2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module2 Unit5《Rhythm》(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module2 Unit5《Rhythm》(1)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The best way is to combine these two ways



  Oil and water do not readily combine.

  油和水不易混合。 ②combine to do 联合起来做

  Several small companies combined to fight

  against the power of a large one.


  Hard work and perseverance combine to make

  a full man.

  努力工作与坚持结合造就完人。 combination n.

  in combination with 与……结合 The Chinese people, in combination with people

  from all over the world, is trying to build a more

  beautiful world. 中华民族和来自全世界的各族人民一起尝试建 立一个更美好的世界。 绿色是黄色和蓝色的混合体。

  _____________________________________ 这部电影寓教育于娱乐之中。


  _____________________________________ 他兼有诗人和军人的性格。


  _____________________________________ Green is a combination of yellow and blue. The film combined education with


  He combines the characters of soldier and

  poet. 6. search, search for, search…for…与in search of ①search作及物动词后接名词或代词,表示搜查


  The police searched every room in the house.


  They searched the woods for the little boy.

  他们在森林中搜寻那个小男孩。 search可以用作名词,可以加不定冠词和定冠词, 还可以加形容词性物主代词,通常与介词for连用, 表示“寻找某物”。 The search for the famous painting went on all day.

  寻找那幅名画的活动整天都在进行。 I will make a search for your dictionary, but I don’t

  think I can get it.

  我可以帮你找你的字典,但我想我不一定能找到。 ②动词短语search for后接名词或代词,表示“寻


  He searched for work at various stores.


  Scientists are still searching for a cure to the

  common cold.

  科学家仍在寻求治疗普通感冒的方法。 ③search…for… 在某地找某物

  The policemen searched the house for the stolen


  警察搜查那栋房子寻找被偷的珠宝。 ④介词短语in search of +寻找的目标,在句中作状


  He’s sailed the seven seas in search of adventure.


  The scientists are working hard in search of a new


  科学家们正在努力工作寻找一种新元素。 Mario went off

  ___ ______ __

  some matches. Detectives are out __________ the yards ____

  clues. in


  of searching for 7. discover vt. 发现 ①跟名词或代词

  She discovered the joy of writing.

  她感受到了写作的乐趣。 ②跟从句

  It was discovered that our gas was running out.

  我们发现汽油快用完了。 ③跟带连接词的不定式

  We will never discover how to use it until we try it.


  个东西。 ④跟复合宾语

  We discovered him to be a thief.


  We discovered them hiding behind the door.


  discover与invent ①discover 意为“发现”,即发现原来早已存在


  学规律”等。 ②invent意为“发明”,即发明以前从未存在过

  的东西。 试比较下列句子中discover与invent的用法: I’ve discovered a super restaurant near here! 我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆。 Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 你能告诉我是谁发明了电话吗? Part 1 Of 2  

  校报英文栏目就“自行车出行的优点和缺点”为主题进行征文。请根据以下内容写一篇英语短文。 优点 缺点 你的观点 短程旅行很便; 可以锻炼身体; 对环境有利。

  大街上缺乏专用通道; 下雨时麻烦; 容易被盗。 尽量多地使用; 增加停放点。 【写作内容】



  Bicycles are extremely convenient for short journeys and riding your bike is a good exercise. What's more, it is environmentally friendly because it causes no pollution. However, there are few bicycle lanes on the main street and you may be caught in a sudden rain. What's worse, bicycle theft is so common that you can't find a safe place to park them. As far as I am concerned, we should ride our bicycles as often as possible and the government should build more parking spots. 民间的 adj.

