2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第14讲《跨越“单项填空”的命题陷阱》新人教版-查字典英语网
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2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第14讲《跨越“单项填空”的命题陷阱》新人教版

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  但近年来,高考英语对学生的语言理解及运用能力要求日益提高,单项填空中,经常出现一些综合性较强的陷阱题。如何跳出这些陷阱题呢?首先我们要弄清命题者是如何设计陷阱的,然后才能有力地“还击”。 【陷阱一】利用定势思维,设置“陷阱”。 【应对策略】夯实基础,记住要点,结合语境,识破“陷阱”,理清题意。 例1. I couldn't help ______ that day for I was too busy.

  A. sweeping the floor

  B. to sweep the floor

  C. swept the floor

  D. to sweeping the floor 【解析】此题并不是couldn't help doing(情不自禁)的运用,而是对help (to) do的考查,故选B。 【陷阱二】拆散短语,模糊视线。 【应对策略】分解成相应的简单句。

  例2. What great difficulty we had ______ her!

  A. persuade

  B. to persuade

  C. persuading

  D. persuaded 【解析】本题可理解为We had great difficulty ______ her. 考查“have difficulty in doing…”,所以选C。 【陷阱三】巧设标点符号,设置“陷阱”。 【应对策略】识破玄机,看清句逗。

  例3. ______ is reported in the newspaper, the United States uses twice as much energy as the whole of Europe.




  D.That 例4. ______, we had to go home on foot.

  A. There were no buses

  B. There to be no buses

  C. There being no buses

  D.There been no buses

  【解析】例3中有逗号,所以此句逗号前应为状语,故选B,若此句中逗号换为that,答案则为It。 例4中有逗号相隔,独立结构表原因,选C,若逗号换为句号,答案则是A。 【陷阱四】句式混淆,设置干扰选项。 【应对策略】明辨是非,记清句型或结构。

  例5. — Do you know our town at all? — No, this is the first time I ______ here.

  A. came

  B. could come

  C. have come

  D. might come 例6. There seems to ______ a person in the distance.

  A. have

  B. being C. be

  D. was 【解析】例5中,考查It's the first time that…+现在完成时态,选C。但在选项中设置了干扰项A,容易唤起考生对“It's time that…+过去式”的记忆,增加了解题的难度。例6意为“远方似乎有一个人。”“有:have, there be”, 易出错。此题实际上在考查 “there be”的句型, 答案为C。 【陷阱五】比较级的形式却非比较级的意思。 【应对策略】抓住语境,弄清题目中的隐含意义。

  例7. He had never spent a ______ day.

  A.more worry

  B.most worrying

  C.more worrying

  D.most worried

  【解析】这类题目中通常会出现 never, not 或doubt ,其后跟“…a +比较级”,用比较级形式表最高级意思。因此,答案选C。

  【陷阱六】考查时态却没有时间状语。 【应对策略】把握隐含的时态,根据语境推出实际的时态。

  例8. I can see you were in a hurry. You ______ your sweater inside out.

  A. are wearing

  B. were wearing

  C. had worn

  D. wore 【陷阱六】考查时态却没有时间状语。 【应对策略】把握隐含的时态,根据语境推出实际的时态。

  例9. — Let's see if the football game has started yet.

  — Started? It must be clear which team _____ by now.

  A. is winning

  B. wins

  C. had won

  D. would win 【解析】例8中,可进行这样的推理:穿衣时很匆忙,所以现在衣服穿反了。因而时态应该是现在进行时,选A。例9中,根据答语可知,比赛已经进行到能预料胜负的时刻了,所以选A,“be +-ing”表示即将发生。 【陷阱七】强调句型考法不断创新,增加难度。 【应对策略】理解并记住强调句型的多种形式,看准其基本标志。 例10. _____ is it _____ has made Peter _____ he is today?

  A. What; that; that

  B. That; that; what

  C. What; what; that

  D. What; that; what 例11. I've already forgotten ______ you put the dictionary.

  A. that it was there

  B. where was it

  C. that where it was

  D. where it was that 【陷阱七】强调句型考法不断创新,增加难度。 【应对策略】理解并记住强调句型的多种形式,看准其基本标志。 例12. It was in the small house ______ was built with stones by his father ______

  he spent his childhood.

  A. which; that

  B. that; where

  C. which; which

  D. that; which 【解析】

  (1)强调句型可能会在一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和含名词性从句或定语从句的句子中考查,因此有必要记住相应的形式。如一般疑问句形式 “Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who…”, 特殊疑问句形式“特殊疑问词+is/was+that/who…?” 例10对照相应的句式很容易选出答案D。 【解析】

  (2)例11把强调句型和名词性从句相结合,把强调句型的特殊疑问句形式作forgotten的宾语从句,因而选陈述语序D。例12中,强调句型和定语从句相结合,强调部分含一个定语从句,这样就使整个句子变得很复杂。此时,应特别注意搞清强调句型的标志 “It is/was +…+that/who…”, 不要混淆定语从句中的关系词that/who和强调句型中的that/who,本题答案选A。 【解析】



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