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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。CHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!








1. 海上核电站

maritime nuclear power plant


Chinese authorities have already researched on relevant core technologies as well as the standardization of maritime nuclear power plants, according to Wang Yiren, vice director of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.


王毅韧近日向媒体透露,我国已将海上核动力浮动平台(floating maritime nuclear power platform)列入国防科技工业"十三五"规划和核工业(nuclear industry)发展"十三五"规划,目前已开展相关标准研究和关键技术(core technologies)攻关。海上核动力浮动平台也被称为海上核电站(maritime nuclear power plant),对推动我国远洋油气资源开采和水面舰船核动力技术发展具有重要意义。

王毅韧表示,我国要建设海洋强国(maritime power),对海上资源的开采(exploitation of ocean resources)非常重要。但在海上作业(offshore operation),能源是个问题,目前的方法是带着柴油发电机(diesel generator),但很费事,对海洋环境(marine environment)也不好。同时,西沙、南沙群岛(the Xisha Islands and the Nansha Islands)有人居住和生活,他们所需的能源目前也依靠柴油发电机。海上核动力浮动平台可以解决这些问题,应用前景广阔。王毅韧说,该平台建成后,预计将率先用于海上天然气和石油开采(be put to use in ocean gas and oil exploitation)等领域。


内陆核电站 inland nuclear power plant/station

核反应堆 nuclear reactor, atomic pile

核燃料 nuclear fuel

核废料 nuclear waste

放射性物质 radioactive material

铀资源 uranium resources

核动力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

2. 智慧养老业

smart elderly care industry


China plans to develop the smart health and elderly care industry in the next four years to grants universal access to health management services and home-based elderly care, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said Thursday.


工信部、民政部和国家卫生计生委16日发布《智慧健康养老产业发展行动计划(action plan)(2017-2020年)》,提出到2020年,基本形成覆盖全生命周期的智慧健康养老产业(smart health and elderly care industry)体系,建立100个以上智慧健康养老应用示范基地(model base),培育100家以上具有示范引领作用的行业领军企业(industrial leading enterprise),打造一批智慧健康养老服务品牌(brand)。

工信部还提出,将基本普及(grant universal access to)健康管理、居家养老等智慧健康养老服务。突破低功耗(low power consumption)、微型化智能传感(micro intelligent sensor)等核心关键技术,推进健康状态实时分析(real-time health status analysis)、健康大数据趋势分析(health trend analysis based on big data)等智能分析技术(intelligent analysis technology)的发展,丰富智能健康养老服务产品供给。

针对家庭、社区、机构等不同应用环境,发展健康管理类可穿戴设备(health management wearables)、便携式健康监测设备(portable health monitors)、自助式健康检测设备(self-help health detectors)、智能养老监护设备、家庭服务机器人(home service robots)等。同时,培育智慧健康养老服务新业态,创新发展慢性病管理(chronic disease management)、居家(home-based)健康养老等健康养老服务模式。工信部提出,将充分利用现有信息平台,建设统一规范、互联互通的(unified, standardized and connected)健康养老信息共享系统(information sharing system),并加强智慧健康养老服务网络建设和网络安全保障。


养老院 nursing home

人口老龄化 aging population

社区养老服务 community nursing service

民办养老服务 private-owned elderly care service

大病医保 critical/serious illness insurance

基本医保体系 basic healthcare insurance system

新农合医保体系 new rural cooperative medical care system

3. 艺考腐败

corruption associated with arts colleges' admission exams


For years, the independent admission exams of arts colleges have drawn wide public concern, because of the serious corruption associated with them.


全国各艺术院校自主招生(independent recruitment)考试近日陆续开考。一直以来,艺考都是招考腐败的重灾区(a worst-hit area for corruption associated with entrance exam),虽然多地在统一标准(unified standard)和加强考试现场监督方面进行了不少改革,但每年都有艺考腐败案件发生。在此类案件中,有教师利用职务之便索贿(take the advantage of his or her position to extort bribes),有教师充当掮客(broker)谋利(make profits),一些院领导也成为贪腐主体,甚至有学院教师、领导串通(collude with each other)分肥(share out ill-gotten gains, share the booty, divide the spoils),形成黑色利益链条(illegal profit chain)。

艺考滋生腐败(admission exams for arts colleges have bred corruption)的原因在于,对艺考考生表现的评估很大程度上取决于考官的个人判断(the evaluation of an applicant's performance in an arts exam is highly dependent on the examiners' judgment)。为了保证招生的公平公正,中国教育科学研究院研究员储朝晖等人建议:打破艺考负责人的双重身份(dual identities),专业课教授者不得兼任专业测试的测评者;公开透明,考试全场录像,电脑全程监控,畅通各种举报和申诉渠道;斩断培训班利益链条(break the profit chains of training courses),严格规定考官不可组织、参与任何形式的考前辅导和培训,违者必究(violators must be held accountable)。


考试作弊 cheating on the exam

才艺展示 talent show

素颜 without any makeup

监考员 invigilator

替考者 surrogate exam-taker

考前焦虑 pre-exam nerves

4. 玻璃栈道

glass/see-through walkway


An official from Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development said the city will suspend the construction of glass walkways as it is not clear who is responsible for ensuring they are of a safe standard.


