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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I was born is Schuyler County, Illinois. I __1__ the first twelve years there. My parents __2__on a farm about three miles southwest of the county. Living in the county, it was quite a __3__ to go to town. __4__ a circus would come to

  Rushville, and my father and mother would take my sister, Edith, and me to __5__ the sights.

  But the one situation that still remains so __6__ in my mind was being privileged to see the play, Uncle Tom's Cabin. I was about five years old at the time, and I had not __7__ to school yet. The play was given in a tent on a vacant lot.

  My father and mother, with my sisters and me, __8__ to town in a carriage, drawn by a team of spirited driving __9__. Father was late getting his evening work __10__, and when we arrived at the show, there was standing __11__ only. Of course, I was too small to see well, as we were in the back of the tent, so father __12__ me up on his shoulders.

  In the time between then and the __13__, I have sat in a large Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles and marveled(惊叹) at the vast crowd of __14__ there. However, of all the __15__ I have witnessed, the little play, Uncle Tom's Cabin, still remains most __16__ in my mind. I did not understand __17__the moral of the play at the time, __18__in later years, when studying history, I knew it __19__ the freeing of the slaves and also the cause of the great __20__ between the North and the South. But the golden memories will be in my mind forever to remind me of the hard pleasure from the hard times.

  1.A. delayed B. formed

  C. experienced

  D. spent

  2.A. fed

  B. decided

  C. lived

  D. relied

  3.A. dinner

  B. treat

  C. chance

  D. challenge

  4.A. On occasion

  B. In public

  C. In advance

  D. On time

  5.A. meet

  B. enjoy

  C. miss

  D. touch

  6.A. vaguely

  B. quickly

  C. vividly

  D. simply

  7.A. refused

  B. planned

  C. reported

  D. started

  8.A. drove

  B. rode

  C. started

  D. sent

  9.A. cows

  B. horses

  C. trains

  D. bikes

  10.A. continued

  B. carried

  C. finished

  D. managed

  11.A. space

  B. area

  C. direction

  D. room

  12.A. held

  B. called

  C. took

  D. shut

  13.A. former

  B. present

  C. latter

  D. absent

  14.A. teachers

  B. children

  C. people

  D. actresses

  15.A. examination

  B. entertainment

  C. inspection

  D. environment

  16.A. divided

  B. loaded

  C. shared

  D. fixed

  17.A. completely

  B. deeply

  C. immediately

  D. widely

  18.A. so

  B. and

  C. for

  D. but

  19.A. contained

  B. involved

  C. instructed

  D. disclosed

  20.A. union

  B. trouble

  C. conflict

  D. friendship

  [文章大意] 作者回忆起童年在乡下时和父母一起去看舞台剧《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的一些情景。

  1.D。这里指作者在Schuyler County, Illinois 度过的12年时光,spend 和years 形成动宾关系。

  2.C。句中的“about three miles southwest of the county”说明这里指的是当时作者全家居住的环境。

  3.B。句中的“Living in the county”说明能进一次城可真是一大乐事,treat 在这里是名词,意为“款待;乐事”,是对当时的情况来说一次难得的享受和放松。

  4.A。上一句的“Living in the county”说明能看马戏团的演出只是偶尔才会发生的,频率并不是很高,on occasion 意为“偶尔”,符合当时的情境。

  5.B。因为能看到这样的演出的机会并不多,所以作者的全家应该是很享受这样的过程,所以用 enjoy 表示“享受;欣赏”。

  6.C。下文所描述的是作者至今难忘的一次经历,在他的记忆中简直是栩栩如生,所以用vividly 指“栩栩如生地;历历在目地”,说明这次的经历印象之深刻。

  7.D。句中的“about five years old at the time”说明当时作者还没有开始上学。

  8.A。句中的 carriage 说明作者全家是乘坐一辆马车去的。

  9.B。句中的“drawn by a team of spirited driving”说明是由一些精神抖擞的马儿拉着马车前往目的地。

  10.C。爸爸迟到的原因是因为非要完成工作,如果不是这样就不会迟到了,所以用 finished。

  11.D。既然去晚了,就没有座位,只有可容站立的地方,这里的 room 是一个不可数名词,和下句的“up on his shoulders”吻合。

  12.A。句中的“too small to see well”说明作者无法看清,所以爸爸将其举起,坐在爸爸的双肩上让作者欣赏。

  13.B。本句“... have sat in a large Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles...”说的是现在作者的经历,then 和现在 present 形成鲜明的对比。

