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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.(2017·南昌中学第二次月考)________I got over from the failure of my entrance examination.And I made up my mind to devote myself to my study again. A.Considerably

  B.Constantly C.Eventually

  D.Frequently [解析]eventually 最后。considerably 相当地;constantly 不断地;frequently 频繁地。 [答案]C 6.The manager should take ________ action if safety standards are not being met. A.bare

  B.fragile C.appropriate

  D.ridiculous [解析]appropriate 合适的。bare 光秃秃的;fragile 易碎的;ridiculous 荒唐的。 [答案]C 7.Before we parted, we ________ addresses and promised to write to each other. A.exchanged

  B.adopted C.predicted

  D.arranged [解析]exchange 交换。adopt 采纳,收养;predict 预测;arrange 安排。 [答案]A 8.Last summer she was invited to the women's conference ________ by the UN. A.possessed

  B.sponsored C.conveyed

  D.appealed [解析]sponsor 赞助。possess 拥有;convey 表达;appeal 吸引。 [答案]B 9.To my delight, my cousin has been awarded a ________ to study at Harvard. A.championship

  B.technique C.preference

  D.scholarship [解析]scholarship 奖学金。championship 冠军;technique 技巧;preference 喜爱,偏爱。 [答案]D 10.Coping with her mother's long illness was really a heavy ________ to bear. A.pattern

  B.load C.cottage

  D.sorrow [解析]load 负担。 pattern模式;cottage 房舍;sorrow 悲伤。 [答案]B Ⅱ.短语填空 take it easy; be popular with; run out of; be made up of; in particular; try out; let out; make sense; stay up; hold on to 1.She has been with the kids for hours and is beginning to ________ patience. 2.When I did this I was only trying to ________ my “rice bowl”, you know. 3.Society ________ people of widely different abilities. 4.I could ________ all night but never get up in the morning. 5.It was a good concert—I enjoyed the last song________. 6.I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it,the more it begins to________. 7.I can tell you the truth, but you must promise not to ________ the secret. 8.“________.” said the doctor to the patient. “You've been making progress.” 9.America has also produced jazz, which ________ all age groups all over the world. 10.Little Tom is eager to ________ his new running shoes on the track this weekend. 答案 1.run out of 2.hold on to 3.is made up of 4.stay up 5.in particular 6.make sense 7.let out 8.Take it easy 9.is popular with 10.try out Ⅲ.单词拼写 1.He was so excited that he couldn't________(传达) his emotions in words. 2.What was it that________(转化成) a beautiful lady into an ordinary housewife? 3.A good timetable should be________(灵活的),which can be changed according to different situations. 4.The company has developed rapidly; so far, there are twenty________(分公司)all over the country. 5.The work of a________(图书管理员) is to provide service for the students who borrow books from the library. 6.My brother picked up French when he studied as a(n)________(交换) student in France. 7.He led the child into the________(温暖) and safety of the house. 8.Supporting her family has been a heavy________(负担) for her. 9.Don't take what she said seriously—she was only________(开玩笑). 10.Hollywood has to produce movies that were________(翻译)easily into any language. 答案 1.convey 2.transformed 3.flexible 4.branches 5.librarian 6.exchange 7.warmth 8.load 9.teasing 10.translated 6.load n.负担;负荷物vt.装载;给……负荷 The good news has taken a load off my mind. 这好消息使我如释重负。 How long will it take to load the coal onto the truck? 装这车煤需要多长时间? take a load off one's mind 使卸下心上重负 ;使某人如释重负 have a load on one's mind放心不下 carry a heavy load负重载 loads of=a load of许多…… load up...装载货物 load...with用……装载 load sth. into/upon...把某物装入/上

  即境活用6 The workers are________the truck with baskets. A.loading

  B.carrying C.mixing

  D.throwing [解析]load...with用……装载。 [答案]A 考点短语

  1.take it easy 别着急;不要紧张;放松 Take it easy.There's still enough time.别急。时间还够。 She was excited, but her husband told her to take it easy. 她很激动,但她丈夫叫她冷静些。 即境活用7 —Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday? —________,Bob, but I promised Mary I'd go with her. A.My pleasure

