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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit _______ of them in only one day.

  A. either

  B. both

  C. all

  D. neither



  2. Not everyone agrees to my plan. Some are in favor of it while my good friend is one of _______ opposed to it.

  A. those who

  B. who

  C. those

  D. that


  3.Many young people turn to alcohol to reduce _______, though they clearly know it is not a good way to relax.

  A. fear

  B. loneliness

  C. pressure

  D. depression



  4.Mr. Bean looks from the menu to all his money with _______ until he finds something that he can afford.

  A. satisfaction

  B. curiosity

  C. preference

  D. concern



  5.If there were only one case, that could be an accident or _______, but there are three cases within the last ten months.

  A. coincidence

  B. opportunity

  C. mistake

  D. misfortune



  6.Remaining seated for too long is bad for your health, _______ how much exercise you do.

  A. in terms of

  B. regardless of

  C. in favour of

  D. by means of


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:坐得太久对身体有害,不管你做多少运动。in terms of就……而言;regardless of不管,不顾;in favour of赞同;by means of通过……方法。

  7.China is experiencing a slow GDP growth. _______, the government has in recent years taken a series of measures to deal with it.

  A. In response

  B. In turn

  C. In return

  D. In advance


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:中国GDP增长缓慢。作为回应,政府最近几年采取了一系列的措施来应对这种情况。in response作为回应;in turn反过来;in return作为回报;in advance提前。

  8.Besides his own work, the class master does everything he can do for the class, hoping his efforts will not be _______ in the end.

  A. in force

  B. in effect

  C. in need

  D. in vain


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:除了本职工作外,那位班主任为这个班级做了他能做的所有的事情。他希望他的努力最终不会白费。in vain“徒劳,白费力气”符合句意。

  9.The man’s adaptability makes him different from many people. He’s _______ in new or unusual situations.

  A. acceptable

  B. respectable

  C. reliable

  D. flexible


  10.All the students think the new English teacher is warm and _______, so they make friends with her soon.

  A. accessible

  B. available

  C. convenient

  D. responsible



  11.Domestic graduates’ capacity has increased, so now businesses no longer _______ prefer overseas graduates.

  A. blindly

  B. automatically

  C. abundantly

  D. gradually



  12.Anyone traveling overseas with a bad attitude would ruin their own country’s image, and every Chinese tourist should _______ China in a good way.

  A. respect

  B. represent

  C. describe

  D. support



  13.I’m afraid we can’t finish the task as scheduled. Can we ask the boss to have the deadline _______?

  A. expanded

  B. confirmed

  C. extended

  D. stretched


  【解析】考查动词。句意:我担心我们无法如期完成任务了。我们能不能请老板把截止日期延长一些呢? expand扩大;confirm确认;extend延长(期限等);stretch伸展。

  14.When I arrived, I called her, but only her friend _______ at my hotel. She was ill in bed.

  A. pulled off

  B. set off

  C. turned up

  D. broke up


  15.Personally, it was his laziness rather than his intelligence that _______ the failure.

  A. resulted from

  B. led to

  C. made up for

  D. gave in to


  【解析】考查动词短语。句意:我个人认为,是他的懒惰而不是智力导致了失败。根据句意应选择lead to(导致)。result from由……引起;make up for弥补;give in to屈服于,向……让步。

  16.—Do you know grass weaving is _______ part of our cultural heritage?

  —Yes. But it’s pity that today’s young people don’t learn it anymore.

  A. the; a

  B. a; 不填

  C. 不填; a

  D. a; the


  【解析】考查冠词。句意:“你知道草编是我们文化遗产的一部分吗?”“是的(我知道)。不过遗憾的是现在的年轻人不再学它了。”be part of是习惯用法,意为:是……的一部分。It’s a (great) pity that…是固定句型,意为:(很)可惜/遗憾的是……。

  17.The firefighter devoted everything including his own life to his cause after he _______ in the army for more than ten years.

  A. served

  B. has served

  C. had served

  D. has been serving



  18.I needn’t have been in such a hurry. The flight to Hong Kong _______ due to the typhoon.

