on vacation.


  11. Why does the man wish to break up with his girlfriend?

  A. She is not as pretty as she once was.

  B. They don’t get along well.

  C. He will move soon.

  12. What does the woman think of the matter?

  A. The man should not take the job.

  B. The man might be reasonable.

  C. The man should maintain this relationship.

  13. How does the man think his girlfriend will feel at his decision?

  A. Sad.

  B. Calm.

  C. Happy.


  14. What is the woman looking for?

  A. Some saucepans.

  B. Some frying pans. C. Some plates.

  15. When did she first see them?

  A. This morning.

  B. Yesterday.

  C. Some days ago.

  16. What did the man ask the woman to do?

  A. Have a look at the window display.

  B. Check all the kitchenware in stock.

  C. Describe the item she wanted.

  17. How might the woman feel in the end?

  A. Disappointed.

  B. Excited.

  C. Surprised.


  18. What happened to the elderly gentleman?

  A. He got stuck in the doors of the train.

  B. He missed the train.

  C. He was seriously injured on the train.

  19. What do we know about the gentleman’s wife?

  A. She was in great panic.

  B. She cried for help.

  C. She remained calm.

  20. Who offered to help solve the problem?

  A. The speaker and two other men.

  B. The conductor.

  C. Nobody.


  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21.That faith of Father’s keeps him continually ready and purposeful with energy to do what he can towards shaping the environment around us

  each of us can grow with freedom.

  A. so that

  B. in which

  C. in that

  D. which

  22.Jack Ma was interviewed by Charlie Rose, a famous American host, and

  a unique insight into the story behind his success.

  A. refreshed

  B. revealed

  C. resigned

  D. resembled


  that your brother has to go back to America tomorrow. —Don’t be so upset, he promises he will come back soon. A. it’s a pleasure

  B. it makes sense

  C. it’s a shame

  D. it’s out of the question

  24.As is well known, the Philippines, disregard of the consensus

  with China,

  no sincerity in solving the South China Sea issue through dialogue.

  A. has been reached, having shown

  B. reaching, showing

  C. to be reached, have shown

  D. reached, shows

  25.Vidal, the Cuban foreign ministry’s head of U.S. affairs has expressed the hope

  wins the U.S. presidential election in November will continue furthering ties with Cuba.

  A. that whoever

  B. whoever

  C. no matter who

  D. that who

  26.What’s worse, it will absolutely keep you from focusing on accomplishing whatever great things you might

  manage to achieve in life

  you set your mind to it.

  A. where

  B. in that

  C. unless

  D. on condition that

  27. Do forget your personal brand and start spending time on

  who you really are and trying to become

  the best version of that you can be.

  A. making out

  B. leaving out

  C. figuring out

  D. carrying out

  28.—When we are in trouble, we must overcome difficulties and struggle to move forward; otherwise we’ll fail.

  —You are right. _______

  A. To stand still is to move back.

  B. More hasty, less speed.

  C. Where there is life, there is hope.

  C. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

  29.One of the biggest dream killers is fear. There are so many people who

  have achieved amazing things

  if only they weren’t afraid.

  A. can

  B. could

  C. must

  D. will

  30.If you’ve never negotiated a raise before, you’re _______. So you don’t have to feel nervous.

  A. on good terms

  B. in good faith

  C. in good part

  D. in good company

  31.—It seems that there’s something wrong with your elder sister.

  —Yes, that’s because so much money _______ for the sculpture that she was very angry.

  A. she is charged

  B. is she charged

  C. was she charged

  D. has she been charged

  32.“Such an argument confuses right and wrong and reminds us of the so-called theory of _______ sin of major powers,” said Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang.

  A. original

  B. contradictory

  C. unique

  D. productive

  33.The only hotel nearby _______ open, so we had to arrange for a few relatives from the countryside to live in my house yesterday in spite of the limited space at home.

