【南方新课堂】2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题2 完形填空 6夹叙夹议(一)(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【南方新课堂】2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题2 完形填空 6夹叙夹议(一)(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  训练6 夹叙夹议(一)A

  All you will leave behind for the world to remember is your legacy (遗产)(哲学) professorhighlighted (突出) by a


  sports coat and ill-fitting thick glasses__2__ on the tip of his nose.Every now and then,as most philosophy professors do,he would go off on one of those





  of __3__” discussions.Many of those discussions went

  __4__(切中要害).This was one of them.__5__ to the following questions by a

  __6__of hands,” my professor instructed.

  “How many

  of you






  your parents?” Everyone's hand

  __7__.?” About three-fourths put up their hands.-grandparents?” Two out of sixty students __8__ their hands.__9__

  any of us even know


  our own great-grandparents were.Oh sureaph in a musty (发霉的) cigar box.__11__

  maybe we know the classic family

  __12__ about how one of them walked five miles to school barefoot.But how many of us

  __13__n,what they were afraid of,or what they dreamed about? Think about that.Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten.Will this

  __14__ to you?”__15__

  three generations.You are long

  __16__.Instead of you sitting in this room-grandchildren.What will they have to say


  you? Will they know about you? Or will you be

  __18__?”__19__ or an example? What legacy will you leave? The __20__ is yours.Class dismissed.”

  Nobody rose from their seats for five minutes.

  【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了他的哲学教授给他们上的一堂令人深思的哲学课。-designedB.well-worn-ironed




  解析:由全文可知是开life)意义的讨论。答案:A解析:很多这样的讨论都毫无结果(went nowhere)。答案:Dnd



  解析:respond to回答符合语境。动词answer也有“回答”的意思但它是及物动词接宾语时后面不需要加介词to。答案:B解析:a show of hands举手表决。根据下文尤其是第五段中“About three-fourths put up their hands.”可知答案。答案:A解析:每个人的手都举了起来。答案:B解析:此处需要及物动词故排除rise(升起)和arise(出现)因为这两个词都为不及物动词。raise“举起”;arouse“唤起raised。答案:C解析:hardly any=almost no“几乎不”。答案:Dwho

  解析:由13空后的“know who they were”可知此处答案为who。答案:D解析:根据前一句中的maybe及该句中的maybe可知此处表示选择。答案:A解析:根据后文如何光着脚走五英里去上学应该是一个关于曾祖父答案:B解析:此处表示强调故选择really。答案:D解析:happen to sb“发生在某人身上”。答案:A解析:根据后文哲学老师让大家想象三代后大家的子孙想起自己时会说些什么因此需要大家展望未来故选择ahead。答案:Bt

  解析:gone作形容词使用表示“死了”。答案:C解析:根据语境可知此处应表示“关于”。答案:D解析:根据上文“Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten.”及后面的too可知此处表示你是不是也会被他们忘记。答案:A解析:or连接意义相反的两个词此处应该选择warning意思上与example照应。答案:C解析:根据上下文可知此处的意思是“选择的权利在你自己的手中”。答案:DB

  I felt very depressed the other day.The weather had been dark and rainy,and I just didn't feel so__1__.__2__

  it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend—a single-aged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loving her

  __3__.e didn't have family in town,I


  to give her a call.Sure enough,she was on her shift,__5__

  to work late into the evening,and wouldn't have

  __6__ of a birthday this year.As always,though,she

  __7__ cheerful and was happy that I


  the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day.__10__

  feeling a little depressed myself,I tried to put it out of my mind,but as the day passed,I couldn't shake the thought.I


  gave in,and set off to the hospital with a card,a cheese cake,and some balloons that evening.My friend's grateful smile and joyful surprise


  me that I'd done the right thing,and they were a generous


  for the little effort it had taken.

  When I got home,I realized that not only had I cheered up a

  __14__ friend on her birthday,but my own negative feelings had also disappeared.Making her day had


  my own! Isn't that the way it is__16__we take the time and make the __17__ to do something for someone else? It's just like the saying,“Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives,and him who

  __18__.”ir birthdays isn't the only thing we can do to make their day.Life constantly presents us with


  to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to

  __20__.And the wonderful thing is that as we dohings for the better for us too.

  【语篇解读】 作者讲述了在自己心情不好的一天给一个从事护士职业的朋友过生日而得到的感悟:生活总是为我们提供机会让我们多迈出一步或者做一件对别人有影响的善事。 B.positive解析:根据空格前的“I felt very depressed the other day.The weather had been dark and rainy”可知我”的心情不好乐观的”符合语境。答案:B解析:当“我”坐在书桌前的时候记起今天是一个朋友的生日。故选C项。答案:CA.family

