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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第 一 卷




  1. How did the man feel?

  A. He hated to lose face.

  B. He was worried about the woman.

  C. He was not angry.

  2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Manger and clerk.

  B. Director and secretary.

  C. Professor and student.

  3. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

  A. At school.

  B. In a church.

  C. At home.

  4. Which aspect of the film does the woman like?

  A. The plot.

  B. The music.

  C. The dialogue.

  5. What can we learn from this conversation?

  A. The woman does not get along well with the man.

  B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate.

  C. The man will talk with the woman’s roommate.




  6. Where did they go in the morning?

  A. They went to the seaside.

  B. They went to the mountains.

  C. They went to the fields.

  7. Why did they decide to go back?


  Because it was getting late.


  Because there was going to be a storm.


  Because it will be very cold.


  8. Which train will take the woman to the zoo?

  A. The train on platform1, line3.

  B. The train on platform6, line 1.

  C. The train on platform6, line3.

  9. Whom is the woman talking to?

  A. A tourist.

  B. A train passenger.

  C. A ticket seller.


  10. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

  A. At home.


  In an office.

  C. In a classroom.

  11. How many cities in China have banned smoking in public places?

  A. 20.

  B. 26.

  C. 60.

  12. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. There are more active smokers in China than passive smokers.

  B. In developed countries, 16million people die every year from smoking.

  C. Because China is a developing country, we should cut expenses on medical care.


  13. What is the conversation about?

  A. A computer sale.

  B. A job interview.

  C. An Internet meeting.

  14. How long has the man worked in the former company according to this conversation?

  A Five years.

  B. More than five years.

  C. Not mentioned.

  15. What does the man think Java is?

  A. A kind of drink.

  B. A Web page program.

  C. A computer game.

  16. What can we learn from this conversation?

  A. The woman will offer him the job.

  B. The man is very clever at answering questions.

  C. The woman will not contact him for further consideration.


  17. For whom is the speaker most probably writing this text?

  A. Working women who have no time for cooking.


  B. Restaurant managers who serve working women.

  C. Working women traveling by themselves.

  18. What does the speaker suggest working women with families do?

  A. Attend cooking lessons with your family.

  B. Prepare simple meals for your family before a trip.

  C. Help your family to learn to prepare food for themselves.

  19. Why is lightweight luggage important for traveling businesswomen?

  A. It provides space for dirty clothes.

  B. It enables them to travel easily.

  C. It can be easily folded when packed.

  20. What is the main idea of this text?

  A. Business trips are more difficult for women than for men.

  B. More women are finding the road to success in American business.

  C. Good business trips result from careful preparation before the trip.





  21. Don’t worry too much about making ______ mistakes. They are______ natural part of learning.

  A. /: a

  B. the;/

  C. /; the

  D. the; the

  22. When I came in, I found Lucy ______by the window ______ to music.

  A. seated; listening

  B. seated; listened

  C. seating; listened

  D. seating; listening.

  23. —However busy he is, he will _____ some time for exercise every day.

  — No wonder he is always so energetic.

  A.put away

  B.turn out

  C.bring in

  D.set aside

  24. The Super Girl Wang Bei’s death highlights the fact______ cosmetic surgery has become one of China’s biggest beauty secrets.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. what

  D. which

  25. It is required that students______mobile phones in their school, so seldom ______ them using one

  A. not use; will you see

  B. should not use: you will see

  C. mustn’t use; will you see

  D. not use ; you will see.

  26. The cost of renting a house in a city is higher than______in a town.

  A. that

  B. this

  C. it

  D. one

  27. ---- Are you still very busy?

  ---- Yes, I ______the report for the manager and it won’t take long.

  A. have just finished

  B. am just finishing

  C. had just finished

  D. am just going to finish

  28. You ______ never be too careful while driving.

  A. will

  B. should

  C. can

  D. shall.

  29. The island is______ attractive in Spring and Autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.

  A. partly

  B. merely

  C. neatly

  D. equally

  30. Tom was about to close the window ______ his attention was caught by a bird.

  A. when

  B. if

  C. and

  D. till

  31. After a new reform, the number of the products in the factory is now ________ it was in 2003.

  A. three times as larger as

  B. more than three times

  C. twice as large as

  D. as twice large as

  32. Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard, ______, you failed.

