美国总统奥巴马的连任竞选活动逐步进入高潮,3月15日颇有好莱坞风格的奥巴马竞选纪录片正式发行。影片中记录了奥巴马召唤母亲的灵魂及他母亲与癌症作斗的故事,意在说服选民他所提倡的医疗改革的优点。这部影片由奥斯卡最佳导演奖得主戴维斯•古根汉姆(Davis Guggenheim)导演,时长17分种,由影帝汤姆•汉克斯解说。
Obama Campaign Biopic: "The Road We've Traveled"
Team Obama released ‘The Road We’ve Traveled,’ a 17-minute documentary lauding the president’s first term in office, on Thursday. Team Obama is banking on Hollywood magic to help him win a second term in office.
The President's re-election campaign released its much anticipated, 17-minute documentary — narrated by actor Tom Hanks and directed by Academy Award winner David Guggenheim — that paints an effusively positive portrait of the commander-in-chief's first term in office.
"The Road We've Traveled" features interviews with former President Bill Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama's former chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and his former senior adviser David Axelrod, all hammering home the central theme that President Obama inherited one of the worst financial situations in America's history, but made valiant, difficult decisions in order to rebuild America.
Tom Hanks narrates, “Not since the days of Franklin Roosevelt had so much fallen on the shoulders of one President, as American are taken through the economic crisis, the auto industry bailout, healthcare reform, the end of the war in Iraq, the death of Osama Bin Laden and more.