2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M7U3《The World online》(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M7U3《The World online》(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  a.图表作文的图形种类有数据图表、饼图、柱形图及趋势曲线图等。 b.图表作文属于说明文,结构清晰,段落主题句明显,句式变化多,简单句、并列句、复合句交错。

  项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: 1. brand______________2. assumption______________ 3. statistics______________

  4. bond________________ 5. avenue________________6. accuracy________________ 7. educator________________8. withdraw________________ 9. conference________________

  10. explicit________________ 11. lifetime________________12. inventor________________ 13. sample________________14. terminal________________ 15. directory________________

  16. sparrow________________ 17. outline________________18. claim________________

  【答案】1. 品牌 2. 假定 3. 统计数据 4. 纽带 5. 大街 6. 准确性 7. 教育工作者 8. 撤回 9. 研讨会 10. 清楚明白的 11. 一生 12. 发明者 13. 样本 14. 终端 15. 目录 16. 麻雀 17. 提纲 18. 宣称 项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________

  ________ 11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________

  ________ 14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________

  ________ 17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________

  ________ 20. ________


  21. ________

  ________ 22. ________

  ________ 23. ________


  【答案】1. source 来源 2. abundant 充裕的 3. diverse 多种多样的 4. correspond 通信;符合,相一致 5. occur发生

  6. address 处理;向……说话 7. evaluate 评价 8. weakness 缺点 9. false 错误的  10. content使满足

  11. consult查阅;请教 12. alarm 使警觉  13. competence 能力 14. abandon 放弃 15. appointment 约会

  16. classify 分类 17. qualification 资格 18. specific 明确的 19. type 打字 20. relevant 切题的;紧密相关的

  21. bother 打扰  22. acknowledge 认可 23. command 命令,指挥

  项目 内容


  Translate the following into English:

  1. 向……求助______________2. 受某人支配______________ 3. 更有甚者______________

  4. 最新的________________ 5. 退出________________6. 一束________________ 7. 仔细搜索________________8. 假设;设想________________ 9. 而不是________________

  10. 浪费________________ 【答案】 1. turn to sb. / sth. 2. at someone's command 3. what is more 4. up to date 5. drop out 6. a bunch of

  7. comb (through) something (for) 8. make assumption 9. instead of 10. a waste of 项目 内容


  1. What is more, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests. (P34,L24-26) [仿写]她是一位著名的歌手,而且,还自己谱曲。 She _______________, and what’s more, _________________. 2.This is very troublesome because we cannot always tell if the information is true or not.(P35,L40-41) [仿写]谁能断定将来会发生什么事情? Who can ______________________________? 3.They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time.(P34, L13-14) [仿写]修这么一座塔不是浪费纳税人的钱吗? _____ building such a tower __________________________? 4.I feel it is important for us either to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle the problems it has caused. (P35, L60-62) [仿写]1)要么就是你错了,要么我错了。 Either you or I ____________________. 2)或者出去,或者进来。不要站在门口。 Either ________, or _________. _____________________. 项目 内容


  【答案】 1.is a famous singer; she composes her own music 2.tell what will happen / happens in the future 3.Isn’t; a waste of the taxpayers’ money 4.1)am wrong / not right 2)go out; come in; Don’t stand / be at the door 项目 内容


  写作:A report based on charts and graphs Are you content with abandoned his wife It is universally acknowledged keep bring make up change on put date up to date a date from date make linked with with/and up linked related connected involved Have something/nothing


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