The incoming U.S. government should make North Korean human rights a key part of its policy towards the communist country, a senior U.S. official says.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Tom Malinowski told VOA on Wednesday he expects bipartisan support for the North Korean human rights issue during the Donald Trump administration.
“My advice is that any long-term solution to the security issues that have troubled us, coming from North Korea for many, many years, is not likely to come until the North Korean people have the power to shape the future of their country,” Malinowski said.
Speaking shortly after the announcement of new sanctions on North Korean officials and government entities for human rights violations, the official said Washington is trying to send a clear message to those engaging in human rights abuses that “there's a price to be paid.”
On Wednesday, the U.S. sanctioned seven North Korean individuals, including Kim Yo Jong, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's younger sister.
他说:“我认为要长久地解决朝鲜造成的、给我们带来很多困扰的安全问题, 前提是朝鲜人民要有权力来决定他们国家的未来。”
美国刚刚宣布了对违反人权的朝鲜官员和政府机构进行制裁。 马林诺夫斯基说,华盛顿是在向践踏人权者发出明确信息,践踏人权“要付出代价”。
上一篇: 川普承认俄罗斯干预美国大选
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