2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修5 Module 1《British and American English》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修5 Module 1《British and American English》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修五 Module 1


  1.Her speech was so c______ that few students could understand it.

  2.Try to give everyone a chance to p______ their ideas to the class.

  3.Every time I've a______ to convince her, I've failed completely.

  4.It's o______ that he hasn't read the book.

  5.I c______ the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.

  6.The customers made a number of rude ____________ (评论) about the goods on sale.

  7.The two girls are similar in appearance, but they ________ (不同,相异) in voice.

  8.He planned to buy several ________ (参考) books.

  9.He waited for the ________ (宣告) of the result of the competition anxiously.

  10.The English in this story has been ________ (简化) to make it easier to understand.

  答案:1.confusing 2.present 3.attempted 4.obvious

  5.compared 6.remarks 7.differ 8.reference 9.announcement 10.simplified


  1.“Those who are ________ my plan, please raise your hands now,” the teacher says.

  2.My teaching style ____________ that of most other teachers.

  3.News soon ______________ that he would resign.

  4.______________ her younger sister, Mary likes singing very much.

  5.______________ the good weather, we have completed the task.

  6.Carefulness ________ success while failure may lie.

  答案:1.in favour of 2.is similar to 3.got around 4.In common with 5.Thanks to 6.leads to



  (1)He worked out the problem without difficulty.

  →He had ________ ________ ________ out the problem.

  (2)I find that it is necessary to learn English well.

  →I ________ ________ ________ to learn English well.

  (3)European football is played in more than 80 countries in the world, which makes it the most popular game.

  →European football is played in more than 80 countries in the world, ________ it the most popular game.



  Because of your coming, I think there will be ____________ the task on time.


  It hasn't rained for a month, ______________.


  Several hours later, Mr Smith ______________ the cave.

  答案:1.(1)no difficulty working (2)find it necessary

  (3)making 2.(1)no difficulty in finishing (2)making the crops hard to grow (3)found himself trapped in



  1.英式英语和美式英语有很多相似之处,比如:英式英语和美式英语在书写形式上相似。(have...in common;be similar to)

  2.但是它们在很多方面也存在差异。(differ in)

  3.美国人喜欢到处走动,这产生了很大的影响。(get around; make a difference)


  5.一般来说,我们在报纸上所看到的正式英语被称为标准英语。(refer to...as...)










  British English and American English have a lot in common. For example, they are similar to each other in the form of writing. But they differ in many aspects. Americans like to get around, which has made a great difference to it. So when they are talking, they sometimes get confused and have difficulty understanding each other. Generally speaking, the formal English that we often see in newspapers is referred to as Standard English.


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