  A. was not

  B. does not

  C. is not

  D. had not been

  34.As the saying goes, you really won’t achieve anything of _______ in life until you know the real you.

  A. preference

  B. significance

  C. resistance

  D. assistance

  35.Your math instructor would love to have given you a make-up examination _______ to explain to him that your parents were ill at the time.

  A. you should have gone B. if you went

  C. did you go

  D. had you gone

  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


  Internationalism implies a feeling of brotherhood nourished by all people of the world. It is a system of feeling, thought and action designed to ___36___ peaceful co-operation and co-existence, where our ___37___ are inter-dependent.

  Distances mean ___38___ in these days of high-speed. The need for inter-dependence is now more ___39___ than ever before, nations depending on one another for co-operation and peaceful understanding. No longer it is for any nation to ___40___itself from the rest of the world.

  The modern age of science and technology has witnessed an increased ___41___of the world, making it a big family and we are all its members. We should ___42___ the intention of international co-operation into action. Now we are more ___43___ on one another than ever before.

  Inter-dependence is more clearly noticeable in economy than anywhere else. The ___44___ of economics have tied together different nations into a ___45___ market. Not only in the economic field but in the political, ideological(意识形态)and cultural fields all nations have come ___46___.

  Professor Laski has rightly ___47___ in this connection: “There are no longer lotus fields where men may linger careless of the life about them. The world is one and indivisible in a sense so compelling that the only question before us is the method by which we ___48___ its unity”.

  The same ideology has been given ___49___ in our sacred books like Vedas and Upanishads. In the fifth century, Pandit Vishnu Sharma has ___50___ in his famous book “Panchtantra” that the conception of mine and yours becomes popular amongst the narrow-minded people; the broad-minded people, who ___51___ the world as a big family, consider it as theirs.

  In the West, many people supported the claims of Internationalism. For example, after the ___52___ of Napoleon, the four states of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Britain ___53___ the “European Concert” in order to keep away Napoleon and his dynasty from power and to meet occasionally for discussion of matters of common interest and to ___54___ peace and stability in Europe. Several conferences were held to prevent war forever and maintain international peace but all 55______ because the First Great World War broke out.

  36. A. appreciate

  B. evaluate

  C. promote

  D. reveal

  37.A. assumptions

  B. needs

  C. achievements

  D. necessities

  38. A. anything

  B. something

  C. everything

  D. nothing

  39. A. urgent

  B. final

  C. abrupt

  D. adequate

  40. A. separate

  B. prevent

  C. preserve

  D. differ

  41. A. construction

  B. appreciation

  C. combination

  D. attraction

  42. A. divide

  B. translate

  C. evolve

  D. stick

  43. A. bent

  B. concentrated

  C. keen

  D. dependent

  44. A. notes

  B. ideas

  C. strings

  D. themes

  45. A. common

  B. general

  C. normal

  D. ordinary

  46. A. truer

  B. nearer

  C. clearer

  D. narrower

  47. A. addressed

  B. concerned

  C. granted

  D. remarked

  48. A. recommend

  B. reveal

  C. release

  D. represent

  49. A. affection

  B. expression

  C. opinion

  D. recreation

  50. A. pointed out

  B. worked out

  C. turned out

  D. proved out

  51. A. look upon

  B. look through

  C. look into

  D. look at

  52. A. murder

  B. employment

  C. overthrow

  D. transformation

  53. A. set in

  B. set off

  C. set aside

  D. set up

  54. A. deserve

  B. secure

  C. assume

  D. issue

  55. A. in return

  B. in turn

  C. in vain

  D. in advance

  第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  Wondering where to watch the fireworks on the fourth Friday of July? Here are some restaurants where you can sit, grab a bite to eat and watch the show.

  The Roof on Wilshire offers a view of the city, so chances are that you’ll be able to catch a fireworks show while you’re up there. The restaurant will also offer an all-you-can-eat menu for $20 that includes all beef hot dogs and sweet potato chips. The festivities will take place from 2 to 11 p.m. Reservations are recommended. 6317 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 852-6002.

