2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修1 Unit 4《Earthquakes》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修1 Unit 4《Earthquakes》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4 Earthquakes


  Part A



  Scientists at UC Berkeley released a video showing an earthquake early-warning system that sent an alert before the magnitude-6.0 Napa earthquake on Sunday morning.

  Officials said the system provided an alert 10 seconds before the quake was felt.

  California is working to complete a statewide system,which could be completed in the next few years.

  Once fully developed,the system could give downtown Los Angeles 40 to 50 seconds of warning that the “Big One” was headed from the San Andreas fault,giving time for elevators to stop at the next floor and open up,firefighters to open up garage doors,high-speed trains to slow down to avoid derailment and surgeons to take the scalpel(手术刀) out of a patient.

  A lack of funds,however,has slowed the system’s progress.

  The system works because while earthquakes travel at the speed of sound,sensors that initially detect the shaking near the epicenter of a quake can send a message faster—at the speed of light—to warn residents farther away that the quake is coming.

  Rep.Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) said the successful test showed the need for the system.

  “While this was not the ‘big one’,we need to be prepared to save lives and protect vital infrastructure(基础设施)—even a few seconds of warning will allow people to seek cover,automatically slow or stop trains,pause surgeries and more,” he said in a statement.

  1.It will take a few years to finish the statewide earthquake early-warning system because . 

  A.it’s a hard work B.there’s no enough money

  C.it’s a large system D.there’s no enough workers

  2.Which can be inferred from the passage?

  A.The system can send an alert before an earthquake starts.

  B.The system works based on the difference of the speed between sound and light.

  C.Even warning a few seconds ahead can give time to save many lives and vital infrastructure.

  D.After the system is completed,people will not be afraid of earthquakes in California.

  3.The word “while” in the last paragraph means . 

  A.though B.however

  C.and D.because


  1.B 细节理解题。根据第五段“A lack of funds,however,has slowed the system’s progress.”可知,由于资金不足,该系统的建设进度较为缓慢。

  2.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“...even a few seconds of warning will allow people to seek cover...”可知,C项正确。

  3.A 词义推测题。根据最后一段while所引导的分句和主句意思可判断,前后为转折关系,意思是“虽然……但是……”,故选A项。


  Dear Editor,

  I shared a hotel life with my 20-year-old stepson,a sophomore(大二学生) in college.I couldn’t resist reading the texts on his phone,which he left in the bathroom,and guessed that he and his friends were cheating on tests.I want to tell my husband,but if we confront(面对) him,my stepson will know I was checking his phone.Knowing I violated that trust will worsen an already weak relationship.Yet I find cheating wrong.What should I do?


  I’m glad you’ve taken such a hard-line(强硬的) attitude to your stepson’s cheating.I mean,what if he grows up to be the kind of person who reads other people’s private text messages without their permission?

  You should not have been looking at this kid’s phone.But you can’t unlearn whatever you’ve learned.You should first tell him that you read his text messages.You should also inform him of the cheating.But you need to start from the position that you’re equally guilty.

  Dear Editor,

  While taking out the recycling,I happened to look into our neighbor’s window.I saw a gun on the dining room table in the middle of a group of guys.The house is currently inhabited by the owner’s college-age son and his friends.I know that it’s legal to possess such weapons.But I’m uncomfortable with our two children living so close to this situation.What should I do?


  This question is similar to the previous one except for one key difference that changes everything:intent.So what you’re essentially asking is this:“Is it OK to mention something to someone who might care,even if it’s not your business?” The answer is yes.There’s nothing wrong about having a dialogue about a subject that’s potentially meaningful.

  1.What’s the problem with Helen?

  A.She had a difficult relationship with her stepson.

  B.She was caught reading her stepson’s texts.

  C.She wondered whether to let a secret out.

  D.She didn’t know how to face her stepson.

  2.What does the editor think of Helen’s action?

  A.It’s shameful. B.It’s reasonable.

  C.It’s forgivable. D.It’s accidental.

  3.Both the two letters’ writers. 

  A.did something wrong deliberately

  B.turned a blind eye to what they saw

  C.tried to accept the editor’s advice at last

  D.found something might go wrong

  4.The editor advises Bob to. 

