2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》核心语法项项破综合提能特训:专题9 情态动词和虚拟语气(新人教版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》核心语法项项破综合提能特训:专题9 情态动词和虚拟语气(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第二部分 专题九


  Dear John,

  I'm Li Hua, an exchange student who studied in your school for six months 3 years ago.

  I'm very grateful for your generosity when studying in the U.S. At first, I had much trouble in communicating with local students.How I wished that 1._____________ (我能自由地表达自我).Only then did I realize it was high time that I 2._______________(学好英语).Luckily, you helped me a lot.Personally, but for your help, 3.______________(我的英语口语不可能提高得那么快).At that time, you often suggested that 4._______________(我充分利用各种机会练习说英语).Had I not followed your advice, 5.________________(我就不能那么快适应那里的生活).

  By the way, do you know how is everything going with Mr.Smith? I failed to contact with him after I left America.I would appreciate it 6._________________ (如果你能给我他的电子邮件或电话号码).I remember that you are very interested in Chinese culture, aren't you? If you are free this winter holiday, how I wish 7._________________(你能在春节来中国体验中国文化).I'm sure it will be an unforgettable trip.I would be very happy 8._________________(如果你能接受我的邀请).

  Looking forward to hearing from you.


  Li Hua


  1.I could express myself freely

  2.I studied/should study English well

  3.my spoken English couldn't have improved so quickly

  4.I should make full use of all kinds of chances to practice speaking English

  5.I couldn't have adapted to the life so quickly there

  6.if you could offer me his e­mail address or telephone number

  7.you could come to China during the Spring Festival to experience Chinese culture

  8.if you could accept my invitation



  Generally, we prefer to do things the way we considered to be the best.However, it is important to listen to those who love us and want to give us an advice when we have serious problems in our lives.Parents have gained some life experiences and they know what to act in different situations.That's why we should ask them for help first when they have problems.Therefore, there are moments when we avoid them and don't want to follow them.With time passed, my brother as well as I have realized that our parents are right.Please turn for your parents when in trouble, for they worth trusting and ready to offer help all the time.


  Generally, we prefer to do things the way we

  to be the best.However, it is important to listen to those who love us and want to give us an advice when we have serious problems in our lives.Parents have gained some life

  and they know

  to act in different situations.That's why we should ask them for help first when

  have problems., there are moments when we avoid them and don't want to follow them.With time , my brother as well as I

  realized that our parents are right.Please turn

  your parents when in trouble, for they worth trusting and ready to offer help all the time.


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