2017届河北省衡水名校高考英语一轮复习撬题对点练:专题3 介词、介词短语和动词短语(2)(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届河北省衡水名校高考英语一轮复习撬题对点练:专题3 介词、介词短语和动词短语(2)(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Tom had to turn ________ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.

  答案 down [句意:汤姆上周末因为太忙了不得不推掉晚会的邀请。根据语境可知,汤姆不能参加晚会,turn down sth.意为“拒绝某事”,为固定搭配,符合句意,故填down。]

  2.My parents always attach great importance ________ my getting a good education.

  答案 to [句意:我的父母一直非常重视让我接受良好的教育。attach importance to为固定搭配,意为“重视;强调”。]

  3.I've been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can't seem to get ________.

  答案 through [根据...there must be something wrong with the network...可知电话网络出了问题,“我”无法接通他的电话。句意:我整晚都在给查尔斯打电话,但一定是网络出了问题,好像就是接不通。get through意为“接通”,为固定搭配。]

  4.The two countries are going to meet to break ________ some barriers to trade between them.

  答案 down [句意:这两个国家打算会晤商讨打破两国贸易的障碍。break down意为“打破”,为固定搭配。]

  5.—How long have you been learning English?

  —About four months.

  —You can't ________ serious! Your English is so good.

  答案 be [句意:——你学英语有多长时间了?——大约四个月了。——你不可能是认真的吧!你的英语那么好。设空处后为形容词,前有情态动词,故此处用系动词be的原形。]

  6.—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.

  —That ________ true. I never go traveling without a book.

  答案 is [空格后为形容词true,所以应填系动词。答语的后半部分使用的是双重否定,即为肯定含义,相当于I always go traveling with a book./I go traveling with a book every time.与第一个人说的话意思相同,说明其认可第一个人的话。主语that是单数,故用is表示现在的状态。]

  7.—Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!

  —So it ________, madam. It's our soup of the day.

  答案 is [句意:——啊,这只不过是普通的蔬菜汤!——夫人,的确的。这是我们今天的汤。此处是对上一句的赞同,上一句中使用了系动词is,所以此处也应该填is。so it is意为“的确是”。]

  8.—I'm afraid you have the wrong number.

  —Sorry! I hope I ________(not) bother you.

  答案 didn't [由语境可知,此处表示对已发生事情的歉意,所以用助动词did构成一般过去时的否定形式。]

  9.—The town is so beautiful! I just love it.

  —Me too. The character of the town has ________ well preserved.

  答案 been [句意:——这座城市如此美丽啊!我很爱它。——我也是。这座城市的特征得到了很好的保存。这里用助动词been构成现在完成时的被动语态结构。well为副词,作状语。]


  set ________ the

  new laptop which she bought for her brother on the table and went out for supper.

  答案 down [句意:她把给她弟弟买的新笔记本电脑放在桌子上,然后出去吃饭了。set down意为“放下”,为固定搭配。]


  tell me how the accident came ________. I am still in the dark.

  答案 about [句意:请告诉我这个事故是如何发生的,我还不清楚。came about意为“形成;产生;发生”,为固定搭配。]


  Kong residents

  say they can no longer put up ________ the ongoing Occupy Central protests which greatly influenced their daily life and local business, and ask the protestors to withdraw from the streets.

  答案 with [句意:香港居民说他们不能再忍受持续进行的“占中抗议”,这大大影响了他们日常生活和当地商业,他们要求示威者撤出街道。put up with意为“容忍;忍受”,为固定搭配。]

  13.Mary picked ________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

  答案 up [句意:玛丽通过和当地的女孩和男孩在一起玩,学会了很多西班牙语。pick up意为“(无意中)获得;学到”,为固定搭配。]

  14.A Beijing resident was arrested ________ posting false information on a foreign website to get high payment, seriously harming the country's image.