  14.C。句中的 vast crowd of 说明这里指的是观众之多,所以用people 指代观众。


  16.D。本空和第二段第一句话“... remains so vividly in my mind...”吻合,说明这次记忆让作者印象深刻,和 be fixed in the mind 吻合。

  17.A。作者当时尚年幼,对这个著作的寓意还不能完全理解,completely 是相对于其年龄而言。


  19.B。后来作者了解了这本书和解放奴隶有关,所以用 involve 表示“相关”,而 disclose 意为“揭露”,指揭露一些不良现象,本空后的“the freeing of the slaves”和disclose 不能形成动宾关系。

  20.C。本句中的 the North and the South 指的是美国内战前夕北部和南部之间的矛盾,所以选择 conflict。


  Different View

  At age 14, 15 and 16, the way we looked was the most important thing in the world to us. My friends and I wanted nothing less than perfection.

  In high school, we joined the gymnastics team, and our        because even more important to us. We had no fat, only muscle. On the weekends, we would go to the beach,         of our flat stomachs.

  One summer day, all my friends were at my house        . At one point, I was running back to the pool. I        on a bee, and while it was dying under my foot, it stung (蛰) me. I instantly started to feel       . That night, I began to run a high fever and my leg and foot were red, hot and swollen. I couldn’t walk. I could barely        .

  When my foot started to go numb, everyone became more       . My foot was not getting enough blood. I had to go to the         , and my leg hurt as if it were badly broken. I couldn’t move. All I could do was think about how soft my middle was becoming. That          me more than any concern over my leg.

  That would all         when I heard the doctors mention possibly cutting off my foot. It was still not getting the        supply it needed. The doctors would have to speed up their treatment.

  Never before did I have such great        for my foot. And walking seemed like a        from the gods. Less and less would I want to hear my friends talk about        and who was wearing what. More and more I expected visits from other kids in the hospital, who were quickly becoming my friends. One girl came to visit me        . Every time she came, she brought flowers. She was recovering from cancer and felt she should come back and        the other patients.

  She still had no hair, and she was swollen from medications she had been taking. I would not have given this girl a second        before. I now loved every inch of her and looked forward to her         .

  Finally, I was improving and soon I went home. My leg was still swollen,     I was walking, and I had my foot! When I would go back to the hospital, I often saw my friend. She was still visiting people and       good cheer. I thought if even there was an angel on this earth, it had to be her.

  【小题1】 A.grades B.brains C.bodies D.clothes

  【小题2】 A.ashamed B.proud C.sure D.tired

  【小题3】 A.dancing B.chatting C.jogging


  【小题4】 A.stepped B.focused C.held D.took

  【小题5】 A.upset B.fearful C.sick D.anxious

  【小题6】 A.jump B.run C.stand D.rest

  【小题7】 A.concerned B.relieved C.surprised D.interested

  【小题8】 A.beach B.hospital C.gym D.school

  【小题9】 A.blamed B.impressed C.shocked D.troubled

  【小题10】 A.change B.bother C.help D.happen

  【小题11】 A.nutrition B.blood

  C.time D.air

  【小题12】 A.observation B.devotion C.appreciation D.evaluation

  【小题13】 A.gift B.hand C.promise D.treat

  【小题14】 A.homework B.appointment C.movies D.gymnastics

  【小题15】 A.suddenly

  B.regularly C.eventually D.recently

  【小题16】 A.advise B.encourage C.serve D.instruct

  【小题17】 A.choice B.thought C.glance D.chance

  【小题18】 A.words B.ideas C.flowers D.visits

  【小题19】 A.but B.then C.so D.for

  【小题20】 A.enjoying B.gaining C.discovering D.spreadin


  and planks(木板) that are


  to a child’s hands.These toys,while simple,give a child a sense of


  over his or her environment and can help them learn more about it as well.

  Though you might not


  see it,construction toys also make children more


  .Think about a small child building a house with you.When the house is done,you can always ask the child who he or she thinks lives there.

  Many parents are a little


  as to how to play with their children,especially as those children get older,and you will soon see that if you have something to


  with,like building toys or construction sets,you will be able to form a rapport(密切关系) with them.

