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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Where is the man?

  A.In a shop.

  B.In a hotel.

  C.At home.

  2.When does the woman want to talk to the man?

  A.Next Monday.

  B.Next Tuesday.

  C.This Friday.

  3.What’s the woman worried about?

  A.Her bad health.

  B.The classes she missed. C.The difficult lessons.

  4.What do we know about the woman?

  A.She has just bought a mobile phone.

  B.She finds it pretty easy to

  the mobile phone.

  C.She often forgets to turn on the mobile phone.

  5.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The man will pay for the painting in a week.

  B.The painting is too expensive for the speakers.

  C.The woman wants the man to give her 200 dollars.




  6.What’s the number of the man’s original flight?




  7.How long will Flight CA983 take from Shanghai to New York?

  A.14 hours.

  B.16 hours.



  8.Whyat does the woman want to buy?

  A.Fishing rod.



  9.How much is the change?

  A.28 yuan.

  B.12 yuan.

  C.2 yuan.


  10.What is the relationship between the speakers?




  11.What is the woman’s opinion about practicing Chinese in daily life?

  A.It can make the speaker happier.B.It an make the language easier.

  C.It can make the language livelier.

  12.Why does the man want to find a part-time job?

  A.To practice Chinese.

  B.To make friends.C.To earn pocket money.


  13.What does the man do?

  A. A student journalist. B. A computer teacher.

  C.A lab assistant.

  14.What should we use when writing on disks according to the man?

  A.A soft pen.

  B.A ballpoint pen.

  C.A brush.

  15.How does the man advise holding the disks?

  A.Holding the center of the disks.B.Holding the disks with clean hands.

  C.Holding the disks by the edges.

  16.What does the man ask the woman to keep away from the disks?





  17.What do we know about “latchkey children”?

  A.They don’t like to go to school.B.They are very slow in study.

  C.They suffer problems from being left alone.

  18.What is not allowed according to the school rule?

  A.Carrying keys.

  B.Wearing jewelry.

  C.Wearing jeans.

  19.How do the children feel when they are at home by themselves?




  20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the talk?

  A.Latchkey children try to hide their feelings.

  B.Latchkey children often watch TV with their pets.

  C.Most parents don’t know the latchkey children’s feelings.21.Plastic surgery(整形外科) is popular all over the world,but I think it is entirely a mater of personal






  22.The young engineer was

  a gold cup because of his creative achievements

  the clevelopment of the company.





  23.The woman was sad after she lost her only son in the earthquake.Her friend helped her go through the difficult period and she finally


  A.kept up.

  B.cheered up

  C.turned up.

  D.called up.

  2.The boss of the company is as

  as a young man and ates sitting around doing nothing at all.





  25.Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster unless

  change the way we live.

  A.fundamentally. B.deliberately.

  C.unconsciously D.absurdly

  26.We have many cases where hard work as we as good communication skills have

  one’s chances of success in the past years.





  27.We can not ignore the fat that the cost of consumption articles(消费品) is the first

  as far as most ordinary people are concerned.

  A.consideration B.emergency



  .I have sent the mail of complaining the bad quality of the air conditioner I bought this summer.But no one has yet

  to my complints.





  29.If they break the areement, we’ll take

  action against them.






  he rising birth rate and immigration,the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth.

  A.In terms of

  B.In addition to C.In consequence of D.In spite of



  I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days. I`m saying this because I think I just found mine!

  I had some work in Glasgow then. I was on a really


  schedule, which meant I would have no time for myself all day. I was having one of those days, when the train was completely


  and the conversation going on around me seemed to be particularly

  33 . Besides, I had a bit of a headache.


  quickly across the station hall, I fished some


  from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit


  the Big Issue (a magazine that helps homeless folk earn a living).


  the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the hall, I saw someone selling the Big Issue. She really looked like she`d been sleeping

  38 . Her clothes were


  and she obviously hadn`t had a scrub up(擦洗) for quite a while.

  As I


  the exit, I saw that she was


  from side to side. At first I thought she was trying to keep


  against the biting wind. But she wasn`t. She was moving in time to a

  43 . I couldn't hear her , but I could see her lips moving.

  When I got closer, I saw a white


  hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes. She was

  45 ,dirty and living on

  streets. I came closer and through the


  of the traffic I could hear her


  the immortal(不朽的) line, “…And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!”.