  B.Thanks C.Take it easy

  D.Forget it [解析]对于对方的邀请,应首先表示感谢,然后说明拒绝的理由。My pleasure用于回答对方的感谢;Take it easy“别紧张;放松”;Forget it“忘了吧,算了吧”。 [答案]B 2.run out 用完;用尽;用光 We were running out of fresh water. 我们的淡水快要用光了。 Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out (of them). 给我支烟抽可以吗?我的(烟)好像已经抽完了。 Our food will soon run out. 我们的食物不久就要吃光了。 【思维拓展】 run out后接of时,其后须接宾语。常用句型:sb. run out of sth.或sth. run out(不用被动语态)。类似结构:run short (of)。 use up 用完(主语为人时,用主动语态,主语为物时用被动语态)。give out 用完,主语为物,无被动语态。 即境活用8 —I'm still working on my project. —Oh, you'll miss the deadline. Time is________. A.running out

  B.going out C.giving out

  D.losing out [解析]句意:——我还在忙着我的项目。——你会错过截止日期的。快没时间了。run out 用光;用尽;go out 熄灭;give out 分发;lose out 输掉;失败。 [答案]A 3.in particular 尤其,特别地 His statement refers to people in general, not to anyone in particular. 他的发言泛指一般人,不是针对某一个人。 She stressed that point in particular. 她特别强调了那一点。 即境活用9 (2017·湖北鄂州市高三摸底考试)Unemployment is on the increase.A growing number of young people,________,are finding themselves out of work. A.in case

  B.all in all C.in particular

  D.in total [解析]in particular 尤其,特别地。in case 以防万一;all in all 总计;in total 总计。 [答案]C 4.let out 放出;发出;泄露(秘密) When the bird got well, we let it out. 等这只小鸟好了以后,我们就放它走。 She accidentally let out that she had played truant before. 她无意中泄露了她曾逃过学。 即境活用10 He was in a high­security jail and would probably never be________. A.brought out

  B.let out C.left out

  D.made out [解析]bring out“使显示;出版;生产;说出”;let out“发出;释放;泄露”;leave out“漏掉”;make out“书写;理解;辨认出”。 [答案]B 5.be made up of构成;组成 Life is made up of tiny trifles. 生活是由琐碎的事构成的。 【思维拓展】 make up组成;编造;化妆;弥补 make up for弥补…… be made of/from由……制成 be made into把……制成 be made out of由……制成 be made in(某物)产于某地 make it获得成功;准时到达 make out看清;分清;辨认清楚 即境活用11 Hard work can often________a lack of intelligence. A.make up for

  B.take advantage of C.come up with

  D.keep pace with [解析]make up for弥补。take advantage of 利用;come up with 提出;keep pace with跟上。 [答案]A 6.try out测试;试验 I think I will try out his way too sometime. 我想将来某个时候也尝试一下他的方法。 The idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice. 这个主意听起来不错,但我们要在实践中试验一下。 【思维拓展】 try out for...参加竞争…… try on试穿 try one's best尽力 try one's luck试试运气 即境活用12 (2017·安徽铜陵三中测试)A lot of teams wanted me to______for other positions and I told them no. A.try out

  B.figure out C.let out

  D.break out [解析]try out尝试;试验。figure out 计算出;let out 发出,泄露;break out 爆发。句意:许多队想让我尝试其它的职位,但我拒绝了。 [答案]A 7.stay up熬夜;挺立 She promised the children they could stay up for their favourite TV programme. 她答应孩子们可以晚点儿睡,看他们最喜爱的电视节目。 I'm surprised some of those cheap houses stay up at all. 那些质量差的房子仍然挺立,我感到很惊奇。 即境活用13 He has left out the most important reason why he________last night. A.stayed up

  B.put up C.picked up

  D.kept up [解析]stay up熬夜,符合句意。put up留宿,搭建,张贴;pick up康复,好转;keep up坚持,维持。 [答案]A 重点句型

