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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.explain v.解释;说明

  ____________ n.解释,说明


  explain sth.to sb.=explain to sb.sth.对某人解释某事make an explanation作说明,进行解释

  in explanation of作为……的说明/辩解 I was used to the familiar bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are explained both in English and Chinese.(2010·辽宁,完形填空)



  (1)He ____________ us that he was late because of the traffic.


  (2)He was late.We asked him to ____________ (向我解释) why.But his ________________ (……的解释) being late didn’t sound reasonable.

  (3)“What will you say in________ of your frequent lateness this time?” asked the teacher.





  2.fault n.过错,错误;缺点,毛病;责任


  (1)However,they can hardly blame me;it is largely their own fault.(2009·重庆,完形填空)


  (2)She loves me in spite of all my faults.



  (1)The police said that the other driver was ________—he should have slowed down.


  (2)They are always ________________ (找毛病) my work.


  In spite of all my friend’s ____________,I still like him because I don’t like finding a ________.

  (4)“I don’t think it’s my________ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on,that is all,” said the boy.





  3.scene n.(戏剧)一场;现象;场面;景色


  (1)Firefighters were on the scene immediately.


  (2)The police present at the scene had only scratched the surface of the accident.




  The Great Wall whose ________ is beautiful is one of the most breathtaking ________ in the world,but twenty years ago,beautiful as the ________ was from the distance,a dirty ________ appeared in front of us when we arrived there.

  (2)While watching Titanic,most people couldn’t help crying when it came to the scene________ Jack saves the girl’s life but dies in icy water himself.




  D.where4.mark n.分数;记号;标志;得分;痕迹;v.标明;标志;打分数,批改


  (1)The workers packed the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”.(2010·课标全国卷,22)


  (2)You can’t afford to get another low mark in English.你的英语不能再得低分了。


  (1)Food ____________ red stars are included in the recipe.


  (2)The match is to take place in two days and they are busy ________ the tennis court.(2011·黄山月考)

  A.turning out

  B.marking out

  C.making out

  D.breaking out

  5.insist vt. & vi.坚持;坚决主张


  (1)The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message.(2009·山东,阅读理解C)


  (2)He insisted that his answer was right.



  (1)I insisted that you __________ there on time.


  (2)用insist on,stick to填空

  We ____________ the important thought—Three Represents,and ____________ putting it into practice.

  (3)Sam insisted that he________ the law and________.

  A.didn’t break;mustn’t be punished

  B.doesn’t break;shouldn’t punish

  C.hadn’t broken;be not punished

  D.hadn’t broken;not be punished

  6.spare adj.空闲的;不用的;备用的;vt.抽出;留出;免除


  spare sb.sth.

  spare sth.for sb.


  spare no effort(s)不遗余力;竭尽全力

  spare no expense不惜一切代价

  (1)But most of his spare time is spent working.(2009·海南,阅读理解B)


  (2)Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.



  (1)We’ll ________________ to find the culprits of this crime.


  (2)As a teacher,he almost has no ①____________ (闲暇时间),but whenever the students have any problems,he ②________________________ (不遗余力地帮助) them.He can hardly ③________________________ (抽出一些时间给家人),even his children.

  (3)Let’s________ to carry out the plan.

  A.try our best

  B.spare no effort

  C.spare no efforts

  D.all the above

  7.suggest vt.建议;暗示;使想起

  __________ n.提议;意见


  (sb./sb.’s) doing sth.

  suggest (建议)

  that sb.(should) do sth.

  sth. (to sb.)

  It is suggested that sb.(should) do sth.

  at/on sb.’s suggestion根据某人的建议

  注意:suggest作“暗示,表明”讲时,引导的从句用陈述语气。(1)Lady Luck suggested I should turn left.(2010·湖南,完形填空)


  (2)Someone suggested sending Liu Xiang to the US for treatment.


  (1)He suggested that the work ______________ at once.


  (2)His accent suggested that __________________ Sichuan.他的口音表明他是四川人。


  ①Who do you ________ to go there with her?

  ②His silence __________ refusal.

  ③He made a very useful __________ that she join in the club activities. (4)He suggested________ a meeting and it suggested that he________ in our plan.(2011·长沙模拟)

  A.to hold;was interested

  B.holding;was interested

  C.holding;should be interested

  D.should hold;be interested

  8.do with处理,对付;对待;解决;涉及


  do with有时可与deal with互换,表示“处理,解决”。

  (1)—What have you done with my pen?

