2016高考英语外研版必修2《Module 5 Nnewspaper and magazines》SectionⅡ速效提能演练-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语外研版必修2《Module 5 Nnewspaper and magazines》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.c____________ famous person


  someone who takes photographs professionally


  all space,including all the stars and planets


  a member of a ship’s crew


  a path followed by a planet,star,moon,etc.round another body


  journey made by air,esp.in an aircraft on a particular route


  an expression of pleasure at the success or good fortune of another


  on or onto a ship,plane,or train


  to say hello in a friendly way to someone who has just arrived


  something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts

  答案:1.celebrity 2.photographer 3.universe 4.sailor 5.orbit 6.flight 7.congratulation 8.aboard 9.welcome









  答案:1.work on 2.add...to... 3.take off 4.in total

  5.in space 6.congratulate sb. on sth.


  1.When Yang ____________ from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday,China became the third nation ____________ a man into space.


  答案:took off;to send

  2.Yang was ____________for twenty-one and a

  half hours and ____________14 orbits of the earth.


  答案:in space;made

  3.When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre ____________ his ____________.


  答案:to offer;congratulations

  4.____________,these astronauts have spent more than 26,000

  days ____________.


  答案:In total;in space


  1.When reading a newspaper,you’d better look through the h____________ first.


  2.The football team received a lot of letters of c____________ after they won the gold medal.


  3.The fire on the ship was put out and all the passengers a____________ were saved.


  4.Albert Einstein was a simple man of great ____________(成就).


  5.In industry and everyday life,plastics have widely ____________(替代)wood and metal.



  1.That will cost you 1,000 dollars ____________.

  答案:in total

  2.The plane ____________ 5 minutes ago.

  答案:took off

  3.Welcome ____________ the flight to Washington D.C.!


  4.While Yang was travelling ____________,he took photos of planet Earth.

  答案:in space

  5.Even a small success gives you a sense of ____________.



  1.—Look,mum.I’ve got my College Graduation Certificate!



  2.Computers can help teaching,but teachers will never ____________(replace)by computers in the classroom.

  解析:填be replaced。句意:电脑有助于教学,但是在教室里电脑永远取代不了老师。replace “代替,取代”,要用其被动式。

  3.—How many teachers are there ____________total in your school?


  解析:填in。句意:“你们学校总共有多少位教师?”“65位。”根据回答来看,问话人问的是学校教师的总人数,故用in total“总共,总计”。

  4.The British boy said he was ____________ (study)Chinese here in China.

  解析:填to study。句意:这位英国男孩说他很高兴在中国学习汉语。be delighted to do sth.表示“很高兴做某事”。

  5.I live near an airport.Loud noise can be heard when a plane ____________(take)off.

  解析:填takes。take off飞机“起飞”,根据语境得知是经常性的情况,所以要用其第三人称单数。

  6.Taiwan is ____________ island province ____________ the southeast of Fujian.

  解析:填an;to。第一个空后面的中心词是province,island起修饰作用,因为其以元音开头,故用an;to the southeast of...在……的东南方,to表示在范围之外且不接壤。

  7.He is always the first ____________(come) and the last ____________(leave).

  解析:填to come;to leave。the first/last常跟动词不定式作定语。

  8.He told me ____________ they did in the listening test.I believe him this time,though I don’t quite ____________(believe/believe in)him.

  解析:填what;believe in。句意:他给我讲了这次听力测试过程中他们都干了些什么。这一次他说的话我还是相信的,虽然我不太信任他这个人。what引导宾语从句,且在从句中做宾语,believe sb.相信某人的话,相当于believe what sb.says/believe sb.’s words;believe in sb.信任某人。

  9.With the development of politics and economy,China is becoming ________(increase) important in the world.


  10.As soon as we went ________(aboard/abroad) the ship,it left port.

  解析:填aboard。go aboard固定搭配“上车、上船、上飞机”。


  It would be very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaper.As soon as a reporter’s boss gives him a story to write, the reporter is on the job.He keeps his mind on what he is going to do.He does not begin writing the story until he knows what he is supposed to find out.He must know why he should write the story.

  At times a reporter must search hard to find all of the facts he needs for a story.The facts may not be right under his nose.To find the facts, he must also be able to recognize important details.

  As a reporter is gathering information for a story, he asks himself questions: Should I use this piece of information? Is this an important fact?

  A reporter writes the story as fast as he can, so it can go right away into the newspaper.The story also needs a headline, which tells very quickly what the news story is about.The headline is the part of the news that is printed bigger and blacker than the rest of the news story.

