2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修4 Module 4《Great Scientists》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修4 Module 4《Great Scientists》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修四 Module 4


  1.(辽宁高考改编)By the time Jack returned home from England, his son______(graduate) from college.

  答案:had graduated 考查时态。句意:杰克从英国到家时,他的儿子已经大学毕业了。by the time“到……的时候”,引导时间状语从句时,如果从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词要用过去完成时。

  2.(上海高考改编)Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues ________(amuse) with her stories.

  答案:amused 考查非谓语动词。keep+sb./sth.+done,根据句意,sb.与它后面的动词之间为被动关系,故用amused。

  3.(2015·枣庄高三检测改编)Mike often attempts to escape ________(fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

  答案:being fined 句意:每当迈克违反交通规则时,他都会竭力逃脱被罚款。escape doing sth.“避免做某事”,Mike与fine之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用escape being done。

  4.(2015·济南外国语学校高三检测改编)It's impossible for all the people to get the job because ________ of them are not fit for it.

  答案:all not与all连用为部分否定,表示“并非所有的……都……”。

  5.(2015·天津一中高三月考改编)Barack Obama, who came into ________ power on January 20, 2009, was awarded ________ 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

  答案:/; the come into power为固定短语,意为“上台执政,掌权”;“2009年的诺贝尔和平奖”是特指,所以第二个空应用定冠词。

  6.(2015·沈阳高三模拟改编)In the country, many students at school were ________(diagnose) with H1N1 flu, but after being treated, they all recovered.

  答案:diagnosed 句意:在那个国家,许多在校学生被诊断出患有甲型H1N1流感,但经过治疗,他们都痊愈了。diagnose“诊断”,符合句意。

  7.(2015·黄冈一中高三月考改编)Suzhou, which is the place I want to visit this summer, is known ________ its beautiful gardens.

  答案:for 考查介词搭配。be known for...“因……而闻名”,符合句意。

  8.—Why are you so upset?

  —I thought my ideas were good but nobody ________ me in the meeting.

  答案:supported 考查动词词义辨析。句意:——“你为什么如此不高兴?”——“我觉得我的主意很好,可是在会议上没有人支持我。”support“支持”,符合句意。

  9.Oil prices have risen by 10 percent since the start of the year, ________(reach) a record US $100 a barrel.

  答案:reaching 考查非谓语动词。句意:自今年开始,油价已上涨了10%,达到每桶100美元的纪录。由前面的一句话表述的内容可知后面为结果,reaching为现在分词作结果状语。

  10.—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

  —The key __________solving the problem is to meet the demands ________(make) by the customers.

  答案:to;make 考查非谓语动词。句意:——“你们是如何处理公司与客户间的分歧的?”——“解决问题的关键是满足顾客的要求。”the key to中的to为介词,其后接动名词;made by the customers为过去分词短语作后置定语。



  Sandy:Hello, James. Haven't seen you for __1__ weeks.

  James:Oh, hey, Sandy. I have been studying a lot for my final exam.

  Sandy:Well, the term is almost over now .What are your plans?

  James:Well, my pen friend __2__(come) for a visit this summer , and we'd like to go around the country. But __3__(travel) is expensive.

  Sandy:Have you thought about camping?

  James:Camping? I have never done __4__.

  Sandy:I think you __5__ really like it. It's much __6__(cheap) than staying at a hotel. And being close to nature is a good way to forget about school life for __7__ while.

  James:What a good idea! We can find a nice place and just camp __8__ we like.

  Sandy:Well, not exactly. You're only __9__(allow) to camp in certain places.__10__ there are many national parks ,state parks and even village campgrounds around the country.

  James:Sounds great!

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______

  答案:1.several 2.is coming/will come 3.travel(l)­ing 4.that 5.will 6.cheaper 7.a 8.where 9.allowed 10.But



  Scientists today are making greater effort to study ocean currents(洋流). Most do it using satellites and other high­tech equipment. However,ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer does it in a special way—by studying movements of random floating garbage. A scientist with many years' experience,he started this type of research in the early 1990s when he heard about hundreds of athletic shoes washing up on the shores of the northwest coast of the United States. There were so many shoes that people were setting up swap_meets to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear.

