2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题22 阅读理解-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题22 阅读理解

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Tickets and Events for 2017 London Olympic Games


  1.A Chinese who wants to get tickets for Olympic Football Tournament should _____.

  A.apply to a European appointed ATR by Dec.2, 2011

  B.purchase through NPC in China by Feb.6, 2017

  C.visit http://www.tickets.london2017.com now

  D.contact the NOC in China by Feb.6, 2017

  2.____will be held in the Olympic Park.

  A.Walking and table tennis

  B.Running and women's basketball quarter-finals

  C.Taekwondo and table tennis

  D.Men's basketball quarter-finals and taekwondo

  3.Which sport will last the longest period of time?




  D.Table Tennis.

  [文章大意] 这是一篇应用文。是关于2017年伦敦奥运会的部分赛事以及部分赛事的票价。

  1. B细节理解题。题干关键词为:tickets for Olympic Football Tournament,由 表格1 中的Olympic Football Tournament后面的信息可以直接得出答案。

  2. B细节理解题。由表格2中的Venue(场地)中的Olympic park后面的赛事可以直接得出答案。

  3.D数字计算题。由表二可知:Athletics(8,3—8,12);Taekwondo(8,8—8,11);Basketball(7,28-8,12);Table Tennis(7,28—8,8)。由此可以看出答案。


  【2017四川德阳高中高三一诊】The singer, Mick Jagger, of the Rolling Stones sings a song that tells people they can’t always get what they want but if we try sometimes we can get what we need. The past years in my life my parents have told me this saying many times. I’ve always complained about the quote(引语). Although over time I have told myself to learn from it.

  This year my girlfriend flew off to college in West Palm, Florida. This has been a killer for me because I haven’t been able to see her and she is having a rough time in school. The last two months have been hard but we are working through it. I have been trying to get my dad to buy me a plane ticket to go down there. My dad told me if I brought him some money he would help me pay for the ticket. I started to complain to him because I had no way of getting any money to give him. I spent several days and nights thinking of ways to earn money to go see my girlfriend. I finally came to the conclusion that I would get a job and work hard to earn some money to give to my dad. I applied to Safeway and I ended up getting the job.

  I have been working at Safeway for about a month now and work hard to earn money to go see my girlfriend. The other day my mom had surprised me and told me that she asked her boss if she could use their business miles(旅费) to buy me a ticket down to Florida for two weeks. I was very thankful and told her I would help pay for anything that I have to. The thought of me working hard and getting a job showed my mom that I really cared and was trying my best to be a successful person. I believe that you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

  1.The author’s parents often told him the saying quoted from the song because


  A.He liked to complain to them about his life

  B.They expected him to learn from the singer

  C.He always wanted to get everything he wanted

  D.They tried to educate him to do things for himself

  2.What does the world “killer” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?

  A.Something that is quite troublesome. B.Something that is very difficult.

  C.A person who kills purposely. D.A person who treats women very badly.

  3.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.The author was lazy and unwilling to work hard.

  B.The author’s father was too mean to give him money.

  C.The author’s actual action won support from his mother.

  D.The author was unable to tear himself away from his girl friend.

  4.By writing the passage, the author tries to show


  A.we can do nothing without money

  B.fathers are strict while mothers are kind

  C.it’s hard for parents to bring up their children

  D.we should try to rely on ourselves for everything

  [文章大意] 作者的父亲总是引用歌词教育作者,凡事要靠自己的努力,作者就只凭借自己的努力满足了打动父母,如愿以偿的拿到了去看女朋友的票。

  1. D推理判断题。由作者在第一段最后的“I’ve always complained about the quote(引语). Although over time I have told myself to learn from it.”尽管作者总是抱怨,但自己也承认学从中学到了东西,这正是父母引用的目的所在。

  2. A考查词义猜测。由下文的解释“because I haven’t been able to see her and she is having a rough time in school.”可以看出,女朋友离开去上大学了,自己感觉很孤独,再加上女友在学校“having a rough time”,由此可以看出,这正是上文所说的killer,一些使人烦恼的事情。

  3. C推理判断题。当作者提出让父母出钱买票去看女友的时候,父亲的答复是:作者得出钱,即:“if I brought him some money he would help me pay for the ticket.”后来作者找了份工作(ended up getting the job),并努力赚钱买票(work hard to earn money to go see my girlfriend.),正是作者的实际行动感动了作者的妈妈,从而“asked her boss if she could use their business miles(旅费) to buy me a ticket down to Florida for two weeks.”

