2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块4.3《tomorrow’s world》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块4.3《tomorrow’s world》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块四 Unit 3 (检测篇)

  Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World

  一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.Will it be

  (convenience) for you to start work tomorrow?

  2.He is quite

  (confidence)that he will pass the examination.

  3.I was surprised at her marriage to a

  (disable) army man.

  4.She was

  (disappointment) to learn that she had failed the course.

  5.Opinions on various

  (society) questions differ from person to person.

  6.We thought he was serious, but in

  (real)he was joking.

  7.We have always stressed the i

  (important)of economic reform

  8.Many of them will have died because they were so badly


  9.It was  a

  (amaze)that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. 

  10.The new teacher made a good i

  (impress) on the students. 二、根据提示写出所缺单词的完全形式He has been her

  (连续) companion for the last four months.

  2.It is said that the police

  (监控)his phone calls during that period. 3.You should pay attention to the 

  (周围) environment.

  4.She was so lucky that she was able to __________(逃避) punishment.

  5.Education must be an active rather than a 

  (被动) process.

  6.No ordinary families can afford to h


  7. Her assistant was a________ of theft and fraud by the police

  8.Students are expected to m

  a second language.

  9.His lack of education was a d

  when he looked for a job. 10.The teacher did not explain its grammatical f

  . 三、单项选择

  1.Men and women should be treated equally according to the law, but ______ there is great room for improvement.

  A. above all

  B. in reality

  C. after all

  D. in return

  2.(2015届湖北咸宁高三三校联考I am _______ about the new model, and I firmly believe that there will be a good market for it.

  A. concerned

  B. doubtful

  C. confident

  D. particular

  3.Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest________.

  A. imagination

  B. consideration

  C. interruption

  D. convenience

  4.(上饶县中学2015届高年级第一次月考The situation put us at a serious________,which made us very worried.

  A. advantageB. disadvantage

  C. condition D. situation

  6.(南京市、盐城市2015届高三年级第二次模拟It might have_______ your notice but I am very busy at the moment.

  A. quit

  B. neglected

  C. escaped

  D. denied


  was so great that had there only been somewhere to escape, she would have run for her life. A. convenience

  B. doubt

  C. terror

  D. curiosity

  8.(2017高考江西卷)Mother always complains that children _______ their shoes very quickly.

  A. find out

  B. wash out

  C. wear out

  D. set out

  9.(2017高考山东卷) My first _______ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. A. expression

  B. attention

  C. satisfaction

  D. impression

  10.(福建省龙岩市2015届高三上学期质量检查)Don’t make me angry again. I must warn you that my patience

  has almost _______.

  A. given out

  B. given off

  C. given up

  D. given in

  11.(改编)— How about the suggestion Prof. Smith

  at the meeting last Friday?

  — The committee discussed it for hours without a decision made.

  A. put up

  B. put in

  C. put forward

  D. put off

  12.The project _________ because of the lack of fund.

  A. ended in failure

  B. ended off failure

  C. ended failure

  D. ended up in success

  13.You were charged ________ neglecting your duty. Who accused you ________ such a crime?

  A. with; to

  B. of; with

  C. with; of

  D. for; of

  14.(改编)—Jack can’t________ his lessons recently.

  —Yes, that may account for why he did so badly in the last test.

  A. consist of

  B. get away from

  C. concentrate on

  D. come up with

  15(2015届湖北武穴市武穴中学高三11月月考 “You are to blame for our failure. You can’t

  making mistakes in this game,” the coach declared.

  A. put up with

  B. get away with

  C. catch up with

  D. get along with

  16.(2015届江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高三上12月月考You can stay there for as long as your supplies of food and water can ________.

  A. hold up

  B. hold on

  C. hold back

  D. hold out

  17.(2017高考大纲卷)(2017高考江苏卷)The notice came around two in the afternoon _______the meeting would be postponed.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. whether

  D. how

  Jack is a great talker. It’ s high time that he

  something instead of just talking.

  A. will do

  B. has done

  C. do

  D. did

  20.(2017高考上海卷)Sophia got an e-mail ________ her credit card account number.

  A. asking for

  B. ask for

  C. asked for

  D. having asked for

  21.(2017高考上海卷) An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area ________ interact with one another.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. who

  D. what

  22.(2015高考北京卷)—Did you enjoy the party?

