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发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 10 Money

  需写准记牢的单词——记其形、明其义e n. 技术技巧流利3.defeat vt.

  战胜击败挣得赚得皮夹子钱包使人快乐的勤奋的inessman n.

  商人实业家粗鲁的10.balance n.

  平衡移开挪走举止表现需举一反三的单词——知其性、通其变使有动机促使激发→motivation .动力诱因→motivated 有动机的有积极性的成就完成→achieve 达到;完成多样化多样性→various 各种各样的→vary .相异不同;变化变更确定决定→determined 坚决的有决心的→determination .决心果断使忧虑;与……相关→concerned 担心的涉及的→concerning 关于ased adj.高兴的满意的→please 使满意使高兴→pleasing 令人高兴的;令人满意的→令人高兴的事知道的意识到的→awareness .知道认识了解产品;出品→produce 生产→production .生产;成果;作很感兴趣的热情的→enthusiasm .热情;热忱;兴奋羞耻的惭愧的→shame .使感到羞愧→shameful 可耻的;丢脸的乐趣娱乐活动→amuse 逗乐;逗笑;娱乐;消遣→amusing 有趣的逗乐的→amused 愉快的开心的;好玩的使困惑 .谜疑问→puzzled 困惑的→puzzling 使迷惑的前进;取得进展→advanced 先进的高级的 实用的;实践的→practice .实践;练习;惯例习俗与电有关的用电的→electricity .电;电流;电学;电力供应→electrical adj电的;用电的;发电的需会读明义的单词——识其形、知其义寝室宿舍(酒)醉的资讯工作者记者贪婪的贪心的香烟讨价还价;便宜货现金现款项链项圈坚定的;稳固的好斗的;有进取心的groceries n.


  1.put_off 推迟2.at_present/for_the_moment





  1.[教材原句]There are certainly no signs that_Charles_was_a_rich_man!当然没有任何迹象表明查尔斯曾是一个富翁![句式解读] that引导同位语从句。[教材原句]If_so,_如果这样的话你需要再考虑一下了。[句式解读]if so“如果这样的话”是省略句。[教材原句]It is no_bigger_than a credit card!它和一张信用卡一样小![句式解读]no+比较级than “与……一样不……”。


  1determine  决定;确定;(使)下定决心[经典例句]My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are. 我的经历告诉我不是你拥有什么而是你怎样利用你所拥有的决定了你的(1)determine on/upon (doing) sth.

   决定(做)某事决定做某事(表示动作)(2)determined adj.

  坚决的;有决心的决心做某事(表示状态)(3)determination n.

  决心 I have determined on/upon going

  to the countryside after graduation.

  我已决定毕业后到农村去。Though Tom was stubborn, they determined to persuade him to travel together.

  虽然汤姆很固执但是他们决定说服他一起去旅行。He is determined to become a famous writer in the future.

  他决心将来成为一著名作家。[名师指津]  高考中常把determined to do sth.作状语的用法作为考查点有类似用法的还有lost in, 等。

  Ⅰ.单句语法填空(study) hard, or I won't be admitted into a university.

  ②She determined on going (go) abroad to study.

  ③Determined (determine) to visit the science museum, she set off at once.

  Ⅱ.用determine的相关词语完成小片段y. She is a determined girl, so we know that once she has_determined_upon/on doing something, she will make her dream come true with great determination.

  2.concern  (使)担忧;涉及;关系到担心;关注;(利害)关系[高考佳句](2017·广东高考读写任务)She showed special concern for the college students and attached much importance to education.她特别关心大学生并且重视教育。(1)concern oneself about/for  担忧/关心……(2)show/express concern about/for

  对……表示关心(3)concerned adj.

  担心的;有关的关心;挂念与……有关;涉及关心……就……而言(4)concerning prep.

  关于;有关(2017·江苏高考任务型阅读)They follow the rules, are concerned about the people they work with.

  =They follow the rules, show/express concern for/about

  the people they work with.

  他们遵守规则帮助别人克服困难关心他们的同事。Some people in Guangzhou are concerned that parking costs will rise further and even make them unable to afford a car.

