2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块5.3《science and nature》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块5.3《science and nature》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块五 Unit 3 (检测篇)

  Unit 3 Science and nature

  一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. What do you think was the author's

  (intend)in this passage?

  2.He caused his parents great

  (anxious)by cycling long distances alone.

  3.The plan suggested by him is practical and worth careful



  (origin)owner of the house has moved out.

  5.No one is allowed into the lab without the teacher’s


  6.I am afraid that the boy got

  (fright) when hearing the sudden loud thunder.

  7. Three hundred people in this town are dying of

  (hungry) every day.

  8. The world may badly want

  (rely)forecasts of future climate.

  9. He ended his speech by talking about China's

  (relate)with Africa.

  10. In your

  (judge), what has changed over the past few years?...

  二、根据提示写出所缺单词的完全形式.Have you any

  (评论) to make on the recent development?

  The "big-ball" sports in our country have made a


  .The form should be

  (确认) by the customer after it is printed.

  .I thought that the whole

  (观念)of cloning was not moral.

  .There are many

  (现实生活) problems with the matter.

  .We can t

  one form of energy into another.

  7.The greedy businessman is only concerned about making p

  rather than ensuring his workers’ safety.

  8.Having no children of their own they decided to a

  an orphan.

  9.According to the survey c

  last week, more than half college students admitted having consumed alcoholic drinks.

  10.To their surprise, the m

  of people agree to their plan.


  1.(改编)Many Chinese college graduates leave their country to get further education in America with the ______of getting better jobs in the future.

  A. impression

  B. intention

  C. avenue

  D. design

  2.Once he saw his daughter back safe, his ________ disappeared.

  A. surprise

  B. anxiety

  C. imagination

  D. curiosity

  3.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02)Nowadays, people’s lifestyle has become remarkably fast-paced and so in order to catch up with such a pace of life, the of smart and time-saving methods is of great significance.

  A. abolition

  B. abortion

  C. adoption

  D. avoidance

  4.(浙江省嘉兴市2015届高三下学期教学测试二)In the final, we narrowly won the game. ______, I didn’t expect we had a chance of winning at first.

  A. On the whole B. As a consequence C. In other words

  D. To be honest

  5.(改编)No __________ will be made about the case until all the evidences have been carefully checked.

  A. anxiety

  B. relief

  C. view

  D. judgment

  6.(2011高考湖南卷)One third of the country ______covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _______black people.

  A. is; are

  B. is; is

  C. are; are

  D. are; is

  7.(2015届浙江省六校高三3月联考英语)Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin __________ on Wednesday that he had bought 20 percent shares in Spanish league champions Atletico Madrid.


  B. submitted

  C. informed

  D. promoted

  8.All the children became ________ and began to cry when they saw the ________ snake creeping towards them.

  A. frightened;frighteningB. frightening;frightened

  C. frightened;frightenedD. frightening;frightening

  The film “World without thieves” enjoyed a great success and brought in a large______ to the cinema.

  A. achievement

  B. advantage

  C. preference

  D. profit

  10.(改编) You can’t take photographs in here unless you get _______from the administrator .

  A. award

  B. impression

  C. permission

  D. recognition

  11.(2017安徽皖北协作区高三联考)He ________ his plan for dropping out of the university regardless of his parents' opposition.

  A. pushed along

  B. pushed ahead with C. pushed for

  D. pushed forward

  12.The record about the massacre (大屠杀) is fairly clear and beyond dispute ______ those activities the Japanese soldiers were involved in.

  A. in memory of B. with assistance of C. with respect to

  D. in place of

  13.(改编)New iPhone goes

  on Friday with a bigger screen and 4G wireless technology, as the company seeks to keep its competitiveness.

  A. for sale

  B. selling

  C. on sale

  D. sale

  14.(改编)I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ________when judging my examination.

  A. regard

  B. counting

  C. consideration

  D. observation

  15.(2017江苏无锡一中高三检测)I am all ________ trying to find ways to save money, but we have to maintain certain standards of quality.

  A. in favour of

  B. in memory of

  C. in honor of

  D. in search of

  16.(2015届湖北浠水实验高级中学高三上期中________ your present bad mood, you’d better put off the work till next week, when you may be in higher spirits.

  A. In charge of

  B. In spite of

  C. In terms of

  D. In view of

  17.(2017高考江西卷)Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence. _______, it could just put you in debt.

  A. In other words

  B. All in all

  C. As a result

  D. On the other hand

  18. (2017高考四川卷)This training program can give you a lift at work, ________ increase your income by 40%.

  A. as well as

  B. so long as

  C. so much as

  D. as soon as

  19. (2017高考山东卷)It’s standard practice for a company like this one______ a security officer.

