【南方新课堂】2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练:组合练 1阅读理解+“七选五”(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【南方新课堂】2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练:组合练 1阅读理解+“七选五”(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  组合练1 阅读理解+“七选五”


  (2016·北京海淀模拟) Twelve years agoe situation to be in.

  Once my limited funds ran out I became homeless and spent a year and a half living on the streets of Orlando.Apart from feeling not being noticed and missing my family,I had to face another challenge—hunger.

  For the first time in my life,I,as a foreign man,who had lived my life in the relative comfort of the middle class,understood the desperation someone feels when they don't get enough to eat.I clearly remembered having run a distance of more than 7 miles on many occasions just to make it to a local feeding programme before they closed at 7 pm.

  Once the need for food was met,the next challenge would arise—where to find a place to sleep for the night.Fortunately,local programmes like the Coalition for the Homeless,Second Harvest Food Bank and the Wayne Densch Centre were an important part of my ability to survive my painful experience.

  With the assistance of these programmes,I was accepted by a college scholarship programme through the Coalition and obtained two degrees from Valencia.

  My experience has helped me understand that devoting my life to helping others offers lasting rewards.Today,I am employed as Childhood Hunger Programmes Manager at Second Harvest Food Bank and oversees the summer feeding,Hi-Five Kids Pack(分配) food resources to those wonderful programmes and help hundreds more like me.【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文讲述了作者在陌生的地方的经历与感受1.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?

  A.It was impossible for the author to get a job then.

  B.Many local people were out of work in Florida.

  C.Florida was not a good place for people living there.

  D.The author rejected many chances to get a job in Florida.

  解析:推理判断题。通读第一段可知作者孤身一人来到一座陌生的城市又没有资源因此对他来说得到一份工作几乎是不可能的。答案:AWhy did the author run a distance of over 7 miles on many occasions?

  A.Because he didn't want to be late for work there.

  B.Because he desired to get some free food to eat.

  C.Because he went there to give his hand to the poor.

  D.Because he helped distribute food resources to the poor.

  解析:事实细节题。根据第三段倒数第一句可知作者是去寻求免费B项。答案:BBefore being accepted by a college scholarship programme,the author ________.A.had lived with his relatives happily

  B.had won his degree in a university

  C.had been struggling financially

  D.had lost hope of facing the future

  解析:事实细节题。根据前四段的内容可知当时作者很缺钱故选C项。答案:C________.D.one good turn deserves another


  Even if trees cannot walk,they are still on the move.








  moving northward . Across the Arctic,temperatures are rising faster

  than anywhere else in the world.As that happens,the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra (冻原) starts has been shifting northward.Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind.To do this(水平的) branches low to the ground.The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don't have enough energy to make seeds.ppens especially in places where white spruce (白云杉) grows.-blown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree linehey eventually can sprout (发芽) new trees.This explains how a forest can move.Of courseping the sun's rays from making the

  white surface disappear.Instead,the trees absorb the sun's heat.This warms the surrounding air.The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds.That further boosts a forest's ability to expand.In






  snow,preventing much of it from being blown away. Snow can trap heat in the soil below,which encourages trees to grow.The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line.People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要研究的是气候变暖对北极圈植物的影响。perature.

  C.The fierce and cold wind.

  D.The abundant resources in the north.

  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Across the Arctic以及本段的整体内容可知不断上升的气温是北极圈树木北移的主要原因即B项正确。答案:B解析:代词指代题。根据画线词前的“Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind”可知画线词this指代的是本句中的“protect themselves from the cold wind”即D项正确。答案:D7.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?he surrounding air warmer.

  D.New trees can bring more food and shelter to local


  解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“New trees will provide shelters for some snow.Keeping the sun's rays from making the

  white surface disappear.Insteades absorb the sun's heat.This warms the surrounding air”可推知新树会让周围的空气更加温暖即C项正确。答案:C________.解析:文章出处题。根据文章的整体内容可推知本文主要研究的是气候变暖对北极圈植物的影响故该文应选自科研报告即A项正确。答案:AC

  (2016·安徽马鞍山高三联考) At





  increasingly important factor in a great many careers. You find these careers in engineering,in production,in statistical work,and in teaching.But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance,but perhaps do not know too much about any field.There is,in other words,a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees,of making general judgments.We can call these people “generalists”.And these “generalists”






  in administration,where it is their job to see that other people do the work,and where they have to plan for other people,to organize other people's work,and to begin it and judge it.

  The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools.He is a “trained” man,and his educational background is properly technical or professional.The generalists and especially the administrators deal with people; his concern is with leadership,with planning,and with direction-giving.He is an “educated”manzation needs both kinds of people,though different organizations need them in different proportions.It is your task to find out,during your training period,into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit,and to plan your career accordingly.

  Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you but this is pure accident.Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job.At the same time,you must not look upon the first job as the final job;it is primarily a training job【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了当前就业市场所需要的两种人才即专业人才和全能9.Nowadays,there is an increasing demand for ________.A.people

  whose educational background is either technical

  or professional

  B.people whose job is to organize other people's work

  C.all-round people in their own fields解析:事实细节题。由第一段第三句话及下文的进一步说明并结合段尾处的“to organize other people's work”可知答案选B项。答案:BThe administrator is ________.A.a “trained” man who is more a specialist than a generalist

  B.a man who sees the trees as well as the forest

  C.a man who is an “educated” specialist

  D.a man who is very strong in the humanities

  解析:事实细节题。结合第二段第三、四句的内容可知答案选D项。答案:DDuring your training period,it is important ________.A.to try to be a generalist

  B.to choose a profitable job

  C.to find an organization which fits you

  D.to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist

  解析:事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句“It is your task to find out可知答案为D项。答案:DD

  It doesn't look like the heart of a green revolution.The huge chimneys stick up above the line of pine trees and don't make for the most scenic view as you wander around the clear blue waters of the nearby lake.

  But it is this power plant that has helped the small Swedish city of Vaxjo become arguably the greenest place in Europe.On closer observation,the only thing emerging from the chimneys is the faintest mists of steam.And inside it smells more like a sauna (桑拿) than a furnace (炉子).That's because it is not oil fuelling the plant also supplies 90 percent of this southern Swedish town with heating and hot water.

  The gases produced as the wood burns are changed into liquid form,and are purified before they reach the chimney.And instead of wasting this liquid,the power plant pumps it around town.Some runs out of the town's public taps; the rest is directed through pipes that run through individual heaters,warming homes and offices.

  The pile of wood chipping in the yard towers above head height and takes almost five minutes to walk around.That's enough to keep Vaxjo warm on the snowiest days in winter,or supply it with hot water for a fortnight in summer,and it's a good way of using the paper industry's waste.As well as the centuries-old Swedish policy of planting a new tree for every one felled(肥料).(可持续的) development on the continent.

  However,it is not just the citizen's consciences and moral histories to which the town's current-day authorities are appealing. They know how to talk to their wallets too.Oil-generated electricity costs about 16(£1) a year per person,while the new power plant's electricity comes in at two thirds of the price.

  They've been planning for over ten years to become a “Fossil Fuel Free City”.But according to Anders Franzen,the head of planning and development department at the city council,“The battle in the energy sector has been won,yes,but the next battleground is transport.”

  【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文主要介绍了一家发12.What's the main reason for “inside it smells more like a sauna than a furnace”?解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第四句“That's because it is not oil fuelling the plant可知这是因为用木屑和木材废料做燃料。答案:C________.vily on paper industry

  D.mainly supplies hot water and heating

  解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二至四段内容可知发电厂充分利用废料。答案:B-day authorities most?wn's moral histories.

  C.The lower cost of electricity.

  D.The award for sustainable development.

  解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段第三句“Oil-generated electricity costs about 16(£1) a year per person,while the new power plant's electricity comes in at two thirds of the price.”可知电力成本低给这个城镇现在的管理者留下了深刻的印象。答案:C________.iculty in transport

  C.they have no room for further development

  D.they are perfectly content with the achievement

  解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段安德斯·答案:A七选五”阅读根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2016·甘肃省高考诊断考试)We all have our favou- rite teachers—those who treat us equally.But what about those teachers we don't know as well (for even don't like much)?ots of things to get a relation with your teacher. First,do the following: __16__ Complete all homework on time.Be attentive,be respectful,and ask questions.__17__ Obviously,your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you care,even if you're not good at math or fluent in French—send the message that you are a dedicated student.

  You can also schedule a private meeting during a teacher's free period.__18__ You can ask questions,inquire about a career in the subject,or talk about your progress in class.You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one on one than when lecturing in front of the whole class.

  However,here are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher:__19__ Teachers sense when your only motivation is to get special treatment,a college reference,or a job suggestion.

  2.Trying to be teachers' pet.You just attract the teachers' attention on purpose and your classmates may start to hate you.

  3.__20__ It's OK to offer a small sign of thanks to teachers if they've been helpful to you.But a teacher is usually not allowed to accept the wrong message,and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.

  A.Giving expensive gifts.

  B.Show up for class on time.

  C.Not being sincere.

  D.Find the practical value in classes.

  E.Use this time to get extra help.

  F.Show an interest in the subject.

  G.Get along better with your teachers.

  答案:16.B 17.F 18.E 19.C 20.A


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