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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  单项选择 1. I don’t know if my friend _____.If he ____,I’ll let you know.

  A. comes; comes

  B. comes; will come

  C. will come; comes

  D. will come; will come 2.There_________two meetings tomorrow afternoon.

  A. are going to be

  B. are going to have

  C. is going to be

  D. will have 3. It______3 years since I___ to No.1 Middle School.

  A. is; come

  B. is; have come

  C. was; came

  D. is; came 4.Father_________when I _________yesterday morning.

  A. still slept; got up

  B. was still sleeping; got up

  C. is sleeping; got up

  D. sleeps; get up Practice 5. Kate_____ to bed until her mother_____ back.

  A. won’t go;come

  B. hadn’t gone;came

  C. went;came

  D. didn’t go;came 6. His brother______ from home for a long time.

  A. has left

  B. has been away C. left

  D. will leave 7.—How much do you want?

  —I think ten dollars_________ enough.

  A. is

  B. are C. has been

  D. have been 8.There’ll be an important talk tomorrow morning.

  _________ on time.

  A. Do come

  B. Don’t come

  C. Do to come

  D. Not to come 9.Though we tried our best, we____ at last.

  A. won

  B. beat

  C. were won

  D. were beaten Homework Go over the words and useful expressions in Module 6. Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的财富。 Module


  Look after yourself! Unit 3

  Language in use I think it’s going to rain. He was running along the wall when he tripped. He has cut his head, and his shoulder hurts. When did he fall? Will he live? Revision Here are six rules for a healthy life. When farmers were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same time. When we were babies, we slept for much of the day. 7 am —9 am : gym 10 am —12 pm : swimming 2 pm —3 pm : yoga 4 pm —5 pm : football 5 pm —6 pm : rest 7 pm —9 pm : badminton 10 pm : bed Read Jack’s diary and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. Jack ____ sport and exercise.

  a) loves

  b) is loving

  c) has loved

  d) was loving 2. Earlier this morning, he _____ to the gym.

  a) is going

  b) has gone

  c) went

  d) goes 3. Six hours ago, he_____.

  a) is swimming

  b) was swimming

  c) swam

  d) has swum 4. But now it’s 5 pm He ____ a rest.

  a) has

  b) is having

  c) will have

  d) had Practice 5. He _____ football for an hour.

  a) is just playing

  b) will play

  c) play

  d) has just played 6. He usually ____ badminton from 7 pm—9 pm.

  a) plays

  b) is playing

  c) will play

  d) is going to play 7. Of course, he ____very tired by 10 pm tonight.

  a) is

  b) was

  c) will be

  d) were Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs.

  A woman(1) _____ (come) home to find her husband in the kitchen. He (2) ___________ (shake) wildly (剧烈地), from side to side. Then the woman (3) ______ (notice) that he (4) ____________ (stand) with one hand on the cooker!

  came was shaking noticed was standing

  Naturally, she thought her husband (5) _________ (get) an electric shock. To pull him away from the electricity, she(6) ______ (hit) his arm with a piece of wood that

  (7) _________ (lie) by the back door. “What did you do that for?” he cried in pain. “I (8) ___________ (make) some tea, and (9) _______ (dance) to rock music on my MP3 player!” was getting

  hit was lying was making dancing His stomach hurts —perhaps he’s eaten something bad. blood







  wound Describe the pictures. Use the words in the box to help you. Work in pairs Blood trickled down his fingers— perhaps he has cut his fingers.

  She feels cold—she must have a fever.

  He has a wound in his knee—he may hurt his knee in the football match. A: What’s that you’re wearing around your waist (腰部)? B: It’s a new piece of technology that records how many(1) ______ you take each day. A: Why do you want to know? B: Because to keep fit, you(2) ______ to take at least 10,000 steps a day! It’s important, both for a healthy heart and to feel good, too. Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box. steps

  need couch potato



  put on



  worst A: You’re taking a sudden interest in(3) _______! B: Yes. I realised that for the past couple of months, I’ve been a(n) (4) _____________. I haven’t done any exercise at all. I’ve(5) ________ weight, too. A: But at least you’ve never taken up(6) ________. B: Yes, I’m really glad about that! It’s the (7) ______ thing you can do for your health. exercise couch potato put on

  smoking worst Listen and answer the questions. 1. Where does the conversation take place?

