2017高三英语一轮复习学案:Module 5(外研版必修1)-查字典英语网
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2017高三英语一轮复习学案:Module 5(外研版必修1)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  总课时数 13-14 科目 英语 使用时间 9.18

  主备人 宋娜娜 使用人

  课题名称 Revision of Module 5 Book 1

  Learning aims: to revise the main words, phrases and useful expressions of the module.

  Difficult and important points: comparative structures





  2.结论_______ 总结_______

  3. 混合_______


  4.电________ 用电的________

  5. 演讲________





  7.形成_____ 正式的_______


  For most things, when heated, they will ______(膨胀) and when cooled, they will _____(收缩).

  After the experiment, we drew a _________(结论).

  Our lab is full of _______(设备).

  My______(目标) is to be admitted to a good university.

  After the storm, I found a lot of wood _____(漂浮) on the river.

  When young, we should _____(养成) good habits of studying.

  In college, I used to attend a lot of _____(讲座).

  When in college, I studied in English _______(系).

  My parents were ______(吃惊) to know that I chose to learn French at school.


  Put some iron nails ____ ______ ______ ____ (在…底部) a test tube.

  _____ some oil ___ (把…加入) the water. This will keep te air out of the water.

  The number of the students in my school _____ _____ ___ (总计)700.

  The storm ___ ____ (增加) our difficulties.

  the scientist made real discoveries _____ _____ _____ ___ science.(在…领域)

  Work hard, and your parents will ___ _____ ___(为…感到骄傲) you.

  My father ____ _____ ____(为…感到骄傲) his new car.

  For the meeting tomorrow, you ___ ______ ____ (应当)come at 8:00am.

  Ⅲ.Write down the sentences:



  2. He used to be lazy, but now he is very hard-working.


  3. 他习惯了住在乡下。


  4. 在刚过去的20年里,7位加拿大科学家获得了诺贝尔奖。


  5. In the last ten years, great changes ___________( take place )in my hometown.

  6. – Can I close the door. It is a bit cold outside.

  - Ok, _______(好吧).

  7. _______________(轮到你) to clean the classroom.




  A is 数词+ times+ as adj/adv原级as+B

  A is 数词+ times+ adj/adv比较级than B

  A is 数词+ times+the size/the number/the height/the age/…表示事物特征的名词+of+B

  1.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.





  1. It is becoming _____ ____ _____ (越来越凉爽了).

  2. The kite is flying ____ _____ _____(越来越高了).

  (三).表示“越…;就越…”用:”the +形容词比较级…, the +形容词比较级…”


  _____ ______ you are, ____ ____you will see.

  2. 读得书越多,我学得就越多。

  ______ _____books I read, _____ ______ information I will learn.

  3. 你越努力,取得得进步就越大。




  Please come ___ _____ closer.

  2. 我们需要的远不止这些。

  We need _____ more than that.


  He works ____ harder.


  Is it ____ heavier?


  After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

  A. as twice many

  B. as many twice

  C. twice as many

  D. twice many as

  2. The country life he was used to _____ greatly sice 1992.

  A. change

  B.has changed

  C. changing

  D. have changed

  3. --- Could I ask you a rather personal question?

  --- Sure, _____.

  A. pardon me

  B. go ahead

  C. good idea

  D. forget it

  4. --- Why do you start so early、

  --- Oh, it’s my _____ to be on duty.


  B. job


  D. time

  5. Why don’t you bring ____ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?

  A. this

  B. what

  C. that

  D. it

  6. --- You ____ part in the party in time?

  --- Sorry, I was held up by the accident.

  A. are supposed to take

  B. have supposed to take

  C. were supposed to take

  D.supposed to take

  7. This is the first time I _____ the beautiful city.

  A. visited

  B. have visited

  C. visit

  D. had visited

  8. This is the most attractive places ____ I have ever been to.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. where

  9. --- Would you like to go to the mocie this evening?

  --- I’d love to, but I can’t _____ the time.

  A. afford to

  B. have


  D. waste

  10. It’s been decided the lecture on It is to be given this afternoon, please____ a notice on the board.

  A. put on

  B. put out

  C. put up

  D. put down


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