  4. D主旨大意题。作者用开篇用一句歌词引出了主题,只要:只要努力就能得到自己所需要的。中间用自己的一次经历进行了论证,最后一段在回扣:…trying my best to be a successful person., I believe that you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you get what you need. ,也就是:we should try to rely on ourselves for everything。



  (You may read the questions first.)

  Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  Theatrical Release Date: July 1, 2011

  Studio: Paramount Pictures

  Director: Michael Bay

  Genre: Action︱Adventure︱Sequel︱ Sci-Fi︱ 3D

  The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, are back in action, taking on the evil Decepticons. The Autobots and Decepticons become involved in a dangerous space race. The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft on the Moon and must race against the Decepticons to find its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers’ final battle. Shockwave, a longtime “Transformers” character, rules Cybertron while the Autobots and Decepticons battle it out on Earth.

  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II

  Theatrical Release Date: July 15, 2011

  Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

  Director: David Yates

  Genre: Action︱Adventure︱Sequel︱Fantasy︱3D

  In part II, the battle between the good and evil forces of the Wizarding world evolves into an all-out war. This final adventure continues Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s attempt to find and destroy Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes. Harry Potter is called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice to bring an end to his nemesis.

  Winnie the Pooh

  Theatrical Release Date: July 15, 2011

  Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

  Director: Don Hall, Stephen J. Anderson

  Genre: Sequel︱Family Animation

  Winnie the Pooh is a 2011 American traditionally animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Based upon the characters of the children’s books Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne and Return to the Hundred Acre Wood by David Benedictus, the film features two previously unadapted stories from the original books.

  In the movie, Owl sends the whole gang to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary bad character, and it turns out to be a very busy day for Winnie the Pooh who simply set out to find some honey.

  1. Which of the following is not the genre of Transformers: Dark of the Moon?

  A. Action.

  B. Sequel.

  C. 3D.

  D. Fantasy.

  2. According to the Movie Express above, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II is mainly about ______.

  A. a journey of Harry, Ron, and Hermione

  B. high risks of the final adventure

  C. an all-out war between good and evil forces

  D. a fear of Lord Voldemort

  3. Who might be most interested in the Movie Express of Winnie the Pooh?

  A. Would-be parents.

  B. Families with children.

  C. Writers of children’s books.

  D. Honey lovers.


  1. D细节理解题。由第一部分的“Genre: Action︱Adventure︱Sequel︱ Sci-Fi︱ 3D”可以看出,前三项符合要求。

  2. C细节理解题。由第二部分的“In part II, the battle between the good and evil forces of the Wizarding world evolves into an all-out war.”可以直接得出答案。

  3. B细节理解题。由最后一部分的“Studio: Walt Disney Pictures”结合常识可以看出,这是一卡通,应该适合儿童欣赏。


  【2017·西安一次质检】More than half of rich Americans have not shown their full wealth to their children, a new survey showed last Tuesday.

  The survey, published by the Bank of America, studied the rich with $ 3 million or more in assets. It found that “surprisingly few of those surveyed have well-developed plans to preserve and pass on their assets to their children”.

  The majority of the 457 people surveyed are self-made, first-generation rich. Fifty-two percent of parents have chosen not to tell their children just how wealthy they are, and 15 percent have given away nothing about the family wealth. One in there parents said they had never thought to do it.

  They are worried that their children would become lazy, spend money freely, make bad decisions and even become a target for gold diggers.

  Only 34 percent strongly agreed that t heir children would be able to handle any inheritance(遗产) they plan to leave them.