  1.There are various reasons why people write poetry. 人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。 ...reason(s) why意为“……的原因”,why等于for which引导定语从句,修饰先行词reason。reason后也可以接that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;that也可以引导同位语从句,说明reason的内容。 The reason why he died young was his inattention to health. 他英年早逝的原因是他不注意自己的健康。 We don't believe the reason that you gave us. 我们不相信你给我们的理由。

  【易错提示】 This is why...这就是……的原因。(强调结果) This is because...这是因为……。(强调原因) The reason why...is/was that...(……的原因是……)句型中,一般用that引导表语从句,而不用because。 即境活用14 The reason________he came late is________he wasn't informed of it. A.why;because

  B.which; because C.why; that

  D.that; that [解析]the reason why...的原因;that引出表语从句,无意义。 [答案]C 2.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. 有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。 句中with结构表示原因,置于句首,可替换为because引导的原因状语从句,即等于“Because there are so many different forms of poetry to choose from”,该结构中的不定式表示动作尚 未发生,有时这一结构还可以表示条件。 With so much homework to do this evening, I can't go to the concert. 因为今晚有很多作业要做,我不能去参加音乐会。 With a local guide to help us, we will have no difficulty in finding the temple. 如果有一名当地的导游帮助我们,我们找到那座庙宇将不会有困难。

  即境活用15 Now that we've discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions________? A.taking

  B.take C.taken

  D.to take [解析]decisions与take之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。 [答案]C 堂 课 双 基 Ⅰ.词义辨析 1.(2017·江苏如皋中学质检)Colours like red________a sense of energy and strength. A.exchange B.convey C.transform

  D.transfer [解析]convey 表达,传达。exchange 交换;transform 改变;transfer 转移。 [答案]B 2.The market economy has created more private colleges, which attract good students through more ________ enrollment systems. A.flexible

  B.contradictory C.blank

  D.allergic [解析]flexible 灵活的。contradictory 互相矛盾的;blank 茫然的;allergic 过敏的。 [答案]A 3.Names in different societies follow different ________ but are largely associated with religions, traditions and cultures. A.branches

  B.sections C.signatures

  D.patterns [解析]pattern 模式。branch 分支;section 部分;signature 签名。 [答案]D 4.The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has ________all over the country. A.compasses

  B.committees C.galleries

  D.branches [解析]branch 分支。compass 圆规;committee 委员会;gallery 画廊。 [答案]D 2017届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit2 Poems(新人教版必修6) 作 佳 诵 读 (2011·辽宁高考)假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B&B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括下列要点: 1.年龄; 2.学习情况及英语水平; 3.兴趣和特长; 4.性格特点。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。

  Dear Sir/Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary.____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I'm looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua 点 考 锁 定 Ⅰ.重点词汇 1.________ n.模式;式样;图案 2.________ adj.无穷的;无止境的 3.________ n.最低限度→_______n.最大限度;最大量 4.________ n.翻译;译文→________vt.翻译 5.________ n.悲伤;悲痛→_______adj.悲痛的;伤心的 6.________ n.部分;节;切下的块 7.________ n.毕业文凭;学位证书 8.________ n.冠军称号 9.________ n.枝条;支流;部门 10.________ adj.引起矛盾的;好反驳的 11.________ vt.传送;运送 12.________ adj.具体的 13.________ adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 14.________ vi.& vt.取笑;戏弄 15.________ adv.最后;终于 16.______ vi.& vt.转化;转换→______n.转换;改造 17.________ adj.适当的;正当的 18.________ n.交换;交流;互换vt.& vi.调换;交换 19.________ n.赞助人;主办者vt.发起;举办;倡议 20.________ n.负担;负荷物