  B.training解析:根据空格前的“who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing”可知她从事护士职业30年说明她很喜欢自己的工作(work)。故选C项。答案:C根据语境可知此处用decided表示“我决定给她打个电话”。故选A项。答案:A解析:根据前面的“Sure enough可知这是她的当班时间她准备工作到晚上故选D项。答案:DB.many



  解析:此处表示“不会有太多的时间过生日”。many和few用来修饰或替代可数名词故排除;little本身含有否定的意思在此处可排除;故选much。答案:A解析:“我”打电话给她她听上去很高兴。故选A项。答案:A解析:参见上题解析。选B项。答案:B解析:此处表示“我没法去除这种感觉”应用shake表示“去除摆脱”。故选C项。答案:C解析:此处用“Still”表明作者仍然感到沮丧与文章开头相呼应。故选D项。答案:D解析:“我”的心情沮丧我”尽力去清理finally“最后终于”故选B项。答案:B解析:根据空格前面的“My friend's grateful smile and joyful surprise”和空格后面的“I'd done the right thing”可知朋友的神情让convince意为“使确信”符合语境。故选A项。答案:A解析:她的笑容和惊喜使“我”确信“我”做对了这也是对“我”慷慨的回报(reward)。故选C项。答案:C解析:由前文的“a single-aged woman”和“she didn't have family in town”可知作者的朋友是孤独的。故选B项。答案:B解析:让这位孤独的朋友快乐的同时又扫除了作者的沮丧所以说“Making her day had made my own”。故选D项。答案:D解析:从句子的结构和语境看此处应该用引导时间状语从句的连词表示“当我们花费时间为别人努力做一些事情的时候”。故选A项。答案:A解析:参见上题解析。make the effort to do sth“努力做某事”。答案:C解析:根据空格前的“gives”可知应用receives与gives相对应。故选B项。答案:Bices



  Someone has noted that their life and bank account both have something in common—they get out of them about as much as they put in.It

  __1__ I can get a great deal of joy out of life if I am

  __2__ about what I put into living.

  Gary Player for years was a great


  in national and international golf tournaments.People


  said to him,“I'd give anything if I could hit a golf ball like you.”

  Upon __5__ that comment one day,Player responded impatiently:“No__6__

  you have to do to hit a golf ball like me? You've got to

  __7__ at 5:00 every morningusand balls!

  Your hands start

  __8__,and you walk to the clubhouse and wash the blood off your hands,put a bandage on it,and go out and hit


  thousand golf balls.That's what it


  to hit a golf ball like me!”__11__

  was to be at the top of his sport.That grand dream

  __12__ practice,practice,and more practice.If your


  is to surpass (超过)the living—to give and receive __14____15__

  relationships—then how much of you will you


  your dream?These things are


  with practice as well.__18__

  when you don't feel like it?Do you practice finding joy even when you're

  __19__?Do you work at hard relationships?It isn't


  easy【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述生活和银行账户的相似之处告诉人们一个道理:你对生活投入多少你就能从生活中得到多少回报爱和快乐也是如此。B.reflects

  D.means解析:文章第一句把生活和银行账户进行比较。此处是对它的解释故用means(意味着)。答案:D解析:由空前的“get a great deal of joy”可推出如果我对生活很用心地投入我就能获得很多快乐。be careful about...“对……用心”。答案: C解析:由下文可知competitor符合语境。答案:D解析:结合上下文内容来看人们经常(constantly)向他表达羡慕之情。答案:C解析:根据上文人们的评论可知此处指他听到(hearing)这种评论的时候。答案:A解析:分析句子结构可知now后面是宾语从句且宾语从句中缺少do的宾语.故需用what来引导。答案:B解析:由空后的“at 5:00 every morning”可知这里指起床(get up)。答案:Caking

  解析:从下文的“wash the blood off your hands”可推出此处指他的手流血(bleeding)了。答案:B解析:结合上文中的“a thousand balls”可知此处指又(another答案:A10.A.makes

  B.takes解析:结合句意可知此处表示需要(takes)。答案:B解析:从后面的“to be at the top of his sport”可知此处指goal)。答案:C12.A.requires

  B.includes解析:从设空后的“practice可知梦想的实现需要(requires)反复的练习。答案:A解析:从下文的“is to surpass the living”可知此处指的是你的愿望(desire)和上文的目标(goal)相对应。答案:C解析:从下文18空前的“Do you really practice love”可以推出此处指付出和得到爱(love)。答案:B A.start

  B.finish解析:结合句意可知这里指培养(develop)关系。答案:D解析:此处与第2空后面的“what I put into living”相对应。答案:C解析:从空后的“with practice”可知通过实践这些东西也是有可能(possible)得到的。答案:D解析:由19空前的“even when you're”可知。答案:D解析:结合上一句中前后对比的关系可推出此处指不高兴(unhappy)的时候。答案:C从上一句“Do you work at hard relationships?”可推出此处是说这件事并不总是(always)容易的。答案:B


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