  Whiskey Red’s is located in Marina Del Rey. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., it will include live music from Jack of Hearts. Drink specials include $3 select “Old School” beers and $5 Fireball shots from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. A custom menu of hamburgers and hot dogs will be available. Guests can make reservations from 5:30 to 10 p.m. It costs $59 to reserve a seat on the patio (露台) and $49 for indoor seating. Kids aged 5 to 12 need $25 for a seat outside and $20 for an indoor seat. Kids aged four and below are free. 13813 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, (310) 823-4522.

  High Rooftop lounge in Venice at the top of the Hotel Erwin offers views of the Venice coastline. The fireworks show starts at 9 p.m. The rooftop lounge (休息室)offers a full menu of cocktails and a selection of snacks. 1697 Pacific Avenue, Venice Beach, (800) 786-7789.

  The last one is Carbon Beach Club at the Malibu Inn. Here you can see fireworks from the restaurant’s oceanfront balcony from 6 to 9:30 p.m. The restaurant offers a menu of cheese, steak, fish, as well as a selection of raw shellfish. Reservations are recommended. 22878 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, (310) 456-6444.

  56.Which restaurant will you choose if you want to watch the fireworks at 3 p.m.?

  A. The Roof on Wilshire.

  B. Whiskey Red’s.

  C. High Rooftop lounge.

  D. Carbon Beach Club.

  57.If a couple with a six-year-old kid want to reserve three indoor seats in Whiskey Red’s, they should pay at least _______.

  A. $143

  B. $138

  C. $123

  D. $118


  Seeking to find happiness through a job before you find happiness on a personal level is like trying to stand on stilts (桩子) on quicksand. That’s how Anahita Moghaddam feels about it, anyway. She believes it is our “primary responsibility” to cultivate (耕耘) love and happiness within ourselves, first and foremost. Moghaddam says that if you only look to your professional achievements to keep your sense of purpose and well-being going, a sense of emptiness or desperation can’t almost be avoided.

  You and your brain are more flexible than you think. The brain changes and grows depending on what it interacts with. Positive thoughts will give support to neuron pathways (神经路径) for the feeling of joy; negative thoughts will make neuron pathways for feelings of sadness stronger. “The number of possible combinations of neurons that fire and wire together is 10 to the millionth power in your nervous system. In comparison, the number of atoms in our entire universe is estimated to be around 10 to the 80th power. If we are 10 to the millionth power, that makes us almost infinite. So what are we? Who are we? And what can we do with this?” she says.

  Unfortunately, human brains have several biological tendencies to negative thoughts and feelings. First, human brains can identify and avoid threats. Often, that means that other humans instinctively register as competition, instead of teammates or comrades. Second, we’re biologically likely to remember a single negative incident more than multiple positive experiences.

  Despite it, we can control the thoughts with mindfulness. As Rick Hanson explains, changes in our thoughts can change the grey matter in our brains, and vice versa. “Mental activity is like a spring shower, leaving little traces of neural structure behind,” he says. “Over time, the little tracks in the hillside draw in more water down, deepening their course.”

  There are benefits to living mindfully other than happiness. People who try to live more mindfully can focus for longer periods of time. “The ability to focus more strategically makes you more clear. It makes you show up to your own life more fully,” Moghaddam says. “Happiness and creativity are the purpose and they are also the byproduct of living mindfully, living with purpose. Otherwise it is a social idea, and a concept that we grasp at, but it really starts in your heart.”

  58.What does Moghaddam think the most important for us?

