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发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A. learn to give lectures

  B. attend education programs C. design a working uniform

  D. develop a common hobby 1. We learn from Paragraph 2 that employees in G&G must ____. B

  细节理解题。从第二段第一句后半句an education program that began…,说明G&G 的员工是必须参加培训的。 2. Education program in G&G including all the following Except ____.

  A. how to focus

  B. willpower

  C. how to study

  D. how to get to work on time C

  细节理解题。从第二段最后两句可以判断C不包含。 3. Willpower will become a habit when employees can _____.

  A. focus on the profits

  B. benefit from the job C. protect themselves well

  D. control their feeling well D

  从第四段第二句Sometimes it looks like…made it automatic可以看出,当人们能很好控制自己的感觉时,自我克制力也就成为一成习惯了。

  4. Why does G&G attach importance to willpower in their education program?

  A. In most cases, willpower is the single and

  most important habit for a person’s success. B. It is willpower that helps G&G become

  successful. C. Without willpower, people won’t work hard. D. The researchers in the University of

  Pennsylvania prove it is very important. A

  细节理解题。由第三段中Dozens of cases show that…(许多案例表明,自我克制力是唯一的,但也是个人成功最重要的习惯),及最后一段最后一句中的短语in part可以看出,B夸大了自我克制力对G&G成功的影响,C说法太绝对化,D并无提及。 5. What can we infer from the passage?

  A. G&G has grown into a large company.

  B. G&G will spend half its profits training

  employees. C. G&G may become more successful in the

  future. D. G&G has to produce more workbooks

  for managers. C

  推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句,G&G从一家不太好的公司,变成规模大、利润多的公司,在某种程度上是因为他们给员工提供的培训课程,这些课程还在继续,所以可以推断出C的内容。A是原文就有的内容,不能当成推断内容,B、D与最后一段第一句内容不符合,意思本身不正确。 responsible adj. 负责的 employee n. 员工;雇工 scream vi. 尖叫


  n. 制服 occupation n. 职业

  self-control n. 自控力 strengthen vt. 加强

  extreme adj. 极度的 [复记强化] * * * * * * * *


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