  Every big newspaper has many reporters, because many stories are needed in the newspaper.Would you like to be one of them?

  1.This passage is about ________.

  A.the job of a news reporter

  B.how to gather information for a news story

  C.how to write the headline of an article

  D.some big newspapers all over the world


  2.Before a news reporter begins to write a news story,he must know ________.

  A.all the useful facts he needs

  B.what he writes the story for

  C.how to please his boss

  D.both A and B

  解析:选D。细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“He must know why he should write the story.”和第二段第一句“At times a reporter must search hard to find all of the facts he needs for a story.”可知D项正确。

  3.A reporter writes the story as fast as possible because ________.

  A.he wants to have a rest

  B.he is good at writing it

  C.he wants it to go into the newspaper right away

  D.people prefer to buy today’s newspaper

  解析:选C。细节理解题。由第四段第一句“A reporter writes the story as fast as he can,so it can go right away into the newspaper.”可知C项正确。

  4.A headline should be ________.

  A.simple and clear

  B.printed bigger and blacker

  C.long and in detail

  D.both A and B

  解析:选D。推理判断题。由第四段第二句“...which tells very quickly what the news story is about.”可知标题必须简洁明了;又由第四段最后一句可知B项也正确。故答案为D项。

  5.Why does every big newspaper have many reporters?

  A.Because many people want to be reporters.

  B.Because it’s very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaper.

  C.Because many stories are needed in the newspaper.

  D.Because big newspaper is very popular and has many readers.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。由最后一段第一句“Every big newspaper has many reporters,because many stories are needed in the newspaper.”可知答案。




  1. The film is an American live action film produced by Tatsunoko Productions. The story focuses on the character who is an 18-year-old boy whose life and love has always been car racing and after his brother’s death, he is determined to do well. The great promotional image (广告宣传的图像) catches the determination of him as he prepares to take on Racer X.

  解析:选D。根据1所提供的关键词“...whose life and love has always been car racing”和“...prepares to take on Racer X.”可知,这部电影应该与汽车比赛有关。结合D的标题以及海报图片中的赛车和赛车手,可以判断1应该和D匹配。

  2. A colorful image of one of the most popular fairies.Introduced in the Walt Disney classic Peter Pan, she became so popular that she was made the mascot of the Walt Disney Company. Here she is seen spreading fairy dust around with the caption “All beauty, no beast”.

  解析:选A。根据2对电影海报的介绍,特别是“Here she is seen spreading fairy dust around with the caption‘All beauty,no beast’.”可知海报中有一位仙女,正在抛洒仙土。这与A的标题和图片内容相一致。故2应该与A匹配。

  3. This film tells the story of the last robot on Earth, who developed emotions and feelings by watching the film “Hello Dolly”. He was an overnight success, as everyone liked watching the love story of him and his robot sweetheart. This is a great poster of the pair, with Wall-E +Eve written in a heart shaped bubble behind them, perfect for any fan.

  解析:选E。根据3中的关键词“...the story of the last robot on Earth,...”及“This is a great poster of the pair,with Wall-E+Eve written in a heart shaped bubble behind them,...”可知,这部电影与机器人相关,并且在这部电影的海报中应该有两个机器人,在他们后面有一个心形的气泡中间还有Wall-E+Eve这样的字样。故3应该与E匹配。

  4. The perfect picture of everyone’s favorite mouse, this poster shows Minnie at her best! In a spotty dress with big shoes and her characteristic big bow (蝴蝶结) in her hair,Minnie could get away with anything!

  解析:选B。根据4对电影人物的刻画“mouse,spotty dress,big shoes,big bow in her hair”可知,这部电影刻画了一只老鼠,穿着有斑点的衣服,大大的鞋子和头发上一个大蝴蝶结。结合B海报图片可知4应该与B匹配。

  5. A comedy about a lazy panda, Po, who must somehow become a Kung Fu Master in order to save the Valley of Peace from a bad snow leopard, Tai Lung. Set in the world of ancient China, this is the story of Po, our unlikely hero,who enters the world of Kung Fu and turns it upside down.Po finally becomes a Kung Fu hero by learning that if he believes in himself,he can do anything.

  解析:选F。根据5对电影海报内容的介绍:一只熊猫想掌握功夫打败Tai Lung拯救和平谷,后来成为了功夫英雄。这与F电影名字和海报图片相一致。故5应该与F匹配。


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