  A.mind his own business

  B.have a talk with his neighbor

  C.ask his neighbor to get a gun permit

  D.remind the young to keep off his children


  1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,Helen看过继子手机上的短信,知道他跟他的朋友考试作弊。因此她不知道是否该说出这个秘密。故选C项。

  2.A 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“But you need to start from the position that you’re equally guilty.”可知,编辑认为Helen的行为是可耻的。故选A项。

  3.D 推理判断题。根据两位作者给编辑所写的信可知,第一封信的作者介绍她看到继子的手机短信而得知他和朋友考试作弊的事情;第二封信的作者介绍他无意中看到邻居的桌上有一把枪。由此可推断,两封信的作者都觉得可能会有问题。故选D项。

  4.B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“There’s nothing wrong about having a dialogue about a subject that’s potentially meaningful.”可知,编辑建议Bob跟邻居好好谈谈。故选B项。


  A Frenchman went to a small Italian town 1. stayed with his wife at the best hotel there.One night,he went out for a walk alone.It was late and the small street was dark and quiet.Suddenly he 2.(feel) someone behind him.He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him.The man was nearly 3. of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was 4.(go).He thought that 5. must be the Italian who had taken his watch.He decided 6.(follow) him and get back the watch.Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian.7. of them understood the other’s language.The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) while 8.(point) at the Italian’s watch.In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.When he returned to the hotel,the Frenchman told his wife 9. had happened.He was 10.(great) surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian’s. 




  3.out。out of sight意为“消失在视野中”。



  6.to follow。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。


  8.pointing。while doing表示“同时做……”,此句型省略了主语和be动词。逻辑主语the Frenchman与动词point之间为主动关系,故填pointing。



  Part B


  I have lived in India for years,and recently was traveling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work.Arriving at the airport early,I was  1  to hang out to kill the time.I wandered around  2  for a while.Without much else to do,I decided to  3  the gift shop nearby.As I walked around the store,two American women having a nap outside placed themselves directly in my line of  4 .It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours,and I felt it necessary to do something to help  5  their long wait. 

  I looked around the store for a few moments,and  6  purchasing a medium-sized lovely toy.I asked the owner of the shop for a  7  and a pen and wrote,“When you get up if this makes you smile,it would mean the world to me.Have a good trip and a(n)  8  experience.” 

  I walked  9  towards the two women and placed the toy and the note next to them.Not wanting to  10  them,I tried to be as slow as possible,but in my  11  to flee the scene,one of them woke up and  12  me in the act.She looked at me with  13  at first.Maybe she thinks I’m a thief!But when she noticed the soft toy and the note,she brightened up, 14  this was the best thing anyone had ever done for her.“Is this for me?” she  15 .I gave her a huge smile and  16 . 

  She was  17  for me and my act!For a minute,it didn’t feel like we were  18  anymore.I shook hands with her,and her smile  19  my day.I walked away with  20  but her gratitude,and came to feel that,even though we were from different places,we were friends. 

  1.A.ordered B.required

  C.invited D.advised

  2.A.hopefully B.excitedly

  C.aimlessly D.cautiously

  3.A.enter B.describe

  C.leave D.buy

  4.A.mind B.sight

  C.head D.heart

  5.A.ease B.rid

  C.escape D.jump

  6.A.dreamt of B.approved of

  C.ended up D.gave up

  7.A.book B.note

  C.newspaper D.card

  8.A.terrible B.forgettable

  C.enjoyable D.boring

  9.A.quickly B.quietly

  C.heavily D.anxiously

  10.A.warn B.remind

  C.trouble D.wake

  11.A.attempt B.curiosity

  C.patience D.adventure

  12.A.attracted B.caught

  C.forgave D.thanked

  13.A.gratitude B.kindness

  C.puzzle D.satisfaction

  14.A.even if B.so that

  C.in case D.as if

  15.A.predicted B.worried

  C.answered D.guessed

  16.A.questioned B.shook

  C.nodded D.suspected

  17.A.surprised B.grateful

  C.doubtful D.proud

  18.A.friends B.strangers

  C.enemies D.companies

  19.A.affected B.changed

  C.enriched D.made

  20.A.anything B.something

  C.everything D.nothing


  1.D 根据上文可知“我”到达机场特别早,因此别人建议“我”逛逛周围的商店来打发时间。

  2.C “我”仅仅是为了打发时间,因此“我”的闲逛是毫无目的的。aimlessly“漫无目的地”。

  3.A 由于没有什么其他的事情要做,“我”决定进入附近的一家礼品店逛逛。enter“进入”。

  4.B 根据下文“It looked as if they...”可知,此处指两个正在打盹的美国女人映入了“我”的眼帘。in my line of sight“出现在我的视线中”。