为吸引游客,由玻璃打造的走道、桥梁以及观景台(walkways, bridges and viewing platforms made of glass)在国内许多景点兴起,有些甚至还建在了悬崖峭壁(high cliffs)上。然而北京市旅游发展委员会主任宋宇指出,玻璃结构安全性的监督主体责任仍不明确(it remains unclear who will be responsible for supervising the safety of the glass structures),因此将暂停建设(construction will be suspended)。已经建设了玻璃栈道的景区需要引进切实的安全管理系统(introduce sound safety management systems),明确责任。

宋宇还指出,在对景区和酒店进行评估和评级(evaluate and grade scenic spots and hotels)时,安全将成为核心关切(safety will be a core concern)。违反安全准则(violate the safety protocols)的景区和酒店将面临高额罚款(face high fines)。


山区景点 mountainous tourist site

安全改造 safty overhaul

悬索桥 suspension bridge

蹦极 bungee jumping

5. 付费订阅



Tencent's messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers.


近日有媒体曝出,腾讯将推出微信公众号付费订阅(pay-to-read, pay-to-view, paid subscription)功能,引发强烈关注。微信方面15日证实,微信公众号(WeChat official account)付费订阅功能已在测试(undergo tests)中。近年来,随着得到、分答、知乎、喜马拉雅FM等平台纷纷进入内容付费(pay for content)领域,尝试内容变现(capitalize on content)的新玩法,付费阅读也逐渐被国内用户接受。

中国传媒大学新媒体研究院副院长曹三省认为,基于近年来移动互联网的发展,共享经济(sharing economy)、小额支付(micropayment)、移动支付(mobile payment)的出现,内容付费迎来机遇。但他同时指出,更大的挑战在于是不是真的能够建立"付费墙"(build a paywall)。目前互联网上的内容非常丰富,付费阅读还需要观测是否能让更多的用户认可,并建构一种有效的盈利模式(profit model)。对于不少平台提出的"提供精品内容(high-quality content)",曹三省认为,提供精品内容只是"一个必要条件(prerequisite)",不代表精品内容就一定能有用户付费。

付费墙是媒体对在线内容(online content)实行付费阅读的方式,读者需要支付一定费用才可以浏览特定网络信息内容。国外不少大牌报纸都已经在网站上设置了不同等级的收费墙。在具体使用中有"硬"收费墙和"软"收费墙("hard" and "soft" paywalls)两种。硬收费墙模式下,非订阅用户(non-subscriber)只能看到最少量的网页内容,甚至无法看到网页内容;而软收费墙模式对用户可见内容的限制则更加灵活,比如,每月允许用户查看一些精选的免费内容(selective free content)或免费查看一定数量的文章(a limited number of articles),或者允许读者查看某本书的几页内容或某篇文章的几段内容。


单次订阅 pay as you read

包月订阅 monthly subscription

付费下载 pay to download

付费用户 paying user

计量收费墙 metered paywall

免费增值 freemium

预付费模式 prepaid model

6. 金正男死亡案

Kim Jong-nam's death


A senior Malaysian police official said on Thursday that a third suspect has been arrested by police in the death of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un.


马来西亚警方透露,金正男案被捕的第三名嫌疑人是一名26岁的马来西亚籍男子,他疑似此前被捕的第二名嫌疑人的男友。第二名嫌疑人是一名持印尼护照的女性(a woman with an Indonesian passport),她于16日上午被捕。此案中被捕的第一名嫌疑人也是女性,持越南护照,于15日在吉隆坡国际机场第二航站楼(second terminal)被捕。此处正是金正男13日突觉不适寻求帮助(seek help)的地方。法新社援引马来西亚警方的说法称,两名女性靠近金正男,往他的脸上喷洒了一种液体(spray a liquid in his face)。金正男在送医途中死亡(die en route to a hospital),尸体被送往吉隆坡一家医院做尸检(autopsy, post-mortem examination)。截至17日上午,尸检结果尚未公布。

马来西亚警方已将金正男的突然死亡案定性为谋杀案(murder case),目前正在调查嫌疑人之间的关系(look into connections between the suspects),试图确定他们各自在金正男遇害案中可能扮演的角色(try to pin down what their roles may have been in the death of Kim Jong-nam)。当地一家法院已下达将前两名嫌疑人关押七天听候审理的命令(grant a seven-day order remanding the first two suspects into custody)。

中国外交部发言人耿爽16日就金正男遇害一事回答记者提问时表示:"我们注意到媒体有关报道(we are aware of relevant reports),将对事件进展保持关注(keep an eye on any developments)。"


化学喷剂 chemical spray

查看监控带 check surveillance tapes

假身份 assumed identity

保持低调 keep a low profile


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