  “There is an expectation about the wealthy parents that they have a responsibility to pass down their fortune to the next generation,” said Sallie Krawcheck, president of the Bank of America Globai Wealth and Investment Management. “Our research, however, uncovered changing views of what one generation owes the next.”

  The trend is led by the world’s richest man Bill Gates, who promised in 2008 that he would leave his $58 billion fortune to the charity started by him and his wife, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(基金会), and not to his children.

  “We want to five it back to society in the way that it will have the most positive impact,” he said.

  Of his plans for his children, Gates said: “I will give the kids some money but not a meaningful percentage… they will need to work but they will feel reasonably taken care of.”

  1.We can learn from the passage that


  A.rich parents may not know how to manage their inheritance

  B.rich parents don’t equal rich kids, at least in the US

  C.American children don’t get to inherit their parents’ wealth

  D.poor children don’t expect themselves to be as rich as their parents

  2.According to the survey, most rich Americans


  A.think they owe their children nothing

  B.think it best to give their money back to society

  C.doubt their children’s ability to handle wealth

  D.are confident of their children’s ability to handle wealth

  3.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to


  A.responsible children

  B.Bill Gates and his wife

  C.first-generation rich

  D.rich parents

  4.From the last paragraph, we can see that Bill Gates wants to show


  A.the trend of leaving no inheritance to children

  B.the positive impact of charity on society

  C.the way of giving back to society

  D.the importance of independence for children


  1.B细节推断题,根据第二段、第三段可知,在美国,大多数富人们不把他们所有的资产告诉孩子们,也不会让孩子们继承太多的资产,可以得出家长富有并不等于孩子富有。B项rich parents don’t equal rich kids, at least in the US.(至少在美国是这样)家长富有并不等于孩子富有,符合题意。

  2.C逻辑推断题。根据第五段,“Only 34 percent strongly agreed that t heir children would be able to handle any inheritance(遗产) they plan to leave them.”(仅有34%的家长坚信他们的孩子有能力处理好留给他们的任何遗产)可以推出66%的家长对孩子们处理资产的能力表示怀疑。所以C.doubt their children’s ability to handle wealth(怀疑他们的孩子处理资产的能力)符合逻辑。


  4.D根据最后一段句意,我要给孩子们一些钱,但不是一个有意义的百分比,他们将需要工作,但他们会感觉合理照顾。由此可知,这样做的目的是不让孩子们过度的依赖父母,要让他们工作,学会独立。D.the importance of independence for children(独立对孩子们的重要性)符合最后一段的句意。


  【湖北省八校2017届高三第一次联考】Squirrels often communicate with whistles, chirps and chucks, which sound like the word “chuck”. Whistles and chirps are like the sounds that many birds make.Now scientists have translated some of their squirrel-speak.

  Hare, a professor of zoology at the University of Maniloha in Winnipeg, and his team managed to record squirrels' alarm calls.The researchers studied the sounds and then played them back to 60 wild squirrels, which the scientists approached individually with a video recorder to capture(抓拍)their reponses.Some squirrels lifted their heads up and became.Alert(警惕的).Creatures that were more frightened simply ran for their lives and dived into caves.

  "In effect then, whistles that mix with chucks say 'there's an enemy of average threat that's here', and whistles without chucks say 'there's an enemy of seemingly average threat around here somewhere', while pure chirps say, 'I'm hiding here because there's an immediate danger.' " Hare told.Discovery News.

  Hare and some other researchers believe such sounds arc part of an advanced language that develops just as all other communication systems.

  Although squirrels risk their lives when they call out to warn others of threats, other squirrels might admire this behaviour, thus increasingly the caller’s social status, like humans who look up to heroes. Hare added that other animals, such as birds, probably understand at least some squirrel language, since they also may benefit from the alarm calls.

  In fact, another Canadian study found that deep-voiced, black-capped chickadees have their own language too.According to certain research, there are a lot of tidings in chickadees' calls, such as directing fellows' activities, keeping in contact between mates, and raising alarms.