  Ebbesmeyer found out in his researches that the shoes—about 60,000 in total—fell into the ocean in a shipping accident. He phoned the shoe company and asked if they wanted the shoes back. As expected, the company told him that they didn't. Ebbesmeyer realized this could be a great experiment. If he learned when and where the shoes went into the water and tracked where they landed, he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.

  The Pacific Northwest is one of the world's best areas for beachcombing(海滩搜寻) because winds and currents join here, and as a result,there is a group of serious beachcombers in the area. Ebbesmeyer got to know a lot of them and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed. In a year he collected reliable information on 1,600 shoes. With this data, he and a colleague were able to test and improve a computer program designed to model ocean currents, and publish the findings of their study.

  As the result of his work, Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean. He has even started an association of beachcombers and ocean experts, with 500 subscribers from West Africa to New Zealand. They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes to golf gloves.

  语篇解读:本文主要介绍了海洋专家Curtis Ebbesmeyer以一种特殊的方式来研究洋流的经过以及他为此付出的努力和取得的成果。

  1.The underlined phrase swap meets in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

  A.fitting rooms B.trading fairs

  C.business talks D.group meetings

  答案:B 词义猜测题。根据下文的“...try and match left and right shoes to sell and wear.”可知,人们在努力找出可以配成一双的鞋用来出售和穿,由此推断人们应该是建了一个交易市场,故选B项。

  2.Ebbesmeyer phoned the shoe company to find out ________.

  A.what caused the shipping accident

  B.when and where the shoes went missing

  C.whether it was all right to use their shoes

  D.how much they lost in the shipping accident

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,Ebbesmeyer打电话的目的是想知道鞋业公司是否还要那些鞋,所以选项C符合题意。

  3.How did Ebbesmeyer prove his assumption?

  A.By collecting information from beachcombers.

  B.By studying the shoes found by beachcomber.

  C.By searching the web for ocean currents models.

  D.By researching ocean currents data in the library.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“...a group of serious beachcombers... Ebbesmeyer got to know a lot of them and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed.”可知,Ebbesmeyer是通过研究从海滩搜寻人员那里收集到的信息来证实他的设想的。

  4.Ebbesmeyer is most famous for ________.

  A.traveling widely the coastal cities of the world

  B.making records for any lost objects on the sea

  C.running a global currents research association

  D.phoning about any doubtful objects on the sea

  答案:D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“...become known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean... They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes to golf gloves.”可知,选项D正确。

  5.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

  A.To call people's attention to ocean pollution.

  B.To warn people of shipping safety in the ocean.

  C.To explain a unique way of studying ocean currents.

  D.To give tips on how to search for lost objects on the beach.

  答案:C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,第一段是文章主题所在,主要讲述科学家和人们通过不同的手段来研究洋流,但海洋专家Curtis Ebbesmeyer通过一种与众不同的方式来进行,所以选C项。


  Back in the old days, there were three wise men in ancient Greece. These three wise men were from three different generations. Socrates was the oldest of the three. He passed his knowledge to his student, Plato, who then passed it on to Aristotle. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all great philosophers (哲学家). Together, their schools of thought have since become the foundation of Western philosophy.

  Aristotle was born in 384 B. C. His father, Nicomachus, was a doctor to the king of Macedonia. As the son of a doctor, Aristotle was no stranger to science. Growing up, he learned quite a lot about medicine and biology from his father. Later, after Nicomachus passed away, he was sent to study in Plato's Academy in Athens. Aristotle was about eighteen years old then.

