2017同步攻关高考英语一轮复习学案:选修7 Unit 1 Living well-查字典英语网
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2017同步攻关高考英语一轮复习学案:选修7 Unit 1 Living well

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 1 Living well

  导读:随着科学技术的发展,records, cassettes已渐渐过时,取而代之的是iPod,只要你喜欢,戴上iPod耳机,你就可以随时随地欣赏到无数的美妙歌曲。

  Task: Are iPods changing the way we listen to music?

  They're everywhere, and not only are they everywhere, they look cool too. An iPod lets you put 10,000 songs inside something the size of a pack of cigarettes. Gone are the heavy, fragile CD cases and the Discman that skips after each step.

  Is the iPod changing the way we listen to music? Undeniably. With an iPod,we can take our music anywhere. Now we can carry our entire collections everywhere we go. It can play mixes at parties. Don't like a particular song on an album? Delete it.

  Thanks to the iPod, music has become an even bigger part of our lives because now it's just a click away, and it's exactly how we want it.

  Apart from the possibility of our entire collections being with us at all times, the iPod's capabilities have done something even better.

  By being able to store over 700 albums, the iPod is encouraging us to try types of music we might not have listened to before. When turning a CD to an iPod takes a short few minutes, what's there to lose?


   1. Patients have __________ greatly from this treatment, that is, this treatment is __________ to patients. (benefit)

   2. The kids wouldn't stop talking, and I was beginning to get __________ with them. (annoy)

   3. Betty's main a__________ in life is to be a famous model so she can join café society and dine out in fancy places.

  4. In the a

  (缺席,不在某处)of mathematics, science would not exist.

   5. We need to take f

  action, now, on the reduction in our market share — before matters get worse.

   6. If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, seek a

  (帮助) for them or with them.

  7. Please show your expert c

  (证书,证明) at the counter over there later.

   8. The belief is this: every person in the world wants voice and d

  (尊严), and every person deserves them.

   9. This company makes great __________ from manufacturing automobiles. (profit)

   10. Football can unite a c

  (社区), a city and even an entire country.

  1. benefited; beneficial 

  2. annoyed

  3. ambition 

  4. absence 

  5. firm 

  6. assistance

  7. certificate 

  8. dignity

  9. profits 

  10. community


   1. in other __________ 换句话说

   2. sit __________ 闲坐着

   3. all in __________ 总而言之

   4. make __________ of 取笑

   5. out of __________ 上气不接下气

   6. adapt __________ 适应

   7. as __________ as 和;也

   8. in many __________ 在很多方面

  9. meet __________ 遇到;经历;会晤

  10. all the __________ (口语)(祝你)一切顺利

  1. words 

  2. around 

  3. all 

  4. fun

  5. breath 

  6. to 

  7. well 

  8. ways 

  9. with 

  10. best

  1. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. (P2)

  2. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. (P2)

  3. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. (P2)

  4. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. (P3)

  ①adapt v.


  (1) How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?

  (2) You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers' suits to gloves.

  (3) Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.


  A. 改造;改装 

  B. 改编;改写 

  C. 适应;适合

  (1)C (2)A (3)B

  ①adapt v.


  adapt oneself to…使自己适应或习惯于……

  adapt to 适应

  adapt sth. for sth. 改造;改装(以适应新用途、新情况)

  adapt…from…根据……改写 / 改编


  adaptable adj. 适应力强的;适用面广的

  adaptation n. 适应; 改编; 改造

  ①adapt v.

  ①adapt v.


  adapt / adjust / fit / suit / match



  You should adapt yourself to the new environment.


  You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.

  ①adapt v.


  The shoes fit me well.


  No dish suits all tastes.


  A red jacket doesn't match green trousers.


  (1)The play is adapted __________ a Michael Crichton novel.

  (2)This teaching material can be adapted ________ older children.

  (3)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself __________ new customs.

  ①adapt v.

  (1) from (2) for (3) to

  ②conduct n. & vt.


  (1) We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

  (2) Non-metals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

  (3) The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.

  (4) “I can't scold your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son. “But I'm glad that you conduct yourself honestly next time. ”

  ②conduct n. & vt.

  (5) Why has his fellow students' conduct changed towards Marty?

  ②conduct n. & vt.


  A. (乐队)指挥

  B. 为人;表现

  C. 导(电、热)

  D. 实施;进行

  E. 行为

  (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)E


  conduct a survey / investigation 进行调查

  conduct oneself 表现


  conductive adj. 具有传导性的

  conductor n. (乐队)指挥;(公共汽车上的)售票员

  ②conduct n. & vt.

  ②conduct n. & vt.


  Yesterday our chemistry teacher(1)__________ an experiment on wood to see whether it is(2)__________, after the experiment we drew a conclusion that wood is a poor(3)__________ of heat.

