2016年高考+联考模拟英语试题分项版解析:专题04 从句(解析版)-查字典英语网
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2016年高考+联考模拟英语试题分项版解析:专题04 从句(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.【2016·北京】22. I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise.

  A. whose

  B. why

  C. where

  D. which




  定语从句的关系词分为关系代词(who, whom, whose, that, which, as 等)和关系副词(when, where, why等)。

  1. 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在从句中充当主语、宾语,定语等成分。关系副词可代替的先行词是表示时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。

  eg. An architect is a person who / that designs houses and buildings.

  The city where / in which I was born is on the new railway line.

  2. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。



  I find it difficult to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.

  I find it difficult to cooperate with the one who always sticks to his own opinion.

  The suit (which / that ) the tailor made for me doesn’t fit me.

  3. 非限定性定语从句中,关系词均不可省略。注意关系代词that, 关系副词why, 不可用于非限定性定语从句。

  4. 作介词宾语的关系代词


  eg. The man with whom you shook hands just now is head of our department.

  Mrs. Nye, with whom you shook hands just now, is head of our department.

  The room in which my family live used to be a garage.

  2.【2016·北京】24.Your support is important to our work. ________ you can do helps.

  A. However

  B. Whoever

  C. Whatever

  D. Wherever




  主语从句 Subject Clauses


  1. 从句的连接词可以是that, 也可以是特殊疑问词wh-。

  That he is a famous singer is known to us.= It is known to us that…

  Whether we shall attend the meeting hasn’t been decided yet.

  Who will go makes no difference.

  It is known to us that he is a famous singer.

  It is not yet fixed when he will go to America.


  2. wh和ever 连用的词引导的名词性从句和状语从句的区别

  区分使用wh-和wh-ever: wh 有疑问的意思;wh-ever有肯定强调的意思

  *Who will be invited hasn’t been decided.

  *Whoever comes here is welcomed.

  *A reward of $1,000 will be given to whoever can provide any clues to the case.

  *The gift will be given to whomever I like.

  wh-ever 在引导名词性从句时不能用no matter wh-来替换,但在引导状语从句时可以替换

  Whatever happened, he would not mind.

  = No matter what happened, he……

  3.【2016·北京】27.My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, ________ he’s in his nineties.

  A. as long as

  B. as if

  C. even though

  D. in case




  1. 引导目的状语从句的从属连词。主要的有 in order that, so that, in case, for fear等。如:

  He raised his voice so that everyone could hear.


  Take your umbrella (just) in case it rains. 带上雨伞,以防下雨。

  She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand.


  2. 引导结果状语从句的从属连词。主要的有so that, so…that, such…that等。如:

  I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.

  我去听演讲去得很早, 所以找个好座位。

  3. 引导让步状语从句的从属连词。主要的有although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever等。如:

  Although they are twins, they look entirely different.

  他们虽是孪生, 但是相貌却完全不同。

  4. 引导方式状语从句的从属连词。主要的有as, as if, as though, the way等。如:

  Why didn't you catch the last bus as I told you to?


  5. 引导地点状语从句的从属连词。主要的有where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere等。如:

  The church was built where there had once been a Roman temple.


  6. 引导比较状语从句的从属连词。主要的有than和as…as。如:

  She was now happier than she had ever been.


  4.【2016·北京】29. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is ________ one can be entirely free from dust.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. whether

  D. why




  表语从句 Predictive Clauses

  (在be动词 后)

  1. 从句的连接词可以是that, 也可以是wh-的特殊疑问词。

  The fact is that she never liked him.

  The question is whether the movie is worth seeing.

  The question is who can complete the difficult task.

  This/That/It is because …

  I think it is because you are doing too much.

  The reason why…is that…

  The reason why the play is successful is that it appeals to many different people.

  2. 只能用whether 的情况





  It all depends on whether they will support us.



  He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.


  从句中有or not时

  He doesn’t know whether he should stay or not.

  5.【2016·北京】33. I really enjoy listening to music ________ it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day.