  一些广州人担心停车(2017·重庆高考写作)As far as I'm concerned, 就我个人而言不花太多的时间玩智能手机是明智的。[名师指津] 形容词concerned作前置定语 作后置定语时意为“相关的;有关的”。例如:a concerned look“关切的神情”;the authorities concerned“有关当局。[语境串记]

  The authorities concerned are concerned about

  the interests which are concerned with the people.


  Ⅰ.单句语法填空(concern) the future of the company.

  ②Present at the meeting were headmasters of the schools concerned (concern). traffic incident.

  Ⅱ.根据提示完成小片段就高速公路免费政策而言我们最关心的是交通堵塞然而有些人关心的是交通安全。-free policy on the expressway is_concerned,_/for the safety.

  3.aware 知道的意识到的(通常作表语) [高考佳句](2015·湖北高考完成句子)If she had been aware that the mushrooms were poisonous, 如果她知道这些蘑菇有毒她就不会摘来做晚餐。(1)be/become aware of sth./that-clause 知道;明白;意识到使某人明白/意识到某事使知道使清楚ar as I'm aware

  就我所知(2)awareness n.

  意识觉悟Emerald Valley is the

  only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of light pollution.

  翡翠谷是唯一一个意识到光污染的负面影响的社区。It is necessary to make people aware of the importance of protecting wild animals.


  There has been an increasing awareness that many people are affected by crime.


  Ⅰ.单句改错as I aware, he didn't say anything of the kind.aware前加am完成句子他一定已经意识到他父母的婚姻即将破裂。re_of_the_dangers_to_their_own_health.吸烟的人都非常明白吸烟对自身健康的危害。他似乎没有意识到这个问题。我不知道他在这里住了多长时间了。4.ashamed  羞耻的惭愧的[教材原句]She is not ashamed to say she has not got much money.说她没有多少钱她并不感到不好意思。(1)be ashamed of (doing) sth./sb./oneself

   对(做)某事/某人/自己感到羞愧耻于做某事;因难为情而不愿做某事对……感到内疚(2)shame n.

  羞愧;遗憾使某人感到惭愧的是真惭愧/真遗憾……(3)shameful adj.

  可耻的;丢脸的不知羞耻的He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.

  (谚)耻于问即耻于学。To his shame, he found that his best friend found his shameful conduct.

  使他感到羞愧的是他发现他最好的朋友发现了他可耻的行为。It's a shame that she isn't here to see it.



  shameful 指事

  Ⅰ.选词填空(ashamed/shameful)完成句子我曾经羞于承认我的弱点但是我现在没有这样的感觉我使自己真不好意思我对你撒了谎。5.appeal 呼吁;上诉;对……有吸引力 .呼吁;请求[高考佳句](2015·浙江高考单选)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts. 相对于直白的事我们往往对一些能激起我们感觉或感情的事情记忆更清楚。 (1)appeal to sb. 呼吁;上诉;恳求;对某人有吸引力使某人感兴趣呼吁/恳求某人做某事为某事而向某人呼吁(to ...) against sth.

  不服某事而(向……)上诉(2)make an appeal to sb. for sth.

  呼吁某人做某事(3)appealing adj.

  吸引人的令人动心的;恳求的China's military parade on September 3rd, 2015 appealed to people from all over the world.

  2015年9月3号中国的阅兵吸引来了世界各地的人们。(2016·南昌重点中学质检)Our school appeals to the students to set aside at least an hour every day to take exercise in order to raise learning efficiency.为了提高学习效率我们学校呼吁学生们每天至少留出一个小时来进行锻炼。She appealed

  to the high court against her sentence.

  她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。The government made an appeal to people for environmental protection.

  政府呼吁人们进行环境保护。[语境串记] Martin Luther King appealed to the blacks to appeal to the highest court against racial discriminationappealed to the whole world.


  Ⅰ.单句语法填空(appeal), it does not work.

  ②He appealed


  the government for help to get through the difficult period.

  ③The book didn't appeal to children probably because the author employed too many scientific terms in it.

