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发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 7 Teenager should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Grammar Focus



  1.掌握重点单词和短语:community; chance; educate; manage; society; make one’s own decision; keep...away from 等。






  学法指导:首先认真拼读P52所有新单词,掌握其发音和中文意思。再疯狂朗读Grammar Focus,做到能流利通顺地背诵,并勾出含有“modal v. + be +done”的部分,重点记忆!

  Task 1. 通过预习关上书后准确翻译下面的短语,并大声朗读背诵。

  learn...from________________ 2. too...to_________________ 3.keep...away from__________________

  4.make one’s own decision______________5. give chance to_____________6. move out_______________

  Task 2. 通过预习,根据例句或提示完成句子。

  例1. I’m allowed to watch TV, but I’m not allowed to play computer games.

  Tom ________ ________ _______go for a walk, but he ________ ________ _______search the Internet.

  You______ __________ ________listen to music, but you _______ _______ ________watch TV.

  例2. He should be allowed to choose his clothes, but he shouldn’t be allowed to color his hair.

  I________ _______ _______ _______wear jeans, but I shouldn’ t be allowed to get my ears pierced.

  They _______ _______ ______go out with friends, but they_______ _______ _______to drink.


  Step 1. 和搭档一起核对自主学习案答案。

  Step 2. 组长带领组员疯狂朗读Grammar Focus,并合作完成每个句子的翻译,并做好随他随堂笔记。然后根据组长的安排组员间相互抽查背诵情况。

  Step 3. 独立完成4a,4b,再和搭档核对答案。然后组内相互核对答案。

  Step 4. 利用4c中的对话和组员讨论:你们即将开始一个英语俱乐部,作为俱乐部的成员应该遵守哪些规则呢。把对话工整地写在草稿本上,准备分组展示。

  Step 5. 知识梳理。



  如:The plan should be put into practice as soon as possible.这项计划应该尽早实施。

  The tree must be planted in spring.树必须在春天栽。


  如:The radio can’t be mended in four hours.这台收音机在四个小时内修不好。

  Waste paper shouldn’t be thrown here.废纸不应该被扔在这里。


  I. 单项选择题。


  ) 1. Young trees should ________every day.


  B. watered

  C. be watering

  D. be watered


  ) 2. It’s a rule in my class that our classroom ____________before 6:00 p.m. every day.

  A. be able to clean

  B. should be cleaning

  C. must clean

  D. must be cleaned


  ) 3. Even a drop of water __________because it is so important to all the living things.

  A. must waste

  B. mustn’t be wasted

  C. mustn’t waste

  D. must be wasted


  ) 4. My watch doesn’t work, I want to get it _________tomorrow.

  A. repaired

  B. repairs

  C. repair

  D. repairing


  ) 5. The windows must __________before you leave the room.

  A. be closed

  B. are closed

  C. close

  D. be close

  II. 按要求完成句子。

  We must do something to save the wild animals.(改为同义句)

  Something must___________ ___________ _________ ____________to save the wild animals.

  We must plant many trees and flowers in our hometown every year.(改为被动语态)

  Many trees and flowers must___________ _____________in our hometown every year.

  Parents should allow their children to choose their own clothes.(改为同义句)

  The children_____________ _________ ___________to choose their own clothes.

  Your room should e cleaned.(改为主动语态)

  You ___________ _________your room.

  I think your homework should be done at once.(改为否定句)

  I ____________ ___________your homework ___________be done at once.

  III. 认真识记本课单词和短语,准备听写。

  【总结反思】这节课我学到的新知识有:________________________________ _____________


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