2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M3 unit 7《The Sea》(第2课时)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M3 unit 7《The Sea》(第2课时)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 【答案】 1. make/earn a living  2. lives a simple life  3. the cost of living

  18. up to ①多达

  Up to 70% of the students in our class are boys.

  我们班多达70%的学生是男生。 ②直到

  Up to now the doctor hasn’t realized his mistakes.

  直到现在那医生还没有意识到他的错误。 ③胜任

  The nurse is not up to her job.

  那位护士并不胜任她的工作。 ④正在做(某事)

  What are you up to? 你正在做什么? ⑤由某人决定

  It’s up to you to decide who should do that first.

  由你决定谁先做那件事。 这些天温度高达36摄氏度。


  _____________________________________ 去看看这些顽皮的男孩在做什么。


  _____________________________________ 由我来决定下一步做什么。

  _____________________________________ The temperature reaches up to 36°

  centigrade these days. Go and see what these naughty boys are

  up to. It is up to me to decide what to do next. 1. the+比较级……, the+比较级……

  “the+比较级……, the+比较级……”意为

  “越……,就越…… ”,前半句为状语从句,后


  状语从句通常使用一般现在时代替将来时。 The harder you study, the greater progress you

  will make. 你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。 好像我挣得越多,花得就越多。 ________________________________________________________________________

  【答案】It always seems the more I earn, the more I spend.

  2. The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach



  the first to do sth. 第一个做某事的

  He is always the first to arrive at the office.

  他总是第一个到办公室。 the last / next to do sth. 最后一个/下一个做某事的 李老师总是最后一个离开办公室。

  Mr. Li is always the last teacher

  _________________. 他是第二个到达山顶的游客。

  He was the second tourist

  ______________________________. to leave the office to reach the top of the mountain 3. The reason (why / that) sb. does sth. is that…

  该句型意为“之所以……是因为……”, why和that都可以引导定语从句,修饰the reason。 why和that可以省略。

  这个句型中的第2个that引导表语从句,说明主 语reason的具体内容。当主语是reason时,一般不 跟because或why引导的表语从句,以免造成语义 重复。 He says that the reason why he isn’t coming is that

  his mother won’t let him come. 他说他不能来的原因是他母亲不让他来。 The reason why you failed, I think, was that you

  had turned a deaf ear to your mother’s advice. 我认为你失败的原因是你不听你母亲的忠告。 4. 倍数表示法

  英语中倍数的表示方法有: ①……倍数+adj. / adv.比较级+than…

  The car runs twice faster than that truck.


  (或:这辆小车的速度是那辆卡车的3倍。) ②……倍数+as+adj. / adv.原级+as…

  This river is three times as long as that one.

  这条河是那条河的3倍长。 ③……倍数+the size (length, width, height, age,

  depth, weight…)+of…

  The whale is more than four times the weight of

  an adult elephant.


  还要多。 ④……倍数+more+n.+than…

  There are four times more students in our school

  than in yours.

  我们学校的学生比你们学校的学生多4倍。 ⑤……倍数+as many / much+n.+as…

  There is three times as much oil in this pot as in

  that one.

  这个壶里的油是那个壶里的3倍。 ⑥……倍数+that of+比较对象……

  The output of refrigerators this year is three

  times that of last year.



  如果一篇作文将写作要点都覆盖了,但通篇都是简单句,结果得分一定不高。如果能适当地使用并列句,就可以提高文章的质量。首先,我们可根据写作要求的各要点形成几个简单句,再将简单句中有内在逻辑联系的句子用适当的并列连词合并为并列句。 一、 请根据并列句的逻辑关系加上恰当的并列连词,将两个句子合并为一个并列句  1. This will cost quite some money. It's worthwhile in a long run. ________________________________________________________________________  

  This will cost quite some money; nevertheless, it's worthwhile in a long run.

  2. He would have won the game easily. He fell and broke his leg. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. He had failed many times. He was confident that he would succeed in the end. ________________________________________________________________________

  He would have won the game easily; however, he fell and broke his leg.

  He had failed many times, but/yet he was confident that he would succeed in the end.

   4. Girls are jealous of Mary. Mary is very beautiful and successful. ________________________________________________________________________  5. The chance is slim. They never give up hope. ________________________________________________________________________

  Girls are jealous of Mary, for she is very beautiful and successful.

  The chance is slim but they never give up hope./ The chance is slim, yet they never give up hope.

  6. The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds. Not a single star could be seen. ________________________________________________________________________  7. Please start early. You can go there in time.


  The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds, and/so not a single star could be seen.

  Start early, and you can get there in time.

  8. She sings well. She dances beautifully.


  Not only does she sing well, but also she dances beautifully. 二、 用并列句翻译下列句子  1. 昨天我生日,很多同学送给我礼物。 ________________________________________________________________________

  It was my birthday yesterday, so many classmates gave me presents. 2. 地震中有10人死亡,3000多人无家可归。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. 有些学生喜欢看书,有些学生喜欢运动。 ________________________________________________________________________

  Ten people were killed in the earthquake, and more than 3,000 people were left homeless.

  Some students like reading while others are crazy about sports.  4. 追求时尚没有什么不好,但我们要把注意力集中在学习上。 ________________________________________________________________________  

  There is nothing wrong to follow the fashion, but we must focus our attention on study. 5. 通过做兼职,我们不但可以学到书本以外的东西,而且可以积累重要的社会经验。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  By doing part­time jobs, we learn many things we can't get from books, and we can acquire important social experience. * * * * * Part 2 Of 2 2017届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用

  9. survive

  ①vt. 比……活得长;从……中生还

  Mary survived her husband by three years.