  5.A 根据语境可知,此时“我”感到有必要做点什么来缓解她们的长期等待。ease“减轻,缓和,放松”。

  6.C 此处指“我”逛了一会商店最后买了一个玩具。end up“(以……)结束”。

  7.B 根据下文中的“placed the toy and the note next to them”可知“我”向商店的老板要了便条。

  8.C 根据“Have a good trip”可知“我”祝她们旅途愉快。enjoyable“愉快的,快乐的”。

  9.B 联系下文“我”尽可能放慢脚步可知,只有B项quietly“悄悄地”符合语境。

  10.D 根据下文的“but in my  11  to flee the scene,one of them woke up”可知,“我”这样做的目的是不想把她们吵醒。 

  11.A 在“我”把玩具和纸条放过去后打算离开的时候,其中一人醒了。attempt“尝试”。

  12.B 在“我”打算离开的时候,其中一人醒了,看到了这一幕。catch在此处意为“发现”,符合语境。

  13.C 根据下文中的“Maybe she thinks I’m a thief!”可知,她一开始不知道“我”的意图,因此看着“我”的神情应该是充满困惑。

  14.D 结合空前的“she brightened up”以及空后的“the best thing anyone had ever done for her”可知,此处意为她消除困惑,高兴起来,似乎这是别人对她做过的最好的事情。as if“好像”,符合语境。

  15.D 根据上文“Is this for me?”可知她在猜测。

  16.C 根据上文可知这个玩具是送给她的,因此“我”点了点头。nod“点头”。

  17.B “我”做了一件好事,因此那位美国人对“我”的行为表示感激。be grateful for“为……而感谢”。

  18.B 此处是“我”的感想:那一瞬间,我们不再是陌生人了。

  19.D “我”同她握了握手,她的笑容使“我”高兴起来。make one’s day“使某人开心”,为固定搭配。

  20.D 之后“我”带着她的感激之情离开了。nothing but“除……之外什么也没有”。


  For many people,a special sale is just too attractive to walk away from. 1  But with sales items,how can you be sure you’re really getting a good deal?If you understand some sales tricks,you will be able to make smart choices. 

  Some tricks have been used by shopkeepers for ages. 2  For example,if an item is US $11.9 instead of US $12.00,you’ll feel like you’re spending less money. 

  Sellers sometimes reduce items by a certain amount. 3  That means that even with the discount,you may pay more than the original price. 

  Shopkeepers clearly understand what makes you want to buy their products.But with a little preparation,you can avoid being cheated.

  Tips for shoppers

  Always compare prices before buying anything.

  4  The more focused you are,the easier it is to make wise decisions. 

  Don’t shop when you are hungry.Studies show that you’ll usually buy more than you originally planned.

  5  First ask yourself:Do I have the money to buy it?Will I use it?If not,walk away,but if so,go for it!That way you’ll still feel good after you take your item home. 


  A.Know what you’re looking for.

  B.Watch for “Buy one,get one free” sales.

  C.And that makes shop owners very happy!

  D.One of the oldest is to make prices end in 99.

  E.Don’t buy something just because it’s on sale.

  F.Check for sales ads in the newspaper or online.

  G.But before the sale begins,sellers might mark the prices higher.


  1.C 上文提到促销活动能够吸引人们,C项“这使得店主们很开心”承接上文,符合语境。

  2.D 上一句说“有些销售策略已经使用了好多年”,结合空格后所举的例子可知,这里是说“其中最古老的销售策略之一是价格以99结尾”。D项承上启下,为正确选项。

  3.G 由空后的“That means that”可知,此处应与下一句意思一致,故G项“在销售之前商人把价格标得很高”符合语境。

  4.A 根据下文中的“make wise decisions”可知,本段讲在购买之前你要明确自己要买的是什么。A项符合语境。

  5.E 根据下文“First ask yourself:Do I have the money to buy it?Will I use it?If not,walk away...”可知,本段讲的是要量入为出、按需消费,E项“不要盲目购买促销商品”提示下文,符合语境。


  This term our school has offer more than ten optional courses with which students can choose.The courses are given from 4∶00 to 5∶30 every Thursday afternoon.Students show interest in optional courses.Their favorite are computers,speaking English,arts and so on.They say they have learned a lot about that is not taught in text books and they have got a great deal of practice.Therefore,students are not quite satisfied.They hope that more optional courses will be offered or the homework will be less.They suggest more trips and visits should organized so that they can learn more about what’s going on inside school.



  2.第1句:with→from。固定搭配choose from意为“从……中选择”。



  5.第4句:speaking→spoken。“英语口语”应为spoken English。




  9.第8句:在organized前加be。trips and visits与organize是被动关系,应用被动语态。

  10.第8句:inside→outside。根据常识判断,trips and visits是在校外举办的活动。


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