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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. He is old enough to travel ____.

  After all, he is already 18 years old.

  on his own

  B. of himself

  C. of his own

  D. at the moment

  2. The boss ____ him to the post of section manager because of his ability and experience.


  B. raised

  C. rose

  D. promoted

  3. Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking ending.

  give away

  B. give out

  C. give up

  D. give in

  4. When he ____, he found himself in hospital.

  came to

  B. came about

  C. came across

  D. came out

  5. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ____.

  pulled out

  B. pulled through

  C. pulled up

  D. pulled over

  6. Violent crime was ____ every 32 seconds in this area of the city last year.


  B. found

  C. sentenced

  D. made

  7. --How is your business ____ recently?

  --I'm glad to see that it's picking up.

  getting on

  B. getting in

  C. getting off

  D. getting over

  8. I don't know how William ____ your idea.

  reacted to

  B. reacted against

  C. reacted

  D. react with 9. More than 100 people ____ the project.

  involved in

  B. involved

  C. were involved in

  D. were involved on

  10. --Mary looks rather ____ of getting the job.

  --Of course.

  After all, she has made good preparations for the interview.


  B. excited

  C. uncertain

  D. confident

  11. The lady was ____ old to live on her own.

  far too

  B. too far

  C. far from

  D. so far

  12. A reading room is ____ you can read newspapers and magazines as well as books.

  in which

  B. that

  C. where

  D. the place

  13. The moment ____ Leo will never forget is ____ Mr. Green gave him a lot of valuable advice on how to improve his writing.

  that; when

  B. that; that

  C. when; that

  D. when; where

  14. The problem is ____ we can solve the problem.


  B. how

  C. that

  D. where

  15. There are successful examples of cancer patients who have ____ because of proper treatment and good nursing.

  pulled through

  B. died out

  C. give up

  D. got through

  16. The company where I work as a saleman often puts advertisements in the local newspapers to ____ its new products.


  B. improve

  C. produce

  D. transport

  17. Haven't he ____ smoking yet? He is such a heavy smoker.

  A given off

  B. given away

  C. given up

  D. given in

  18. The football player reacted ____ the judge's decision by dropping out of the match.


  B. to

  C. against

  D. by

  19. When I ____ my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.

  woke up

  B. took to

  C. picked up

  D. came to

  20. We are ____ that next year's profits will be higher.


  B. worried

  C. bored

  D. confident

  21. At law school he became heavily ____ student politics.


  B. involved in

  C. part

  D. part in

  22. Students should be encouraged to finish their homework ____.

  of themselves

  B. of their own

  C. for their own

  D. on their own

  23. Mary is kind.

  She is easy to ____.

  go on

  B. get on with

  C. get along

  D. go on with

  24.--I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

  --That's ____ I don't agree.

  You should have a more active life.

  A. where

  B. how

  C. when

  D. what

  1. ADAAB

  6. AAACD

  11. ACABA

  16. ACCDD

  21. BDBA


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