  A. in other words

  B. in the end

  C. after all

  D. at the same time

  33. Although the used car seems in good ____________,it cannot run too fast.

  A. state

  B. situation

  C. occasion

  D. condition

  34. I have reached a point in my life ______ I should make decisions of my own.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. how

  D. why

  35. -----They say Tom’s brother is a billionaire.

  ----______? He wouldn’t accept any help from his brother, even though it was offered.

  A. What if

  B. What for

  C. So what

  D. Forget it




  Not long ago I wasn’t doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and negative thinking. While on the


  , I met many new friends, but one in particular


  . His nickname is Colorful Day and we


  on the Web. He told me he lost his


  at age 15, and felt the whole world had closed its door to him.

  He was


  so fast that I couldn’t believe he was blind! But he continued to


  , “Five years ago, I realized it was time to change my life. I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and


  . So I developed a website about her life


  mine called Three Days to See.”

  I visited his website which was well


  and vividly presented.

  I asked, “How did you


  to build such a website?” he said, “Owing to the new technology, I can use software specially


  for the blind.


  I point the cursor(光标), it will just read it out to me. We can do far more things and


  more information than we could before.”

  I then asked, “Didn’t you have great difficulty with it?”

  He hesitated and then began his


  with a smiling face, “Yes, but I have faith in myself to


  my colorful day, and modern technology gives me this medium and


  to do it.”



  attitude towards life made me believe that our fate offers not the cup of despair, 53

  the chalice (大杯) of opportunity, I returned to my lessons, and this time with a smile on my face and with


  of a colorful future.

  The Internet, which opened to me to


  different lives and cultures, has a charm you couldn’t find in another wise non-virtual world.

  36. A. Internet B. stage C. street D. farm

  37. A. turns out B. stands out C. comes out D. looks out

  38. A. argued B. interviewed C. told D. chatted

  39. A. eyesight B. hearing C. hands D. legs

  40. A. speaking B. typing C. saying D. spelling

  41. A. follow B. read C. write D. copy

  42. A. friendship B. marriage C. happiness D. hardships

  43. A. as well as B. as good as C. as much as D. as long as

  44. A. helped B. produced C. taken D. found

  45. A. try B. come C. work D. manage

  46. A. designed B. placed C. planned D. imagined

  47. A. Weather B. However C. Whatever D. wherever

  48. A. send B. get C. communicate D. exchange

  49. A. lessons B. speeches C. words D. opinions

  50. A. create B. produce C. recognize D. organize

  51. A. time B. night C. opportunity D. advice

  52. A. hopeful B. disappointed C. pleasant D. positive

  53. A. but B. and C. so

  D. then

  54. A. suggestions B. expectations C. anxieties D. apologies

  55. A. touch B. feel C. experience D. suffer





  What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?

  Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice-cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cream ?as well as for developingi over 75 flavors (味道).

  Some people think that it would be easy to do this job: after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No — there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a career in this “cool” field.

  In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12℉. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir it, creating ice-cream soup.?

  While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself, “Does the product have the color expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!

  Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors, and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy — working at one cool job.

  56. What is John Harrison’s job?

  A. An official.

  B. An ice-cream taster.

  C. A chemist.

  D. An ice-cream manufacturer.

  57. According to John Harrison, to be qualified in the “cool field”, it is helpful to ______.

  A. keep a diary of work

  B. have new ideas every day

  C. have a degree in related subjects

  D. find out new flavors each day

  58. What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?

  A. He examines the color of the ice cream.

  B. He stirs the ice cream.

  C. He tastes the flavor of the ice cream.

  D. He lets the ice cream warm up.

  59. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

  A. Tasting with Eyes

  B. Flavors of Ice Cream

  C. John Harrison’s Life

  D. One Cool Job


  It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.

  One morning, in addition to his usual lunch bag, Molly handed him a second paper bag. This one was worn and held together with staples (订书钉) 。

  “Why two bags?” her father asked. “The other is something else,” Molly answered. “What’s in it?” “Just some stuff. Take it with you.”

