2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 18 Beauty(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 18 Beauty(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.I find it hard to convey my feelings in words ________ them at the moment.

  2.He was treated ________ a hero on his release from prison.

  3.If you buy our goods,our company will deliver the goods ________ your door.

  4.Sarah sings and Bill accompanies her ________ the guitar.

  5.She has had a number of different jobs,ranging ________ chef ________ swimming instructor.

  6.The material of the shirt is superior ________ that of others.

  7.A college education was not accessible ________ women until the 1920s.

  8.I'm ________ your command—what would you like me to do?

  9.Air traffic controllers are threatening to go ________ strike if the government doesn't meet their demands.

  10.Your conduct is not consistent ________ what you say.

  答案 1.to 2.as 3.to 4.on 5.from;to 6.to 7.to 8.at 9.on 10.with


  11.________________,she needs to be more careful in her work.


  12.I don't know where he has gone,________________.


  13.I watched the plane go higher and higher until I ________________ it.


  14.I don't think you've met Tom,________________?


  15.He was listening attentively in class,his eyes ________________.


  答案 11.To be honest/Honestly speaking 12.nor do I care about 13.lost sight of 14.have you 15.fixed on the blackboard


  Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn't mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you'll have to stand up and say-problem, I don't want you in my life.

  __16__ Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children—the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

  But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

  Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help. __17__ Talking helps you move on and let go.

  Write your problems. __18__ When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

  Don't lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don't lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family...,you should still have faith. __19__

  Your problems aren't the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there're another one million people whose problems are huger than yours. __20__ Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

  Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

  A.But the truth is that when you talk about it, you're setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within you.

  B.When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?

  C.Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can't I?

  D.Of course, we've been fighting problems ever since we were born.

  E.We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

  F.Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don't want a real person to talk with.

  G.With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.

  答案 16.D 17.A 18.F 19.G 20.C


  What Is Beauty?

  Like Margaret once said in the 19th century, there was no consistent view on beauty. Standards and ideas of beauty changes across time.

  Nowadays, some costumes and actions once regard as beauty in 19th-century Europe are not considered healthy or attractive, while something now regarded as fashion had different functions in the past.

  In the contemporary society, culture still determines our ideas of beauty. In some countries, people like thinner, while in other cultures, people like being a little overweight.

  There is not precise criteria to judge that is beauty. If beauty was limited by some criteria, the human race would soon die out.

  There is physical beauty as well as inner beauty. The later is found in a wide range of personal qualities. It is inner beauty which requires us to truly see. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.


  What Is Beauty?

  Margaret once said in the 19th century, there was no consistent view on beauty. Standards and ideas of beauty

  across time.

  Nowadays, some costumes and actions once

  as beauty in 19th-century Europe are not considered healthy or attractive, while something now regarded as fashion had different functions in the past.


  contemporary society, culture still determines our ideas of beauty. In some countries, people like thinner, while in other cultures, people like being a little overweight.


  not precise criteria to judge

  is beauty. If beauty

  limited by some criteria, the human race would soon die out.

  There is physical beauty as well as inner beauty. The

  is found in a wide range of personal qualities. It is inner beauty

  requires us to truly see. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.



  体裁:记叙文 话题:与种族歧视作斗争 词数:314


  Ariana Miyamoto entered the Miss Universe Japan beauty contest after a mixed-race friend killed herself and she won the crown __1__.

  Miyamoto decided to use her new-found __2__ to help fight racial discrimination(种族歧视).“I was prepared for the __3__.I didn't feel any added pressure because the reason I took part in the contest was my friend's __4__.My goal was to __5__ awareness of racial discrimination,” added Miyamoto.“Now I have a great platform to __6__ that message as the first black Miss Universe Japan.”

  After Miyamoto's victory, many critics __7__ the title should have gone to what they called a “pure” Japanese rather than a “haafu” (the Japanese word used to describe mixed race).

  Miyamoto who turns heads in Japan with her __8__ skin admitted she has had to toughen up.“I used to get bullied as a kid but I've got mentally __9__ to protect myself,” said the model.“When I was small I tried not to bring __10__ to myself but now I say what I feel.I want to start a(n) __11__,” Miyamoto said.

  “It's __12__ that some conservative(保守的) people might feel I don't __13__ the traditional Japanese image to represent the country,” said Miyamoto.“ But I certainly has the chance to be a pioneer and it's a(n) __14__ opportunity for Japan to become more globally aware.In Japan there are __15__ any black models or TV personalities.Hopefully I can help __16__ a Japan where anyone can make things happen.”

  But despite her noble intentions Miyamoto has no plans to __17__ government officials just yet.“I'd like to use my position to become a leader,” she smiled.“I'm like a sponge—always __18__ new things.But I haven't thought too deeply about __19__ yet.It's still a bit __20__ to think about becoming Prime Minister!”