  ④The school has appealed to parents to_work (work) with teachers in the education of their children, which has received good responses.

  Ⅱ.一句多译我们呼吁村民捐款建桥。-1 We appealed_to_the_villagers for money to build the bridge. (appeal .)-2 We made_an_appeal_to_the_villagers for money to build the bridge. (appeal .)6.behave  举动;(举止或行为)表现[高考佳句](2015·江苏高考阅读D)People believing in freedom are those who behave within the laws and value systems. 相信自由的人是那些在法律和价值体系中行事的人。(1)behave well/badly to/towards sb.  对待某人好/差守规矩;表现得体(2)well-behaved


  表现差的(3)behaviour n.

  举止;行为注意某人的举止The child behaved well to/towards other guests at the party.

  那个孩子在聚会上对其他客人非常礼貌。If parents do not teach their child how to behave himself, he will do anything at will.

  如果父母不教给他们的孩子如何守规矩他做任何事情都会我行我素。(2015·安徽高考阅读D)...ants have been astonishingly successful, behavior.



  ②Behave yourself. You should set a good example to your sister.


  ④我认为我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的行为举止。7.replace 代替;取代;把……放回[高考佳句](2015·浙江高考完形)They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.他们用昂贵的新跑车取代了心爱的旧车。(1)replace ... with/by ... 用……代替……把某物重新放在replace sb.as ...

  取代某人而成为……(2)take the place of = take one's place接替某人代替不在合适的位置Store shopping will never be replaced by online shopping, but it can exist along with it.

  商店购物永远不会被网络购物取代但是它可以与之并存。It is reported that Germany has now replaced China as the biggest surplus country in the world.

  据报道现在德国已经取代中国成为世界上最大的贸易顺差国。It would be difficult to find a man to take the place of the present manager.


  Ⅰ.介词填空e replaced the book on the shelf after finishing it.

  ③Seeing that you have no time, I will have Peter take the place of you.

  ④Bob came on in place of Wilkins ten minutes before the end of the game.

  Ⅱ.句型转换(2017·山东高考阅读D)Serval says that one day, era will take the_place of the brush on the handle.

  →Serval says that one day, it'll be possible for a brushing unit that also has a camera to_replace the brush on the handle.

  8.give away 赠送捐赠;泄露(秘密);颁发[高考佳句](2015·浙江高考单选)Body language can give away a lot about your mood,

  folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.

  体态语能够泄露你的很多情绪因此双臂交叠站着能发送出你正在防卫的信号。 分发;用完;耗尽发出放出(气味、热、光等)归还;恢复(to ...)

  屈服;让步放弃;You'd better give back

  on time, or you will be fined.

  你最好如期归还否则你会被处以罚款的。Don't give in before the difficulties. Confidence and courage can overcome them all.

  在困难面前你不能屈服信心和勇The doctor tried to persuade him to give up smoking but he still smoked twenty cigarettes a day on average.


  Ⅰ.介词填空 most of their fortune to the poor in the small town.

  ②I know smoking is bad for health, but I simply can't give it up.

  ③After two days our food gave out,_and we had to return.

  Ⅱ.单句改错后加to_9.drop out 退出退学[教材原句]Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free.查尔斯·格雷决定退出(富人圈)他发现仅仅拥有少量的钱会给人带来自由。  从……中退出落后退后;落在后面

  顺便访问顺便拜访某人/某地下降;让某人下车;放下给某人写信Teenagers who drop out of middle school usually have trouble finding jobs.

  中学辍学的青少年通常很难找到工作。The Smiths dropped in on

  some old friends on their vacation trip to New York.

  史密斯一家去纽约度假时顺便拜访了一些老朋友。(2017·江苏高考完形)They dropped off blankets, 他们放下毯子、蜡烛和工具开始过来聊天。

  Ⅰ.介、副词填空ped behind the other runners.

  ④You can drop out of the game without great loss.

  Ⅱ.完成句子因为受伤彼得在比赛还未结束时就退出了。请让我在银行门口下车。等你抽得出时间别忘了顺便来看我。[常考·保分型词汇——自主练会]1.defeat 战胜击败挫败 .挫败击败[练习]单句语法填空(defeat) the last champion in the final.