  2. Who is talking? 3. What’s the problem? Listening Read the passage and match the sentences with the paragraphs. Kate asks her father to stop smoking. _______ Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for other people. _______ c) Kate explains why she’s writing the letter. ____ d) Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for him. _______ 3 4 1

  2 Reading Kate is writing to her father because ____.

  a) he has stopped smoking

  b) she likes smoking

  c) she wants him to stop smoking

  d) she misses her uncle 2. Kate has found out that smoking ____.

  a) isn’t so bad

  b) is worse than she had thought

  c) helps you think better

  d) outside does no harm Choose the best answer. 3. Kate’s mother doesn’t like ____.

  a) smoking outside

  b) beautiful smells

  c) the smell in the house

  d) the smell of smoke in the house 4. Kate is afraid that _____.

  a) she and her mother will fall ill because of her

  father’s smoking

  b) her clothes will smell of smoke

  c) she will start to smoke

  d) she can’t help her father Around the world Discussion:Giving health advice to people I’ve just moved to a new area. I’m unhappy, because I don’t know anyone. It’s making me feel depressed.

  I’m putting on weight. What can I do?

  I have difficulty sleeping. I worry so much about my schoolwork.

  I can’t get my friend to give up smoking.

  时 态 Grammar 一般现在时 用法:经常性的和习惯性的动作。常用时间状语 usually, sometimes, in spring, every day, in the morning 动词构成 :动词原形



  动词+s(主语是第三人称单数)works 否定构成

  : don’t+动词原形


  一般疑问构成及简答:Do+主语+动词原形 +其他?Yes, I do.

  Does+主语+动词原形 +其他?No, he doesn’t. 特殊疑问句举例 :What do you often do on Sundays? ?

  Where does he live?

  注意: start, leave, go, come等的一般现在时可表示按规定将要发生的动作。

  Presentation 用法:说话时正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正在进行的动作。常用时间状语 :now, these days

  动词构成 :am/is/are+现在分词(-ing)

  am/is/are working

  否定构成 :am/is/are+not+现在分词


  + 其他?Yes, I am (he is) . No, they aren’t.

  特殊疑问句举例:What are you doing now?

  Who is flying a kite there? 注意:go, come, leave, arrive, return, die等的进行时,

  有时表示即将发生的动作。 现在进行时 用法:将来会出现或发生的动作。 常用时间状语:this evening, tomorrow, next month, in a few minutes, at the end of this term 动词构成: 1. will/shall+动词原形

  2.am/is/are going to+动词原形

  以work为例: will/shall work

  am/is/are going to work 否定构成:will/shall not…

  am/is/are not… 特殊疑问句举例:What will you do tomorrow?

  When are we going to have a class meeting? 备注:在if条件或as soon as等时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

  一般将来时 用法:过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作 常用时间状语:yesterday, last night, two days ago,

  in 2000, at that time, before liberation, when 等引导的含过去时的句子。 动词构成:动词过去式(-ed)


  didn’t work

  一般疑问构成:Did+主语+动词原形 +其他?

  特殊疑问句举例:What did he do yesterday?


  did he get up this morning?

  备注:He has opened the door.(表示过去“开门”的动作对现在的影响是门还开着) He opened the door.(不能确定门现在是否开着) 一般过去时 用法: 1.发生在过去的动作且对现在仍有影响的动作,


  2.从过去一直延续到现在的动作 常用时间状语:already,just,never,before,recently,in the past few years,ever,so far,since+过去的时间点,for+时间段 动词构成:have/has+过去分词(-ed)

  have/has worked 否定构成:have/has not+过去分词 一般疑问构成:

  Have/Has+主语+过去分词…? 特殊疑问句举例:What have you

  done recently?

  How long has he lived in Beijing? 备注:短暂性动词不能与for… since…How long…等


  现在完成时 用法:过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在发生的动作。 常用时间状语:at this time yesterday,at that time yesterday, at ten o’clock yesterday或when引导的从句 动词构成: was/were+现在分词(-ing) 以work为例:was/were working 否定构成: was/were not+现在分词 一般疑问构成及简答:




  No,I wasn’t. 特殊疑问句举例:

  What were you doing this time yesterday?

  Where was he standing when the teacher came in?

  过去进行时 用法:从过去某时间来看将要发生的动作或状态,

  常用于宾语从句。 常用时间状语:the next week等 动词构成: 1. would/should+动词原形

  2. was/were going to+动词原形 以work为例:would/should work

  was/were going to work

  否定构成:would/should not…

  was/were not going to… 特殊疑问句举例:He asked what they would do

  the next week.

  过去将来时 用法:1. 过去某时间或动作之前完成的动作或状态(过去的过去)。2. 过去某一时间的动作延续到过去另一时间 常用时间状语: by that time, by the end

  of… , when/before+ 从句,said/knew/asked的宾语从句中 动词构成:had+过去分词(-ed) 以work为例: had worked 否定构成:had not+过去分词 一般疑问构成:Had+主语+过去分词+其他?

  Yes,I had.

  No,I hadn’t. 特殊疑问句举例: How many English words had you

  learned by the end of last term?

  过去完成时 Summary 单词,短语,句型:_________

  (在小组内口头汇报) 2. 掌握各个时态的用法。


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