  When you are looking for toys that will both


  your child and improve his or her manual dexterity(灵巧),you are


  to see what you can find from construction toys.


  you might not find what you are looking for right away,take a look at the innovative toys that are offered in Europe,like the KAPLA Building Planks and CLICS.Take a look around and don’t let these


  development years pass by without comment.This is a great time to improve your child’s reflexes,so don’t let them pass you both by!









































  31.B [给孩子买一套孩子的手那么大小的木砖和木板。be sized to...……大小的,符合题意。be fixed to被固定到……;be used to习惯于;be applied to被运用于……。]

  32.D [这些玩具,尽管简单,却能给孩子一种掌控他们环境的感觉。根据上下文,这种玩具有利于孩子的创造性,让孩子有一种能掌控环境的感觉。control控制,符合题意。duty责任;freedom自由;belonging属于,跟to搭配。]

  33.C [建筑玩具也能让孩子更有创造性,尽管你不能立刻看到(效果)。immediately立刻,马上,符合题意。finally最终;gradually逐渐地,慢慢地;continuously继续地。]

  34.A [这种建筑玩具能让孩子更具有创造性。creative具有创造性的,符合题意。active活跃的;sensitive敏感的;positive积极的,主动的。]

  35.D [很多家长对于如何跟孩子玩耍感到有点迷惑。confused感到迷惑的,符合语境。satisfied感到满意的;interested感兴趣的;impressed印象深刻的。]

  36.B [你很快就会发现,如果你和你的孩子有东西一起合作,比如建筑玩具,你就能跟他们有密切的关系。work with从事……工作,这里指和孩子一起玩建筑玩具。argue争论;compare比较;compete竞争。]

  37.A [当你在寻找既能挑战你的孩子又能提高孩子手的灵巧性的玩具时,你应该看到你能在建筑玩具中发现的东西。建筑玩具对于孩子具有一定的挑战性,故选challenge“挑战”。defeat打败;distinguish区分,分辨;connect联系,连接。]

  38.B [你应该看到你能在建筑玩具中发现的东西。be supposed to应该,符合题意。be forced to被迫;be permitted to被允许;be warned to被警告。]

  39.C [当你可能不能立刻找到你正在寻找的东西的时候,你可以看看在欧洲被提供的创新玩具。while当……时候,引导时间状语从句。unless除非;until直到……为止;although尽管,引导让步状语从句。]

  40.A [环顾一下四周,别让那些有价值的成长岁月悄然流逝。根据句意在孩子成长过程中,给他们建筑玩具,培养他们的创造性非常重要,也很有价值,故选valuable“有价值的”。flexible灵活的;controversial有争议的;miserable悲惨的,痛苦的。]



  There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people      to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you     is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you      others. Because while there will be times      outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely     . The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are     . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision      anyway.

  You were      with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and      the appropriate action, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own     .

  Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of      a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the      necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to      on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being      to Wall Street, I intended to suppose that my more senior      knew more than I did, and so I      too much significance to their opinions.

  You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in     . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by      and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to      this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to      and to life.

  【小题1】 A.easy B.ready C.unwilling D.hard

  【小题2】 A.lead B.lend C.take D.earn

  【小题3】 A.look at B.pick up C.turn to D.learn from

  【小题4】 A.that B.since C.when D.while

  【小题5】 A.useless B.useful C.priceless D.clever

  【小题6】 A.getting B.making C.suffering D.facing

  【小题7】 A.on one hand B.on your own C.on the whole D.on all sides

  【小题8】 A.born B.tired C.satisfied D.covered

  【小题9】 A.enjoy B.step C.plan D.take

  【小题10】 A.assumption B.judgment C.condition D.fortune

  【小题11】 A.basing B.depending C.relying D.focusing

  【小题12】 A.research B.search

  C.resources D.activity

  【小题13】 A.poverty B.laziness C.richness D.diligence

  【小题14】 A.used B.accustomed C.new D.old

  【小题15】 A.students B.brothers C.colleagues D.classmates

  【小题16】 A.owed B.paid C.gave D.held

  【小题17】 A.disaster B.progress C.failure D.success

  【小题18】 A.either B.another C.each D.others

  【小题19】 A.think B.remember C.realize D.recall

  【小题20】 A.payment B.dreams C.happiness D.business


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