  ②The coach tried to analyse the cause of our defeat (defeat).(win) the football match, which made everyone excited.

  ④At the spring sports meeting, our class defeated (defeat) Class 10.

  ①句中defeat为动词;②句中defeat为名词。defeat作动词其宾语常为人或团体;win“赢得获得”其宾语通常是比赛、战斗、奖品、荣誉等。  2.bargain 讨价还价 .[C]便宜货;协议[练习]完成句子我与出租车司机讲价。依我看来那辆车真便宜。He has_made_a_bargain with his partner to help each other.

  他和他的合伙人已达成协议要相互帮助。bargain with sb. about/over/for sth.“(与某人)就某事讨价还价”;a real bargain“真正的便宜货”为名词其他类似的搭配a good/bad bargain“赚钱/赔本的生意”;make a bargain with sb.“与某人做成一笔交易/达成一致”。  3.earn 挣得[练习]完成句子earns_a_living

  by hunting.

  他靠打猎谋生。earn a living = make a living“谋生”。  4.annoy 使烦恼打搅[练习]用annoy的适当形式填空on the contrary, he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.

  ③The annoying thing about the scheme is that it's confusing.

  ④To her annoyance,_the stranger did not go away.

  annoy v.“使生气使不愉快”;annoyed 生气的愤怒的”过去分词形式通常修饰人;令人生气、恼怒的”现在分词形式通常修饰物;annoyance .恼怒;生气;使人烦恼的事”。  5.comment .评论议论 表达意见;作出评论[练习]完成句子老师经常谈论那两个男孩子的不同之处。你对灾难的起因作何评论?comment on/upon sth.“对……发表评论”;make comments on/about ...“对……加以评论”。 

  If_so,_it is time for you to think again.

  如果这样的话你需要再考虑一下了。(1)if so“如果是这样的话”是if引导的条件状语从句的省略if not。(2017·福建高考单选)—Do you think George has passed the driving test?If so, he would have driven his car to our college yesterday.

  ——你认为乔治已经通过驾照考试了吗?没有。如果I may be free this evening. If so, I'll come round and see you.

  今晚我可能有空要是有空我会过来看你。Is it going to rain? If not, we'll go hiking.

  要下雨了吗?如果不下的话我们要去远足。(2)if 引导省略的情况还有下列几种: 如果有的话如果曾经有的话如果有可能的话There are few people nowadays, if any, who remember him.

  现在很少有人能记起他。He is ready to help others, seldom, if ever, refusing them when they turn to him.

  他非常乐意帮助别人当别人求助于他的时候他很少(如果曾经有过的话)拒绝他们。If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.


  Ⅰ.选词填空(if so/if ever/if any)①Have you got a free evening next week? If_so,_let's have dinner together.

  ②There are few, if_any,_mistakes in the book.

  ③She seldom, if_ever,_goes to the theatre.

  Ⅱ.句型转换 check over the speech draft. If there are any mistakes, correct them.

  →Please check over the speech draft and correct the mistakes, if any.


  用所给词的适当形式填空(remove) his name from my mailing list.

  2.The house I grew up in has been taken down and replaced (replace) by an office building.

  3.(2016·山西太原高三模拟)Mr. Black is an amusing person who often amuses us with

  stories. So staying with him is really a kind of amusement.(amuse)

  4.The puzzle has puzzled so many puzzled students in the university, which is really puzzling.(puzzle)

  5.The very determined man has determined to deal with the matter with great courage and firm determination.(determine)


  3.(2016·武昌调研)From his determining look, her

  5.The heavily polluted river near the chemical factory gives away a terrible smell.away→off

  Ⅲ.选词填空lass president, but dropped_out when he knew he couldn't win.

  2.We will have to put_off going on vacation until you are better.

  3.It's dangerous to give_away personal information on the Internet.

  4.(2016·合肥调研)The scientists are still working_on

  inventing new methods of reaching outer space.(2016·云南质检)The police appealed_to the crowd to keep calm and the problem was being solved.完成句子l over the world.

