2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M5 Unit 1《Getting along with others》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M5 Unit 1《Getting along with others》

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (4)当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动式。不定式的被动式在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语或补语等。 To be followed was natural to Tom. 汤姆生性要别人听命于他。 (5)“be+过去分词+不定式的被动式”可构成双重被动式。常用于双重被动式的动词有allow,announce,ask,attempt,believe,desire,enable,expect,intend,know,leave,mean, order, permit, report, say等。 The books are not allowed to be taken out of the office. 不许将书带出办公室。 5.不定式省略to的几种情况 (1)在助动词或情态动词后接不带to的不定式。 Must I finish the job today? 我今天必须完成这项工作吗? (2)在had better, had best, would rather, would sooner, rather than等结构后接不带to的不定式。 We had better treat it as a joke. 我们最好把它当作玩笑。 (3)当主语从句中或修饰主语的定语从句中有do时,其表语如果是不定式,常省去to。 The only thing he could do was wait patiently. 他唯一能做的事就是耐心等待。 (4)在介词but, except之前如有动词do,其后的不定式不用to;其前如无动词do,其后的不定式则一般带to。 She can do everything except cook. 除了不会做饭她什么都能做。 (5)动词原形go与come等在口语中可接不带to的不定式。 Come and read this book! 过来读一下这本书! (6)为了避免重复而省去to。但两个不定式若有对照或对比之意,则不可省去to。 Teacher came not to scold, but to praise you. 老师不是来骂你而是来夸你的。 (7)疑问词why引导的省略句中的不定式,在当代英语中一般须省去to。 Why not try again? 为什么不再试试呢? (8)在let, make, have等使役动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须省略to。 My mother wouldn't let me go to the film. 我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。 (9)在感觉动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须省略to。 I watched her get into the car. 我看着她上了车。 (10)在动词help后用作宾语或宾语补足语的不定式可以不带to。 Can I help (to) carry this heavy box? 我可以帮忙扛这个重箱子吗? 1.只能后接不定式的动词和短语归纳: ask, demand(要求), plan, intend, mean(计划), manage, do / try one's best, make an attempt(努力), learn(学习), hope, desire, expect, long, want, would like, would prefer, wish(希望、愿意), agree, promise(同意), decide, determine, choose, make a decision, make up one's mind(决定), offer(主动提出), apply(申请), help(帮助), fail(不能、没有), prepare(准备), pretend(假装), refuse(拒绝), happen(碰巧), afford(负担得起)等。 2.某些抽象名词需要接不定式作定语。 plan, attempt, decision, determination, intention, courage, ambition,promise, chance, opportunity, right, ability, effort等。 3.序数词和last, few等词后常接不定式作定语。

  4.主动表被动的不定式。 (1)不定式to blame, to let, to seek用作表语时,通常用主动表被动意义。 Who is to blame? 该怪谁呢?

  A better way is yet to seek. 还得找一种更好的办法。 (2)在“be +形容词+to do”的结构中,即不定式在作表语的形容词后充当状语,同时,主语是不定式结构的逻辑宾语,此时习惯上以主动形式表示被动意义。这些形容词通常有difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, enough, sure, fit, nice, dangerous, comfortable, exciting, good, important等。 The text is easy to understand. 这篇课文容易理解。 The chair is very comfortable to sit on. 这椅子坐起来很舒服。 (3)不定式作定语修饰名词或代词时(此时不定式与其所修饰的名词或代词之间存在动宾关系),如果句子中的另一名词或代词(就是句子的主语)可以充当不定式的逻辑主语,即与该不定式之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,则此时不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。 I have a meeting to attend. 我有一个会议要参加。 (其中I是不定式to attend的逻辑主语) Have you a letter to send? 你要去寄信吗?(you是to send的逻辑主语)。 但是,当不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,则不定式就需要用被动语态。 Have you a letter to be sent? 你有信要我去寄吗?