  Not wanting to discuss the matter, he put both bags into his briefcase, kissed Molly and rushed off. At midday he opened Molly’s bag and took out the contents: two hair ribbons(丝带), three small stones, a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell, a small doll, and 13 pennies… The busy father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly’s stuff included.

  That evening, Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper. “Where’s my bag?” “What bag?” “The one I gave you this morning.” “I left it at the office. Why?” “I forgot to put this note in it,” she said. “And, besides, Daddy, the things in the sack are the things I really like — I thought you might like to play with them. You didn’t lose the bag, did you, Daddy?” “Oh, no,” he said, lying. “I just forgot to bring it home. I’ll bring it tomorrow.” While Molly hugged her father’s neck, he unfolded the note that read: “I love you, Daddy.” Molly had given him her treasures — all that a 7-year-old held dear.

  Love in a paper bag, and he missed it ?not ondly missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket. So back he went to the office. Just ahead of the night janitor(看门人), he picked up the wastebasket. He put the treasures inside and carried it home carefully. The bag didn’t look so good, but the stuff was all there and that’s what counted.

  After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack. It took a long time to tell. Everything had a story or a memory.

  “Sometimes I think of all the great times in this sweet life,” he thought.

  We should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life, but the journey. That journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.

  60. Why did Molly give her father a second bag?

  A. She didn’t want to keep the things in the bag.

  B. She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.

  C. She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.

  D. She enjoyed playing with her father.

  61. How did father deal with the bag after he opened it?

  A. He kept it in the drawer.

  B. He took it back home.

  C. He threw it into the wastebasket.

  D. He put it on his table.

  62. After father heard what his daughter said, he felt_____.

  A. regretful

  B. surprised

  C. sad

  D. satisfied

  63. Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?

  A. An important journey

  B. Two bags

  C. Father and daughter

  D. Love in a paper bag


  What’s in the news? Here are some articles from the Winfield Daily News.

  Engaged to be married

  Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Silva of Bogota, Colombia, are happy to announce that engagement of their daughter Cristina Ana Silva to Gino Antonio Leone. Miss Silva is studying art history at Winfield Community College and Mr. Leone is working at the Roma Restaurant. The wedding will take place at St. Mark’s Church in Winfield on October 5th. The reception(接待) will be at the Roma.

  Black History Month

  Winfield Public Library is please to announce a special program to celebrate Black History Month. The well-known actor Albert Eaton will perform a one-man show named MLK: His life and Times. In the show, Eaton recreates(重现) the life and times of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., through music and drama. Performances are at 3:30 and 7:30, Thursday through Saturday. Admission free. Telephone:5365400.

  Benjamins have a daughter

  Mr. and Mrs. Leon Benjamin are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Andrea Jean. She was born at Winfield Hospital on June 9 at 11:10 PM.


  High School—Parents Beat Students

  The parents’ football team beat the students 4 to 2 in a wild and exciting match yesterday at Winfield Stadium. It was the first win for the parents since the yearly event started five years ago. Adela Logan led the parents to victory with three goals. Her son, Bob Logan, scored the only two goals for the losing team, it was both a happy and a sad day for the Logan family!

  College—Winfield Community College Senior Wins State Tournament

  Ginny Lewis took the title away from defending state tennis winner, Susan Murray, yesterday in three straight sets, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4. This was the first time a Winfield student has played in the state finals. Ginny brought home a trophy(奖杯) and a $1000 prize for her studies at college.

  64. What is the Benjiamins’ announcement about?

  A. Their engagement.

  B. A new-born Baby.

  C. Black History Month.

  D. A newly married couple.

  65. Who’s going to perform at Winfield Public Library?

  A. Albert Eaton

  B. Eduardo Silva

  C. Adela Logan

  D. Martin Luther King Jr.

  66. What do we know about the high school football game?

  A. It was held very five years.

  B. It had a parent team for the first time.

  C. The parents team won by 2 goals.

  D. The Logans were very happy after the game.

  67. Why is Ginny Lewis in the newspaper?

  A. She fought to the state final again.

  B. She lost one of the 3 sets in the game.

  C. She failed to get a college scholarship. D. She won a game against Susan Murray.


  The expression “Go for it!” is a way of encouraging someone to try something.

  “Go for it!” means you should not worry about failure or be too careful. You should take a chance, be brave, and act firmly.