  While chickadees and other birds are often welcomed into gardens by homeowners, squirrels are frequently viewed as pests(害兽). Hare wishes a greater understanding of the complex social lives and communication systems of squirrels will provide “hope that humans will gain a greater appreciation and stop doing harm to these animals”.

  1.The text mainly talks about


  A.the study on the language of squirrels

  B.the comparison between squirrels and chickadees

  C.the calling for the protection of squirrels

  D.the ways for squirrels to escape from their enemies

  2.If a squirrel is in a very dangerous situation, it would probably make ____.

  A.whistles with chucks

  B.pure chirps

  C.whistles without chucks

  D.repeated chucks

  3.The underlined word “tidings” in pardgmph 6 probably means ____.





  4.What can be learned from this text?

  A.Squirrels communicate with cach other as humans do.

  B.Some squirrels understand the recorded alarm calls.

  C.Other animals also well understand the language of squirrels.

  D.Birds such as chickadees don’t have their own language.

  1.A 主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们讲述了Hare以及他带领的团队对松鼠们所使用的语言的研究。

  2.B细节理解题。由文章中的“while pure chirps say, 'I'm hiding here because there's an immediate danger”可以看出,B项正确。

  3.C词义推测题。下文such as 后里列举的“directing fellows' activities, keeping in contact between mates, and raising alarms”都是是不同的信息,由此可以看出,该词和message同义。

  4.B 推理判断题。从文章的第二段中“…Some squirrels lifted their heads up and became.Alert(警惕的).Creatures that were more frightened simply ran for their lives and dived into caves.”可以看出,松鼠们对于“the recorded alarm calls”反应很忙敏感,也就是说他们能理解。



  After moving to the United States, immigrant groups trying to fit in tend to choose high calorie fatty foods in an attempt to appear more American,a new study finds.That's one reason why immigrants approach US levels of obesity within 15 years of moving to America.

  The researchers also did an experiment that measured whether or not the threat of appearing un-American influenced respondents' food choices.After being questioned about their ability to speak English,75 percent of Asian-Americans identified a typical American food as their favorite. Only 25 percent of Asian-Americans who had not been asked if they spoke English did the same.

  When their American identity was called into question during a follow-up study, Asian-American participants also tended to choose typical American dishes,such as hamburgers and cheese sandwiches.In that experiment, 55 Asian-Americans were asked to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant. Some participants were told that only Americans could participate in the study. Those who chose the more typical American fare ended up consuming an extra 182 calories,including 12 grams of fat and 7 grams of saturated fat(饱和脂肪).

  "People who feel like they need to prove they belong to a culture will change their habits in an attempt to fit in,"said Sauna Cheryan,an author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Washington." If immigrants and their children choose unhealthy American foods over healthier traditional foods across their lives,this process of fitting in could lead to poorer health." Cheryan added.

  Social pressures,the study concluded, are at the heart of the problem."In American society today, being American is associated with being white.Americans,who don't fit this image even if they were born here and speak English,feel that pressure to prove that they're American," said Cheryan.

  1. The author wants to show that __________.

  A. more and more Asians enjoy high-calorie snacks

  B. immigrants tend to eat American junk food to fit in

  C. most Americans are at the risk of heart disease

  D. all the American people have a bad eating habit

  2. According to the survey, __________.

  A. Asian-Americans care less about their health

  B. 25 percent of Americans like junk food

  C. choosing food is related to Asian-Americans' situation

  D. immigrants are forced to eat junk food

  3. The underlined word "fare" in Paragraph 4 most probably means" __________".

  A. food offered as a meal

  B. a person taking a taxi

  C. money spent on food

  D. an arranged thing to do

  4. According to Sauna Cheryan, __________.

  A. what immigrants have done is ridiculous

  B. American traditional foods are healthier

  C. immigrants risk their health in order to fit in

  D. American culture affects immigrants deeply

  5. Which of the following should take the blame for the bad eating habit?

  A. The situation of employment.

  B. The traditional culture.

  C. The American government.

  D. The pressures from society.





  3·A猜测词义题:结合上文中的“In that experiment。55 Asian.Americans were asked to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant.”以及画线词后面的内容可推知画线词表示的是提供的食物。




  【2017·上海春招】 For six hours we shot through the landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to

  remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three

  notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook I'd bought in a market in


  Southern Africa was full of stories. And visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room, a kilometre from clean water.