  I bought her last magazine for twice what I’d originally

  48 . She thanked me, and


  her belongings and went tapping off along the pavement —still singing!

  So, I have my happy


  for the day, and I think it will stay with me a long,long time.

  31.A.enjoyable B.relaxing








  B.interesting C.pleasing




  C.wandering D.searching

  35.A.cigarettes B.sweets





  C.collecting D.delivering





  38.A.comfortably B.rough









  C.approached D.examined

































  49.A.picked up B.threw away C.turned out D.hid away








  Life is full of sweet surprises for Chinese pop singer Edell.

  She majored in design in a Canadian college. But when she was looking for a job after graduation, she found herself rising as a star in singing. Then she became a hostess on TV. "These are roles I never expected to take," she said.

  Edell is open to every possibility in life, not afraid to try new things. She says that every day she tries to get herself ready to take any chance that occurs in life.

  “My mom told me chance only rewards those with a prepared mind,”she said.“So I’ve tried to explore my potential talents. Thus I won’be at a loss when the right opportunity comes up.”

  Edell learned ballet in her childhood until she broke her back in practice. She then fell in love with music. Like many girls of her age, she has a rich collection of CDs. But she never dreamed of being a singer.One day she was noticed by a talent scout(星探). she gave a try and succeeded! And that’s not the end of the story.

  Once she was invited to be the hostess of the Asian MTV Awards in Thailand. Though she has never had any experience, she accepted the invitation.“At least I could make a trip to the foreign country,” he said. Upon arrival at the ceremony, she had to read through a 91-page English biography of every guest. She studied it so much that she could recite all the details in it.

  It helped her greatly. She greeted those strange faces she had never seen before and talked with them like an old friend. She did a great job. The MTV channel was so satisfied that they offered her a job as a TV hostess.

  “Try to get yourself well-prepared in life,”she said.“In the meantime, try to live your life with brains.”

  51. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Learn from Edell

  B. Try to be a singer

  C. Prepare for your chances

  D. Do learn English well

  52. The writer mentioned Edell's mother to tell us


  A. her mother had great influence on her

  B. she could do nothing without her mother

  C. all her success belonged to her mother

  D. her chances were given by her mother

  53. What does the underline word "It" refer to?

  A. Studying the English biography hard.

  B.The 91-page English biography.

  C. The ceremony of the Asian MTV Awards.

  D.The MTV channel.

  54. What is Edell's strongest character?

  A. Liking to remember things.

  B.Liking to help others.

  C. Liking to think of problems differently.

  D.Liking to try new things.


  Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops and factories are discovering the great efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunch rooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the “typical” Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life. What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality.

  Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so梒alled Americanization of France has its critics.

  They fear that “assembly條ine lifec” will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more graceful and leisurely(but less productive)old French style. What will happen, they ask, taste, elegance, and the cultivation of the good things in lifeto joy in the smell of a freshly picked apple, a stroll by the river, or just happy hours of conversation in a local café?

  Since the last 1950's life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush ,tension, and the pursuit of material gain. Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young, especially university students. They are concerned with the future, and they fear that France is threatened by the triumph of this competitive, goods-oriented culture. Occasionally, they have reacted against the trend with considerable violence.

  In spite of the critics, however, countless Frenchmen are committed to keeping France in the forefront of the modern economic world. They find that the present life brings more rewards, conveniences, and pleasures than that of the past. They believe that a modern, industrial France is preferable to the old.

  55.Which of the following is a feature of the old French way of life?A.Leisure, elegance, and efficiency.B.Elegance, efficiency, and taste.C.Leisure, elegance, and taste. D.Efficiency, taste, and convenient.

  .Which of the following is NOT true about Frenchmen?A.Many of them prefer the modern life style.B.They actually enjoy working at the assembly line.C.They are more concerned with money than before.D.They are more competitive than the old generation.

  .The passage suggests that          .A.great changes have occurred in the life style of all FrenchmenB.it's now unlikely to see a Frenchman enjoying a stroll by the riverC.the French are fed up with the smell of freshly picked applesD.in pursuing material gains the French are suffering losses elsewhere.The main idea of the passage is “          ”.A.Changes in the French Way of LifeB.Criticism of the New Life StyleC.The Americanization of FranceD.Features of the New Way of LifeC

  We've used the wind as an energy source for a long time. The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing boats were around long before that. Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind(磨碎) corn, which is where the term "windmill" comes from.

