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发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  fun 用法:Have fun; It is fun to do; What fun it is!


  furniture 用法:furniture是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。

  特殊注意:可以用a piece/set of furniture.

  get 用法:get cold; get down to; get away; get close to, get hold of, get in, get off, get on, get rid of, get up

  特殊注意:作使役动词时,不定式作宾语补足语时to不能省。如:Can you get him to pick me up at seven?

  give用法:give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. , give away / back / off / out / up / way to, give one’s life to

  特殊注意:give out 表示“耗尽,用完”是不及物短语。

  go 用法:go ahead; go all out; go through; go over, go up, go with, go fishing /swimming / hunting

  特殊注意:作系动词表示变化时,只能表示从好变坏,如:These apples have gone bad.

  good 用法:do good to = do sb. good; it is good of/for sb. to do

  特殊注意:在It is no good的句型中,要用动名词作句子真正的主语。如:It is no good talking to him.

  graduate 用法:graduate from; a graduate表示毕业生。

  特殊注意:点动词,不能表示毕业时间长短。要表示延续时可以用be away from school.

  grass 用法:live on grass; keep off the grass


  ground 用法:表示室外地面或场地,与sky相对。

  特殊注意:引申意义表示讨论的内容,如:Don’t talk about politics; it is forbidden ground.

  grow 用法:grow up; grow wheat; grow dark

  特殊注意:作系动词表示缓慢变化。如:He has grown taller.


  guide 用法:作名词表示导游、指南;作动词表示指导、带领。

  特殊注意:作名词时与介词to搭配,如:a guide to the museum.

  habit用法:get/ form / into the habit of , break away from / off a habit, from / out of / by habit 出于习惯

  特殊注意:habit 是指个人的习惯;custom 是指一个社会,一个民族的风俗,还可以表示“海关,关税”

  hair 用法:头发的总称,不可数名词;表示一根根头发的时候可数。


  hand 用法:by hand; hand in hand; at hand; hand in, hand down, hand out, hand over

  特殊注意:可以表示人手,如:The factory has employed more hands.

  hang 用法:表示悬挂,过去式和过去分词都是hung; 表示绞刑,过去式和过去分词都是hanged.

  特殊注意:表示悬挂的状态时,用不及物动词形式。如:My shirt is hanging on the wall.

  happen 用法:happen to do sth. It so happened that… sth. happen to sb.


  hate 用法:hate to do; hate doing

  特殊注意:不定式表示某一次具体的情况;动名词表示习惯性动作。如:I hate walking in the rain. I hate to go out tonight.

  have 用法:have sb. do/doing/done; have to do

  特殊注意:have to do表示客观需要;而must表示主观看法。

  head 用法:Use your head; head of the department; head for

  特殊注意:可以用作量词,如:a head of cattle.

  hear用法:hear about / of / from hear sb. do sth. / doing sth. / done ; hearing 听力

  特殊注意:hear 表示结果;listen 只表示动作。Hear from 收到某人的来信。

  heart 用法:by heart; heart and soul; lose heart

  特殊注意:表示灰心的时候不能说lose one’s heart.

  help 用法:can’t help doing sth.; can’t help to do sth. help to do; can’t help but do sth. , can’t but do sth.


  home 用法:go/come home; be at home


  hope 用法:hope for; hope to do; hope that

  特殊注意:不能说hope sb. to do.


  特殊注意:however 加副词 / 形容词,引导一个状语从句。However hard he tries, he never succeeds.

  hurt 用法:Me leg hurts. He was hurt.


  ill 用法:be/fall ill; speak ill of; ill manners


  immediately用法:它本身是一个副词,意为“立即,马上”= at once = right away

  特殊注意:可以引导一个时间状语从句= as soon as 。Immediately he entered, all of us stood up.

  in用法:in a flash, in a good time, in a moment, in addition to, in aid of, in chains, in fact, in memory of

  特殊注意:in time 及时,有提前之意;最后,终于。on time 指正点,踩着时间点。In也可以作副词。

  include 用法:including me; me included


  increase 用法:increase to/by


  insist 用法:insist that sb. should do; insist on doing sth.

  特殊注意:当insist表示坚持要求做某事的时候,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气;当insist表示坚持认为的时候,不用虚拟语气。如:He insisted that I should come to his office at one o’clock. He insisted that I didn’t return the money.

  intend用法:intend to do sth. / doing sth. / that…, intend sb. to do sth./

  特殊注意:intend for (原)打算给某人;准备让某人干…。是别人干;mean to do sth. 是自己干。

  interest 用法:be interested in; a place of interest


  join 用法:join in; join up; join to

  特殊注意:join表示加入一个组织;join in表示加入一种活动。

  judge 用法:judge by; judge from

  特殊注意:当表示由……来判断的时候,要用Judging from的形式作状语。

  jump 用法:jump up/onto/down; jump the stream

  特殊注意:作名词时可以表示跳远,如:long jump.

  just 用法:just now/then; just a little boy; just struggle

  特殊注意:just now通常与过去时搭配;just通常与完成时搭配;用作形容词时意为“公正的,适当的”

  keep 用法:keep quiet; keep doing; keep on doing; keep sb. from doing

  特殊注意:keep doing表示不间断地做某事;keep on doing表示动作是时断时续的。

  kind 用法:a kind of; all kinds of; It is kind of you to do that.