  ②vi. 幸存;存留下来,保存下来

  Tom didn’t survive long after the accident.


  The objects in the museum have survived

  through the years.

  多年来,这个博物馆里的物品一直被保存着。 survival n. 幸存,残存,生存 survivor n. 幸存者 surviving adj. 活着的,残存的 用survive的适当形式填空 1. The old man _________ two world wars. 2. The girl was the only _______ of the plane crash. 3. His __________ made everyone very happy. 4. Did anyone __________ the earthquake? 5. He is the last __________ member of the family. survived survivor survival survive surviving 10. recognise vt. 认出,认识到;(正式)承认,认可;


  She recognised an old classmate at the party.


  We recognise that she is the best friend we have.

  我们认识到她是我们最好的朋友。 My merits have been recognised. 我的功绩已被公认了。 recognise…by / from…由……认出…… recognise sb. / sth. as…承认……是…… 我一见到她就认出了她,虽然这些年她改变了许多。 ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ I recognised her as soon as I saw her, though she had changed a lot through these years. 11. apologize



  I must apologize for not being able to meet you. 我因没能接你而向你道歉。 apology n. 道歉,歉意,谢罪 make an apology to sb. for(doing) sth. 为(做)某事向某人道歉 owe sb. an apology 应该向某人道歉 1.他因为球队的表现进行了公开道歉。 He ________________ the team's performance.

  2.Victor apologized for __________(没能) to inform me of the change in the plan.

  【答案】 1. made a public apology for 2. his not being able

  12.很多,大量的(修饰可数名词) A number of workers were waiting to see the boss

  at the gate of the factory. 很多工人在工厂门口等着见老板。 a number of 与the number of

  a number of 意为“很多,大量的”,用于修饰可数名词,在number 前可用great, large, small, good等修饰。 A number of candidates have been interviewed yesterday. 昨天已经对一些候选人进行了面试。 the number of 则指“……的数量”,其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 The number of the boys in our class is 30. 我们班男生的人数是30。 1.屋里发现藏有大量的金钱。 Quantities of money ________ discovered hidden

  in the room. 2.随着越来越多的森林被破坏,每年有大量的 肥沃土壤被冲走。 With more forest being destroyed, a large quantity

  of good earth ________ being washed away each year.



  3. 办公室外面站着很多人。

  ______________ people ______ standing

  outside the office. 4. 那儿的人数至少超过500。

  ______________ people

  ______ at least

  over 500 there. A number of are The number of is 13. pick up ①接收(信号),听到(信号)=receive

  I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.

  我设法收听到一家美国电台的资讯广播。 ②捡起

  The phone rang and I picked it up.

  电话响起,我拿起了话筒。 ③(用车)接

  We’ll send the ambulance to pick him up.

  我们要派一辆救护车把他接走。 ④(无意中)学会

  If you go to England you’ll soon pick up English.


  pick与pick out ①pick和pick out都可用来表示从许多人或事物


  I’m going to pick out a few books to send to

  several friends in South China.


  When I buy tomatoes, I always try to pick the

  red ones.

  我买西红柿时总是挑红的。 ②pick还可以用来表示“摘”花、果等植物类


  They’re going to pick cotton this afternoon.


  He had his pocket picked.

  他的腰包被掏了。 1. 他明天早上10点钟来酒店门口接我。

  He will ________________ at the hotel gate at

  10 a.m. tomorrow. 2. 他从一大堆二手书里面挑了几本。

  He _____________ several books from those

  piles of second-hand books. pick me up picked out 14.all at once 突然,同时,马上

  All at once she lost her temper.


  The musician can play the piano and sing all

  at once.

  这个音乐家能同时弹钢琴和唱歌。 in all 总共

  above all 特别是,最重要的是 after all毕竟 (not) at all 一点也(不) first of all 首先 all of a sudden 突然 all the same 一直,仍然 15. deal with ①处理,常与how连用。

  How shall we deal with the problem?

  我们将如何处理这个问题? ②对付,与……打交道

  I’ve dealt with them for a long time.

  我已经和他们打了很长时间的交道了。 ③论述

  The book deals with Asian problems.

  这本书论述了亚洲问题。 do with也表示“处理”,但常与what连用。 What will you do with these naughty children? 你将如何对付这些调皮的孩子? 16. 有关feed的短语 feed sb. (sth.) 喂食某人(物) feed sb. with (on) sth. 用某物喂养某人 feed sth. to sb. 喂某物给某人吃 (animals) feed on…(动物)以……为食 (people) live on…(人)以……为食 be fed up (with) 不满,因多而厌烦 feed one’s family 供养家庭 We feed cows with grass. 我们用草喂牛。 Owls feed on mice and other small animals. 猫头鹰以老鼠和其他小动物为食。 I'm fed up of waiting for him, I must go now! 我等他都等烦了,我这就走! I'm rather fed up with/about your complaint. 我听够了你的牢骚。 17. make a living 谋生


  He makes a living by selling vegetables.

  他靠卖蔬菜谋生。 live / lead a…life意为 “过着……的生活”,可以用happy, hard, busy, quiet等形容词修饰life。 earn one's living 谋生,靠……为生 1. 作为音乐家想谋生是很难的事。 It's hard to ____________ as a musician. 2. 尽管他很富有,但却过着俭朴的生活。 Rich as he is, he ____________.

  3. 在中国,由于通货膨胀去年的生活费用增加了40%。 In China, ____________ rose by forty percent in the last year, due to the inflation.

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