  A. Working hard to avoid a sense of emptiness.

  B. Finding a specific purpose for our own life.

  C. Relying on our achievements to be happy.

  D. Seeking happiness from our inner mind.

  59.We can infer from Paragraph 3 that


  A. we are likely to remember good memories more than negative experiences

  B. human brains instinctively refuse to remember negative thoughts

  C. we tend to be impressed with negative incidents

  D. human brains can’t avoid threats instinctively

  60.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

  A. Our nervous system.

  B. Our ability to be infinite.

  C. Our entire universe.

  D. Our total number of neurons.


  Green living has become more important than ever and as time goes by, it will only become a more important issue. While it used to be a matter of making an extra effort to save energy and reduce waste in our homes, this has extended to the professional side of things since. Public buildings, such as schools, hospitals and offices, are under an increasing amount of pressure to make the change and go green, even if it’s just a step-by-step process that takes a few years to implement completely.

  There are plenty of reasons for offices to go green and these reasons go beyond the concept that it should be done just for the sake of the environment. While the environment is incredibly important and vital to our survival and quality of life, sustainable office design can also have positive impacts upon employees and people using the building.

  For example, a report carried out last September revealed that the way an office is designed can significantly impact on the health of the staff there. It was also found to have an effect on productivity and could be a contributory factor to the amount of sick leave and staff turnaround within the business. It’s fascinating to think that people can be so sensitive to their environments but it also makes a lot of sense. Even the choice of colour in your office can negatively or positively affect the people working there.

  Based on this study, it is clear that companies should be making more efforts to improve on the office design while making sure the environment is sustainable and green. There are various little changes that can be made to lead to something bigger, from making sure the lights are turned off at night to recycling the paper your company gets through on a weekly basis. Once these changes are in place, you can start looking at the bigger picture and begin implementing changes to design and construction, like having wood fibre insulation fitted.

  Along with other sustainable features, insulation can be beneficial in various ways. Not only will an insulated office space be environmentally sound by helping you to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer, reducing the reliance on the thermostat and central heating and saving money, but it can also be an effective form of sound absorption. The study revealed that noise is a contributory factor to productivity problems, and if you work in a particularly busy area, then noise can become a real issue. The aim is to create an environment that is comfortable and calm enough for people to concentrate and work productively. Soundproof walls are an effective and environmentally friendly solution.

  61.What is the author’s argument in the passage?

  A. Green living can help to save energy.

  B. Public buildings should go green.

  C. Green living still has a long way to go.

  D. It is important to lead a green life.

  62.The author mentioned the report carried out last year for the purpose of   .

  A. showing us how to design an office

  B. telling us the side effects of green living

  C. improving the productivity of office workers

  D. proving the benefits of green office design

  63.According to the author, what is necessary for companies to do?

  A. Allow enough sick leave to their employees.

  B. Paint all the walls of their offices green.

  C. Make some improvements to their office design.

  D. Make their staff more productive than before.

  64.The last paragraph mainly tells us about


  A. the benefits of insulation to offices

  B. how to keep an office’s temperature constant

  C. the advantages of living a green life in the city

  D. how to make staff work comfortably and effectively


  Sometimes the best advice doesn’t come from a book, a microphone, from behind a desk in Washington or even from the people who are the leaders in their fields. Sometimes the best life lessons are found deep in the roots of where we came from. My father passed away years ago, but I always remember the lessons he taught me. Three of them particularly shape my perspective day after day.

  The first one is that little things make big things happen. To the best of my memory, when I was young, we needed to build a new shed. Those were the days when stores like Home Depot and Lowes didn’t exist. Brand-new timber (木料) was expensive, so folks often reused the materials that others in the community didn’t need. That summer, Dad and I used the boards from an old abandoned barn. We pulled them down one by one, drew the nails out and took off the tin and straightened it in order to reuse it. We got our supplies back to our yard and got to work. I don’t know how much of a help I really was, but I chose to stay beside Dad the entire period, working along with him.

  The sun was hot that day, and sweat formed and ran down our faces. I stood there and handed him the nails one by one, which were hammered into that shed. Dad made me feel proud of my work. Even though I just handed him the nails, he repeatedly emphasized how we built the new shed “together”. He taught me that when you’re willing to do hard work, even in little things, big things come together.