  —Yes, we _______by our hosts.

  A. were treated

  B. would be treated.

  C. treated

  D. had treated

  23.(2015高考天津卷)Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement______ so far by the two sides.

  A. has been reached

  B. was reached

  C. will reach

  D. will have reached

  24.(2015高考安徽卷)It is reported that a space station ______ on the moon in years to come.

  A. will be building

  B. will be built

  C. has been building D. has been built

  25.(2015高考福建卷)To my delight, I

  from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.

  A. was chosen

  B. was being chosen

  C. would choose

  D. had chosen

  26.(2015高考湖南卷)I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but_______ thankfully by the shop window.

  A. am held back

  B. held back

  C. hold back

  D. was held back

  27.(2017高考大纲卷)UnlessWhere can we get Mo Yan's new novel?

  —I'm sorry, it

  and will come out next week.

  A. has been printed

  B. will be printed

  C. is being printed

  D. is printed

  29.(2015届江苏淮安涟水中学高三上第一次阶段性测试)Five officials of north China's Shanxi province are_______, with two already removed from office, the Communist Party of China (CPC)'s discipline watchdog announced on Thursday.

  A. to investigate

  B. to be investigated C. being investigated

  D. investigated

  30.(2015届湖南衡阳第八中学高三上第六次月考—Why does the river smell terrible

  —Because large quantities of water________.

  Ahave polluted

  B. is being polluted

  C. has been polluted

  D. have been polluted


  (改编自2015届湖北省八市高三年级三月联考)I still remember it was in the winter of 1990 that, together with the help of my older sister, I


  down my wishes for Christmas onto a piece of paper. How I wished on Christmas Eve my grandest wish would be


  and placed under the Christmas tree — a puppy. When we were done, our wish-lists were collected by our parents with the promise to be


  to Santa's hard- working helpers.

  The next day, our parents sat us down in the living-room, with


  expressions on their faces. As it


  , they had seen our wishes, now wanting to talk to us about one wish


  — the puppy. For a moment, I held my breath, but was


  when they told us that they weren't against a puppy. What they


  against was putting it under the Christmas tree. That was not a good idea.



  taught us that an animal was not a gift that belonged to the same


  as our toys. Animals were creatures with


  that we should decide to have one, and it would be a(n)


  to our family. An animal


  a lot of responsibilities. It wasn’t anything one bought out of a mood. An animal could not be exchanged or


  when we didn't feel like it. An animal wasn’t a toy. An animal was a


  family member that needed lots of love and attention. An animal was not a


  , but a family decision. A serious decision. And a big decision.


  , my parents share my love for animals, so the decision came reasonably


  . After our grandparents had given their


  up for taking care of the dog, while we were on future vacations, the answer was yes. Yes, we would get a puppy.

  The following days and weeks, there was only one


  : our new family member! Yes, a family member, because animals have their rights. They are not simply food or gifts. We humans must attend, love and protect them.

  1.A. left

  B. got

  C. set


  D. pulled

  A. rejected

  B. declined

  C. challenged

  D. fulfilled

  3.A. given away

  B. passed on

  C. given out

  D. put up

  4.A. dangerous

  B. curious


  D. mysterious

  5.A. turned out

  B. taken out

  C. run out

  D. held out

  6.A. in peace

  B. in order

  C. in particular

  D. in reality

  7.A. pardoned

  B. terrified

  C. inspired

  D. relieved

  8.A. protested

  B. objected

  C. opposed

  D. resisted

  9.A. patiently

  B. hurriedly

  C. anxiously

  D. roughly

  10.A. arrangement

  B. routine

  C. schedule

  D. category

  11.A. feelings

  B. secrets

  C. stains

  D. sufferings

  12.A. convenience

  B. facility

  C. extension

  D. heritage

  13.A. signed

  B. meant

  C. attained

  D. guaranteed

  14.A. put forward

  B. put up

  C. put aside

  D. put off

  15.A. native

  B. original

  C. responsible

  D. precious

  16.A. riddle

  B. gift

  C. servant

  D. victim

  17.A. Negatively


  C. Particularly

  D. Luckily

  18.A. difficult

  B. easy

  C. contradictory

  D. concrete

  19.A. thumbs

  B. toes

  C. noses

  D. eyes

  20.A. theme

  B. argument

  C. prejudice



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