2016高考英语一轮课件优化复习(山东专用)人教版选修八UNITS 3~5-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮课件优化复习(山东专用)人教版选修八UNITS 3~5

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修八 UNITS 3~5 1.if only引导的感叹句,相当于“How I wish+宾语从句”,意思是“但愿……;要是……就好了” If only we students didn’t have so much homework! 要是没有这么多的作业该多好! 句型公式妙笔生花 If only I hadn’t been so careless in the exam! 我当时没有那么粗心就好了! 2.“but for+名词”和“but that+从句”,意思是“倘若不是;要不是”/without...主句接虚拟语气 But for/Without air and water,nothing could live.(=If there were no air or water,nothing could live.) 如果没有空气和水,什么东西都难以生存。 But for you,we couldn’t have carried out the plan. 要不是你的话,我们无法实施那项计划。 3.There is no point/sense in doing sth.做……没有意义 There is no possibility that...没有可能做…… There is no doubt that...毫无疑问…… It is no wonder that...难怪…… As far as I’m concerned,there is no point in persuading her,she will not change her mind. 就我个人而言,劝说她没用,她不会改变主意。 You have been absorbed in your study.There is no doubt that you will be admitted to Beijing University. 你专心于学习,毫无疑问你会被北京大学录取。 He stayed up all night,reading a novel.It is no wonder that he has been tired out. 他昨晚熬夜读小说,难怪他那么精疲力竭。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放


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