  A. because

  B. before

  C. unless

  D. until





  1. 引导时间状语从句的从属连词

  (1) 表示“当…时候”或“每当”的时间连词。主要的 when, while, as, whenever。如:

  Don't talk while you're eating. 吃饭时不要说话。

  He came just as I was leaving. 我正要走时他来了。

  (2) 表示“在……之前(或之后)”的时间连词。主要的有before, after。如:

  Try to finish your work before you leave. 离开前设法把工作做完。

  (3) 表示“自从”或“直到”的时间连词。主要的有since, until, till。如:

  She's been playing tennis since she was eight. 她从八岁起就打网球了。

  Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. (谚)不要无事惹事。

  (4) 表示“一……就”的时间连词。主要的有as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等。如:

  I'll let you know as soon as I hear from her. 我一接她的信就通知你。

  (5) 表示“上次”、“下次”、“每次”等的时间连词。主要的有every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)。如:

  I'll tell him about it (the) next time I see him.


  注意:every time, each time, any time前不用冠词,(the) next time, (the) last time中的冠词可以省略,而the first time中的冠词通常不能省略。

  2. 引导条件状语从句的从属连词。这类连词主要有if, unless, as [so] long as, in case 等。如:

  Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不介意吧?

  注意:在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时表示条件的 if之后可能用 will,但那不是将来时态, 而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(will为情态动词)。如:

  If you will sit down for a few moments, I'll tell the manager you're here. 请稍坐, 我这就通知经理说您来了。

  3. 引导原因状语从句的从属连词。主要的有because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that) 等。如:

  He distrusted me because I was new.


  6.【2016·北京】35. I am not afraid of tomorrow, ________ I have seen yesterday and I love today.

  A. so

  B. and

  C. for

  D. but




  并列连词的用法 1. 表示转折关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有 but, yet 等。如: Someone borrowed my pen, but I don't remember who.有人借了我的钢笔,但我不记得是谁了。 2. 表示因果关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有 for, so 等。如: The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor. 这孩子咳得很利害,所以他妈妈带他去看医生。 注意:for表示结果通常不能放句首,也不能单独使用。 3. 表示并列关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有 and , or , either…or , neither…nor , not only…but (also) , both…and , as well as 等。如: He didn't go and she didn't go either. 他没去,她也没去。 The weather is mild today; it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。

  7.【2016·江苏】21.It is often the case ______anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.

  A. why B. what C. as D. that



  that 引导主语从句:由连词that引导的主语从句,在大多数情况下被放到句子的后面,用it 作形式主语来代替它的位置。常见的以it作形式主语的主语从句的句型有三种。

  1. It + be + 形容词+that从句

  适用于这种句型的常见形容词有:necessary,clear,true,strange,important,wonderful,possible,likely,obvious,surprising etc。

  1) It’s clear that they badly need help。很明显,他们急需援助。

  2) It’s possible that we can carry out the project at last. 最终我们能完成这项工程是有可能的。

   表语为 necessary,clear,true,strange, important, wonderful,possible, likely, obvious, surprising, astonishing, etc.等形容词时,谓语动词的形式一般为“should + 动词原形”

  3) It is necessary that you (should)master the computer. 你很有必要掌握电脑。

  4) It is strange that he should have killed himself .真奇怪,他竟然自杀了

  2. It +be +名词词组+ that从句

  常用于这种句型的名词词组有:a fact, a good idea,a pity,an hour,a shame,no wonder,good news etc.

  1) It’s a pity that you missed the film.你没有看那部电影真是太遗憾了。

  2) ―Tom has a bad cold. 汤姆患了重感冒。

  ―It is no wonder that he looks pale. ――难怪他看起来脸色苍白。

  3) It is a great shame that he should have stolen a pen. 他竟然偷钢笔,真是太丢脸了。

  shame 所用的句中要用虚拟语气。

  3. It + be+ 过去分词+ that从句

  常有的过去分词有:said,reported, hoped, believed, expected, decided, well-known, thought, suggested 等。

  1) It is well-known that the earth moves around the sun.众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。

  2) It’s reported that the two countries have made an agreement about their trades.