  (该句中不定式to be sent与主句主语you之间不存在逻辑上的主谓关系。) (4)在“疑问词what/which/whom+不定式”结构中,有时以主动形式表被动意义。 

  He will advise you what to do. 他会建议你们做什么。 (5)在“too…to…”结构中,用主动形式表示被动意义,此时不定式前面可以加逻辑主语。 The box is too heavy (for me) to carry. 这盒子太重了,搬不动。

  1. Considering the dangerous situation, they asked for ________ another meeting.

  A. there be

  B. there to be

  C. there being

  D. there was

  B 此题很容易误选C,因为空格前有介词 for,所以其后的 there be 的非谓语形式应用 there being,而不用 there to be。其实错了,正确答案应是B。在通常情况下,there be 结构出现在介词后时,要用 there being 的形式,但这有一个例外,就是在介词 for之后只能用there to be。 2. — I haven't heard from Henry for a long time.

  — What do you suppose ________ to him?

  A. was happening

  B. to happen

  C. has happened

  D. had happened C 此题容易误选B,认为动词 suppose 后接动词用不定式。正确答案应是C,其中的 do you suppose 是插入成分。 ⑤连接两个谓语时,rather than 后一般接doing ◆Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?


  注意:rather than 连接两个主语时,谓语动词应该按“承前一致原则”,即和第一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。 ◆He rather than I, I think, is to blame.

  我认为是他而不是我该受到责备。 rather than表示对后者的否定,有“而不是……”的语义。 Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, she sold them at half price.

  other than表示对后者的排除,有“除了……”的语义,相当于except。 I don't care about anything other than what I'm willing to do.

  more than表示超出了这一概念范畴,有“不止是……”

  In some places, bottled water costs more than a glass of beer. Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings______ harm them.

  A. rather than

  B. other than

  C. less than

  D. more than

  A 语义是:大部分人赞成核科学的开发应当造福于人类而不是危害他们。rather than表示否定;other than表示排除;less than 表示少于;more than 表示超过,所以答案是A。 2、thanks to

  Thanks to the English language,we can learn a lot from other countries.


  It was thanks to your timely help that we accomplished the task on time.

  由于你的及时帮助,我们才能按时完成任务。 ①______ the new policy, we are now having a happy life.

  A. Thanks to

  B. Because

  C. For

  D. Thanks for ①A 考查近义词的辨析。此处,thanks to应为“多亏了”, because后应加句子; for 表示补充说明的原因,后接分句,一般不在句首。 ②______ your help.We all passed the exam.

  A. Thanks for

  B. Thanks to ②A 由于有句号,说明它们彼此独立,互不为因果关系,所以答案是A,表示“因……而感谢”。

  ③______ your help, we all passed the exam.

  A. Thanks for

  B. Thanks to ③B 因为/由于你的帮助,我们才通过考试。里面有因果关系。thanks to your help为原因状语短语,所以后面用逗号。 3、end up 以某种结果结束;最后成为;最终处于 ◆We were to go out, but ended up watching TV at home.

  我们原来打算外出,但是结果却是待在家看电视。 ◆He ended up as the head of the company.

  他最后成为这家公司的老板。 ◆Their marriage ended up in divorce.

  他们的婚姻以离婚而告终。  end up with以某种方式结束  begin/start with以……开始 ◆The party ended up with a beautiful song.


  1、Football is very important to me,but so is our friendship. 足球很重要,但是我们的友谊也很重要。

  表示前句内容也适用于另外的人或事。肯定用句型:“so+助动词或情态动词+主语”来表示,前后两句的时态应该一致。否定用句型:“neither/nor+助动词或情态动词+主语”来表示,前后两句的时态应该一致。 ◆Tom is good at maths, and so am I.

  汤姆擅长数学,我也一样。 如果只是对前面的话表示证实,则不用倒装。注意对比:“So+主语 +助动词”,前后主语一致,表示对前面提到的事情予以肯定。可以翻译为“的确如此”。 ◆Tom says you work hard, so you do, and so does he.