  特殊注意:可以用Would you be so kind as to sth.表示劳驾。

  last 用法:last week; last for two hours

  特殊注意:the last but one表示倒数第二。作动词表示持续,后跟时间。The meeting will last two hours.

  late 用法:be late for; come late to; late at night


  law 用法:by law; make/pass/observe/break the law


  lay 用法:lay the table; lay eggs


  lead 用法:lead to; lead sb. in doing; led by , lead sb. to do sth.

  特殊注意:lead to表示导致,其中的to是一个介词。

  learn 用法:learn from; learn that…, learn sth. by heart

  特殊注意:learned people表示博学的人;learn that表示得知。

  leave 用法:leave for; leave sth. to; ask for leave

  特殊注意:可以在leave后面分用词作宾语补足语,如:Please don’t leave the pot uncovered.

  lesson 用法:Lesson Two; teach sb. a lesson; draw a lesson, give sb. a lesson


  let 用法:let sb. do; let in/out, let alone

  特殊注意:Let’s go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you?

  lie 用法:lie in; lie to sb.

  特殊注意:表示说谎时的过去式和过去分词都是lied; 表示躺卧、存在、位于某个地点时过去式为lay, 过去分词为lain.

  like用法:like to do sth. / doing sth. ; feel like doing sth. ; look like ; nothing like; do as one likes, if you like

  特殊注意:作动词是“喜欢”;作介词,形容词是“像”。How do you like…?你觉得…怎么样?

  likely用法:be likely to do sth. ; It is likely that…;

  特殊注意:作副词的时候多和most, very 连用。 We will most likely be late.

  little 用法:little boy; little hope; a little; little by little


  live用法:live and learn, live by, live apart, live from hand to mouth, live on,

  特殊注意:live 形容词,活的,与dead相对应,一般作定语;还可以表示实况直播。作表语用alive。lively活泼的,活跃的;living作定语,活着的。

  lonely 用法:a lonely house; feel lonely


  long用法:long face, long memory, for long, all day long, so long 再见。

  特殊注意:long 作为动词,意为渴望,跟不定式; long for 后面跟名词。

  look 用法:look fine; look as if; look at/into/through/back/down upon

  特殊注意:与see不同的是,look at主要强调看的动作,不强调看的内容。

  lose 用法:be lost; lose one’s life; lost heart

  特殊注意:be lost往往表示丢失了,而be missing强调不在现场。

  major 用法:major part; major in

  特殊注意:an …major表示主修某专业的学生。

  make用法:make a dash for, make a deal with, make a face, make friends with, make …into…, make it, make out, make sense, make sure, make up, make up one’s mind, make up for, 以及用于6123结构。


  manage 用法:manage to do; manage it

  特殊注意:manage to do表示成功地做成某事,不成功不可以用。

  many 用法:too/so many people; as many as; a good/great many, many a


  marry 用法:A marry B; got married; marry well/young, be married to sb.

  特殊注意:marry是点动词,不能表示时间延续。如要表示结婚的时间长短可以用have been married for…

  matter 用法:It doesn’t matter; a matter of fact ; What’s the matter?

  特殊注意:the matter在句中只能作表语,如:Can you tell me what is the matter?

  mean 用法:mean to do sth. ; mean doing sth. ; What do you mean by…?

  特殊注意:mean to do表示打算做某事;mean doing表示意味着。

  means 用法:by means of; by no means; every possible means, by all means, by this means


  measure 用法:measure one’s height, The tablecloth measures 18 by 20 feet. Measure one’s owrds

  特殊注意:用作名词,意为“措施”,可数。Take measure s to do sth. / against sth.

  meet 用法:meet sb. at the station; meet the need; meet with = come across

  特殊注意:meet可以表示有目的的去见;meet with往往表示偶遇。

  mind 用法:mind doing; make up one’s mind to do; Do you mind…? Would you mind if I did sth. ?

  特殊注意:回答mind的问句时,介意用yes, 不介意用no.

  miss 用法:miss doing; miss the train; be missing

  特殊注意:miss和hit是反义词,表示没打中/打中。还可以表示想念,怀念。miss sb. / sth.

  wait用法:wait about, wait for, wait on , wait to do sth. , wait until…, wait up, waiting room

  特殊注意:不及物动词,在某些搭配中是及物动词:wait the answer, wait the result, wait one’s chance

  want 用法:want to do; want sb. to do; You are wanted on the phone.

  特殊注意:在want在表示需要时,want doing = want to be done如:This room wants cleaning.

  warn 用法:warn sb. to sth. warn sb. of sth. warn sb. that…

  特殊注意:warn sb. not to do sth. = warn sb. against doing sth.

  waste用法:waste sth. waste away, waste one’s breath, waste sth. in doing sth.

  特殊注意:作名词用时意为“浪费”不可数,但可加不定冠词。It’s a waste of time your talking to him.

  watch用法:watch sb. / sth. , watch sb. doing sth. / do sth. / done / 介词短语,watch for / out / out for / over, on watch , go on watch, keep a watch on, keep watch


  way 用法:by the way; in the way; in a way; make one’s way, under way, ways and means, on the way to

  特殊注意:in the way表示挡路、妨碍;in a way表示在某种意义上


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