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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Switzerland has retained its position as one of the most expensive spots in the world to buy a Big Mac, as the Swiss franc remains strong against all major currencies.


The famed McDonald's burger will set you back 6.50 Swiss francs in the Alpine state - that works out at more than £5.20 ($6.35) for the patty sandwich alone, no fries or drink included.

在这个阿尔卑斯山脉横跨的国家,闻名全球的麦当劳汉堡售价6.50瑞士法郎——单买夹肉饼的三明治的话,要花5.20英镑 The findings, exhibited in the Economist's Big Mac index, imply that the Swiss franc is overvalued by a meaty 25.5 percent.


The Big Mac index was created by The Economist magazine in 1986 as a way of comparing the relative values of different currencies.


By comparing a product which is almost perfectly identical and on sale around the world, experts hoped to show the 'purchasing power' of each nation's money.


Norway has the second priciest Big Mac in the world at £4.64 ($5.67), followed by Sweden £4.31 ($5.26), Venezuela £4.30 ($5.25), Brazil £4.19 ($5.12) and the US £4.14 ($5.06), according to the so-called Big Mac index.

在巨无霸指数表中,挪威的巨无霸价格是4.64英镑 Britain comes 16th on the list, with Big Macs costing £3.09 ($3.73) - less than they do in Singapore and Costa Rica.

英国排名第16,英国巨无霸价格是3.09英镑 The scaling suggests that the pound is currently undervalued by 26.3 percent against the dollar, as the sterling's strength continues to dwindle.


At the other end of the scale, Egypt is best value for money with a crippled Egyptian pound, as you can snap up a Big Mac in Cairo for a digestible £1.20 ($1.46).

在天平的另一边,由于埃及磅暴跌,埃及的汉堡最物有所值。在开罗,你只需花费1.2英镑 The price of Big Macs is compared against the standard US price for the product - which is currently $5.06, about £4.14 in sterling.


The newly-published Big Mac Index highlights how the Turkish lira is one of the worst-performing currencies in the world - making it into the bottom 15.


According to the 'patty-powered currency guide', it is now undervalued by 45.7 percent against the dollar.


However, other currencies are even cheaper.


In Big Mac terms, the Mexican peso is undervalued by a staggering 55.9 percent against the buck.


Last week it also plummeted to a historic low of 22.04 per dollar and the country's stock index fell on Wednesday, after US President-elect Donald Trump warned US auto companies would face a high tax for products made south of the border.


Out of the big countries, only Russia offers a better value Big Mac, in dollar terms, even though the rouble has strengthened considerably over the past year.


Other heavily undervalued currencies highlighted by the index include South Africa, Malaysia and the Ukraine.


When it comes to the euro zone, the euro is also the red, undervalued against the dollar by 19.7 percent.


The index's latest results were released ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.



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