  答案 B [根据句意可知,Ariana Miyamoto参加了日本环球小姐选美比赛并最终获得第一名。]





  答案 D [获得日本环球小姐选美比赛并最终获得第一名Ariana Miyamoto决定用她的这个名望来与种族歧视作斗争。]





  答案 A [根据下文“It's ________ that some conservative(保守的) people might feel I don't ________ the traditional Japanese image to represent the country”可知,因为很多保守的日本人认为Ariana Miyamoto是黑人,不能代表整个国家的形象,所以批评这个大赛的冠军不应该让一个黑人获得。但Ariana Miyamot表示她已经对这些批评做好了准备。]





  答案 C after a mixed-race friend killed herself可知选项C正确。]





  答案 D [Ariana Miyamot的目标是提高人们对种族歧视的意识。]





  答案 B [因为获得了冠军,有了名望,所以Ariana Miyamot用这个平台来传递让人们提高对种族歧视的意识的信息。]





  答案 C [因为许多批评家认为冠军应该给予纯种的日本人而不是混血儿,所以这些批评家在抱怨。故选C。]





  答案 A [第二段中的as the first black Miss Universe Japan说明了Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种。]





  答案 B [上面一句中的she has had to toughen up提示了答案。]





  答案 A [根据but now I say what I feel可知,Ariana Miyamot从小尽力不引起人们的注意。]





  答案 D [由尽力不引人注目到现在的想到就说,Ariana Miyamot想开始革新了。]





  答案 C [日本的保守人士很可能认为Ariana Miyamot不应该做选美大赛的冠军。]





  答案 A [因为Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种,所以保守人士认为她不适合代表整个日本的传统形象。]





  答案 D [Ariana Miyamot获得了选美大赛的冠军,这对于日本来说是一个引起全球注目的绝好机会。]





  答案 C [根据上文内容可知,批评家认为Ariana Miyamot是黑色人种,不应该成为选美大赛的冠军,因为在日本几乎没有黑人模特和电视名人。]





  答案 B [Ariana Miyamot认为自己可以创造一个任何人都能改变现状的日本。其他选项不符合文意。]

  17.A.live on

  B.fight with

  C.take over

  D.run for

  答案 D [尽管现在Ariana Miyamot有很高的名声,但她暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算。]





  答案 A [海绵是吸水的。故选A。]





  答案 B [根据本段内容可知,Ariana Miyamot暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算,所以她对政治没有深远的思考。]





  答案 C [因为Ariana Miyamot暂时没有竞选政府官员的打算,对政治没有深远的思考,所以对她来说思考成为首相为时过早。]



  体裁:应用文 话题:旅馆介绍 词数:299 时间:6′

  Best Western Dryden Motor Inn

  89 rooms in the heart of Sunset Country, restaurant, pool, hot bath, steam room, health centre, playroom and an excellent place for fishing and golfing.The Best Western Dryden Motor Inn is a three-star hotel which is easily accessible from all highways and includes a helicopter landing pad(起降台).Enjoy your stay and we look forward to seeing you here again.

  Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK

  The Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK is the first choice for most business and sightseeing travelers to Juneau.It provides a true home away from home with a line of beautifully furnished comfortable rooms, all of which have full-sized kitchens.

  Aurora View Inn Juneau AK

  The Aurora View Inn Juneau AK offers two special rooms with their own private entrance (you don't have to share any space in our hotel).You will be able to enjoy the wonderful scenery around the hotel while relaxing in the yard or taking a hot bath.There is nothing like taking a hot bath at the end of each day.

  Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska

  Glennallen is the gateway to the Copper River Valley and Wrangell-St.Elias National Park—America's largest national park, making the Caribou Hotel in Glennallen the perfect lodging headquarters for your Alaska vacation.

  The Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska overlooks very beautiful mountain scenery.Returning to a modern Alaskan hotel in the midst(中间的)of the Last Frontier after a busy day will most certainly reassure(使安心)you.Here you can enjoy fishing, boating, airplane sightseeing, hiking, hunting, and wildlife viewing.Or perhaps you'd prefer to visit the historical communities of McCarthy and Kennicott, both of which date back to the 1920s.

  【语篇解读】 本文介绍了四个宾馆的有关情况。

  21.Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK is different from other hotels because ________.

  A.it has very comfortable rooms

  B.people can enjoy the wonderful scenery here

  C.all rooms there have full-sized kitchens

  D.people can take a hot bath there

  答案 C [细节理解题。在四个宾馆中只有Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK拥有full-sized kitchens.]

  22.If you are interested in history, you'd better go to ________.

  A.Best Western Dryden Motor Inn

  B.Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK

  C.Aurora View Inn Juneau AK

  D.Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska

  答案 D [细节判断题。根据Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska标题下的Or perhaps you'd prefer to visit the historical communities of McCarthy and Kennicott, both of which date back to the 1920s可知,Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska有历史社区。故答案为D。]

  23.If your brother likes fishing, you can advice him to go to ________.

