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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  Susannah was a shy but clever girl.She couldn’t see too well,so she wore big glasses.And Lewis,one of her classmates,had started calling her ‘Four Eyes’.The__1__was known by her classmates;now everyone knew her as ‘Suzy Four Eyes’.She acted like she didn’t mind,but in fact Susannah couldn’t__2__it.

  One day,the class went on a school outing.Lewis__3__fell into a hole.While falling,he__4__Susannah,who was walking next to him,and they both fell into the hole,out of sight.After some time they landed in a very big dark cave.Susannah and Lewis shouted for help,but no one came.They had to__5__a long dark night.

  The next morning,Lewis__6__to shout for help,while he was looking for a way out.__7__,after hours of searching,he found nothing,and started feeling__8__.A short time later,Susannah__9__that a ray of light was descending (下降) from the hole in a straight line.Using her glasses as a magnifying glass (放大镜),Susannah took a piece of wood and__10__the ray of light onto it until a little flame appeared.Now they had a torch (火把).Lewis watched all this with__11__.He took some more branches,and they went together to explore the cave.

  It took some time,but__12__they found a way out.Lewis gave Susannah his sincere__13__.Now he regretted having given her that name,__14__seeing that it was her glasses that had saved them both.When they met the search party,Lewis told everyone about the__15__,and from that day there was no ‘Four Eyes’ any longer at their school.

  【解题导语】 小女孩因为戴着大眼镜而常常被同学取笑,她为此感到很苦恼。可是,有一天,就是小女孩的这副眼镜救了她自己和另一个孩子。

  1.A.news B.name



  解析:选B。根据下文“...now everyone knew her as ‘Suzy Four Eyes’.”可知,现在每个人都把她叫做四眼Suzy,所以这个名字被很快地传播开来。

  2.A.hear B.see



  解析:选C。根据上文“She acted like she didn’t mind...”和下文连词but构成转折可知,Susannah表现得好像不在乎,但实际上不能忍受。










  解析:选D。根据下文“...and they both fell into the hole...”可知,在Lewis下滑的同时,抓住了在自己身边的Susannah,两个人都掉进了洞里。





  解析:选A。根据上文“Susannah and Lewis shouted for help,but no one came.”可知,他们求救了,但是没有人来,所以他们不得不度过一个漆黑的夜晚。










  解析:选D。上文提到Lewis在喊救命的同时寻找出路,由下文“...after hours of searching,he found nothing...”可知在几个小时的寻找之后一无所获,前后为转折关系。





  解析:选B。根据上文“...after hours of searching,he found nothing...”可知,Lewis找了几个小时,没有找到出路,所以他开始感到害怕了。




















  解析:选B。根据下文“...her glasses that had saved them both.”可知,他们最终找到了出去的路。
















  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Here is some knowledge about the whales.Most whales are quite active in the water.They jump high out of the water and land back16.________the water,or surf in the water.They also let their tails out of the water and beat the water’s surface,which 17.________(believe) to be a warning(警告)of danger nearby.Like all mammals,whales breathe into lungs,are warmblooded,feed18.________young with milk and they also have some hair.Whales communicate with each other19.________(use) sounds.These sounds are extremely loud and can be heard miles away.They need to breathe air by coming to the water’s surface.Whales need to sleep,like all mammals,too,20.________they cannot afford to fall into a(n)21.________(conscious) state for too long,since they need to be conscious to break the surface to breathe.Among the whales,the largest kind is the Blue Whale,and22.________is the largest living animal,up to 110 feet long and 150 tons.Unfortunately,now the whales face many challenges:such as23.________decrease in the krill (磷虾) population,24.________is the main food source for them,global warming’s effects,sea level rises and the temperature changes in the sea.Yet,they may not be able to adapt to the changes quickly enough25.________(survive).