  A. has cancelled

  B. was cancelled

  C. will be canceling

  D. had cancelled


  【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。从前面“needn’t have done本不需要做,但是却做了”看,这是对过去的虚拟。由此看出,航班被取消的事情已经发生,说明过去的一种事实,用一般过去时,用被动语态是因为航班是被取消。句意:我本不需要那么着急,由于台风的原因,去香港的航班被取消了。

  19.—Large quantities of tourists pour into such a beautiful place on National Day.

  —From my point of view, it _______ be well preserved.

  A. can

  B. shall

  C. should

  D. may



  20. _______ what would happen the next day, they would have had second thoughts.

  A. Were they to know

  B. Had they known

  C. Should they know

  D. Did they know


  21. _______ time at Beijing Normal University, I’m impressed with the quality of the teachers and students.

  A. Having spent

  B. Being spent

  C. To spend

  D. Having been spent



  22. _______ with such serious haze made us fail to go to work on time in the morning.

  A. Being faced

  B. Face

  C. To face

  D. Faced


  【解析】考查非谓语动词。be faced with意为:面临,面对,此处应用v.-ing形式作主语。故答案为A项。句意:面临如此严重的雾霾,让我们早上很难准时上班。

  23.The question _______ so many people would choose to live in the countryside but to work in the city is still under discussion.

  A. why

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which



  24.The Chinese government will do _______ it takes to get the criminals hiding abroad back.

  A. whatever

  B. what

  C. whichever

  D. which


  25.I have made up my mind to achieve my goal. _______ I fail again, I will have a try.

  A. Even if

  B. In case

  C. As if

  D. Now that


  【解析】考查状语从句。句意:我已经下定决心要达成我的目标。即使我再次失败了,我也会试试看的。even if“即使”引导让步状语从句。

  26.You won’t win the game _______ you know the game rules better.

  A. when

  B. because

  C. unless

  D. since



  27.The book details the scientific theory of Karl Marx, _______ remains the head of communism.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. which

  D. whom


  【解析】考查定语从句。句意:这本书详细介绍了卡尔·马克思的科学理论,他现在仍然是共产主义的引路人。这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是Karl Marx,关系词在从句中作主语,故应用who引导。

  28.Parents are always eager for the time _______ their children should be able to be independent to handle their problems.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. as

  D. when



  29._______, everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa.

  A. Absurd as might it sound

  B. As it might sound absurd

  C. As absurd it might sound

  D. Absurd as it might sound



  30.—Challenging as the task is, I’d like to undertake it.

  —_______. After all, it’s a chance for you to promote your ability.

  A. Good for you

  B. Take it easy

  C. You bet

  D. You must be kidding



  You and I agree to meet at four-thirty. I show up at 4:33. I don’t say anything, because that’s close enough to satisfy our social ___1___. Only after five minutes do you ___2___ me to say, “sorry I’ m late.” At ten minutes I owe you an ___3___: “the free way exit was closed. I had to go four miles out of my way.” After twenty minutes I have to make a full and serious ___4___. After forty minutes I’d better not ___5___ at all.

  That sort of thing—so formally ___6___ and never explicitly stated—drives people from other cultures ___7___. Anthropologists(人类学家)list the ___8___ things to cope with in a foreign land. Second only to the language barrier is the way we deal with ___9___.

  Now psychologists look at our ___10___ of time another way. They go into several countries and measure the ___11___ of life. They measure the accuracy of bank clocks and how fast city residents walk. They time transactions(交易)in banks and post offices. They see ___12___ people take to answer questions.

  Japanese keep a ___13___ of the fastest pace. Americans are a ___14___ second. Italians and Indonesians are at the bottom of the ___15___. Italians give long answers to your questions. Indonesians don’t ___16___ setting their bank clocks .

  ___17___ American cities, Boston and Kansas City are fastest. New York is up there, of course, but we keep a faster pace here in Houston, California’s “slow -pace” reputation is ___18___, as the slowest pace of all is kept in Los Angeles.

