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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.− Have you __________ any new ideas?− Yeah. I’ll tell you later.

  A. come to B. come across C. come up with

  D. come out with



  2.With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably __________ from a heart attack in a week.

  A. remained B. returned C. recovered

  D. removed



  3.She asked me ___________ the news to him.

  A. not tell B. to not tell

  C. not telling

  D. not to tell



  4. In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, they had a __________ discussion.

  A. face-to-face B. face to face C. faces-to-faces

  D. faces to faces



  5.David __________ with Cathy for two years before they got married.

  A. has fallen in love B. has been in love

  C. had fallen in love D. had been in love



  6.The child asked his mother _________ go out to play tennis.

  A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he

  D. that could he



  7. He said that his car __________ stolen and he ________ have to telephone the police.

  A. was; would B. has been; will C. had been; would

  D. had been; will



  8.China Daily is _________ a newspaper; it helps us improve our English.

  A. more than B. no more than C. not more than

  D. no less than



  9.Jane requested that Mr. Smith _________ her another chance.

  A. gave B. give C. gives

  D. would give



  10.I asked my boss for a month’s holiday and, _________, she agreed.

  A. what’s more B. that is to say C. in other words

  D. believe it or not


  【解析】’s more.而且; that is to say 那就是说;in other words换句话说;believe it or not 信不信由你 根据意思,D正确。

  11.The boss of the company had _________ his friend’s good advice, which led to the failure of his business.

  A. considered B. suffered C. ignored

  D. discussed



  12.Many students believe that the choice of their universities and courses should __________ their own interest.

  A. base in B. base on C. be based in

  D. be based on




  13.− Do you know the most ancient city in China ─ Xi’an well?

  − No, this is the first time I ___________ here.

  A. came B. have come C. am coming

  D. come



  14.My son has changed so much that I could hardly __________ his voice on the phone.

  A. recognize B. realize C. hear

  D. find


  【解析】’s voice 认出某人的声音;realize意识到;故答案为A。

  15.He must be leaving our village because he is __________.

  A. making up B. packing up C. setting up

  D. getting up


  【解析】make up弥补;组成;化妆 pack up整理;打包 set up建立 get up起床,根据意思,他一定即将离开我们村庄,因为他正在收拾行装。

  16.− Can you _________ all the money that I should pay?

  − Very sorry. Please wait a minute, madam.

  A. add B. add to C. add up

  D. add up to


  【解析】add to增加 add up加起来 add up to总计达 根据意思,你能把我要付的所有的钱加起来吗?故答案为C。

  17.It is you rather than Lucy who ____ for the accident.

  A. is to blame

  B. is to be blamed

  C. are to blame

  D. are to be blamed


  【解析】考察blame固定用法。本题是一个强调句型,其中的Sb be to blame某人该受责备,用主动形式表示被动含义。句意:是你而不是Lucy该为这个事故受到责备。

  18.With so many problems ____, the new government is in rather a difficult situation.

  A. remaining to be solved

  B. remained to be solved.

  C. remaining to solve

  D. remain to solve


  【解析】考察remain用法。Remain作为留下的时候使用remaining;固定结构:sth remain to be done某事有待于被做;句意:有如此多的事情有待于被做,新的政府出于一个相当困难的情况中。

  19.While the computer becomes more and more powerful, I don’t think it will completely ___________ teachers in class.

  A. slow down

  B. break away from

  C. take place

  D. take the place of



  20.Karan rented a _________ flat and had it _______ pink for the coming Christmas.

  A. furnishing; painted

  B. furnishing; painting

  C. furnished; painting

  D. furnished; painted


  【解析】形容词辨析和have用法。Furnish(配备家具)与flat构成被动关系,使用使用过去分词。第二空是have sth done的结构。句意:Karan租了一个有家具的房间,为了迎接即将来临的圣诞节,他把房子粉刷了一下。

  21.---How do you find James Cameron's 3D version of Titanic?

  ---Fantastic! It can't be _______ and has brought us a wonderful experience.

  A. as impressive

  B. most impressive

  C. more impressive

  D. so impressive



  22.The Mekong River, which________ several countries in Southeast Asia, ______to be playing a significant role in the region.

  A. links; is considered

  B. has linked; considers

  C. is linked; is considered

  D. links; considers


  【解析】动词辨析。Link sth联系sth;be linked to 与…有联系;consider sb/sth to be/as…认为某人是…句意:连接东南亚好几个国家的湄公河被认为在地区中将会起重要作用。

  23.We all joined the game______ Bill because he was hurt and had to stay in bed.

  A. except that

  B. apart from

  C. besides

  D. in addition


  【解析】词义辨析。Except that后面一定要接句子;in addition另外,此外。要单独使用;besides表示除…之外(包括在内);apart from除…之外(既表示包括在内,也表示不包括在内);句意:除了Bill之外,我们都去参加了比赛,因为他受伤来了,不得不待在床上。

  24.You won’t discover the truth ______ you look into the matter yourself.

  A. unless

  B. while

  C. although

  D. since



  25.Only by learning more about different cultures _______ avoid misunderstanding during international cooperation.

  A. we can

  B. we should

  C. should we

  D. can we



  26.The fans never expected their favourite team, which owns so many excellent players, ________have been defeated in the first round!

  A. must

  B. should

  C. might

  D. could



  27._______ is well known is ________ the Diaoyu Islands have been part of China since ancient times.

  A. Which; that

  B. That; which

  C. What; that

  D. That; what


  【解析】考察名词性从句。第一空What引导主语从句what is well known且在句中作主语。第二空that引导表语从句that the Diaoyu Islands have been part of China since ancient times.此句子结构很完整,只需要使用that引导,that在句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用。句意:众所周知的事情是钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的一部分。故C正确。

  28.At first I set out for the celebration with my friends together, but got _______ from them when we joined the big crowd.

  A. separated

  B. united

  C. divided

  D. linked


  【解析】考察固定结构。Be/get separated from 与…分开/隔开;C与介词into连用;liked 与to连用;句意:起初我和朋友们一起去参加庆典,但是当我们和人群一起的时候,被冲散了。故A正确。

  29.Copernicus’s theory is now the basis ______ all our ideas of the universe are built.

  A. to which

  B. on which

  C. for which

  D. by which



  30.With a MBA degree from Harvard University, our boss takes a______ method to manage the company, which benefits everyone a lot.

  A. consistent B. violent

  C. scientific

  D. Rough




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