  过去分词表示:建议,命令,愿望如suggested , ordered, requested等词时,从句需用虚拟语气。动

  词形式为:should + 原型。

  1) It is requested that Mr. Wang

  (should) give a performance.有人请求王先生表演一个节目。

  2) It is suggested that we should discuss the problem .有人建议我们应该讨论一下这个问题。


  8.【2016·江苏】23.Many young people, most ______were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase theirdreams.

  A. of which B. of them C. of whom D. of those



  “of whom / which”引导的定语从句:在非限制性定语从句中,先行词作为一个整体,表示整体中的一部分,即表示“部分与整体”的关系时,用…of which / whom或者of which / whom…都可以。但与表示所属关系不同,这里不能用whose来代替of which。


  The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大多数都已经挤满了人,它们被愤怒的人群包围着。

  I picked up the apples, some of which were badly bruised. 我拣起那些苹果,其中有一些伤得很厉害。

  I bought a dozen eggs, six of which broke when I dropped the box. 我买了一打鸡蛋,六个在我失手掉了盒子时摔碎了。

  There are two bottles left, one of which is almost finished and the other of which is not quite. 只剩两瓶,一瓶快喝完了,另一瓶没完全喝完。

  The treasure some of which has been recovered, has been sent to the British Museum. 这些宝藏已送往大英博物馆,其中有一些是失而复得的。


  He’s written a book, the name of which I’ve forgotten. 他写了一本书,书名我忘了。

  句中的the name of which=whose name。

  It was an agreement the details of which could not be altered. 这是一项其细节不可更改的协定。

  句中的the details of which=whose details。


  9.【2016·江苏】26.______some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.

  A. Because B. If C. Unless D. While




  一、引导时间状语从句 译作“当……时”。例如: 

  1. Make hay while the sun shines.  趁着有太阳晒晒草。(乘机行事,抓紧时机。) 

  2. We must work hard to gain more knowledge while we are young. 



  常放在句首,译作“尽管”、“虽然”,比although或 though语气要轻。例如: 

  While I believe it is true, I cannot prove it. 虽然我相信那是真的,但我无法证明。 


  相当于as long as,译作“只要”。例如: 

  1. While there is life, there is hope.有生命,就有希望。 

  2. While a spark of life remains, it is a doctor's duty to save the patient.  




  1. You'll never save any money while you're so extravagant. 你这么奢侈,永远存不下钱来。 

  2. I'd like to get it settled today while we're at it. 既然我们着手干了,我想今天就把它干完。 


  表示对比,相当于whereas,译作“而”、“可是”。 例如: 

  1. An outdoors man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on a tan after a short vacation in the sun. 


  2. Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. 运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的。 

  六、连接并列句 表示递进,相当于and what is more, 译作“并且”、“而且”。例如: 

  The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful. 



  10.【2016·江苏】34.Not until recently ______the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.

  A. they had encouraged B. had they encouraged

  C. did they encourage D. they encouraged



  部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

  1.句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。例如:

  Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. 无论如何你不会找到这个问题的答案的。 

     Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 母亲一直到孩子入睡后离开房间。 

  当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。

  2.  so, neither, nor作部分倒装  

     用这些词表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。例如:       Tom can speak French. So can Jack. 汤姆会讲法语,杰克也会。   If you won't go, neither will I.你不去,我也不去。


  例如:Only in this way, can you learn English well.  

  Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 


  1) so… that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。例如: 

  So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 他害怕得很,动也不敢动。 

  2) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中。例如: May you all be happy. 愿你们都快乐。


  11.【2016·天津】7. ______ the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.

  A. Unless

  B. Until

  C. As

  D. While




  12.【2016·天津】9. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ____ the weather may be better.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. which

  D. when



  试题分析:句意:我们将把公园的野餐推迟到下个星期,那时天气可能会更好。使用定语从句,先行词是next week,定语从句中不缺少主宾表,缺少时间状语。故选D。


  【名师点睛】定语从句的考查主要就是考查关系词的辨析,关系代词that, which, whose, whom, as, who在句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语;where, why, when在句中做地点,原因和时间状语。要分析定语从句的成分,看缺少什么成分,就选用相应的关系词。

  13.【2016·天津】11. The manager put forward a suggestion ____ we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do.