  16.解析:考查介词用法。前文提到jump out of water,然后,就应是返回到水里,故用介词into。



  答案:is believed





  20.解析:考查连词用法。根据“they cannot afford to fall into a(n)21.________(conscious)state for too long,since they need to be conscious to break the surface to breathe”可知此处应表示转折用法。


  21.解析:考查词形变化。因为前文说到鲸也需要睡觉,就是一种“无意识”状态,后文也提到“they need to be conscious”是不睡状态,故词形变化为unconscious。


  22.解析:考查代词用法。这里it指前面提到的“the Blue Whale”。由于有and表并列用法,此处应用it。




  24.解析:考查关系代词的用法。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的the krill(磷虾)population。


  25.解析:考查不定式作状语。句型:adj.(adv.)enough to do(sth.)。

  答案:to survive


  第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



  The weather was terrible that night.The summer thunderstorm had knocked out the power.Luckily,there was enough candlelight flickering on the kitchen table.With the candlelight,I could see the card I was writing to my husband’s cousins in Finland.

  Dear Heli and Risto,

  You are on my mind tonight because we are using the candles you gave us when you visited us two years ago.There was a horrible summer thunderstorm this evening and the power went out,and your candles were just what we needed.They have lit our dinnertime,the bedrooms and now I am sitting by one in the kitchen...

  What I didn’t say to Heli and Risto is that we never burned the candles before because they,well,smell like a campfire.And so they stood in iron candlesticks until we needed them.

  I’m so thankful that we had candles on hand that dark night.And I’m equally as thankful that I had a beautiful card on hand,too,or I would have let the opportunity to keep in touch with faraway family escape.It would have turned into another one of those moments when the thought of sending a card crossed my mind but never actually happened.

  The candle burned slowly.After I finished my card to Finland,I enjoyed looking through the rest of my“Someone Cares”greeting cards.The air was fresh and cool,and I had cards and enough light to write.I found a birthday card for my nephew’s 10th birthday,a thinkingofyou card for my aunt,and a fun greeting card for an old friend and I began writing.Candles and cards—two things that make a thunderstorm into the perfect storm.

  【解题导语】 一个停电的暴风雨夜里,作者点燃了两根别人送的蜡烛,她写了几张“有人关心”的卡片,觉得这真是一场“完美的暴风雨”。

  26.Why did the writer light the two candles that night?

  A.Because she thought of her husband’s cousins.

  B.Because she wanted to add some fun to her life.

  C.Because she wanted to enjoy another kind of lifestyle.

  D.Because there was no electricity due to the thunderstorm.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段的The summer thunderstorm had knocked out the power.可知作者那晚点燃了蜡烛,是因为那晚因暴风雨袭击停电了。

  27.By saying “smell like a campfire”,the writer wants to show________.

  A.she often went to a campfire alone

  B.she liked the smell of a campfire very much

  C.she didn’t like the smell of the burning candles

  D.she didn’t need to burn the candles in the past

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段的...we never burned the candles before...,可知作者从来没有用过那些蜡烛,是因为那些蜡烛闻起来像篝火,作者应该是不喜欢这个味道才不用那些蜡烛的。

  28.In the past,when the writer wanted to send a card,________.

  A.she often didn’t put it into practice

  B.she often immediately wrote one

  C.she often didn’t know what to write

  D.she usually hesitated for a long time

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段的...the thought of sending a card crossed my mind but never actually happened.可知作者以前有送卡片的想法,但往往没有付诸实际行动。

  29.Lighting the candles in the stormy night made the writer________.

  A.know who was the most important person to her

  B.know how to make her boring life interesting

  C.value her relatives and friends more

  D.believe everyone could be happy


  30.What’s the best title for this passage?

  A.My husband’s cousins in Finland

  B.My interest in candles

  C.My most terrible night

  D.The perfect storm



  Jenny Lind was born in Stockholm,Sweden,in 1820,the daughter of a teacher of languages.She is said to have been able to repeat a song that she had heard only once at the age of three.At ten years of age she sang children’s parts on the Stockholm stage.After turning 12 years of age,her upper notes(高音)lost their sweetness,and for four years she did not do much singing.Her love for music continued and these years were spent on the study of instrumental music and composition.

  At the end of this period her voice got its power and purity(纯净)again and for a year and a half she was the star of the Stockholm Opera.Next,she gave a series of concerts and went to Paris for further study,but the French teacher did not appreciate her powers and Jenny returned to her native city.

  When she was twentythree years old,Jenny went to Dresden and when Queen Victoria visited that city the following year,she sang at the festivals held in the Queen’s honor.This opened the way to astonishing success in other German cities.In 1847 she went to London and was warmly received.There she sang for the first time in concert.