  屠呦呦获得2015年诺贝尔医学奖的消息传遍了世界。(2016·厦门质检)You should study hard, 你应该好好学习如果这样你就能及格。遗憾的是吉姆和你一样不细心。他学得很快而且他都记住了所学的东西。确切地说他不知道如何说服他的父母。in his history test.

  —How_come?He had been working so hard on it.迈克在历史考试中得了“F”。怎么会呢?他一直努力学习历史。(2016·安徽淮北五校联考)He opened the box, (he_was)_in_search_of_something_important.他打开了盒子仿佛要找一件重要的东西。Ⅴ.课文缩写语法填空阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(think) about the ways to become rich, are determined ②to_become (become) a millionaire. In fact, even if some of them get rich, they are not content ③with their life at all. ④However,_Charles Gray isn't such a person. Charles, who used to be a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house, s only old furniture. He felt happy to give ⑥up the lifestyle of a rich man, getting clothes and other things from charity shops. A few years ago, Charles became aware ⑦that there were a lot of people who were lacking in food, so he donated all his money ⑧to charities. ⑨In Charles's opinion, most people never make much money; ⑩having (have) only a little money makes one free and happier.

  Ⅵ.话题微写作根据提示利用本单元所学知识完成下面的小作文。你曾梦想成为商人赚很多的钱吗?(earn)如果你梦想成真你愿意把你的钱捐赠给那些失业的人吗?(give away, )

  3.查利就是一个这样的人。 他幼年丧父在好多人的帮助下他才没有辍学。(drop out of)经过多年的努力工作他大约有两百万美元。前几天他决定退出富人的圈子。(approximately)当记者be tired of, 时间状语从句的省略)当他意识到自己总是为自己的财富担心时他为自己的贪婪感到羞愧。(be aware that, )

  7.他认为自由和幸福是非常重要的没有什么能替代它们。(replace)他呼吁更多的人来帮助那些需要帮助的人。(appeal to)earn lots of money? If your dream came true, would you like to give away your money to those who are out of work? Charlie was such a person. His father died when he was young. Many people helped him, otherwise he would have dropped out of school. After years of hard work, he had approximately $2 million. The other day he determined to drop out of the rich. When interviewed by the journalist, Charlie said that he was tired of that kind of life for fame and fortune. When he was aware that he was always concerned about his fortune, he felt ashamed of his greed. Besides, he thought that freedom and happiness were of great importance and nothing could replace them. He

  appealed to more people to help those in need.


  October 21 was a very dark day in Texas.Not only did Hurricane Hanna destroy homes, but also it caused the largest business damage in Texas's history.The worst thing is that Hanna's destructive force nearly wiped out most power poles and power lines.According to Center Point Energy,

  Hurricane Hanna affected 2.15 million customers.Currently, more than 4,000 of them are still in the dark.Crews have worked 16-hour shifts to restore power to residents.tail stores and gas stations are open.Smiles are back.But harder-hit places, in Texas.Several public schools in Galveston are closed due to water damage.Parents are registering kids in other area schools which are scheduled to begin class on November 13.Many school supplies were destroyed.

  Clara Barton Village is an emergency shelter located at Alamo Elementary School in Galveston, Texas.This is where Paula Reed and her family are staying.Believe it or not, Paula Reed and her family consider this hurricane a blessing.When Paula was a girl, she was an orphan, but was taken in by her stepmother, Antonia Flores.Reed lost contact with Flores and had been trying desperately to locate her for the past few years.Before the hurricane, Reed and her family moved away from Galveston to a San Antonio shelter.There, she reunited with Flores after 30 long years!The moment they saw each other, 语篇解读:这是一篇资讯报道。文章报道了10月21日发生在美国田纳西州的一场飓风给当地人民生产生活带来的严重影响及最近的恢复情况。 of people are still missing.

  B.A large number of people are homeless.

  C.Power facilities are severely destroyed.

  D.Factories are closed and many people jobless.