  汤姆说你工作努力,你的确如此,他也是一样。 B 表示前句内容也适用于另外的人或事。表示否定用句型:“neither/nor+助动词或情态动词+主语”来表示,前后两句的时态应该一致。故选择答案B。 — Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? — I don't know, ______.


  nor don't I care


  nor do I care

  C.I don't care neither

  D.I don't care also 2、I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football, and that I had better find another friend. 我把吵架的事情告诉了哥哥,但是他说马修只是太敏感,可能还有点嫉妒,因为我身体强壮,足球踢得好,他说我最好还是另外找一个朋友。

  句子结构分析:本句为but连接的并列复合句。he said后面为两个并列的宾语从句,第一个宾语从句的引导词that省略,其中还含有because引导的原因状语从句,第二个宾语从句是that I had better find another friend.

  注意事项:句子的谓语动词后接两个及其以上的宾语从句,除第一个外,其他宾语从句的引导词不能够省略。 B 考查并列的宾语从句that的省略规则。Having checked后第一个that可以省略外,其他宾语从句的引导词that不能够省略,因此可得正确答案为B。 Having checked the doors were closed, and ______ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

  A. why

  B. that

  C. when

  D. where 3、…boys share activities, while girls share feelings. ……男孩子共享活动,而女孩子分享情感。 while conj. 然而,表示意义的对比。 ◆Once people thought that heavy objects fell faster while light objects fell slower.

  以前人们认为重的物体下落得快而轻的下落得慢。   while还可以引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”,从句的谓语一般为持续性动词;引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管……”、“虽然……”。 另外,在短语after a while, in a while, for a while中,while是名词,表示“一会儿”。 ①C 这是时间状语从句,但因为从句用的是瞬间动词,when从句的动词既可为瞬间动词,也可为持续性动词。 ①The opening ceremony was over ______ we arrived at the spot.

  A. while

  B. as

  C. when

  D. since ②B 表示意义的对比。 ②It is commonly believed that boys are good at maths ______ girls enjoy literature.

  A. when

  B. while

  C. as

  D. however ③C 引导让步状语从句。 ③______ my father doesn't like watching football games, he accompanied me to the gym last weekend.

  A. When

  B. Since

  C. While

  D. As 1. D saying nothing about the argument作状语。 1. Sarah pretended to be cheerful, ______ nothing about the argument.(2011·全国大纲卷)

  A. says

  B. said

  C. to say

  D. saying 2. B So what? 那又会怎么样? 2. — Her father is very rich.

  — ______ She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered.(2010·山东)

  A. What for?

  B. So what?

  C. No doubt.

  D. No wonder. 3. B would rather 后接从句表示对现在或将来的虚拟时,应用一般过去时。 3. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I'd rather he ______ more on its culture.(2010·江苏)

  A. focus

  B. focused

  C. would focus

  D. had focused 不定式

  不定式有两种形式:一是带to的不定式;二是不带to的不定式,即所谓的动词原形。不定式的动词性质表现在:可有时态和语态的变化,可有自己的宾语和状语并与其组成不定式短语。 主动语态 被动语态 一般时 to do to be done 进行时 to be doing 完成时 to have done to have been done 1.不定式的句法功能: (1)作主语,或在形式主语结构中作真正的主语。 It's been lucky to meet you. 能遇到你是一种幸运。 (2)作表语。 The important thing is to save lives. 救人要紧。 (3)作宾语,或在形式宾语结构中作真正的宾语。 I thought it wrong to do this thing. 我认为做这件事是错的。 (4)作定语,通常置于其所修饰的名词或代词之后,与其所修饰的名词或代词可能是主谓关系,也可能是动宾关系。 I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。 (5)作同位语。 They had received instructions to watch him. 他们收到了监视他的命令。 (6)作状语,其逻辑主语通常是全句的主语。 We must do everything to help them. 我们要尽一切力量帮助他们。 (7)作宾语补足语,宾语与用作补足语的不定式构成复合宾语,二者在逻辑上是主谓关系。 We believe her to be innocent. 我们相信她无罪。 (8)作独立成分。 To tell the truth, it wasted time to see that film. 说实在的,看那样的电影真是浪费时间。 2.当不定式的动作执行者与句子的主语不一致时,不定式前要加一个名词或代词作不定式的逻辑主语,该名词或代词常由介词for引导。“for+名词或代词+不定式”称为不定式复合结构,在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语或状语等。 She is an example for us to follow. 她是我们学习的榜样。 3.疑问词who, what, which, when, where和how后加不定式可构成一种特殊的不定式短语,它在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语和双重宾语。 When to start has not been decided. 何时动身尚未决定。 4.不定式的语态 (1)不定式的一般时所表示的动作和状态发生在谓语动词所表示的动作或状态的同时或以后。 Mother believes her son to be excellent. 母亲相信儿子是优秀的。 (2)不定式的进行时所表示的动作或状态与谓语动词所表示的动作或状态同时发生。 They seem to be getting along well. 他们似乎相处得很好。 (3)不定式的完成时所表示的动作或状态发生在谓语动词所表示的动作或状态以前。 They concluded him to have been dead. 他们断定他已死亡。 Unit 1  Getting along with others 1、 pretend vt. 假装,假扮 ◆There is no need for him to pretend to be poor.


