福布斯富豪榜:盖茨继续领跑 特朗普身家大缩水-查字典英语网
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福布斯富豪榜:盖茨继续领跑 特朗普身家大缩水

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

据外媒报道,美国财经杂志《福布斯》近日公布了2017年度全球富豪榜,微软创始人比尔•盖茨蝉联全球首富,而美国总统特朗普的资产在过去一年内缩水10亿美元 Microsoft founder Bill Gates again tops Forbes' list of the world's richest people, in a year when the number of billionaires rose 13% to 2,043.


According to the magazine's annual rich list, Mr Gates' fortune rose to $86bn, from $75bn, followed by investor Warren Buffett, up $14.8bn to $75.6bn.


It was bad news for US President Donald Trump, who slipped 220 spots to 544 and must now rub along on just $3.5bn.


Forbes said the $1bn fall in his wealth was due to the slow US property market.


There were 183 tech billionaires on the Forbes list, with a combined $1tn in wealth. The list is dominated by US billionaires.


Others in the top 10 included Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who moved up to number three with the biggest gain of any person on the planet, a $27.6bn rise in his fortune of $72.8bn.


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was number five and Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison was number seven.


The global population of billionaires, now put at a record 2,043, marks the biggest annual increase in the 31 years since the magazine began compiling the list.


The number of US billionaires on the list was 565, which Forbes attributed to the recent stock market surge since Mr Trump's November 2016 election.


China was second with 319 billionaires, and Germany was third with 114.


The number of women on the list rose to 227 from 202, giving them a collective net worth of $852.8bn. For the second year running France's Liliane Bettencourt, the L'Oreal cosmetics heiress, was the world's wealthiest woman with a $39.5bn net worth.


Bill Gates has topped the Forbes list for 18 of the past 23 years.


There were 195 newcomers on the list, dominated by billionaires from the Chinese mainland.


The youngest billionaire for the second year running is Alexandra Andresen, 20, after her father transferred some $1.2bn.


The youngest self-made billionaire is John Collison, 26, worth $1.1bn after founding the Stripe online payment site.


Trump's tumble


Forbes attributed the US president's slide down the list to the sluggish Manhattan property market, which is responsible for a disproportionate amount of his wealth.


"Forty percent of Donald Trump's fortune is tied up in Trump Tower and eight buildings within one mile of it," Forbes said.


The magazine also said that his wealth was hit by $66m in political spending on his successful presidential campaign, as well as $25m to settle litigation he allegedly ripped off students at Trump University.


Forbes' top ten:


Bill Gates (Microsoft co-founder): $86bn

比尔盖茨 Warren Buffett (US investor): $75.6bn

沃伦•巴菲特 Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder): $72.8bn

杰夫•贝佐斯 Amancio Ortega (Inditex founder): $71.3bn

阿曼西奥•奥特加 Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder): $56bn

马克•扎克伯格 Carlos Slim (Mexican magnate): $54.5bn

卡洛斯•斯利姆 Larry Ellison (Oracle co-founder): $52.2bn

拉里•埃里森 Charles Koch (US businessman): $48.3bn

查尔斯•科赫 David Koch (US businessman): $48.3bn

大卫•科赫 Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg founder): $47.5bn



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