  The second one is that we should honor our promises. As a young man, my father always carried a pocket-sized Bible in his chest pocket. Shortly before the invasion of Normandy in 1944, he prayed for God’s protection and promised God that if he made it home, he would make sure his family attended church every Sunday. Well, he made it home and he kept that promise. I cannot remember a Sunday when Dad did not take my mother, my siblings and me to church — even when we were away on vacation. I now have my Dad’s pocket Bible. It is one of my most treasured possessions, and it serves as a constant reminder of my dad’s service to his country. However, it also serves as a visual representation of my dad’s firm determination to keep his promises.

  Today, I place great value on my family and my faith, undoubtedly because of my dad’s example. This lesson of promise has been introduced into all areas of my life.

  The third one is that listening is a way to acquire wisdom. My dad and I kept ourselves busy doing a lot of things together. During the nights of late summer, after dinner, the whole family would gather on our small porch to talk as the sun went down. Sometimes an aunt or uncle would drop by, and at other times my grandparents would be there. They would talk about the neighborhood news, the goings-on in modern Western society and politics — mostly ordinary things, but it was good to sit there listening and to be together. Moreover, sitting there on the porch as dusk faded into night, I learned the value of listening and observing. Sometimes taking a moment to pause gives us the best perspective and sometimes we find the best answers simply by listening.

  Life in America becomes more complex. However, I like to think back to the simple lessons I learned from my father. They were the building blocks of my character and the values that still guide me today. Perhaps someone who has influence on your life taught you life lessons that helped form your character. I’m convinced that our nation could gain a lot by applying these lessons today. If we did, I think we would be reminded that the reason why our nation has become great is not merely that we have had wise leaders or well-spoken elected officials. Our nation has become great because of those ordinary Americans like my father, who have pride in their work, place great value on honesty, character and commitments, and pass those lessons on to their children and grandchildren. And that is the reason why we are still great today.

  65.While building the new shed with his father, the author


  A. managed to get in touch with some folks

  B. realized how hard his father worked

  C. tried his best to help his father

  D. was curious about everything

  66.How did the author feel when working with his father?

  A. Happy and proud.

  B. Tired but excited.

  C. Nervous and unhelpful.

  D. Sad and discouraged.

  67.Why does the author keep his father’s pocket Bible?

  A. He has great faith in religion.

  B. He takes it to church every Sunday.

  C. It reminds him to keep his promises.

  D. It reminds him of his father’s survival in the match.

  68.By “This lesson of promise has been introduced into all areas of my life”, the author means


  A. he often misses his father when making a promise

  B. he holds himself to his promises in his whole life

  C. his father has influenced every aspect of his life

  D. he dare not forget the lessons of promise

  69.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

  A. The importance of keeping family values.

  B. The factors making a country rich and strong.

  C. The happy time he spent with his father.

  D. Three lessons he learned from his father.

  70.It can be inferred from the passage that


  A. wise leaders determine a country’s status

  B. ordinary people have an effect on a country’s future

  C. the author’s father was greater than anyone else in his heart

  D. the author dislikes the well-spoken officials

  第II卷(两部分, 共35分)

  第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  Arch bridges are among the many classic architectural works that you can see throughout history, which many of them were inspired by Roman Empire architecture. It is said that the earliest arch bridges were built by the ancient Greeks and Romans. So arch bridges came into being thousands of years ago. Back then, these bridges were mostly made of bricks or stones, and were highly popular. Later, with the industrial revolution and the introduction of new materials, other advanced bridge types and designs were introduced. However, arch bridges are still being used. With the introduction of concrete, steel and other new materials, their arches are built on a much larger scale.