  ______________ 效果,作用 n.

  ______________ 使失望 vt.

  ______________ 非凡的,特别的 adj.

  ______________ 不清楚的 adj.

  ______________ 唱片,相册 n.

  ______________ 表演,演奏 n.

  ______________ 热心的追随者,迷 n.

  ______________ folk effect disappoint extraordinary unclear album performance fan 表演,做 vi. & vt.

  _____________ 奖,奖品 n.

  _____________ 基地,基础 n.

  _____________ 极端地,非常地 adv.

  _____________ 强大的,有力的 adj.

  _____________ 气愤,愤怒 n.

  _____________ 系统 n.

  _____________ 听众,观众 n.

  _____________ perform award base extremely powerful anger system audience 遍及,贯穿 prep.

  ______________ 使(人)印象深刻 vt.

  ______________ 表演者 n.

  ______________ 乐器,工具n.

  ______________ 男性的 adj.

  ______________ 女性的 adj.

  ______________ (使)联合,(使)结合 vt.

  ______________ 财宝,财富 n.

  ______________ throughout impress performer instrument male female combine treasure 面具,面罩 n.

  ______________ 代表 vt.

  ______________ 独特的,唯一的 adj.

  ______________ 钢琴家,钢琴演奏者 n.

  ______________ 音乐家 n.

  ______________ 琴键;答案 n.

  ______________ 停止,辞职 vt. & vi.

  ______________ 天才,才干 n.

  ______________ mask represent unique pianist musician key quit talent 全世界的 adj.

  ______________ 身份;特性 n.

  ______________ 根 n.

  ______________ 重新发现 vt.

  ______________ 美,美人 n.

  ______________ 外貌,外观 n.

  ______________ 剃,刮 vt.

  ______________ 发型 n.

  ______________ worldwide identity root rediscover beauty appearance shave hairstyle 转换,转化 vt.

  _______________ 平常的,普通的 adj.

  _______________ 代,一代 n.

  _______________ 类型,种类 n.

  _______________ 跳,蹦 vi.

  _______________ 贵族的,高尚的,贵族 adj.&n. _______________ 移民的 adj.

  _______________ 反应 n.

  _______________ 有责任的 adj.

  _______________ 允许,许可 n.

  _______________ transform ordinary generation type skip noble immigrant reaction responsible permission 习惯于

  __________________ 换句话说

  __________________ 有时,不时

  __________________ 在某些方面

  __________________ 往返,来回

  __________________ 一般而言,总的来说 __________________ 事实上

  __________________ be used to

  in other words

  at times

  in some ways

  back and forth

  in general

  in fact 作为……的结果

  _________________ 被期待做某事

  _________________ 关于,涉及

  _________________ 碰撞

  _________________ 相处融洽;符合

  _________________ 随着音乐节奏跳舞 _________________ 担心

  _________________ as a result of

  be expected to do sth.

  in relation to

  knock together / into

  fit in

  dance to music

  be worried about 在……岁时

  __________________ 尽可能早

  __________________ 不停地做某事

  __________________ 把两者连接起来

  __________________ 毕竟

  __________________ 穿着……

  __________________ at the age of

  as early as possible

  go on doing sth.

  combine with

  after all

  be dressed in… 天太冷了,但是你可以跳一跳来暖和身体。

  It’s too cold, but you can jump around and

  warm yourself up. 大声朗读对学习外语非常重要。

  Reading aloud is very important in learning

  a foreign language. 他已经习惯了这里的气候。

  He has been used to the weather here. 中国有许多名胜古迹。这就是每年大量外国


  There are many places of interest in China. This

  is why a lot of foreign visitors come to China

  every year. 不管我们去还是留下,结果都是一样的。

  Whether we go or stay, the result is the same. 洪战辉的事迹使我们深受感动。

  We are / were deeply impressed by Hong

  Zhanhui’s deeds. 1. effect n. 结果,影响,效果 have an effect on 对……有影响/起作用 bring / carry / put sth. into effect

  实行,实施;生效 be of no effect 无效 have / take effect 生效 greenhouse effect 温室效应 side effect 副作用 My parents’ divorce had a big effect on me. 我父母的离异对我影响很大。 A new system of taxation will be brought into

  effect next year. 新的税收制度将于明年实行。 affect v. 影响

  effective adj. 有效果的 老师说的一定会对我们的将来有很大影响。

  What the teacher said will __________________

  our future. 我们的努力开始见效了。

  Our efforts are beginning ___________________. 下周开始实行新的管制。

  New controls _________________ next week. have a great effect on to have / take an effect will bring into effect 2. disappoint vt. 使失望

  I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there aren’t

  any tickets left.


  The result disappointed him.


  disappointed与disappointing ①disappointed adj. 通常表示人的心理状态

  I am disappointed at the result.

  我对这个结果很失望。 ②disappointing adj. 表示事物特征

  The ending is very disappointing.

  这个结局非常令人失望。 3. be / get used to sth. / doing sth.


  I do the dishes every day, so I’m used to it.


  I can’t get used to the fact that you’ve grown

  up now.

  我还不习惯你已经长大成人这个事实。 Why are you so bad-tempered? You didn’t use to

  be like this. 你脾气怎么这么坏?你过去不是这样的。 The cloth is used to make a dress. 这块布是用来做裙子的。 These old socks are used as dusters. 这些旧袜子被用作抹布。 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be used to do 被用来做

  be used as 被用作 4. impress vt. 使(人)印象深刻

  impress sth. on / upon one’s mind = impress sb. with sth.


  sb. be impressed by / with sth.


  be impressed on one’s memory

  被深深地印在记忆中 She impressed me as a scholar. 她给我留下了学者的印象。 What impressed us most about the book was its

  vivid language. 这本书给我们的印象最深的是它生动的语言。 My father impressed the importance of hard

  work on / upon my mind. My father impressed me with the importance of

  hard work. 父亲使我明白了努力工作的重要性。 I was impressed by / with her friendly attitude. 她友好的态度给我留下了深刻的印象。 His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话深深地印在我的记忆中。 impression n.

  常用搭配:leave / make an impression on sb. Her special voice left / made a deep impression on me. 她特别的声音给我留下很深的印象。 他们的新房子给我留下了深刻印象。




  _______________________________________ I was very impressed with / by their new house. If the shop is untidy, it leaves a bad impression on the customers. 5. combine vt. 结合,合并 ①combine A with / and B,意思是“把……和……


  Tom tried to combine his theory with practice to

  create a better method of teaching.




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