  (1) conducted  (2) conductive

  (3) conductor

  ③congratulate vt.


  (1) She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.

  (2) I congratulate myself on my good fortune.

  ③congratulate vt.


  A. 祝贺;向……道喜

  B. (因某事)为……感到高兴

  (1)A (2)B

  ③congratulate vt.


  congratulate sb. on sth. / congratulate sb. for doing(having done)sth. 祝贺某人做了某事

  congratulate oneself on sth. / congratulate oneself for doing / having done sth. 庆幸自己做了某事


  congratulation n. 恭喜;祝贺 (常用复数)

  Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage.


  ③congratulate vt.


  congratulate / celebrate


  congratulate意思是“祝贺,道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on (upon)连接,构成congratulate sb. on / upon sth.

  We congratulated her on winning the contest.

  I will congratulate you on / upon your success.

  ③congratulate vt.

  celebrate意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语,构成celebrate sth.

  We had a party to celebrate parents' silver wedding.

  They will celebrate your birthday next week.

  ③congratulate vt.






  (1) We congratulated him on having come first in his exam.

  (2) Please give / pass her my congratulations when you see her.

  ④access n.&v.


  (1) Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education.

  (2) There is easy access to the countryside by rail.

  (3) Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.

  ④access n.&v.


  A. 通道;入口 

  B. (使用某物或接近某人的)权利;机会 


  (1)B (2)A (3)C

  ④access n.&v.


  have / get / obtain / gain access to…拥有……的机会;可以接近;进入

  give access to接近;准许进入


  accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的

  be accessible to…可接近的,可靠近的;可使用的


  access (to) / approach (to)

  access to ① (……的)通道;入口

  ④access n.&v.

  The only access to that farmhouse is across the fields.

  ② (使用某物或接近某人的)权利或机会

  Students must have access to good resources.

  approach to ① (……的)路径;途径

  Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace.

  ② (解决某一特定问题,尤其是经过深思熟虑的)方法;态度

  We need a fresh approach to sports in education.


  () (1) For professional athletes, __________ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.

  A. appeal

  B. attachment

  C. access

  D. approach

  () (2) The people living here are __________ to the swimming pool.

  A. predictable

  B. possible

  C. accessible

  D. due

  ④access n.&v.

  (1)C (2)C

  ⑤in other words 换句话说


  I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people — in other words, I‘m wasting my time.


  ⑤in other words 换句话说


  keep one's word 遵守诺言

  break one's word 失信,食言

  eat one's words 承认说错了话

  get in a word插话

  leave word留言

  have a word with sb. 与某人谈一谈

  have words with sb. (about sth. )(为某事)与某人争吵

  in a / one word简言之;总之

  beyond words无法用言语表达

  ⑤in other words 换句话说

  with these words说完这些话


  word came that…有消息传来说……

  sb. sent word that…某人传来消息……

  Word came that our duties would be changed.


  He sent word by an army messenger that they had arrived in Jakarta.



  in other words / I mean

  in other words 换句话说,也就是说(尤指转向更简单的说法)

  He decided to quit the job. In other words, he had to find another job instead.

  I mean我是说 (用于补充评论或解释刚说过的话或原因)

  We couldn't live on that! I mean, it is ridiculous.

  ⑤in other words 换句话说


  (1)Nack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; __________, I can't speak too highly of him.

  (2) I cannot trust him any more because he did not __________.

  (3) __________,he left the room hurriedly.

  (4) Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions. __________, he was a great musician.

  ⑤in other words 换句话说

  ⑤in other words 换句话说

  (5)You also can __________ online, we really appreciate your proposal.

  (1) in a / one word 

  (2) keep his word

  (3) With these words 

  (4) In other words 

  (5) leave word

  ⑥out of breath 上气不接下气


  After climbing that long flight of stairs she was

  completely out of breath.



  out of sight看不见

  out of control失控

  out of date过期,过时

  out of order出毛病;混乱

  out of work失业

  out of patience不能忍受

  out of question没问题;无疑;毫无疑问

  out of the question不可能的;办不到的

  out of fashion过时,不流行

  ⑥out of breath 上气不接下气

  ⑥out of breath 上气不接下气

  out of reach够不着

  out of touch失去联系

  out of place不适合

  out of cash钱用光了

  用out of的相关短语填空

  (1) The Ford car went __________ and crashed over the cliff.

  (2) Some popular songs go __________ (过时)soon.

  (3) This medicine is __________(出毛病).

  (4) Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office __________(上气不接下气).

  ⑥out of breath 上气不接下气

  (1) out of control (2) out of fashion / date 

  (3) out of order 

  (4) out of breath


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