  Arch bridges are characterized by their arches or curved designs that give them strength. As a result of this curving or bending, the load force isn’t pushed straight downwards, or rather, it is carried or transferred along the arch curve to the supports or abutments(桥墩)present at each end of an arch bridge. This semi-circular structure thus enables a higher level of resistance to the bending force which may have altered or changed the bridge. In other words, the force acting on the bridge horizontal is distributed equally.

  Also, there are many different building materials for arch bridges. They can be built using a wide range of materials that include natural ones like stones, bricks, etc., as well as man-made materials like reinforced concrete or steel. Natural or local materials aid in sustainability and are strong in compression.

  In addition, these bridges tend to strengthen with increased usage. Ancient arch bridges had a keystone, which was once put in an arch bridge and could undergo compression, thus making the bridge stronger. Furthermore, the abutments also help enhance the sustainability of these bridges. A great deal of deadweight is introduced above each arch, thus supporting loads as well as gaining strength.

  Despite the above various advantages of the arch bridge structure, there’re also many disadvantages that cannot be ignored. For example, these bridges have a limited span(跨度)length. The sizes of arches and the materials used can determine the weight that an arch bridge is capable of bearing. Such bridges can be built only in certain sizes.

  When natural materials are used for building, additional maintenance or care is needed. This is because the impact of wind forced on the structure or the wind load causes an arch bridge to bend and move. Thus, frequent care becomes necessary. This may further give rise to extra maintenance costs.

  Arch bridges have a long construction time. For the proper and normal functioning of these bridges, they have to be built in a particular way. Thus, their construction requires more time, mostly noticed in the case of natural materials. Also, more labor may be required.

  Arch bridges can be constructed in only certain locations where the foundations on both sides are solid and stable. This is because this type of bridge needs more support from its sides.

  There is no doubt that by incorporating(把……融入)arches into the design of arch bridges, they have gained some definite advantages. However, no matter how fantastic their design is, there are still some drawbacks that cannot be avoided. So we can conclude that the decision of having an arch bridge can be made by considering the aforementioned pros and cons.

  Arch bridges



  ●Arch bridges have been in ___71___ for thousands of years.

  ●Their common building materials used to be bricks and stones, and now many new materials like concrete and steel have been used, because of which the arches are built more ___72___.


  ●Arch bridges are strong thanks to their curved designs, which ___73___ the load force being pushed straight downwards.

  ●The designs also contribute to the equal ___74___ of the bending force, and thus the bridges are more ___75___ to the force.

  ●Diverse materials used to build arch bridges are ___76___.

  ●The application of these materials enables the bridges to undertake heavy pressure, thus making them ___77___.

  The use of the keystone and abutments make the bridges stronger and more durable.


  The span length of an arch bridge is limited and how much weight it can bear ___78___ on its size and building materials.

  Arch bridges require maintaining ___79___ due to the impact of wind forced on them.

  The construction of an arch bridge is the ___80___ of more time and labor.

  Arch bridges can only be located where the foundations on both sides are solid and stable.

  conclusion When people decide to build an arch bridge, they must consider the aforementioned pros and cons.

  第五部分 书面表达 (满分25分)


  Jane Eyre

  Jane Eyre, was an orphan, born in a poor family. She was miserable because her parents died one after another when she was young. Young Jane was sent to her uncle’s home, but her uncle died soon later. Consequently, Jane Eyre was raised by her cruel, wealthy aunt, Mrs. Reed. She was sent to an orphanage in Lowood a few years later, because her aunt didn’t like her. She lived there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. Jane spent eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. She continued to be spiritual and physical destruction when she lived there. For her, this was one of the most important periods in her life. Then she accepted a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, whose employer was a dark, impassioned man named Rochester. Jane found herself falling in love with him after a period of time. Although they met some unhappy things in their love, Jane married him and has an ideal happy life.



  2.以约120个词围绕Jane Eyre这个角色谈谈你的看法,内容包括以下要点:

  ①简要分析Jane Eyre 的人物特点和给你的启示;






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