  A. employed

  B. being employed

  C. to employ

  D. employs

  20.(2011高考大纲卷)Mr. Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn’t ask for a


  A. better

  B. good

  C. best

  D. still better

  21.(2015高考北京卷)If ______for the job, you’ll be informed soon.

  A .to accept

  B. accept

  C. accepting

  D. accepted

  22.(2015高考重庆)_______in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.

  A.Being raised

  B. Raising

  C. Raised

  D. To raise

  23.(2015高考江苏卷)Much time _____ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.

  A. being spent

  B. having spent

  C. spent

  D. spending

  24.(2015高考陕西卷)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother

  good care of at home.

  A. taking

  B. taken

  C. take

  D. be taken

  25.(2015高考四川卷)Little Tom sat

  watching the monkey dancing in front of him.

  A. amaze

  B. amazing

  C. amazed

  D. to amaze

  26.(天津市和平区2015届高三第二次模拟考试)______with a gradual rise of seawater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future.

  A. Facing

  B. To face

  C. Being faced

  D. Faced

  27.(湖南省长望浏宁四县2015届高三3月调研) _______ by a great demand for environmental-friendly cars, those factories has produced more green ones.

  A. Driven

  B Being driven

  C Having driven

  D To drive

  28.(福建省泉州市2015届高三3月教学质量检查)The stranger

  to walk into the building in the early morning was probably a salesman.

  A. seen

  B. to see

  C. to be seen

  D. seeing

  29.(2015届江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高三上12月月考_____ to improving services, we will provide customers with all the information they need.

  A. Being committed

  B. Having committed C. Committed

  D. Committing

  30.(2015届江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中We believe the time and hard work _______in completing such an

  important project are worthwhile.

  A. involved

  B. involving

  C. to involve

  D. to be involved


  (改编自江苏省无锡市普通高中2015届高三上学期期中)How many times have you been discouraged by obstacles and difficulties? Most of the time, we think that there is some sort of outside force that

  prevents us from being happy.

  Well, the truth is-that“


  force" you are thinking of is actually your



  Yes, your own attitude is


  may prevent you from achieving fulfillment(成就感).

  Although the heart is the lifeline of the body,


  , the brain actually affects your entire being.

  If you


  tell yourself that you are not good enough, then eventually, the body does the same.

  Knowing this, you must


  condition your consciousness into thinking that you can have a fulfilling life.

  People around you may sometimes tell you that you cannot do certain things, but who are they to


  your life journey? If you tell yourself that people often pull you down in an effort to bring you to their (low) level, then you

  a small victory. Take


  that the ones who say that you can never be successful are the ones who are


  in their own lives.

  Those losers are not supposed to spoil your life.

  You are only what you


  yourself to be.

  Learning to believe in yourself is overcoming


  . Many people are afraid of trying because they are afraid of failing. Remember the


  , and then being able to overcome it is a victory in itself.

  So you create a strong belief in yourself.


  your limits, ever if that means more


  , and

  condition your spirit into realizing that all these


  help you achieve your true strength as a person. Once you learn this, you will quickly find that you are able to do much more than you even


  that you could.

  The single most important


  to becoming successful in any area of your life comes clown to the way you think.

  Spend time every day feeding your mind with powerful education, mindset(思维模式)and knowledge and find other successful people to see what they did that you can start to



  1. A. naturally

  B. willingly

  C. unbelievably

  D. accidentally

  2. A. positive

  B. ordinary

  C. negative

  D. optimistic

  3. A. body

  B. mind

  C. heart

  D. life

  4. A. which

  B. that

  C. what

  D. why

  5. A. on the other hand

  B. on the contrary

  C. as a result

  D. in a word

  6. A. carefully

  B. accurately

  C. gently

  D. unconsciously

  7. A. meanwhile

  B. otherwise

  C. seldom

  D. therefore

  8. A. continue

  B. break

  C. plan

  D. strike

  9. A. decline

  B. achieve

  C. expect

  D. miss

  10. A. charge

  B. control

  C. part

  D. note

  11. A. unfortunate

  B. unsuccessful

  C. unimportant

  D. unrealistic

  12. A. allow

  B. make

  C. force

  D. object

  13. A. shame

  B. mistake

  C. crisis

  D. fear

  14. A. punishment

  B. intention

  C. failure

  D. assessment

  15. A. Consider

  B. Establish

  C. Challenge

  D. Follow

  16. A. defeats

  B. admiration

  C. inspiration

  D. findings

  17. A. victories

  B. falls

  C. experience

  D. doubts

  18. A. judge

  B. imagined

  C. sentenced

  D. caught

  19. A. lesson

  B. similarity

  C. relation

  D. key

  20. A. model

  B. submit

  C. share

  D. interview


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