浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(54)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(54)

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  四川省自贡市富顺板桥中学七年级英语下册 总复习资料3 人教新目标版

  Unit 7 What dose he look like?


  look like 看起来像....curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发medium height/build 中等高度/身体 a little bit

  一点儿… a pop singer 一位流行歌手 be popular with sb 在…流行 not…any more 不再good-looking 好看的wear glasses 戴眼镜have a new look 呈现新面貌 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长Nobody knows me



  1)? --What does he look like?

  --He’s really short. He has short hair./ He is of medium build.

  2)Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?

  2)? --She has beautiful, long black hair.

  3)? --I don’t think he’s so great .

  6) --She never stops talking.

  --Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事:He stop listening

  --stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事:He stops to listen.

  7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.

  Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.


  would likea large/medium/small bowl of 大碗/中碗/小碗 what size orange juice 桔汁 green tea 绿茶 phone number 电话号码 as well as 而且

  what kind of 表示….的种类a kind of some kind of 许多种… a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a bottle of orange juice 一瓶桔子汁(不可数) three oranges 三个桔子(可数)some chicken (不可数)three chicken(可数)


  1)What kind of … would you like? ?

  2) What size bowl of noodles would you like? I like a small bowl of noodles.

  3)We have large ,medium, and small bowls. 4) I like dumplings, I don’t like noodles.


  1)—Can I help you?--I’d like some noodles. please.

  2)--What kind of noodles would you like? --I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Please.

  3)—Would you like a cup of green tea?

  --Yes, please. /No, thanks

  would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:

  A: would like to do sth.想要做某事 He would like to see you today.

  B:would like sb.to.do.sth.想要某人做某事 What would you like me to do.

  Unit 9 How was you weekend?


  play +运动或棋类 play +乐器 go to the movies

  do some reading阅读study for the (math) test 准备(practice+n/doing练习…what aout/ How about+n/doing做什么怎么样

  stay at home 呆家里go to summer camp 去夏令营go to the mountainsvisit sb拜访某人

  go shopping last month 上个月three days ago 三天前yesterday 昨天look for 寻找

  go for a walk 散步in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上//Sunday morning 在某个具体一天的上午、下午用介词onplay computer games 玩电脑游戏spend money/time on sth/(in) doing sth 花费…做…watch sb do/doing sth 看某人做了某事/正在做某事


  1)I visited my aunt last weekend.

  2)-- How was your weekend?

  --It was great./OK

  3)—It was time for sb to do sth.


  1)—What did you do last weekend? --On Saturday morning,I played teenis.

  2)—How was your weekend?

  --It was great.I went to the bra


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