  pretend to do sth. 装作,假装做某事  pretend sth. 假装……;装成……  pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事  pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事  pretend + that 从句 假装……,装作…… ①当我进去的时候,女儿装作正在做作业。

  When I came in, my girl pretended ________ (do) her homework. ①to be doing ②你有意装傻。

  You pretend ________ (be) foolish. ②to be ③不要不懂装懂。

  Don't pretend ________ (know) when you don't. ③to know ④测试结束了,他就假装已经痊愈了。

  When the quiz was finished, he pretended ________________ (recover). ④to have recovered 2、 doubt n. & v. 怀疑 vt. 怀疑,不相信;对……无把握 doubt接宾语从句,在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面需接that引导的宾语从句;如用于肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。在肯定句中,doubt后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较大或不相信。 ◆We don't doubt that he can deal with the accident.

  我们相信他能处理这个事故。 ◆I doubt whether Tom has taken my watch.

  我拿不准是否汤姆拿了我的手表。 ◆I doubt that he has stolen my watch.

  我不太相信他偷了我的手表。 n. 疑惑,疑问,不确信。常与about/of/as to/on等介词连用;也可接同位语从句。 ◆I've no doubt of your ability.

  我肯定你有能力。 ◆People have no doubt about it.

  对此人们坚信不疑。 接同位语从句时,doubt用在否定句中,后面接that 引导的同位语从句;doubt用在肯定句中,后面接whether 引导的同位语从句,注意不可以用if替换whether。 ◆There is no doubt that he can do a good job of it. 毫无疑问,这件工作他会干得很出色。 ◆There is some doubt whether she can win the match. 她能否赢得这场比赛还有些疑问。

  There is no / some doubt about…关于……是毫无疑问的/尚存有疑问  There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问……  no doubt肯定的,毫无疑问的  without/beyond doubt无疑;当然  in doubt怀疑,不肯定  make no doubt of对……毫不怀疑  clear up all doubts 消除一切疑虑  have doubt about 对……有疑问

  ①— Do you think that Mary will win the speech contest this weekend?

  — ______. She is said to have won several big prizes already.

  A. No doubt

  B. No way

  C. No wonder

  D. No surprise ①A 后句说明了她的实力,这里应该是说“毫无疑问”。no way 意为“不可能”; no wonder为“难怪”; no surprise 意为“并不奇怪”或“意料之中的事”。

  ②I had ______ whether or not I should attend the meeting.

  A. expected

  B. supposed

  C. imagined

  D. doubted ②D 句意:此前我怀疑我是否应该参加这个会议。根据后面宾语从句的连接词whether及句子意义,用doubt表示“怀疑”。 3、 admit v. 准许进入;录取,接受;承认;容纳 admit…to/into 允许进入 be admitted to/into 被录取,被接受 admit (doing) sth. / that…承认…… ◆The hall admits 2,000 persons.

