The Trump administration is moving to expand social media checks to cover Chinese citizens traveling to the US.
US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media "handles" or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The question would be asked online as part of an electronic system Chinese holders of long-term US business and visitor visas use to advise of upcoming travel.
美国针对入境游客的“社交媒体审查”(social media check/social media screening)并不是特朗普上台以后的新政策。去年底,奥巴马政府就针对通过免签证计划(Visa Waiver Program)进入美国的游客推出过类似的政策。
入境游客需提供的社交媒体信息包括,各社交媒体的用户名(social media handles)和其他身份信息(other identifiers),部分国家游客甚至需要提供社交媒体密码(social media passwords),以筛查出潜在的恐怖分子(to screen out potential terrorists)。
该审查项目中列出的社交媒体网站如推特、脸书、谷歌+、Instagram以及YouTube等并不是中国大陆公民使用的主流社交媒体,被问及在线登记系统会否针对中国游客列出他们常用的社交媒体网站时(if Chinese travelers would be given choices of social media sites they most frequently used),美国海关及边境保卫局(CBP)发言人表示,针对中国游客要列出哪些社交媒体网站,目前还没有决定,不过,他们可以提交任何社交网站的信息。
Answering the question would be "optional," CBP said in a notice set for publication Tuesday in the Federal Register. Those who don't wish to answer will have their travel requests processed "without a negative interpretation or inference," the notice said.