  In a technology-dense world, the tension of life has changed our view of time. ___19___, if we are smart enough, we should not live by the clock only when we have to.

  Now it’s 4:55. I’m walking ___20___, towards our 4:30 meeting.


  1.A . contract

  B. connection

  C. construction

  D. confidence



  2.A. order

  B. intend

  C. require

  D. expect


  3.A. action

  B. announcement

  C. explanation

  D. eruption


  【解析】action行动;announcement宣布;explanation解释;eruption爆发。下文“the free way exit was closed. I had to go four miles out of my way.(高速公路被关闭了,我不得不绕道又走了四英里的路。out of one’s way离开预定的路线)”是解释的内容。如果我迟到十分钟,我就应该给你一个解释。故C正确。

  4.A. apology

  B. excuse

  C. option

  D. opinion



  5.A. look up

  B. stay up

  C. keep up

  D. show up


  【解析】look up查找;stay up熬夜,屹立不倒;keep up保持;show up出现。如果迟到了40分钟,那么最好就不要出现了(不要赴约了)。迟到的时间已经离谱了,这是对别人的极大不尊重。故D正确。


  6.A . observed

  B. introduced

  C. impressed

  D. imitated



  7.A. immoral

  B. unaware

  C. crazy

  D. thrilled



  8.A. fastest

  B. toughest

  C. strangest

  D. funniest


  9.A . study

  B. time

  C. budget

  D. transport



  10.A. view

  B. comment

  C. consequence

  D. phenomenon



  11.A. rhyme

  B .pace

  C. ratio

  D. session


  【解析】名词rhyme节奏;pace速度,步伐;ratio比率,系数;session会议,学期;短语the pace of life生活节奏。心理学家们去了好几个国家了解他们不同的生活节奏。与ACD三项名词的含义无关。

  12.A. how often

  B. how far

  C. how soon

  D. how long


  【解析】how often是对频率的提问,how far是对距离的提问;how soon是对将来时的提问,how long是对时间长短的提问。心理学家还观察人们回答问题所需时间的长短。故D正确。

  13.A . tradition

  B. note

  C. record

  D. secret


  【解析】tradition传统;note笔记;record记录;secret秘密;名词短语keep a record of保持……的记录。前一段中心理学家研究了不同国家的生活节奏,日本人保持着最快的生活节奏的记录。故C正确。

  14.A. narrow

  B. shallow

  C. close

  D. severe




  B. address

  C. reference

  D. list


  16.A. take over

  B. care about

  C . reply to

  D . answer for


  【解析】take over接管;care about关心,在意;reply to回复;answer for对……负责。意大利人回答问题需要很长时间,印度尼西亚人根本不在意时间。这和意大利和印度尼西亚在名单的最后相一致。故B正确。

  17.A. Off

  B. Among

  C . Despite

  D. Besides


  【解析】根据Boston and Kansas City are fastest. New York is up there ,of course可知这些都是美国的城市,所以使用among在……中;句意:在美国的城市中,波士顿和堪萨斯城是节奏最快的。故B正确。

  18.A. ruined

  B. accomplished

  C. erased

  D. deserved


  【解析】ruin毁掉;摧毁;accomplish完成;实现;erase擦去;deserve应该得到。根据后半句as the slowest pace of all is kept in Los Angeles.洛杉矶是节奏最慢的美国城市,而洛杉矶位于加利福尼亚州,所以加利福尼亚州的慢节奏的名声是应得的(名副其实)。故D正确。

  19.A. However

  B. Therefore

  C. Thus

  D. Rather



  20.A. consistently

  B. unconsciously

  C. unhurriedly

  D. anxiously




  If You Get In, Make College Count

  As tuition costs rise, with post-undergraduate (本科毕业后) jobs difficult to find, is higher education worth the cost?

  Here is an unfortunate truth: For far too many incoming freshmen, college-any college-is not worth it. Year after year, students fail to get the full value of their tuition.

  Many critics blame this cost/value problem on the universities, though each critic might point to a different reason: teachers always think of difficult research, the high costs of athletics, or the popularity of majors that are supposedly not suited to the new job market, to name some of their favorites.