  这个大厅可容纳2000人。 ◆David was admitted into the club in 2005.

  大卫在2005年被俱乐部接纳。 ◆The child admitted that he had broken the glass.

  小孩承认他打碎了玻璃杯。 ◆One of our teammates has been admitted to hospital for a bad backache.

  我们队的一个队友因为腰很疼住了院。  — Did Jack ______ taking some books without telling anyone? — Yes. He said he had taken 4 books.

  A. imagine

  B. admit

  C. attempt

  D. allow B admit doing sth. 承认做了某事。 4、 focus n. & v. 焦点,焦距;集中,聚集,使集中 ◆Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.

  要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。 ◆He always wants to be the focus of attention.


  focus (…) on… 将(注意力,时间等)集中于…… ◆You should focus your attention on your work.

  你应该把注意力放到工作上。 ◆All our efforts are focused on bringing everything in the flood­striken areas back to normal.

  目前我们的工作重点是使遭受洪灾的地区一切恢复正常。 另外,center (…) on…, concentrate (…) on…, keep / fix one's concentration on…与focus (…) on…的词义基本一致。

  With all their attention ______ on the program on TV, no one could even notice that someone was crawling into the house.

  A. to focus

  B. focusing

  C. focused

  D. to be focused C 句型with+O.+O.C.中,attention与focus之间为被动关系,且根据时态可知,事情已经发生,所以不选D。 5、 blame vt. 责备 n.(坏事或者错误的)责任,指责 blame sb. for sth. 因为……而责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把……归咎于 bear/take the blame 承担责任 be to blame 该受责备 ◆I don't blame you for doing that.

  你那么做,我不怪你。 ◆Do you blame the accident on him?

  你把事故归咎于他吗? 6、 argue v. ◆They were arguing about how to spend the money.

  他们正争论怎样花钱。 ◆She argued him out of his decision.


  argue for (sb. /sth.)为(某人/某事)而辩护

   argue against (sb. /sth.) 反对(某人/某事)而辩护  argue with sb. (about/over sth.)与某人(为某事)而争吵

   argue that… 主张……  argue sb. into/out of doing sth.


   argument n. 争论;争辩;争吵;论点;论据

  have an argument about/over sth. 辩论某事  settle an argument 解决争端

   beyond argument 无可争辩 ①We are always arguing ______ each other ______ money.

  ②They argued me ______ buying a new bike.

  ③He argued ______ smoking, and insisted that it was ______ argument that smoking was harmful to health.

  ①with; about/over ②into ③against; beyond 7、 overcome vt. 征服;压倒 ◆I believe we will find a way to overcome that obstacle.


  其近义词有: get over, conquer, go through ①他克服了恐高症。 He____________________ his fear of height. ①overcame ②你在露营时必须克服许多不便。 There are many inconveniences that you have to

  ____________________ when you are camping. ②go through ③我克服了讨厌数学的毛病。 I___________________my dislike for mathematics. ③conquered 8、 quarrel vi. & n. 争吵,争执 quarrel about/over sb./sth. 为……争吵 quarrel with sb. 与……争吵 quarrel with sth. 埋怨…… ◆They quarreled with each other but soon made up.

  他们吵了一架,但是很快就言归于好。 ◆It's silly to quarrel over the matter.

  就此事争吵是愚蠢的。 1、 rather than 并列连接词,表示“……而不是……”,连接句子中相同 的句子成分。 ①连接两个名词(作主、表或宾语) ◆I appreciate pop music rather than hip­hop.

  我欣赏流行乐而不喜欢说唱乐。 ②连接两个动词不定式,rather than后的to常常可以省 略 ◆I prefer to play football rather than stay at home reading.

  我愿意踢球而不喜欢待在家里看书。 ③连接两个动名词作宾语 ◆I enjoy surfing the Internet in my spare time rather than go hiking. 闲暇之余,我喜欢上网,而不喜欢远足。 ④连接两个介词短语 ◆We are doing this for our brotherly school rather than for ourselves.



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