  As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty -- we

  hadn't seen another car for hours. And as I drove, something caught my eye, something moving

  next to me. I glanced in the mirror of the car; I glanced sideways to the right, and that was when I saw them. Next to us, by the side of the road, thirty, forty wild horses were racing the car, a cloud of dust rising behind them -- brown, muscular horses almost close enough to touch them, to smell their hot breath. I didn't know how long they had been there next to us.

  I shouted to Dan: "Look!", but he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet.

  They raced the car for a few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms in the red landscape. When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.

  "Wild horses?" he said. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

  "I tried. But they were gone after a few seconds."

  "Are you sure you didn't dream it?"

  "You were the one who was sleeping!"

  'Typical, he said. "The best photos are the ones we never take."

  We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.

  1. During their journey in Africa, the two travelers________

  A. made friends with local residents

  B. complained about the poor living conditions

  C. enjoyed the sunset in the Karoo desert most

  D. recorded their experiences in different ways

  2. What does the phrase "heroic forms" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A. Racing cars.

  B. Wild horses.

  C. Eye-catching locals.

  D. Running dogs.

  3. What did Daniel think when he woke up and was told what had happened?

  A. He always missed out on the best thing.

  B. He had already taken beautiful pictures.

  C. A sound sleep was more important.

  D. The next trip would be better.

  4. What is 'the passage mainly about?

  A. How to view wildlife in Africa.

  B. Running into wildlife in Africa.

  C. Tourist attractions in southern Africa.

  D. Possible dangers of travelling in the desert.

  1.D考查细节理解。根据Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words.可知D正确。


  3.A考查细节理解。根据The best photos are the ones we never take.可知A正确。

  4.B考查主旨要义。文章主要叙述了我们在晚上被一群野马追逐的景观,所以文章的大意是Running into wildlife in Africa.。


  【2017·潍坊期末】When Boris left school,he could not find a job.He tried hard and pestered(纠缠)his relatives,but they had problems of their Own。He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps. Boris grew annoyed,then depressed,then a little hardened.Still he went on trying and still he failed.He began to think that he had no future at all.

  “Why don’t you start your own business?” one of his uncles told him.“The world is a

  money-locker。You’d better find a way of opening it.”

  “But what can I do?”

  “Get out and have a look round,” advised his uncle in a vague sort of way.“See what people want;then give it to them,and they will pay for it.”


  began to cycle around the town and found a suitable piece of a waste ground in the end. Then he set up his business as a cycle repairer.He worked hard,made friends with his customers and gradually managed to build up his goodwill and profit.A few months later, he found that he had more work than he could deal with by himself.He found a number of empty shops but they were all no good:in the wrong position,too expensive or with some other snag(障碍). But at long last,he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate where there were plenty of customers but no competition.

  Boris and his assistant taught themselves how to repair scooters and motor-cycles.Slowly

  but surely the profits increased and the business developed. At last,Boris had managed to open the money-locker and found bank notes and gold Coins inside.

  1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ?

  A. Goodwill is the key to success.

  B. The world is a money-locker

  C.No education, no future

  D. Difficulty of starting a small business

  2.Which of the following best describes Boris’job hunting experience?