  But these are symptoms and not the illness itself. In our experience, the source of the wasted university experience begins with the student. Too often, students make bad choices or, frankly, just not enough great choices.

  Too often we meet students who are so exhausted by the business of getting into college that they don’t work hard once they arrive-one of the most common wastes of time and tuition. A poorly constructed transcript (成绩单) can be destructive to a student’s education. Failure to engage and build professional working relationships with professors in office hours (which may lead to continued study, internships and more) also hurts the student’s experience.

  Another mistake is failing to make use of the many support networks on today’s college campuses. It’s almost embarrassing how many good offerings are rolled into each tuition dollar, but most students don’t know they exist.

  Another common point of failure is filling the schedule with too many extracurricular activities as students once did in high school, rather than getting intensely involved in one or two at most. The same can be said of overburdened course loads.

  The final great failure we frequently see is the approach students (and their parents) take to selecting a major and accurately seeing its impact on a future career. University systems are not vocational schools. While critics nowadays complain about the attraction of useless majors – and some do exist – more frequently we see too many students pursue a course of study that is not their strength, simply because it seems to have obvious connections to a potential job after graduation.

  Rather than perform poorly in a “practical” major and be of little interest as a future job candidate, we say it is better to major in a subject where a student would do well and master the tools of communication and analysis. Students who choose a unique major should complement (使更具有吸引力) that with some well-chosen skill courses, internships and other co-curricular activities that help them with career opportunities after college.

  So, is college worth it? It can be. Studies show that college graduates have many advantages – material, social and emotional – that can lead to greater success later in life.

  To get the full value out of college, students must be as diligent and creative about getting out of college as they were about getting in. After all, the most beautiful, Olympic saltwater pool does you no good if you don’t know how to swim.

  Introduction Students in college are (1)


  to get the full value of the constantly rising tuition. Critics hold that the universities are responsible for the problem, but actually it is students themselves that are to (2)




  mistakes ● Students tend to stop working hard after (3)


  to college.

  ● Students fail to take advantage of the (4)


  that colleges provide.



  in too many extracurricular activities makes students overburdened with course loads

  ● Students can’t adopt a correct (6)


  to select a major and accurately see its future potential.

  Author’s advice ● Take personal (7)


  and interests into account.

  ● Learn the skills of communication and analysis.

  ● Choose some skill courses, internships and other co-curricular activities to (8)


  future career chances.

  ● Most importantly, diligence and creativity (9)





  Students, and only students themselves, can get the best out of college, as long as they learn the skills to swim in the beautiful pool of college.


  【解析】信息转换题。根据短文第一段及第二段“students fail to get the full value of their tuition.”可知,大学生并不能获得他们所付学费的全部价值。应填unable / unlikely。


  【解析】信息概括题。根据短文第三段“In our experience, the source of the wasted university experience begins with the student.”可知,实际上学生才是应该被谴责的对象,blame责备。



  【解析】信息概括题。根据“they don’t work hard once they arrive-one of the most common wastes of time and tuition.”可知一些大学生没能很好地利用学校提供的资源。


  【解析】信息概括题。根据“Another common point of failure is filling the schedule with too many extracurricular activities”可知一些学生参加各种课外活动,把战线拉得太长。


  【解析】信息转换题。根据“The final great failure we frequently see is the approach students (and their parents) take to selecting a major and accurately seeing its impact on a future career.”可知学生不能采取正确的方法选择一门主修课程,准确地看到将来的潜能。


  【解析】信息概括题。根据“more frequently we see too many students pursue a course of study that is not their strength, … Rather than perform poorly in a “practical” major and be of little interest as a future job candidate,”可知此处指的是要考虑自己的兴趣和优势。


  【解析】信息概括题。根据“Students who choose a unique major should complement (使更具有吸引力) that with some well-chosen skill courses, internships and other co-curricular activities that help with career opportunities after college.”可知此处指的是选择一些技能课程来增加自己在职业上的机会。应填increase/ boost增加/推动。





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