(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题五 动词和动词短语(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题五 动词和动词短语(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题五 动词和动词短语

  1.(2017·大纲全国,31)Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music,but she   it with hard work. 

  A.goes back on B.takes away from

  C.makes up for D.catches up with

  2.(2017·江苏,25)Top graduates from universities are   by major companies. 

  A.chased B.registered

  C.offered D.compensated

  3.(2017·江苏,30)—Dad,I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.

  —I see.I’ll go right away and  . 

  A.pay him back B.pay him off

  C.put him away D.put him off

  4.(2017·浙江,9)No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one can   when the unexpected will happen. 

  A.prove B.imply

  C.demand D.predict

  5.(2017·安徽,26)Terry,please   your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. 

  A.look up from B.look into

  C.look back on D.look through

  6.(2017·福建,25)It is widely acknowledged that students should be   in terms of overall quality. 

  A.supported B.matched

  C.evaluated D.controlled

  7.(2017·天津,13)The two countries are going to meet to   some barriers to trade between them. 

  A.make up B.use up

  C.turn down D.break down

  8.(2017·湖北,23)Seeing the big crowd coming towards him,he started to run down the hill,but   and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow. 

  A.sank B.skied

  C.slipped D.signalled

  9.(2017·江西,29)I don’t believe what you said,but if you can prove it,you may be able to   me. 

  A.convince B.inform

  C.guarantee D.refuse

  10.(2017·天津市十二区县重点学校联考,8) The early pioneers had to   many hardships to settle on the new land. 

  A.go into B.go along with

  C.go back on D.go through

  11.(2017·合肥第一次质检,22)I’m not good at   people’s mind,so if you have some requests,just let me know. 

  A.reading B.crossing

  C.occupying D.changing

  12.(2017·安徽皖南八校第一次联考,26)It’s hard to tell real Jingdezhen vases,and it’s a little more difficult for the untrained shopper to . 

  A.dismiss B.distinguish

  C.seek D.shelter

  13.(2017·福建质检,21)As the patient’s life hung in the balance,many volunteers offered to   blood. 

  A.save B.donate

  C.sacrifice D.produce

  14.(2017·安徽宿州第一次质检,32)—What’s the matter with you?

  —After the long walk,my legs   and I couldn’t go any further. 

  A.gave out B.gave off

  C.gave in D.gave up

  15.—Mike,this is the third time that you have been late this week.

  —Sorry,sir,but I was  for 15 minutes in the traffic jam. 

  A.held upB.put up 

  C.taken upD.given up 

  16.(2017·江苏苏锡常镇四市调研,25)Since Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in 2017,his fans have been eagerly waiting for his new novels to  . 

  A.come out B.turn out

  C.bring out D.go out

  17.(2017·天津市一中月考,7) Among so many people at the party,I   John,one of my classmates after 20 years. 

  A.looked upB.picked out 

  C.took upD.brought out

  18.(2017·河北唐山3月月考) But someday,all the work we have done will  ;we will go to college and go on to have a suitable job. 

  A.turn down B.pay off

  C.work out D.get away

  19.(2017·湖北天门4月调研,25) In making a scientific experiment,one should not be   by temporary setbacks but should stick to doing it hopefully. 

  A.cast down B.put away

  C.taken in D.put out

  20.—I got a text message saying my phone number won a prize worth $5,000.

  —Too good to be true.Don’t   it. 

  A.make B.do

  C.hold D.buy

  21.(2017·南昌三中月考,22)To my mind,the secret to happiness  your successful work and your contribution towards others’ happiness. 

  A.results in B.consists in

  C.brings in D.takes in

  22.He is,how shall I  ,not fat but rather well built. 

  A.put it B.make it

  C.mean it D.get it

  23.I have   all my papers but I still can’t find my notes. 

  A.looked out B.looked for

  C.looked down on D.looked through

  24.The government plans to import Chinese cabbage from China,as the recent rainstorm has  the price. 

  A.driven up B.taken up

  C.set up D.looked up

  25.(2017·浙江宁波十校联考,9)The green-hand cook   the soup by putting in too much salt accidentally. 

