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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 6

  Films and TV Programmes

  Explanations for new words and phrases

  1.postern. 海报 post:n.邮寄邮局邮筒…),职位岗位哨位v. 邮寄;张贴贴在…上

  That poster is too high nobody can read it.

  那海报贴得太高了--谁也看不清楚Please send this gift by post.


  Ask him whether he would accept the post. 问问他是否愿意就任该职。I don't think I should be suitable for the post. 我认为这个岗位对我不合适。This card was posted in London a week ago.

  这卡片是一周前从伦敦寄来的。Post this notice on the wall. 把这个通知贴在墙上。

  2.character: n.性格特性品质(quality)角色(role/part);字母符号(letter/sign/symbol)a determined character 坚定的性格noble character 高尚的品质general character 共性He has a strong character. 他有强硬的性格。The story has only a few characters. 这个故事只有几个角色。negative character 反面角色

  Write in big characters.

  用大写字母写。Chinese character 汉字

  跳跳跃猛然行动冲跳过跃过跳跃, 飞跃leap on(to) a horse跃上马背纵身上马 leap a wall 跳墙His heart leaped and he felt himself reddening. 他的心在跳, 他感觉自己的脸红了。

  Lookhink before you leap. 三思而后行。The horse leaped a stream. 这匹马跃过小溪。

  He took a leap over an obstacle. 他迅速地跃过障碍物。

  优美的, 文雅的得体的, 礼貌而周到的 Her manner is graceful.丰姿绰约。Her figure is graceful.身段很美。Her behavior is graceful.举止优雅。

  The ballet dancer is so graceful. 芭蕾舞演员的姿态是如此的优美。

  Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her. 她的道歉很得体, 我们只好原谅了她。

  6.occasionally:adv. 偶然地

  I occasionally go to the movies with him.


  I met the official on several occasions.我有几次碰见那位官员。occasion:n. 时刻/候;机会/时机

  on the occasion of her marriage在她结婚时

  7.argue:v. 争辩,说服

  I argued about the plan with him.我跟他辩论那个计划。I argued him out of smoking.我说服他戒烟。

  8.频道 通道; 水沟水渠 海峡

  Channel 2 二频道

  What channel? 哪个频道?

  What's on Channel 8? 第八频道有什么节目?

  inlet channel 引水渠Keep to the channel! 照着航道走! Taiwan Channel 台湾海峡

  come out:显现出现出版The stars came out as soon as it was dark.


  The sun has come out from behind the clouds.太阳从云彩后出来了。How did the printing come out? 什么时候才能画完?

  The truth finally came out. 真相最终显现。come out还可意为“开花;发芽;真相大白”。


  come about 发生;产生;改变方向come back回来;在记忆中重现;复原;恢复

  come across来到;偶遇come down下来;倒塌;病倒

  come after跟着……来;跟在……后面come from来自;出生于come to 到…,

  come up 突然出现

  My book has already come out. 我的书籍已经出版了。

  My dream can come true some day.我的梦想总有一天会成为现实。

  1.be in love with:相爱(喜欢的状态), fall in love with:爱上(喜欢的动作)

  The prince falls in love with a fair young maiden. 王子爱上了一位美丽的轻少女。They fell in love with each other years ago.


  Having been in love for five years, they decided to hold the wedding. 相爱五年后,决定举行婚礼。

  be asleep在睡 — fall asleep入睡

  be in trouble处于困境中— get into trouble陷入困境

  have a cold感冒中—catch a cold患上感冒

  keep in touch with处于联系中— get in touch with联系上

  1.play a part in:在……中起作用,在……中扮演角色

  Farming plays an important part in this country. 农业在这个国家作用重大。

  We put on a very good comedy, in which each actor played two parts.


  .to one’s surprise = to the surprise of sb. 令某人惊讶的是

  To our surprise, he visited us suddenly.


  To everybody’s surprise, the plan succeeded. 出乎所有人的意料,这个计划竟然成功了。

  in surprise 惊奇地吃惊地

  by surprise出其不意地,

  “What are you doing, Bill?” asked the girl in___________.

  A. surprised B. to surpriseC. surprising

  D. surprise

  捉住了他。The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window. 当夜盗开窗时, 警察冷不防地

  to one’s joy/delight/sorrow/disappointment, etc. 令某人高兴/喜悦/伤心/失望……的是


  We care about our customers and offer the best customer support on the net!


  care for关怀,照顾;take care of照顾,关心


  He became a doctor at the age of 27.

  他27岁时成了一名医生He was a middle school student at the age of 14. 他14岁时是个中学生


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