  We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a large propeller on the top. The wind blows the propellor round, which turns a generator to produce electricity. We tend to build many of these towers together, to make a "wind farm" and produce more electricity. The more towers, the more wind, and the larger the propellors, the more electricity we can make. It's only worth building wind farms in places that have strong, steady winds, although boats and caravans(大篷车)increasingly have small wind generators to help keep their batteries charged.

  The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains and gaps in mountains - places where the wind is strong and reliable. Some are offshore. To be worthwhile, you need an average wind speed of around 25 km/h. Most wind farms in the UK are in Cornwall or Wales. Isolated places such as farms may have their own wind generators. In California, several "wind farms" supply electricity to homes around Los Angeles.

  The propellors are large, to obtain energy from the largest possible volume of air. The blades can be angled to cope with varying wind speeds. Some designs use vertical turbines (垂直涡轮机), which don't need to be turned to face the wind. The towers are tall, to get the propellors as high as possible, up to where the wind is stronger. This means that the land beneath can still be used for farming.

  59. The first paragraph aims to introduce to us _______.

  A. the function of wind power

  B. the source of wind power

  C. the nations using wind power

  D. the history of using wind power

  60. The best places for building the wind farm are places where _______.

  A. boats and caravans can often be seen

  B. isolated farms don't have enough electricity

  C. there are less human activities

  D. the wind is strong and reliable

  61. We can infer from the passage that _______.

  A. wind farms will not take up too much farming land

  B. wind farms need no fuel because wind is free

  C. the blades can be angled to turn to face the wind wherever it comes from

  D. the higher and larger the towers are, the stronger the wind is

  62. What can be a suitable title for the passage?

  A. Where to build a wind farm.

  B. ABC of the using of wind energy.

  C. How to make best use of wind.

  D. Wind energy is the best energy.


  As you grow rapidly through your teenage years you will experience a lot of changes.

  The changes may seem monumental and they may seem to happen quickly.Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with this time! The changes may seem difficult and your new-found responsilbilities may seem daunting(令人畏惧的) but you’re not alone.Everyone that you’ve grown up with is going through the same things!

  With more responsibilities you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about your choices so that you can make healthy balanced decisions that will help shape your future. You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all of what you want to do. Both situations are fine!If you are diligent, the right opportunity will be ready for you.Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices. You will probably begin to want to do things independently of your family/ care-givers. Try not to shut your family out of your life and remember to be considerate even though you are older and are capable of looking after yourself.Your family have been with you since you came into this world and they will be around you when you leave this world.

  It is also perfectly natural in this time of transition to want to spend more time with your friends than your family.Choose your friends wisely. Real friends are rarer than hen’s teeth.A true friend will stand with you, whatever the circumstances are.

  This period of transition is a part of the circle of life. There are some people who will be with you throughout the life’s journey and there will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school/college can be hard. The reality is that you may not ever see all of your classmates again.Sure, there may be reunions and you will keep in touch with some of them.But the fact is you will need to leave some of them behind as you move forwards on the path that you feel is right for you.

  63.Facing the changes, some teenagers may feel frightened because


  A.they feel alone when their family and friends leave them

  B.they have no freedom to make their own choices

  C.there are usually difficult things for them to deal with

  D.they have no life plans and feel helpless

  64.The author thinks teenage stage is


  A.too hard for young students to get through

  B.a very important time for young students to break away from their parents

  C. so exciting and challenging that the young should make balanced decisions for their future

  D. a period when young students may pay little attention to their future plans

  65.In the last paragraph, the underlined words “some people” probably refer to



  B. classmates


  D. brothers

  66.Some teenagers think that leaving school can be hard because


  A. reunions with schoolmates are not within the foreseeable future

  B.they wouldn’t like to choose their careers so soon

  C.they never have ideal grades at school

  D. they are too worried about their future


  With smart phones taking the world by Storm, a phone that can only send and receive voice calls and text messages may seem like a relic from a bygone age. Yet in East Africa,simple phones like these are changing the face of the economythanks to the mobile money services that are spreading across the region.