  解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段的第三句“The worst thing is

  that Hanna's destructive force nearly wiped out most power poles and power lines.”可知飓风“汉纳”造成的最大破坏是电力设施被严重摧毁。故选C。________.the disaster

  C.need a long time to bring their life back to normal

  D.suffered less from Hanna than people in Galveston

  解析:选D 推理判断题。通读第二D。ic schools in other areas of Houston will have to stay at home for ________.解析:选B 数字计算题。由第一段飓风发生的时间“October 21”和第二段的“Parents are registering kids in other area schools which are scheduled to begin class on November 13.”计算31-21+13=23天知休斯顿其他地区的孩子将在家至少待3个星期故选B。________.rricane Hanna

  B.they lived a happier life in San Antonio shelter

  C.Paula was taken good care of in the shelter

  D.Paula reunited with her stepmother after three decades

  解析:选D 细节理解题。由最后一段的“There,

  30 long years!”可知和她的家人把这场飓风看作赐福的原因是Paula和她失散三十年之久的继母重新团聚。故选D。B

  (2016·乌鲁木齐诊断)Most Chinese people expect to relax and enjoy themselves during the Golden Week. But for those trying to go someplace, radition, the groom drove early in the morning to the bride's home in Zhejiang Province in East China to pick her up along with her family and take them to his family's hometown for the wedding. By 4 pm, Lv's wedding was 90 minutes away, but his car had not moved an inch for a long time. Lv contacted the local radio to explain his difficult situation and ask for a traffic forecast. The radio host told Lv there was no way he could hold his wedding on time and offered to hold their wedding on the air. At 5:30.7 million people traveled by train on Wednesday. It calculated that 120,000 people gathered at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Last year, g the Golden Week, and the number is expecting to be even bigger this year.

  Chinese Internet users routinely complain about the Golden Week holiday every year. An Internet user Tuzhi said on Sina Weibo: “On the Great Wall, I'm holding your hand, but I cannot see your face.”


  A.Zhejiang Province

  B.a hotel

  C.the bride's hometown

  D.the groom's hometown

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“By tradition ... for the wedding.”可知按照传统婚礼应该在新郎的家乡举行。故答案选D。________. the air

  C.complain about the traffic conditions

  D.find someone to pick them up

  解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“Lv contacted the local radio to explain his difficult situation and ask for a traffic forecast.”可知打电话给广播电台是为了寻求帮助。故答案选A。y traffic in China during the Golden Week.

  解析:选C 主旨大意题。纵观全文文章主要介绍了在“黄金周”期间全国各地人满为患的情况。故答案选C。 B.A textbook.iew.

  解析:选A 文章出处题。纵观全文可知文章主要通过对一场路边婚礼的叙述说明了“黄金周”期间全国各地人满为患的情况由此可推知文章可能摘自报纸。故选A项。任务型阅读2016·河北省七校联合考试)Have you ever wondered what a degree might be worth to you in your job or career?


  You don't have to give up your present job while you train for a better one. Choose from exciting majors like Business Management, Accounting, Dressmaking & Design, Bookkeeping, Photography, Computer Science, Engineering, and more! Books, lessons, learning aids — even professional-quality tools and need to master your training and move ahead to a new career is included in the low tuition (学费) price you pay. 3.________

  Nearly 2-Mobile, thers, have used our training for their employees.

  Earn your degree in as little as two years! Get a career diploma in just six months! 4.________

  Even if you have no experience before, you can get valuable job skills in today's hottest fields! Step-by-step lessons make learning easy. Prepare for promotions,

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  Then write in the name and number of the one program you're most interested in, and mail it today. We'll rush your free information about how you can take advantage of the opportunities in the field you've chosen. Act today!

  A.Your training includes everything you need!

  B.The career of your dreams is closer than you think!

  C.With Harcourt, you can study at home

  in your spare time.

  D.Most importantly, your education is nationally recognized!

  E.Simply fill in your name and address on the form.

  F.Employees in these companies have shown their unusual talents in work.

  G.It brings an average $10,000 more in yearly earnings than a high school diploma.

  答案:1~5 GCDBE完形填空

  (2016·济南高考模拟)For many people, ectronic devices (设备) creates an uneasy feeling. I recently experienced a weekend without __1____2__.

