国内英语资讯: China voices concerns about Brazils meat problems-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯: China voices concerns about Brazils meat problems

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- China on Tuesday voiced concerns over meat quality problems in Brazil.

On Friday, Brazilian police uncovered a massive meat adulteration scheme involving some of the country's largest meat producers.

According to the police, the adulterated meat was sold in the domestic market as well as exported.

The Chinese government has taken preventive and provisional protection to ensure the safety of Chinese consumers, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying at the daily press briefing.

She stressed China hopes Brazil will conduct a thorough, open and transparent investigation into the case, keep China informed in a timely manner, and take stricter measures to guarantee food exported to China is safe and reliable.

Brazilian President Michel Temer said Monday that the problems found in the frozen meat producers only affected a small part of the industry.

Noting China and Brazil are important trading partners, Hua said China calls for strengthened communication and coordination based on equality and mutual benefit and the proper handling of problems for healthy and stable trade ties.


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