  A.spoiled B.damaged 


  26.(2017·天津十二区县重点学校联考,7)He tried to join the army but was   because of poor health,which made him depressed. 

  A.selected B.abused 

  C.overcome D.rejected

  27.I have   a lot with this guy.He borrowed my clothes,my money and my tennis racket.But when I caught him using my toothbrush,that was the last straw,so I kicked him out! 

  A.sped up B.mixed up

  C.put up D.teamed up

  28.The mother   many things to get her daughter a good education. 

  A.purchased B.produced

  C.sacrificed D.stored

  29.(2017·合肥第一次质检,32)Sometimes you can see beggars   people’s kindness to make money. 

  A.take advantage of B.make sense of

  C.take charge of D.make fun of

  30.A smile   the mother’s face when her son walked onto the platform to receive the prize. 

  A.lit up B.brought up

  C.put up D.took up

  31.What I want to   to teenagers is that being addicted to the Internet will to some degree do harm to both mental and physical health. 

  A.get off B.get through

  C.get across D.get down


  1.C 考查动词短语。句意:卡洛琳在音乐方面并没有天赋,但她的勤奋弥补了这一点。go back on“食言;改变主意”;take away from“减少,贬低”;make up for“弥补,补上”;catch up with“赶上”。根据句意只有C项符合。

  2.A 考查动词辨析。句意:优秀的大学毕业生受到大公司的争抢。chase“追逐,争夺”;register“登记,注册”;offer“提供”;compensate“弥补”。根据句意可知A项正确。

  3.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:——爸爸,我认为奥利弗不是这项工作的合适人选。——我明白。我这就去把他打发走。pay sb. back“还某人钱;报复某人”;pay sb. off“付清工资后解雇某人”;put sb. away“把某人投入监狱”;put sb. off“让某人下车,使某人失去兴趣”。根据句意可知B项正确。

  4.D 考查动词辨析。prove“证明”;imply“暗示”;demand “要求”;predict“预言,预测”。句意:不管你多么精心筹划你的财务状况,没有人能预测不可预料的事情何时会发生。故选D项。

  5.A 考查动词短语辨析。look up from“从……中抬起头来”;look into“观察,调查”;look back on“回顾”;look through“看穿,审核”。句意:特里,当你奶奶和你说话时,请抬起头来,不要看手机了。故选A项。

  6.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们普遍认为应该评估学生的总体素质。support“支持”;match“匹配”;evaluate “评价,评估”;control “控制”。

  7.D 考查动词词组辨析。句意:这两个国家将再次会晤打破两国之间的贸易壁垒。make up “弥补”;use up “用尽”;turn down “拒绝”;break down “砸破,消除”。

  8.C 考查动词辨析。句意:看到那一大群人向他走来,他开始往山下跑,但是滑了一跤,四肢着地摔倒在正融化的积雪中。sink“下沉,沉没”;ski“滑雪”;slip“失足,滑倒”;signal“发信号,示意”。

  9.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不相信你说的,但是如果你能证明,或许你能使我信服。convince“使相信,使信服”;inform“通知,告诉”;guarantee“担保,保证”;refuse“拒绝”。根据句意可知选A项。

  10.D 句意:早期的先锋队员为了在这块新土地上定居不得不经历许多磨难。go into“进入”;go along with“陪同前往,赞同”;go back on“违背,背叛,丢弃”;go through“经历,浏览”。根据句意可知,此处应用go through表示“经历”。

  11.A 句意:我不擅长看出别人的心思,所以如果你有什么要求就让我知道。read one’s mind意为“看出别人的心思”。

  12.B 句意:难以辨别真正的景德镇花瓶,对于没有受到过训练的店主想要识别更是有点难。dismiss“开除,解散”;distinguish“区别,辨认”;seek“寻找”;shelter“庇护”。该句说明的是难以辨别景德镇花瓶的真伪,故用distinguish符合句意。

  13.B 句意:因为那位病人的生命悬而未决,许多志愿者提出要献血。donate blood“献血”。save“节约”;sacrifice“牺牲”;produce“生产,出品”。