  Jenny Lind traveled to Paris to study with Manuel Garcia,a famous Spanish vocal(声乐)coach,who finally agreed to train her.Her husband,Otto Goldschmidt,was a famous German pianist who trained with Mendelssohn;they married in Boston while on tour in the U.S..

  After her marriage,she appeared on the stage from time to time,usually at concerts given for charities.She was deeply interested in charities and we can easily add to her title (头衔)of singer that of philanthropist.Her later years were spent in London where she died in 1887.Her life and songs are a sweet memory.

  【解题导语】 珍妮·林德三岁的时候就表现出非凡的音乐天赋,10岁时就登上了斯德哥尔摩的舞台。即使在她青春期变声期间,她仍然坚持着对音乐的喜爱和追求,最终在音乐方面取得了令人惊叹的成就。不仅如此,她还乐于慈善事业,是有名的慈善家。


  Lind didn’t sing


  for four years


  A.she didn’t like popular music

  B.she liked instrumental music and composition

  C.her voice was not at its best

  D.she was busy with her studies

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的After turning 12 years of age,her upper notes lost their sweetness,and for four years she did not do much singing.可知,12岁时她的高音失去了甜美,由此可以推断出她之所以四年没有演唱是因为她的嗓音不在最佳状态。

  32.In order to learn more about music Jenny Lind went to________.





  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Next,she gave a series of concerts and went to Paris for further study可知,她为了学习更多的音乐知识去了巴黎。

  33.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE of Jenny Lind?

  A.She became famous in Stockholm when she was 10.

  B.Queen Victoria didn’t like her performance at all.

  C.She got married with Mendelssohn in the U.S.A..

  D.People are still impressed with her songs.

  解析:选D。细节判断题。根据全文的内容,结合文章最后一段中的Her life and songs are a sweet memory可知,她的歌曲现在人们仍然记忆犹新。

  34.The underlined word “philanthropist” in the last paragraph refers to a person who________.

  A.gives money and help to people in need

  B.makes a large amount of money as a singer

  C.becomes happy by performing charities

  D.spends much time in singing

  解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据该词前面的She was deeply interested in charities可知,珍妮·林德不仅是歌唱家还是“慈善家”。

  35.The passage is mainly developed by________.

  A.cause and effect

  B.order in space

  C.order in time




  American teenagers hear it all the time from their parents,“Are you listening to me?Turn down that music or you’ll hurt your ears.”A new study has found the parents may be right.

  The study has found that many young people in the United States do not hear as well as they used to.One out of five American teenagers have some hearing loss.That is a 30% increase in the past fifteen years.One out of twenty teens have a large hearing loss.That is a fifty percent increase.

  The researchers used results of hearing tests taken in the past years.They have found that boys are more likely to have hearing problems than girls.The age or race of the teens who were tested had no effect on their chances of a hearing loss.The researchers say they are not sure why some teenagers are losing their hearing.Not enough studies have been done and more are needed.Some say the causes may be found in their diet,exposure to poisons,or in their genes.Others believe that listening to loud music on MP3 players with earphones is the major cause.

  Researchers think that some teenagers do not realize that they are listening to music at very loud levels.Researchers suggest parents stand next to their children while they are wearing earphones.If the parents can hear the music,the sound is too loud.Teenagers should set the volume control on their music players to somewhere between onehalf and twothirds the highest level,never louder.

  Even a small hearing loss can affect a child’s social development.Communication skills and grades in school can also suffer.Doctor Eavey says,“What we’re seeing is a big jump in the prevalence(患病率)of hearing loss in a very short time,in less than one generation.”

  【解题导语】 研究发现,美国的很多青少年听力出现了问题。

  36.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A.Modern technology harms people’s health.

  B.Many American teenagers have some hearing loss.

  C.American teenagers are suffering from ear diseases.

  D.American parents notice the harm of listening to music.


  37.What do we learn from Paragraph 3?

  A.The exact cause of hearing loss in American teenagers is still unknown.

  B.Teenagers’hearing loss is mainly caused by listening to music on MP3 players.

  C.Much of the food American teenagers eat today harms their hearing.

  D.Hearing loss has something to do with someone’s race.

  解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段的The researchers say they are not sure why some teenagers are losing their hearing...可知听力下降的具体原因还不知道。

  38.Researchers suggest that parents________.

