湖北黄冈中学高考英语二轮考点复习:The First Period of Unit 5-查字典英语网
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湖北黄冈中学高考英语二轮考点复习:The First Period of Unit 5

发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The First Period of Unit 5,First Aid For Burns

  Teaching Contents and Aims:

  This part is about the comprehensive reading of “First Aid for Burns”

  Make the students learn some new vocabularies and drills

  Make the students know how to give first aid by learning this text.

  Teaching Important Points:

  Make the students guess some new vocabularies and expressions in reading.

  Get the students to find the main idea by reading the text.

  Make the students listen,speak,read and write according to the contents of the text.

  Teaching Diffcult Points:

  The use of some new vocabularies and useful expressions.

  How to find the main idea of each paragraph.

  Teaching Methods:

  Pair work or group work to get every student to be in active in the teaching activities.

  Get every student to master what they have read.

  Teaching Aids:

  1.the tape-recorder

  2.the multimedia

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step1, Revision

  Show some posters about Yao Ming and some other victims to the student and ask them to discuss the following questions

  Who is the man/woman in the pictures?

  What has happened to him/her?

  What can we do for them if we are there?

  Possible Answers:

  He is Yao Ming。

  He got himself injured in a match.

  He needs first aid to stop the pain or hurting.

  Step2, Pre-reading

  What can you see in the picture?

  What will happen to the little girl?

  Step3, Fast reading

  Task1. Read the whole text in

  2 minutes and have the students finish the EX1 on page35. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.


  the three types of burns


  what to do if someone gets burned


  the purpose of skin


  the symptoms of burns


  how we get burns

  Step 4, Careful Reading.

  Design a competition between the two groups yo see which group gets the more exact answers to these following blanks.Use a small red board to stand for one correct answer.At the end,the group which gets more boards is the winner.

  Tasks2:Fill in the blanks(based on the first Para.)

  1)Our body's largest organ:skin

  2) We have three layers of the skin.

  3)Your skin keeps you warm or cools.

  4)It prevents your body form losing water.

  5)It gives you your sense of touch.

  Task3:Discuss these statements and decide whether they are Right or Wrong

  1) When someone is burned,you should place some ice on his wound.

  2)We should put damp cloths on the second degree burns.

  3) We shouldn't break the blisters,or they will make the the wound infected.

  4) Sometimes, we can put oil or ointments on burns to stop the infction.

  5) If burns are on the face, we should make the victim sit up.

  Answers:W R R W R

  Step 5,Production: Role play

  Divide the whole class into four groups. Set a situation that the mother is calling 120 to get help. Then give the students some useful words and expressions to help create a dialogue between the little girl, the mother and the doctor.7 or 8 minutes later,ask some volunteers to act our their plays.

  Useful words and expressions:

  1)It's painful….

  2)That really hurts…

  3)There are some blisters and…

  4)It must be a second degree burns and…

  5) You'd better take off/cool/dry/cover/…with a clean…

  Step 6, Teaching moral

  Use three pictures to expand the meaning of“first aid”and teach them life is precious.Not only the life of our human beings but also the life of animal should be protected.Even a little child can donate some money, so what our grown-ups?

  P1:A man holds an injured swan in arms.

  P2:A little girl is inserting a note into a donation box.

  P3:A red heart is present,with one word“hand in hand,let’s learn to love.”

  Step 7,Homework

  1.Search more information or stories about first aid for burns.

  2.Finish EX1 and EX2 on page50.


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