  Using the text-messaging function built into the GSM system(全球通)used by most cell phone networksthese services allow people without a bank account or credit card to use their phone as an electronic wallet that can be used to store. send or receive cash.

  It works like this: you pay cash to your local agent who then tops up your mobile money account using a secure form of text messaging. That money can be transferred(转账)to another person by sending a message to their cell phone account

  For some the system is a lifeline. “If I didn,t have my mobile phone. I would be very poor, “says Neyasse Neemur, a mother of four children who lives in northern Kenya. “Now I can sell fish.”

  Neemur took up fishing in July last year, but making money from it was a little tricky, especially as Turkana people do not usually eat fish. A truck from Ethiopia to Tanzania passes through her village once a week, and she arranged to have the driver transport the fish several hundred kilometres south to market in Kisumu, where her relatives sell the fish.

  “I get the money transfer immediately.” says Neemur. “Then I can pay for my children to go to school and for vegetables and beans,” she adds, “so I don’t need to eat fish.”

  According to the Central Bank of Kenya, payments worth around l billion Kenyan shillings($13 million)per day were transferred through Kenya,s mobile money systems in 2009, equalling the country,s credit card transactions(业务)The bank expects mobile money transfers to overtake credit cards in 2011.

  67.In Paragraph l,the author uses“simple phones”to________.

  A.make a comparisonB.introduce a topic

  C.describe a sceneD.offer an argument

  .What can we learn about the simple phones in East Africa?

  A.They might help the local people apply for a bank account.

  B.They will replace the banks completely in the near future.

  C.They provide a safe means for the locals to do business.

  D.They can do nothing except send and receive calls or messages.

  .The word“it”in the third paragraph refers to_______.

  A.the GSM systemB.the mobile money service

  C.the credit card service D.the cell phone networks

  .The story of Neyasse Neemur suggests that_______.

  A.the mobile money service plays a key rote in the locals, life

  B.Neemur uses her mobile phone to contact her customers

  C。her relatives tricks Turkana people to eat the fish they sell

  D.the Bank of Kenya helps her improve her living condition



  71.The first time I went to visit him, he

  (碰巧在聊天 with a nerghbour.(happen)


  (她一走进) her office when she fet faint and had to lie down.(enter)


  (被群山环绕),the beautiful village atracts a large number of tourists each year.(surround)

  74.They were all for your suggestion that the discussion

  (推迟) until next weekend.(put)

  .If the goment

  (采取了) to keep viewers from possible harmful influences of media last year, the crime rate would be lower now.(measure)

  76.The newly-built airport of the city is

  (两大) what it used to be.(size)

  .A number of new machines were installed in the factory, ths

  (导致) in production.(result)


  (给我印象最深的) is that he constantl wishes to improve himself in terms of knowledge and skill.(impress)

  79.The laws

  (已经修订) to protect the rights of women and children recently.(revise)

  .I’ll go back to the village

  (把我养大的) and live there forever after retirement.(bring)个好的学生应该具有许多优秀品质(如下图所示),你认为哪个或哪两个是最重要的呢?为什么?请分析原因,并结合自己的生活实际,写下你的感悟。


  注意:1.文章连贯,条理清楚,详略得当;2.结合实际,写出真情实感。With mountains surrounding with it

  74.should be put off

  75.had taken measures

  76.twice the size of

  77.resulting in an increase

  78.What impresses me most

  79.have been revised

  80.where / in which I was brought up


  One possible version:

  Being passionate, honest and hard-working, a good student is always listening and learning. Personally speaking, I strongly believe that honesty is the most important among dozens of good qualities.

  There is a proverb that goes “Honesty is the best policy”, and it seems as true as it was when first coined. The most important element in human relationships, whether business or personal, is trust.

  Here is one of my secrets. I once lied to my parents because of my poor scores. Having known the real fact from teachers, they praised and encouraged me, showing their deep love. Later days, my conscience swallowed me, growing as I told lie after lie in an effort to conceal my original deceit. I gave it up, and chose to be frank. Wow! It is better to stick to the truth!

  From then on, I have kept the following in my minds: If it is not true, don’t say it. If it is not right, don’t do it. Honesty is not only the best policy, but also a principle, which is absolutely essential for the good and happy living of life.



  Self Discipline




  Good Qualities

  in Students


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