  Plato's Academy was Europe's first university. It offered courses on various subjects. Shortly after Aristotle began his study there, he devoted himself to learning everything on the curriculum. He soon proved himself an excellent student. Because of his wide range of interests, Aristode never limited his range of education. As a result, he became the leading expert in many fields. Philosophy was simply one of them. Aristotle was in the Academy for nearly 20 years. He first joined as a student and then stayed on as a teacher. By the time that Plato died around 347 B. C., Aristotle had already built up a very good name for himself. However, he did not get the job as the head of the Academy. That post went to Plato's nephew. Some people believed that Aristotle felt angry at the choice. But there is no proof to that theory. Regardless of what he had truly felt, Aristotle decided to leave Athens. So in 347 B. C., he quit the Academy and went to work for Hermeias, ruler of Atarneus, in Asia Minor (today's Turkey). Aristotle was not alone in this time. He and another Academy member, Xenocrates, who was also a famous philosopher, founded the Assus Academy. They taught there for several years. During his stay in Atarneus, Aristotle was on very good terms with Hermeias. He even married the man's niece, Pythias. Interestingly, when Aristotle later wrote his famous book, Politics, he said that the ideal ages for marriage was 37 for the husband and 18 for the wife. Given that Aristotle was 37 years old at the time, it is very likely that Pythias was 18.


  6.Which of the following is NOT a philosopher?

  A.Socrates. B.Xenocrates.

  C.Plato. D.Nicomaehus.

  答案:D 细节理解题。文章第二段第二句提到Nicomachus是一名医生,根据第一段第五句和最后一段倒数第六句可知,其他三人都是哲学家,故选D。

  7.What's the right order of the following events?

  a.Socrates passed his knowledge to his student, Plato.

  b.Aristotle was sent to Plato's Academy.

  c.Aristotle wrote his famous book, Politics.

  d.Aristotle learned about medicine and biology from his father.

  e.Plato died.



  C.d,a,c,b,e D.h,a,e,c,d

  答案:B 事件排序题。根据文章所述事情的时间顺序可知B项正确。

  8.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Aristotle felt very angry that he was not chosen as the head of the Academy.

  B.Plato's Academy was the first university in the world.

  C.Aristotle ended up with a happy marriage.

  D.Aristotle never left his homeland all his life.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章最后三句可知亚里士多德有着幸福美满的婚姻。A项只是一种说法,并未得到证实;B项的“the world”应改为“Europe”;由亚里士多德离开Athens去了Aisa Minor可知D项错误。

  9.According to the passage we can know in Plato's Academy ______.

  A.students were provided with only a few subjects at that time

  B.Aristotle worked hard but he was still not famous

  C.Aristotle didn't have a very good time for 20 years

  D.Aristotle was not only a student but also became a teacher

  答案:D 综合判断题。根据文章第三段第二句可知A项错误;根据文章第三段第六句可知B项错误;C项文中没有信息支持;根据文章第三段第八句中的“He first joined as a student and then stayed on as a teacher.”可知D项正确。

  10.The passage mainly tells us ________.

  A.some information about Aristotle

  B.three wise men in ancient Greece

  C.the foundation of Western philosophy

  D.Europe's first university

  答案:A 主旨大意题。文章主要是介绍亚里士多德的一些情况,因此答案是A项。






  Some students think a difficult exam is just like a challenge but that the more difficult it is, better it will be.They say a difficult exam can help students in find out where they are weak in their studies and improve our learning methods.However, others were against a difficult exam.In their opinion, if it is very difficult, they may be discouraging and feel terribly about their studies.I prefer an exam either too difficult nor too easy.A very easy exam makes it difficult for teacher to learn how we are getting on to our studies, while too difficult an exam makes us lose heart.


  Some students think a difficult exam is just like a challenge

  that the more difficult it is, better it will be.They say a difficult exam can help students

  find out where they are weak in their studies and improve

  learning methods.However, others

  against a difficult exam.In their opinion, if it is very difficult, they may be

  and feel

  about their studies.I prefer an exam

  too difficult nor too easy.A very easy exam makes it difficult for

  to learn how we are getting on

  our studies, while too difficult an exam makes us lose heart.


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