  答案 1.pattern 2.endless 3.minimum;maximum 4.translation;translate 5.sorrow;sorrowful 6.section 7.diploma 8.championship 9.branch 10.contradictory 11.convey 12.concrete 13.flexible 14.tease 15.eventually 16.transform;transformation 17.appropriate 18.exchange 19.sponsor 20.load Ⅱ.短语回顾 1.________it easy轻松;不紧张;从容 2.________out of用完 3.be made up________构成 4.________particular尤其;特别 5.try________测试;试验 6.let________发出;放走 7.________sorrow处于悲伤之中 8.stay________熬夜,挺立 答案 1.take 2.run 3.of 4.in 5.out 6.out 7.in 8.up Ⅲ.句式填空 1.reason后定语从句的关系词 There are various__________________________(人们为什么写诗的原因). 2.way后定语从句的关系词 Some poems tell a story or describe something________(以……方式) will give the reader a strong impression. 3.while表对比 Some rhyme (like B)________(而) others do not (like C). 4.状语从句的省略 And said________(虽然离奇), they all were true.

  答案 1.reasons why people write poetry 2.in a way that 3.while 4.though strange 频 高 考 点 考点单词

  1.flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 Our new computer software is extremely flexible. 我们新的电脑软件很灵活。 inflexible adj.不灵活的 flexibility n.灵活性 即境活用1 The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a ________attitude. A.changeable B.alternative C.movable

  D.flexible [解析]flexible灵活的。changeable 可改变的;alternative 可选择的;movable 可移动的。 [答案]D 2.eventually adv.最后;终于 He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill. 他工作太努力,终于病倒了。 Our flight eventually left five hours late. 我们的班机最终晚了五个小时起飞。 (1)eventual adj.最后的;最终的 (2)表示“最后,终于”的词汇还有:finally,at last, in the end等。 即境活用2 (2017·湖北黄冈中学期中考试)Yin used her interest in the teenage wizard to set up a “Harry Potter Club” at the university,________attracting over 400 members and introducing her to a whole new circle of friends. A.eventually

  B.efficiently C.evidently

  D.extremely [解析]eventually最后,终于。efficiently 高效地;evidently 明显地;extremely 极其。 [答案]A 3.transform vt.转化;转换;改造;变换 Getting that new job has completely transformed her. 她得到了那份新工作以后,人全变了。 In only 20 years the country has been transformed into an advanced industrial power. 这个国家只用了20年时间就变成了一个先进的工业强国。 transform...into把某人/物改变成…… transform...from从……中转变/转化…… change sth.into=turn sth.into把……变成 【易错提示】 transform指在根本上改变人或物的外表、形态或性质。 即境活用3 It is high time that the old educational systems were________. A.moved

  B.dismissed C.transformed

  D.conveyed [解析]transform改造,改变。move 移动;dismiss 解雇,开除;convey 表达。 [答案]C 4.appropriate adj.适当的;正当的 Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending. 用适当的结尾与每个句子的开头配对。 Your clothes are hardly appropriate for a job interview. 你的服装不太适合求职面试时穿。 be appropriate to /for...对……适合,适宜 It is appropriate/proper that...(should) do...……是合适的 be suitable for/to...适合的;适宜的 be fit for...适合;胜任…… 【易混辨析】 appropriate/suitable/fit appropriate指适合于特殊的人及场合、地位等,appropriate等于very proper。 suitable指适合某种情况或安排。 fit指大小适合或胜任某职位。 即境活用4 (2017·湖北黄冈中学月考)The local government has been accused of not responding________to the needs of the homeless in the flood­stricken area. A.constantly

  B.appropriately C.gradually

  D.entirely [解析]appropriately 合适地。constantly 经常地;gradually 逐渐地;entirely 完全地。 [答案]B 5.exchange n.&vt.交换;交流;调换;兑换 He gave me an apple in exchange for a piece of cake. 他给我一个苹果,换得我一块蛋糕。 I exchanged seats with Bill. 我和比尔互换了座位。 in exchange for...交换;调换 cultural exchange文化交流 exchange sth. for sth.拿……交换…… exchange sth. with sb.与某人交换某物 exchange money兑换钱币

  即境活用5 To have a full discussion of the issue, the committee spent a whole hour________their ideas at the meeting. A.exporting

  B.exchanging C.governing

  D.interrupting [解析]exchange交换。export 出口;govern 统治;interrupt 打断。 [答案]B


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