  答案 for [句意:一位北京居民因为在外国网站上发布虚假信息获取高额报酬,严重损害了国家的形象,而被逮捕。be arrested for意为“因……被逮捕”,为固定搭配。]


  1.We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal of our emotions than for straight facts.


  答案 of→to [句意:相比于直接事实而言,我们更倾向于记住那些令我们的感官兴奋和对我们的情绪有感染力的事物。appeal to意为“对……有感染力”。故把of改为to。]

  2.Body language can give off a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.


  答案 off→away [句意:肢体语言可能会泄露你的很多情绪,所以抱臂而立有可能传达一种信息——你存有戒心。give away意为“泄露”。]

  3.Peter will take in his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.


  答案 in→up [句意:Peter将于下个月末就职成为该旅行社的主管。take up one's post意为“就职”。故把in改为up。]

  4.When the sports hero turned to at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.


  答案 to→up [句意:当这位体育健将出现在我们的聚会上时,他受到了大家的热烈欢迎。turn up意为“出现,到场”。故把to改为up。]

  5.Although we've been delighted to have you as neighbors, we're hoping to settle something that bothers to us.


  答案 去掉bothers后的to [bother为及物动词,后直接加宾语,不用介词。bother sb. 意为麻烦某人。]

  6.If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.


  答案 wait后加for [wait为不及物动词,后加宾语表达等某人时需加介词for。]

  7.Suddenly the arrows were flying down at us from the sky—they were looked like rain!


  答案 去掉were或looked [look like意为“看起来像……”,为不及物动词,没有被动形式,故删除were。也可删除looked,构成be like的结构,意为“像……”。]

  8.—I don't think that they will reach an agreement in such a short time.

  —Neither am I. It will take time to find a win­win solution.


  答案 am→do [句意:——我认为他们在如此短的时间内不会达成协议。——我也这样认为。找到一个双赢的解决办法是需要时间的。结合语境可知,答语指“我也认为他们不会达成协议”,与上文的I don't think...相对应,故将am改为do。]

  9.The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily new environments.


  答案 easily后加to [句意:关于孩子的好的方面就是他们能很轻松地适应新的环境。adapt to意为“适应”,为固定搭配。]

  10.—What happened to him?

  —He was suspected about stealing the ring at the party last night, and the police were looking into the matter.


  答案 about→of [答语句意:他被怀疑昨天晚上在聚会上偷了戒指,警察正在调查此事。suspect sb. of doing sth.意为“怀疑某人做某事”,为固定搭配。]

  11.Be careful. Don't let the false information on your mobile phone take you out.


  答案 out→in [句意:当心。别被你手机上的虚假信息给骗了。take in意为“欺骗”,为固定搭配。]

  12.They have become friends since they met in Shanghai.


  答案 become→been [句意:他们自从在上海见面后就成了朋友。时间状语表示一段时间,谓语应该用延续性动词,故将become改为been。]


  [例1] He usually goes to work ________ the bus. Sometimes he rides a bicycle.

  [错解] by

  [错因分析] 考生易误用介词by,认为表示乘坐某种交通工具时要用介词by。

  [答案] in


  [例2] There are plenty of books that have been rewritten ________ simple language and shortened too,

  if necessary.

  [错解] with

  [错因分析] 考生易受汉语思维方式的影响,认为只有介词with表示“用”的意义,从而误用with。

  [答案] in



  [例1] You must arrive here ________9 o'clock; otherwise it will be too late.

  [错解] until

  [错因分析] 考生对介词的用法不清而误用。

  [答案] by/at


  [例2] ________ the morning of one Friday ________ November, my brother together with me visited my uncle in prison.

  [错解] In; in

  [错因分析] 很多考生由于基础知识掌握得不牢固,分不清楚in, at on的用法。

  [答案] On; in



  [例] Much attention should be paid to ________ (improve) people's living conditions.

  [错解] improve

  [错因分析] 考生对短语pay attention to认识不清,误认为to为不定式而误填答案improve。

  [答案] improving



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