  A.pay more attention to their children’s diets

  B.not let their children listen to music for a long time

  C.help their children set the volume control to the proper level

  D.keep a close eye on what kind of music their children listen to

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段的Researchers suggest parents stand next to their children while they are wearing earphones.可知研究人员建议父母帮助孩子控制好音量。

  39.The last paragraph suggests that hearing loss________.

  A.has attracted worldwide attention

  B.will be well prevented in the future

  C.has worried most parents in America

  D.may not be good for one’s future development

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据末段的Even a small hearing loss can affect a child’s social development.可知听力下降可能对一个人的未来发展不利。

  40.In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?







  Surrounded by the towns of Davidson,Huntersville and Cornelius,Lake Norman is a manmade lake.It is also the largest lake in the state covering a shore line of more than 500 miles.State Park on the lake allows visitors to do different water activities.

  People,both tourists and locals,come to the area on weekends,and during the peak season a large number of people arrive to relax and have fun.

  A great educational activity for kids is a tour on the lake.This tour covers aquatic(水生的)life.Since it is an educational tour,it also covers important knowledge related to water.

  Those who want to go boating can rent boats on an hourly basis.The charges are $5 for the first hour and $3 for every extra hour.The boats can be kept on the lake all day from 10 a.m.to 5 p.m.during the summer.The boats can hold 2 to 4 people.

  The park also has a group tent camp that can hold about 25 people.People from all over the country come here to go fishing.The inner park lake is also great for fishing,though it is smaller than Lake Norman.Those who come for adventure like to go biking and hiking on the many trails inside the park.

  Lake Norman is a great place to spend time with family and friends.People come here on vacation or simply to relax after a week’s work.

  【解题导语】 美国的Norman湖以及湖边的国家州立公园,是人们休憩和放松的好地方,也是小孩除了玩耍外还可以学到许多东西的地方。

  41.What do we know about Lake Norman from the passage?

  A.It is the largest lake in North America.

  B.It is in the center of the town Davidson.

  C.It is not a natural lake.

  D.It is about five hundred miles long.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的Lake Norman is a manmade lake可知这个湖不是个天然湖,而是一个人工湖泊。

  42.When it comes to traveling,the peak season usually refers to a period of time when________.

  A.everyone is busy

  B.a lot of people visit somewhere

  C.few people visit somewhere

  D.people are ready to visit somewhere

  解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据第二段的...during the peak season a large number of people arrive to relax and have fun可知peak season意为“旺季”,故选B。

  43.Paragraph 3 mainly wants to show that by touring the lake,children________.

  A.can learn a lot

  B.can have great fun

  C.will like water activities

  D.will like studying better

  解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段的A great educational activity for kids以及it also covers important knowledge related to water.可知这一段主要强调小孩可以学到很多知识。

  44.How much will you have to pay if you go boating for three hours on Lake Norman?

  A.13 dollars.

  B.9 dollars.

  C.11 dollars.

  D.15 dollars.


  45.Where can you most probably read this passage?

  A.In a fashion magazine.

  B.In a novel.

  C.In a travel guide booklet.

  D.In a sports newspaper.

  解析:选C。推理判断题。本文主要向我们介绍了Lake Norman,故在旅游小册子里最有可能读到这篇文章。

  第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  A.City Water Skiing Centre—We are in the heart of the city and give you an easy chance to enjoy the fun and excitement of water skiing.We offer halfhour lessons every hour between 9 a.m.and 4 p.m..A fun way to get a lot of exercise quickly and then stay fit.

  B.Horse Riding School—Our experienced teachers provide oneonone instruction that makes learning to ride a horse safe and easy.We are located on a large farm where you will be able to get to enjoy lots of fresh air and the beauty of nature.Open 7 days a week between 8 a.m.and 6 p.m..

  C.Ballroom Dancing Society—The dancing society is organizing a special course for new members.No experience is necessary and if you don’t have your own partner we will arrange one for you.Have fun learning to dance and making new friends in class and at our many social events.Classes every Monday and Thursday from 7 p.m.to 9 p.m..

  D.Hiking Club—The club is looking for new members to join us on our regular hikes.Each weekend we go to local mountain and forest locations for long walks providing the chance for plenty of exercise and fresh air.Different members take part each week so you will have the chance to make new friends.The hikes range in difficulty from easy to very hard and we expect our member to be fit before they join.

