2017届高考英语一轮复习全册课件:必修1 1.2《challenging yourself》Ⅱ《talking about schools》(重大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习全册课件:必修1 1.2《challenging yourself》Ⅱ《talking about schools》(重大版)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课前预习 对应演练 Challenging Yourself Ⅱ Talking About Schools -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 insist v.坚持;极力要求 领悟高考·究考法 完成或翻译句子 (1)Thus,Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day.(2015福建,阅读理解)  因此,爸爸坚决要求我们每天至少学会一种新东西。 (2)If men  insisted   on   being   free  from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good,they would cease to be free.(2015江苏,阅读理解)  如果人们坚持不去承担自立的责任和对大家共同利益的责任,他们就不会有自由。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 (3)He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children.(2017湖南,阅读表达) 他也坚持认为他们应该给孩子留足够的空间。  -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 1.consist of 由……组成;由……构成 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)Listening is thus an active,not a passive,behavior consisting of hearing,understanding and remembering.(2015浙江,单项填空) 倾听是一种主动的而不是被动的行为,它包括倾听、理解和记忆。 (2)This population consists of birds,bats,frogs,snakes,etc.(2017天津,阅读理解) 这个生物群体包括鸟、蝙蝠、青蛙、蛇等。 (3)Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures. 成功存在于在失败中还能继续努力的能力。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 2.instead of 代替;作为……的替换 领悟高考·究考法 完成句子 (1)I will go there  instead   of   Mr.   Wang .  我将代替王老师去那里。 (2)I’ll do some homework  instead  of going  to   the   movies/cinema .  我要做作业,不去看电影了。 (3)Things would be better  instead   of   worse .  情况会变好而不是更糟。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 (4)His words made me respect instead of  hating   him .  他的话使我敬重他,而不是讨厌他。 (5) Instead   of   blaming   the  child who had  broken   the   vase ,she gave him a tolerant smile and let him go.  她没有指责打破花瓶的男孩,而是给他一个宽容的微笑,让他走了。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 体会语境·辨词义 用instead of或instead填空 (6)When faced with so many options,the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.  (7)None of the underwater workers has been harmed by the great fish.Instead,most fish were so friendly that they played with the instruments.  (8)They had planned a trip in Hainan,but because of the heavy rain,they had to stay at home instead.  -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 1 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 To make the school management easier,all the animals had to take all the subjects. 为了使学校的管理更容易,所有的动物都必须学所有的学科。 分析提炼·究考法 To make the school management easier为动词不定式作状语,表示目的。动词不定式在句中常用作表示目的的状语,它也可用以表示结果,但常表示意料之外的结果。而分词作状语可表示原因、结果、时间、伴随状况、让步、条件等。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 领悟考法·用考点 翻译句子或语法填空 (1)为了养家,她叔叔做了一份兼职工作。 To support the family,her uncle does a part-time job.    (2)To keep(keep)fit,everyday he rides his bike to work,which is also friendly to the environment.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Their diet chiefly consists  of  grain and vegetables.  2.The beauty of the picture consists  in  its balance of colours.  3.She insisted on  seeing (see)the manager as soon as possible.  4.He insisted that he  was (be)innocent.  5.They insisted that he (should)be present (present)at the

  ceremony.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅱ.短语填空 be poor in consist of once upon a time set up in order to insist on 1.Once  upon   a   time ,there lived a princess who was very beautiful.  2. In   order   to  avoid the heavy traffic on the roads,some people prefer to travel by night and rest during the day.  3.A football team  consists   of  11 players.  4.He is not good at maths.What’s worse,he  is  poor  in  English.  5.We  insisted   on  his staying with us for a week again.  6.The explorers  set   up  a base at the foot of the mountain.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅲ.完成句子 1.那个男孩坚持说他没说谎。 The boy insisted  that   he   hadn’t   told   a   lie .  2.因为淡水供应充足,她活了下来。 She survived  because   of   a   plentiful   supply   of   fresh   water .  3.我给了他忠告,而不是钱。 I gave him advice  instead   of   money .  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅳ.语篇填空 (2015山西质量监测) As a man was passing some elephants,he suddenly stopped,confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope 1. tied (tie)to their front leg.No chains,no cages.2. It  was obvious that the elephants could,at any time,break 3. away  from their bonds but for some reason,they did not.  He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt 4. to get (get)away.“Well,”5. the  trainer said,“when they are very young and much 6. smaller (small),we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,it’s enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are conditioned to believe the rope 7. can  still hold them,so they never try to run free.”  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ The man was amazed.These animals could at any time escape from their bonds but 8. because  they believed they couldn’t,they were stuck right where they were.  Like the elephants,how many of us go through life 9.hanging(hang)onto a belief that we cannot do something,10. simply (simple)because we failed at it once before?Failure is part of learning;we should never give up the struggle in life.  课前预习 对应演练


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