  A. whether

  B. that

  C. which

  D. what



  【名师点睛】解答这类题目,关键在于分析清楚句子结构,知道引导词的使用习惯。通过判断引导词在从句中所作的成分,来选择正确的引导词。连接同位语从句的连词主要有that, if, whether,和疑问词(what how where when ...)。that引导表示陈述句的同位语从句,if和whether,whether...or not引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的同位语从句。判断是否是同位语从句,还可以用同位词+is+同位语从句,如果可以讲的通,一般就是同位语从句,例如这题中,可以改成The suggestion is that we should have an assistant.

  14.【2016·天津】13. You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel ____ the coach picks up tourists.

  A. who

  B. which

  C. where

  D. that



  试题分析:句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客车是在旅店接送游客的。使用强调句,结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that+其余部分,如果强调部分是人,也可以用who,这句话强调的是地点状语at the hotel。故选D。


  【名师点睛】判断一句话是否是强调句的一个方法是去掉强调结构,如果这句话还能够成立就是强调句,例如这道题,去掉强调结构是:The coach picks up tourists at the hotel.这句话是成立的,所以是强调句。除了强调句的陈述句,还需要掌握强调句的一般疑问句和特殊疑问词的结构,还有强调句做名词性从句的语序问题。

  15.【2016·浙江】5._______online shopping has changed our life , not all of its effects have been positive.

  A. Since

  B. After

  C. While

  D. Unless




  16.【2016·浙江】11. Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears , none of ______ has been proved.

  A. whom

  B. which

  C. what

  D. that





  【名师点睛】定语从句的考查主要就是考查关系词的辨析,关系代词that, which, whose, whom, as, who在句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语;where, why, when在句中做地点,原因和时间状语。要分析定语从句的成分,看缺少什么成分,就选用相应的关系词。如果是代词+of+关系代词,注意先行词是人用whom,先行词是物用which。

  17.【浙江省宁波市效实中学等十校2016届高三3月联考】5. “It is the realization of the Chinese Dream ______ put forward by Chairman Xi ______ presents a vision for national revival and contributes to a new global landscape”, said foreign experts at a dialogue Saturday in Shanghai.

  A. which; that

  B. that; / C. /; which

  D. /; that



  强调句型常用句型:It is/was +… who/that…

  1. 如强调句型指现在或未来的情况用It is指过去用It was。e.g. It is I who/ that am wrong.


  2. 被强调部分往往为句子的主语、宾语、时间状语、地点状语等,但有时也可以强调比较复杂的内容。 如时间状语从句、地点状语从句、not until… 结构、not only…but also…和as well as…等结构。

  e.g. It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty. (appreciate means understand and enjoy the good qualities or value of something欣赏、鉴赏、领会)


  e.g.It is not only he but also his parents whothat have been to Beijing.

  3. 被强调部分为人称代词时,原句用什么格强调句也用什么格。


  4. 关于强调词的选用,强调人时可用who 或that,如果不强调人一律用that。此时绝不能与定语从句混淆,被强调部分为时间状语、地点状语、或原因状语时不可误用when, where 或why。

  e.g. It was in the street that I met him yesterday.


  e.g. It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.分析:指过去的情况用It was 开头,尽管被强调部分是时间状语,强调词不能使用when只可用that.

  e.g. It was because he was ill that died at once


  5. 被强调部分如果为主格人称代词,whothat后的动词和主格人称代词在人称和数上保持一致。

  6. 强调句型的一般疑问句结构 IsWas it… who that…?

  e.g. Was it during the Second World War that he died?

  分析:以Was it 开头被强调部分是时间状语,强调词用that。

  7. 强调句型的特殊疑问句结构

  特殊疑问词+iswas it… who that…?


  Where was it that you found your lost pen?

  原句:Where did you found your lost pen?

  8.强调句型It is was…who/ that中iswas前面可用muchmaymight等表推测的情态动词修饰。

  e.g. It might be in his room that he met her.

  注意:如改成特殊疑问句由于may, must表推测的情态动词只用于肯定句,所以否定句,疑问句might 应改成could.

  e.g. Where could it be that he met her?