  “Go for it!” gets name from football. Not football as it is played in most countries such as England, Egypt or Japan, but the kind of football played in the United States and Canada.

  One of the most exciting times in football comes when a team has failed, after three attempts, to move the ball forward ten yards. The team must make a critical decision.

  The conservative choice is to kick the ball and accept temporary defeat in order to gain a good position for your team the next time it gets the ball. The more exciting choice, however, is to try a fourth and final time to gain the remaining yards needed.

  In the nineteen eighties, people began using this expression in many kinds of situations to encourage someone to act bravely.

  There is no guarantee that the action you “Go for it!” will succeed. But that is the chance you take when you decide to go for it. You put your fears behind. You choose courage over safety. You hold your breath and go for it.

  68. The expression “Go for it!” comes from______.

  A. English football

  B. Egyptian football

  C. Japanese football

  D. American football

  69. According to the passage, when we decide to go for it, we only consider______.

  A. safety

  B. action

  C. result

  D. situation

  70. In which of the following situations should we use the expression nowadays?

  A. We decide to avoid trouble or danger for the future.

  B. We try to improve our English for better education.

  C. We need to make a quick decision at the last moment.

  D. We have to make a choice between success and failure.

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)




  Your school days should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.How can you gain the most from them, and ensure that you do not waste this wonderful opportunity to learn?

  Be positive about school! Don't say things are difficult or boring.Be interested in school life and your school subjects.Join in lots of activities.Be quick to put your hand up.Go round the school with a big smile.

  Expect to work.72.________ If you are not working, you are not learning, you are wasting your time at school.Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.

  Keep fit.If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class.If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class.Play some sports to keep your body strong.

  73._______ Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.Do not say you will do things tomorrow.If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front.You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.

  Don't be too disappointed if things sometimes go bad. 74._______ Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things.Don't let small problems seem very big and important.

  Talk about problems—sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding.Don't be too embarrassed to ask for help.You are young.No one thinks you can do everything!

  Plan your time.Don't waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning.Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practice English, or help someone with problems.There are always a lot of things to do.

  Set targets.If your last grade was a D, work for a C.Try to make progress bit by bit.


  A.Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days.

  B.Ways to have a happy school life.

  C.Do today's work today.

  D.Follow my advice, and have a happy school life!

  E.Because it means that you are enjoying school and learning more.

  F.School is not a holiday camp.

  G.You are making your time of little use unless you are learning hard.



  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  I’m a middle school student name Li Ming. I’m writing to tell you something.

  Recently I have noticed many of my classmates often go to the cyber café near our

  school. I went there too in the other day. I was surprising to see many students playing

  computer games, watching films or chat. Some students were even talking about love

  affairs online. On my opinion, the cyber cafe should be a place which we can find

  much useful informations. The Internet should be a window to the outside world rather

  than place for games. The Internet is good if we make good use of them. Otherwise, it will give us great harm. So the local government should take measures to make sure that

  students use cyber cafes positively.
















  A paper factory will be built in out city, but people hold different opinions about it .



  听力:1---5 CCACB


  11---15 BCBAA




  26---30 ABCDA



  41---45 CDABD

  46---50 ADBCA






  改错:I’m a middle school student name Li Ming. I’m writing to tell you something.


  Recently I have noticed many of my classmates often go to the cyber café near our

  school. I went there too in the other day. I was surprising to see many students playing



  computer games, watching films or chat. Some students were even talking about love


  affairs online. On my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place which we can find much



  useful informations. The Internet should be a window to the outside world rather than



  place for games. The Internet is good if we make good use of them. Otherwise, it



  will give us great harm. So the local government should take measures to make sure


  that students use cyber cafes positively.


  A paper factory will be built in out city, but people hold different opinions about it. Some agree that we should build the paper factory. If we do so, many new jobs can be created for the local people, which will surely push the development of the city’s economy. What’s more, it will bring in modern management ideas.

  On the other hand, others insist on not having it built in the city. They believe that the factory will produce loud noises, which will disturb people’s peaceful life. Besides, poisonous gases from the factory will dirty the air we breathe. Some rivers will also be polluted by the water from the factory.

  In my opinion, the paper factory can be built in out city on condition that effective measures must be taken to stop pollution.


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