  A.Best Western Dryden Motor Inn or Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska

  B.Best Western Dryden Motor Inn or Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK

  C.Frontier Suites Airport Hotel Juneau AK or Aurora View Inn Juneau AK

  D.Aurora View Inn Juneau AK or Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska

  答案 A [细节理解题。四个宾馆中Best Western Dryden Motor Inn 和 Caribou Hotel Glennallen Alaska提到了能够钓鱼。]

  24.What is the purpose of this passage?

  A.To persuade readers to go to these hotels.

  B.To enrich the readers' knowledge about hotels.

  C.To tell readers how to choose a good hotel.

  D.To help readers book hotels in advance.

  答案 A [作者意图推测题。本文写了四个宾馆的优势,写这样一篇短文的目的是向读者推荐宾馆。]


  体裁:说明文 话题:动物 词数:296 时间:6′

  Lions are family animals and truly social in their own communities.They usually live in groups of 15 or more animals called prides.Prides can be as small as 3 or as big as 40 animals.In a pride, lions hunt food, raise little lions, and defend their territory(领地) together.

  In prides the females do most of the hunting and care for little lions.Usually all the females in the pride are related—mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters.

  Each pride generally will have no more than two adult males.While the females usually live with the pride for life, the males often stay for only two to four years.After that they go off on their own or are evicted(逐出) by other males who take over the pride.

  When a new male becomes part of the pride it is not unusual for him to kill all the little lions, making sure that all future little lions will have his genes.

  The main job of males in the pride is defending the pride's territory.A male's loud roar(吼叫), usually heard after sunset, can carry for as far as eight kilometers.The roar warns off intruders(入侵者) and helps round up small members of the pride.

  Hunting generally is done in the dark by the females.They often hunt in groups of two or three, using teamwork to surround, and kill other animals.Females aren't the most successful of hunters, because they usually score only one kill out of several tries.After the kill the males usually eat first, females next and the little lions get what's left.Males and females defend against any outside lions that attempt to join their pride.

  【语篇解读】 狮子是百兽之王。你了解它们的生活习性吗?它们是怎样捕食的?雄狮和母狮各自有什么分工?

  25.How far can a male lion's roars carry?

  A.For more than 40 kilometers.B.For about 30 kilometers.

  C.For nearly 15 kilometers.D.For about 8 kilometers.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据第5段can carry for as far as eight kilometers可知答案。]

  26.Which of the following descriptions about the male lion is TRUE?

  A.It usually lives with its family members for life.

  B.Its loud roar can frighten its enemies.

  C.It is the main hunter in its family.

  D.It raises baby lions as the female lion does.

  答案 B [细节判断题。根据第五段的The roar warns off intruders(入侵者)可知B为正确选项。]

  27.Who eat first after the lion group got the food?

  A.Little lions.

  B.Female lions.

  C.Male lions.

  D.Old lions.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的After the kill the males usually eat first, females next and the little lions get what's left可知答案。]

  28.We can infer from the passage that ________.

  A.it is only male lions in a pride that defend their territory

  B.all the females in the pride are relatives

  C.male lions help females when hunting

  D.lions hunt their food usually in the daytime

  答案 B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的Usually all the females in the pride are related—mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters可以推断在狮群中,所有的雌性狮子都是亲戚关系。]








  My close friend Li Hua is always be happy to help others.One early morning when he was walking along the road to school,he saw a well uncover.He thought it was very danger for people,but he decided to cover it.The cover was so heavily that he made every effort to move it.At last he managed to covering the well.

  He was very pleasure to have done a good deed.With smile on his face he went away.Suddenly he heard a cry comes from the well,so he ran back and moved the cover away.To his great surprised,a worker came out from the well,he was repairing something inside.


  My close friend Li Hua is always

  happy to help others.One early morning when he was walking along the road to school,he saw a well .He thought it was very

  for people, he decided to cover it.The cover was so

  that he made every effort to move it.At last he managed to

  the well.

  He was very

  to have done a good deed.With

  smile on his face he went away.Suddenly he heard a cry

  from the well,so he ran back and moved the cover away.To his great ,a worker came out from the well,he was repairing something inside.


  孩子的成长过程深受家长的影响。家庭氛围、父母的行为与习惯都在影响孩子的成长。请你以 “Influence from parents”为题写一篇英语短文,说明你的见解。词数100左右。



  Influence From Parents

  Many things,such as environment,have to do with a person's life.It is certain that environment at home influences a child's growth.

  Home is the place where a person begins his life.When a child first comes into this world,he doesn't know much.All he can do is to follow his parents in what to do.And at home parents teach the child to tell right from wrong both by words and by action.Family environment helps form a child's character.

  In short,a good environment at home is necessary for a child to grow desirably.All parents should turn their home into such an environment.


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