  9. 强调部分为时间状语和地点状语时有可能先接定语从句再接强调句型。

  e.g. It was on October 1st,1949 when he joined the Party that he was killed.

  e.g. It was in the room where he had studied for three years that he hound his lost pen.

  10. 判断强调句型是否正确的方法是将强调部分去掉如去掉强调句型结构后句子仍正确,强调句型就正确。

  18.【浙江省宁波市效实中学等十校2016届高三3月联考】8. I have had such a case ______ a boy whispered to his deskmate now and then while I was having lessons.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. when

  D. as


  考点: 定语从句

  19. 【天津市红桥区重点中学2016届高三下学期八校联考】 As was known to all, John had broken his promise ___ he would stay with us for some time .

  A. when

  B. which

  C. that

  D. what



  试题分析:考查同位语从句。本句中名词“promise诺言”后面含有同位语从句that he would stay with us for some time,that在句中不充当任何成分 ,只是一个引导词而已。句意:众所周知,约翰违背了他要和我们待在一切一段时间的诺言。故C正确。


  20. 【天津市红桥区重点中学2016届高三下学期八校联考】 Never believe anything _____ any other person has believed it.

  A. because

  B. unless

  C. that

  D. once



  21.【浙江省宁波市效实中学等十校2016届高三3月联考】16. No sooner ______Tu Youyou stepped on the stage ______ the audience broke into thunderous


  A. had; than

  B. has; than

  C. had; when

  D. has; when



  试题分析:no sooner than一……就…… 固定用法 ,引导时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时,than后面的从句用一般过去时。 no sooner置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。句意: 屠呦呦一上台,观众们发出雷鸣般的掌声。

  考点: 固定结构

  22.【浙江省宁波市效实中学等十校2016届高三3月联考】18. ______ they grow, they make sure ______ is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a natural

  fertilizer for the next year’s crop.

  A. What; that

  B. Whatever; which

  C. Whatever; what

  D. Whichever; what



  试题分析:首先看第二个空,空格引导一个宾语从句,在这个从句中少主语,故排除A,两个空要保持一致,所以选C。 句意:无论他们种什么,他们确信在了收获后留在地里的都会成为为了来年的收成的一中天然的肥料。


  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】________ amazed us greatly was that Linda could speak five languages.

  A. That B. What

  C. Which

  D. Why





  1. 表示“……的东西或事情”:

  They’ve done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力帮助了她。

  He saves what he earns. 他赚多少,积蓄多少。

  What Mary is is the secretary. 玛丽的职务是秘书。

  2. 表示“……的人或的样子”:

  He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。

  He is what is generally called a traitor. 他就是人们通常所说的叛徒。

  Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? 是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这个样子的?

  3. 表示“……的数量或数目”:

  Our income is now double what it was ten years ago. 我们现在的收入是10年前的两倍。

  The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation.


  4. 表示“……的时间”:

  After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. 似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来。

  The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours.


  5. 表示“……的地方”:

  This is what they call Salt Lake City. 这就是他们称为盐湖城的地方。

  In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。


  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】I wonder ________ the equipment will be available in ten days.

  A. that B. when

  C. whether

  D. where




  I wonder if / whether I can get some advice from you.   

  Ask him whether / if he can come.   


  1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用,而if一般不能。如:   

  正: Let me know whether you can come or not.  

  误: Let me know if you can come or not.   

  2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导,而不能用if。如:   

  正: Whether it is true or not, I can’t tell.  

  误: If it is true or not, I can’t tell.   

  3. whether可以引导带to的不定式,if则不能。如:   

  正: I don’t know whether to accept or refuse.  

  误: I don’t know if to accept or refuse.   

  4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语,但if不能。如:   

  正: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.  

  误: I worry about if I hurt her feelings.   

  5. whether可以引导从句,作主语、表语或同位语,而if不能。如:   

  正: It was uncertain whether he would come.  

  误: It was uncertain if he would come.   

  正: His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.  

  误: His first question was if Tom had arrived yet.   

  正: We must consider the question whether we will take these measures.  

  误: We must consider the question if we will take these measures. 


  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments ________ we can only keep silent.