  A. Surprising

  B. Encouraging

  C. Boring

  D. Disappointing

  3. Boris start his career by


  A. cycling around the town

  B. developing a waste ground

  C. repairing cycles

  D. buying empty shops

  4. Boris finally chose an empty shop on a new estate because


  A. it was not so expensive

  B. he had a lot of old customers there

  C. he could make good use of his skills there

  D. there were good opportunities there

  5. We can infer from the last paragraph that Boris


  A. still couldn’t make good profits

  B. set off in a successful career

  C. found a lot of gold coins by accident

  D. had great difficulty running his business


  1.B 标题判断题。纵观全文可以看出,文章通过主人公求职屡遭拒绝,最后经过调整思路赚得第一桶金,然后把自己的生意越做做大,从而打开了世界这把锁钱的锁的故事,由此可知,B项最能概括全文。

  2. D 推理判断题。第一段中描述了Boris求职接连失败的感受:Boris grew annoyed,then depressed,then a little hardened.,因此,四个选项中只有disappointing【失望的),符合语境。

  3. C细节理解题。由倒数第二段的“Then he set up his business as a cycle repairer.”可知答案。

  4. D 推理判断题。由倒数第二段的“But at long last,he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate where there were plenty of customers but no competition.”可以看出,那里顾客较多、没有竞争,也就是说那里机会好,所以选D。

  5. B 推理判断题。最后一段前半部分告诉我们他的生意越来越大,利润越来越客观,最后一句对此作了总结,由此可以看出,他的事业取得了成功。


  【2017·西安一次质检】Wherever she goes, Molly leaves her mark. Without saying a word, she speaks to people with her kind eyes. Even when she walks away, she leaves an impression.Molly's mark is a smile, stamped into the ground by the horseshoe at the bottom of her false leg.

  A few years ago, Molly was badly attacked by a dog.The dog bit all four or Molly’s legs and left large cuts in her face. Molly's owner, Kate Harris, took her to an animal hospital.Doctors there were able to save Molly’s life, but soon one of her legs became very infected(感染).

  At first, doctors thought Molly would have to be put to sleep.But Molly changed their minds. This pony, doctors noticed, shifted her weight, and rested her good leg from time to time. Doctors knew t hat Molly had amazing intelligence, and that she wanted to live.

  Several doctors operated on Molly, and removed her infected leg. A false leg was made for her. The leg was a hollow cast with a pole at the bottom for balance. Doctors gave Molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of the leg. This horseshoe she had had a stamp of a smile face in it!

  After the operation, Molly walked around on all four legs, as if nothing had ever happened to her! Now, with every step she takes, she stamps a smile in the dirt.But she leaves her m ark in other ways, too.

  Kaye Harris took Molly to the false leg center. There were children there who, like Molly, had artificial arms or legs. They were amazed to see a pony with a false leg. Molly made them smile and gave them hope. Soon, Molly began to visit schools, nursing homes, army bases and hospitals. A book was even written about Molly!

  1.Molly is the name of a


  A.dog B.horse C.parent D.child

  2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

  A.Molly can speak to people in kind words.

  B.Kay Harris took Molly to a children’s hospital after the attack.

  C.In the beginning, doctors had planned to end Molly’s life.

  D.Molly sometimes leaves smiling marks on people’s faces.

  3.What is unique about Molly?

  A.Molly has a false leg with a horseshoe shaped like a smiling face.

  B.Molly ran a race and won the first prize.

  C.Molly often visits places such as schools and parks.

  D.Molly has become a symbol of hope for people of all ages.

  4.Which is the best title for the passage?

  A.A Book on Molly

  B.A False Leg

  C.A successful Operation D.Leaving her Mark


  1.B细节理解题。由倒数第三段的“Doctors gave Molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of the leg”可以看出:医生在Molly腿的底部安装了一个特殊的马蹄铁,可知Molly是一匹马。

  2. C 细节判断题。由第三段的“At first, doctors thought Molly would have to be put to sleep”可以看出:起初,医生认为Molly会毫无疑问的被以人道方法结束生命。由此可以看出:C项“In the beginning, doctors had planned to end Molly’s life.”正确。注意选项所说的“end Molly’s life”对应原文的“Molly would have to be put to sleep”。

  3.A 细节理解题。由文章第一段的“Molly has a false leg with a horseshoe shaped like a smiling face.”(Molly装有一个镶有笑脸形状马蹄铁的假肢)这是因伤致残Molly和他的同类相比特有的东西。故


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