  E.Ron’s Boxing Gym—We don’t just teach you how to box;we teach you how to keep fit for the rest of your life.Our training involves many different activities such as running,skipping and lifting weight,as well as,of course,actual boxing.Once a month we also organise practice fights for members of the same sex and weight.Open 2 p.m.to 10 p.m..

  F.Water Polo Club—If you can swim and like ball sports then you’ll love water polo.It is like playing football in the water,a fun and lowimpact way to stay healthy.As a waterbased sport it is also the ideal way to recover from injury.Open weekdays 9 a.m.to 11 a.m.and 4 p.m.to 8 p.m..


  46.Harold is a busy bank manager working in the city.He has put on a lot of weight in recent years and wants to take up a sport that will help him get fit.He enjoys thrilling and exciting sports but as he often has to work late into the evening and on the weekend so he only has time to go during his workday lunch hour.


  47.Maude has been retired for 2 years.She is in good health but wants to keep active and remain in shape.She is interested in a hobby that isn’t too difficult to learn and will give her lots of fresh air and the chance to meet some new friends.She only has free time on the weekend as most weekdays are spent taking care of her grandchildren.


  48.Sid is a high school student that recently hurt his knee when playing football.The doctor has told him that for the next 6 months he shouldn’t put too much pressure or weight on it and he needs to do some sport that will help him build up his strength but will not cause any more damage to his knee.Afternoon after school is his preferred time.


  49.Nancy is a university student who loves excitement and is always willing to try out something different.She has little patience however and wants a sporting activity that will give her the chance to do many different things.As she works part time after class and on the weekend she is only free on weekday afternoon.


  50.Spike has recently moved to the city and doesn’t have many friends.He is not really a sports fan but wants to do something that is fun and that will give him the chance to meet new people.He is only free in the evening.



  第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分 15分)





  申购情况 实际情况

  颜色 黑色 白色

  码数 9 8.5

  到货日期 4月10日 4月20日







  Dear Sir,







  Thank you for your consideration.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  One possible version:


  I’m writing to complain about a pair of shoes I recently purchased from your website.What I ordered was a pair of black size 9 shoes but I received a pair of white,size 8.5 shoes instead.Worse still,there was a tenday delay in delivering my shoes,which should have been received on April 10.For the above reasons,I demand either a new pair of black size 9 shoes be posted to me immediately or I be given a full refund.Also,if I send back the wrong shoes,will your company pay for the postage?




  第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  We all know the story of“The tortoise and the hare”.The hare lost because he was overconfident.So slowandsteady,the tortoise won the race.But did you know the tortoise and the hare raced three more times?After his loss the hare challenged the tortoise to a second race and this time he ran without stopping from start to finish.There was no doubt that he won.The lesson this time was that fastandconsistent beats slowandsteady.Then the tortoise challenged the hare to a third race,over a slightly different route.The hare ran at top speed until he reached a broad river.Although the finishing line was just a kilometre past the river,the hare had no way of crossing and once more the slowandsteady swimming tortoise came out on top.

  The hare and the tortoise,by this time,had become good friends.They realized they could perform better together than separately.So they decided to have one more race.But this time they would work as a team.They started off,and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank.There,the tortoise took over and swam across the river with the hare on his back.On the opposite bank,the hare again carried the tortoise and they reached the finishing line together,much more quickly than they had been able to alone.They both felt a greater sense of satisfaction than they’d felt earlier.


























  One possible version:

  The passage describes four races between the hare and the tortoise and analyses the moral learned from each race.In the last race,they learned they could achieve greater success and satisfaction through cooperation.

  I think the story can teach us that when we work together we can achieve more than when we compete.It is a winwin effect.The story reminds me of my experience when I first came to this school.My classmate,Michael,showed great talent in science studies while I was pretty good at history and economics.I feared that Michael would outperform me in the exams so I avoided helping him and viewed him as my competitor.It was not until Michael suggested that we work together that I understood the importance and benefit of cooperation.We shared learning methods and helped each other.As a result,we both made progress in our studies and became topten students.

  As far as I’m concerned,it’s good to be individually brilliant,but working as a team will always beat individual performance/brilliance.


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