  14.A 句意:——你怎么了?——走很长时间后我的腿筋疲力尽了,不能再走了。give out“筋疲力尽”;give off“发出”;give in “屈服”;give up“放弃”。根据答句前面说明“长时间走过后”可知,我的腿应该是筋疲力尽了,故A项正确。

  15.A 句意:——迈克,这是你这周第三次迟到了。——对不起,先生,我遇到交通阻塞延误了十五分钟。hold up“耽搁,延误”;put up“张贴,兴起”;take up“从事,占用”;give up“放弃”。

  16.A 句意:自莫言获得2017年诺贝尔奖以来,他的粉丝们一直在热切地等待着他的新小说出版。come out“出版”,符合句意。turn out “结果是”;bring out“使显示,使出版”;go out“出去,熄灭”。

  17.B look up“查(字/词)”;pick out“认出,挑出”;take up“占用,从事”;bring out“使显示,使出版”。

  18.B 根据句意可知,此处表示将来有一天,我们所做的一切工作都将“得到回报,取得成功”,因此选B项。turn down “把……调低,拒绝”;pay off“带来好结果,成功”;work out“算出,锻炼”;get away“逃跑”。

  19.A 根据与but后内容的对比可知,此处应用cast down表示不应该在挫折面前“垂头丧气”。put away“收好”;take in“吸收,欺骗”;put out“扑灭”。

  20.D 句意:——我收到一条短信说我的电话号码中了价值5,000美元的奖。——这也太好了,不可能是真的。不要相信它。buy “接受,相信(尤指不大可能是真实的事情)”,符合句意。

  21.B 句意:在我看来,快乐的秘密在于你成功的工作和对别人快乐的贡献。result in“导致”;consist in“在于”;bring in“引进”;take in“吸收,欺骗”。

  22.A 句意:怎么说呢,他不是胖而是身强力壮。put “表达,说”,how shall I put it表示 “怎么说呢”。

  23.D 句意:我已经查看了我所有的文件,但还是没能找到我的笔记。look out“当心”;look for“寻找”;look down on“轻视”;look through“彻底查看”。

  24.A drive up“抬高”;take up“占用,从事”;set up“树立,建立”;look up“查(词典),抬头看”。四个短语中只有drive up和价格有关,表示“抬高(价格)”,故A项正确。

  25.A 句意:那位新手厨师意外地放了太多的盐,把汤烧坏了。spoil“弄糟”,符合句意。damage“损害”;injure“受伤”;harm“伤害”。

  26.D 句意:他试图参军,但因健康状况不好而被拒绝,这让他很沮丧。根据句意可知,此处应用reject表示“拒绝”。select“挑选”;abuse“滥用”;overcome“克服”。

  27.C 句意:我已经忍了这个家伙很多了。他借我的衣服,我的钱,还有我的网球拍。但当我撞见他在用我的牙刷时,我再也忍不了了,因此将他赶了出去。根据句意可知,应选C项,put up with “容忍”。speed up with “加快速度赶上”;mix up with “混淆,弄混”;team up with “与……合作”。

  28.C 句意:这位母亲为了给她的女儿良好的教育,牺牲了许多东西。purchase “购买”;produce “生产”;sacrifice “牺牲”;store “储存”。

  29.A 句意:有时你可以看到乞讨者利用人们的善良来赚钱。take advantage of“利用”;make sense of“理解”;take charge of“管理”;make fun of“取笑”。前面说的是乞讨者,后面是人们的善良,to make money为动词不定式作状语,故选A项。

  30.A 句意:当儿子走上台领奖时,妈妈脸上露出了喜色。light up “喜形于色,喜气洋洋”;bring up “提出,呕吐”;put up “提高,张贴”;take up “占用,开始从事”。故A项正确。

  31.C 句意:我想给青少年们讲清楚的是沉迷于网络在一定程度上对身心健康有害。get across “(使某事)传播或为人理解”,符合句意。get off “离开某地,出发”;get through “顺利通过(考试等)”;get down “写下,记下”。


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