  Last month, my family and I drove to my aunt Nan's home. My aunt was preparing to move closer to us. The __3__ of our visit was to help her pack her belongings. During the ride, my dad __4__ us that Aunt Nan's style of living was __5__. We wouldn't hear cell phones ring because signals for electronic devices are not __6__ in the mountains. My dad also told us that Aunt Nan had a television, but it __7__ few channels.My mother added that my aunt doesn't own a computer and that I would need to write my English paper on Aunt Nan's typewriter.

  Once we finally __8__ Aunt Nan's house, we packed household items. Very quickly, however, I realized that it was __9__ to figure out what to do in my free moments. I was used to watching television or movies in my __10__ time. I was becoming restless (焦虑的).__11__ tell you stories about the games they played and how they had time to think quietly when they were our age.Our parents grew up in a time when electronic devices were not advanced, __12__

  instant communication with friends and family wasn't even possible.

  Once the packing was __13__, there seemed to be nothing else to do. All the quiet thinking time made me __14__, so I began writing my English paper. The old typewriter was fun to use, but I had to be a lot more __15__ about making typing mistakes since there was no delete key. The best part of __16__ the typewriter was hearing the sound that the keys made.

  I soon finished my paper. My __17__ had time to hike, draw, and make unusual crafts — much like my parents did. The __18__ of putting these ideas on paper made me think that our dependence on electronics has __19__ our creativity. I challenge you to spend a day without


  __20__ any electronic devices. Maybe you will discover the benefit of thinking quietly as well.





  解析:选C 由上文的“without any electronic devices (设备)”可以得到提示。解析:选C 下文即作者自身的“经历(experience)”。lue




  解析:选B “to help her pack her belongings”是作者一家此行的“目的(purpose)”。解析:选D 爸爸“告知(informed)”我们阿姨家的生活情况。tive




  解析:选A 由下文的“We wouldn't hear cell phones ring because signals for electronic devices ...”可知阿姨家的生活比较“原始(primitive)”。解析:选A 听(stable)”。解析:选B 由“but”可知电视能够“收到(received)”的台很少。解析:选B 由“we packed household items”可知我们“到达(arrived at)”了阿姨家。解析:选C 由“I was becoming restless (焦虑的).”可知没有电子设备空闲下来很“难(difficult)”想出可以做的事情。 e


  解析:选C 由上文的“in my free moments”可以得到提示。解析:选D 成年人会“常常(frequently)”给孩子们讲自己小时候玩的游戏。解析选D 电子设备不够先进所以(so)”即时通讯是不可能的。解析:选A 由“there seemed to be nothing else to do”可知打包已经“完成(finished)”。sted

  解析:选B 由上文的“I was becoming restless (焦虑的).”可知空闲时间让我觉得“不舒服(uncomfortable)”。解析:选A 因为没有删除键所以我打字的时候要格外“小心(careful)”。using



  解析:选B “能够听到敲击键盘的声音”是“使用打字机最好的一点。解析:选A 这里是说我的故事中的“人物(characters)”。a


  解析:选A 写作的“过程(process)”中我意识到对电子产品的依赖“降低了(dulled)”我们的创造力。解析:选C 参见上题解析。解析:选D 由文末的“Maybe you will discover the benefit of thinking quietly as well.”可知作者建议大家过一天不“打开(turning on)”电子设备的日子。短文改错(2016·江西师大附中三模)All of us students want to grow up healthily and happily. Here are some tips to you to achieve this goal.de to life. As we all know, there is not only sunshine and also hard times in our life. So when face with difficulties, we should fight against it bravely. What's more, we must work hard. The reason is because knowledge is power. Only by working hard we get the power to make contributions to our motherland. Final, it is important to take exercises regularly and have balanced diets.

  We'd better do all the these things. The healthier we are, the happier we will be.

  答案:第二句:第一个to→for第三句:the→a第四句:and→but第五句:face→faced; it→them第七句:because→that第八句:we前加can第九句:Final→Finally; exercises→exercise第十句:去掉the或these


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