  A. who B. which

  C. when

  D. why







  第四,when的翻译不同.若when引导定语从句,一般可依据从句的时态来翻译:如果从句谓语是过去时, when可译为“当时”“那时”; 如果从句谓语是将来时,when可译成“到时”“届时”.而引导时间状语从句的when,通常都是译成“当……时候”.


  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】Never in my life ________ such a beautiful sunrise!

  A. have I seen B. I have seen

  C. did I see

  D. I saw




  1. 频率副词often, always, once, everyday, many a time以及thus 等表强调置于句首时常用部分倒装。 

  Many a time has he give me good advice.    

  Often do I tell him about my life here.    

  Thus was the emperor cheated. 

  2. 否定词语表示否定意义或半否定意义的副词,介词短语,连词等提前引起倒装,如:never, not, little, nor, neither. No more, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, nowhere, in no way, at no time, in no case, under no circumstances, no sooner …than, hardly…when, not until, scarcely … when/before, not only …but also;但否定词对主语的否定不到装(Not everyone can do things perfectly.)  

  Little did I think that I could be back alive.    

  In no case can you give up. 

   Hardly had he received the telegram than he started off at once.    

  He didn’t go to the church, nor/neither did his sister.   

  Seldom did he see foreign film. 

  Never have I seen such a splendid building. 

  Not only does he like English but also he is good at it. 

  Not until I came back did he leave for work. 

  3. Only 修饰的状语,not until 引导的状语提到句首时要到装;句首的only 引导的短语或句子不是状语不到装(Only few of the children haven’t yet got a chance of being educated.) 

  Only then did I realized the importance of English 

  Only when the war was over was he able to continue his study. 

  Only with hard work can you succeed. 

  Not until I began to work did I realized how much time I had wasted. 

  3. 条件状语从句省去 if 时要采用倒装结构,以had/were/should/could等开头。 

  Should it rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 

  Had it not been for the captain, the ship would have been put sunk.    

  Were she my friend, I would ask her for help. 

  4. as/though 引导让步状语从句可把形容词,副词,动词,名词提到句首,其余部分不变;若名词作表语提前时,而该名词又无形容词修饰时,则应把冠词去掉 

  Young as she is, he knows a lot of things.    

  Much as I like the book, I can’t afford it. 

  Try as he might, he would not get out of the difficulty.    

  Successful though he is, he is not proud.    

  Child as/though he is, he knows a lot. 

  5. may, long live 开头引起倒装表祝愿。

   May you be healthy and happy forever! 

  May all of you succeed in the coming examinations!    

  Long live the People’s Republic of China. 

  6. 在so/such…that(结果状语从句)结构中, 若so/such引导的部分置于句首时,用倒装语序。 

  Eg. So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it.    

  Such a good boy is he that we all love him. 

  7. So/ neither/nor置于句首,表前者的情况也适用于后者,其句型为:so/neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。So与前面的肯定句呼应,neither, nor与前面的否定句呼应。 

  After that we never saw him again, nor did we hear from her.    

  I saw the film last week, So did she. 


  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】House prices are usually much higher ________ there are subway stations around.

  A. where B. unless

  C. while

  D. though





  【北京市海淀区2016届高三下学期期末考试(二模)】________ online payment is safe, people will be more likely to link their bank cards to WeChat.

  A. Even though B. As though

  C. Ever since

  D. As long as



  27.【北京市朝阳区2016届高三第二次(5月)综合练习】I wonder whether his hearing is okay ______ he has turned the television up very loud.

  A. unless

  B. although

  C. until

  D. because



  试题分析:句意:我想知道是否他的听力还好因为他已把电视的声音开得很大。 A. unless除非;B. although虽然;C. until直到;D. because因为。结合句意可知,选D。


  【北京市朝阳区2016届高三第二次(5月)综合练习】______ made the dining room extra special is its polished wooden floor.

  A. What

  B.That C.Who

  D. Which




  【北京市朝阳区2016届高三第二次(5月)综合练习】You must learn to read people, ______ will be necessary if you work in a team.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. which

  D. what





  【北京市朝阳区2016届高三第二次(5月)综合练习】Ann forgot ______ she had left the car and it took her half an hour to find it in the parking lot.

  A. where B. when

  C. why

  D. how






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