  —I’ve put it away.



  (2)I hate to deal/dealing with large impersonal companies.



  (1)用deal with,do with的适当形式填空

  I don’t know how to __________ the book ____________ politics,but you know what to ________ it very well.

  (2)—How do you________ a disagreement between the company and its customers?

  —The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.

  A.make do with

  B.do with

  C.handle with

  D.deal with

  9.be supposed to应该……;理应……


  I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.(2009·浙江,14)



  (1)He was supposed __________________ on the five o’clock train.


  (2)The train________ arrive at 11∶30,but was an hour late.(2011·黄山月考)

  A.was about to

  B.was likely to

  C.was supposed to

  D.was certain to10.go out熄灭;发出;播放,播出;公布


  go off离去;爆炸

  go without忍受某事物的缺乏;没有某事物也可应 —Honey,let’s go out for dinner.

  —That’s great! I don’t have to cook.(2010·重庆,26)




  (1)The bomb __________ in a crowded street.


  (2)I was about to go out _______________________________.


  (3)Would you please________this form for me to see if I’ve filled it in right?

  A.take off

  B.look after

  C.give up

  D.go over

  11.feel like (doing)想要(做)……;感觉自己像


  I was so angry and I just didn’t feel like looking for another job.(2008·上海,阅读理解B)



  (1)I don’t ________________ today.


  (2)We’ll go for a walk if ______________.


  (3)They were completely different from my own family,yet I felt________ with them immediately.


  B.at home


  D.badly12.now that既然;由于


  Now that we’ve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions taken?(2009·宁夏海南,35)



  (1)I’ll never give up ______________.


  (2)________________________(既然晚餐已准备好),wash your hands.

  (3)________ she is out of a job,Lucy has been considering going back to school,but she hasn’t decided.(2011·南京模拟)

  A.Even if



  D.Now that

  13.The room is a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.






  (1)with+宾语+doing (表主动或正在进行的动作)

  (2)with+宾语+done(表被动或已完成的动作)(3)with+宾语+to do (to do表示将来的动作)

  (4)with+宾语+adj. (adj.表状态)

  (5)with+宾语+adv. (adv.表状态)


  (1)Tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.(2010·四川,5)


  (2)With all the things she needed bought,she went home happily.



  (1)________________________________,he won’t have time to go shopping this morning.


  (2)________________________,it’s time to buy warm clothes.


  (3)The boy went out to play ________________________________.


  (4)________ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious,the government is searching for ways to improve people’s life.

   A.A B.With



  (5)John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work________,he gladly accepted it.



  C.having finished

  D.was finished

  14.Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.




  (1)To save class time,our teacher has us students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.(2007·湖南,27)


  (2)It was cold,and she had the fire burning all day and night.天很冷,她日夜烧着炉火。


  (1)At that time,he ____________ to talk to.


  (2)Joe ________________ a car for him.


  (3)You’d better ________________________.


  (4)—Good morning.Can I help you?

  —I’d like to have this package________,madam.

  A.be weighed

  B.to be weighed

  C.to weigh


  (5)She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role________in making the earth a better place to live.

  A.to have played

  B.to play

  C.to be played

  D.to be playing2016高考英语综合能力测试题(9)】



  Electronic books, more commonly known as e-books, are books that are in digital form. They are much like your traditional books that are made of paper -just more advanced and without the heavy weight. Because of their extreme efficiency, many now say that they may replace traditional books in the long run, however, in order to deter-mine this for sure, it would be better to investigate further,

  While I was on vacation for three weeks, I thought I would catch up on some reading. Instead of going to my local WH Smith to buy some books, I downloaded the Kindle app onto my Tablet, and bought a couple of e-books to read.

  Here are some advantages of e-books over printed books: 1. They can use multimedia. 2. Free shipping cost. 3. Searchable. 4. Easy to update. 5. Weigh less. 6. Portable and take less space. 7. Cost less for the publisher. 8. Copyright. 9. Readable.

  With the rising number of e-book users all over the world, and with more and more excellent e-book readers springing up in the market – it cannot be denied that this new innovation will become even more popular as the days go by. As to whether they will actually replace traditional printed books - only time will tell - but one thing is certain; they do make your life easier.












  【参考范文】读写任务 (One possible version)

  The author thinks that e-books are better than traditional ones, but only time will tell whether e-books will actually take the place of traditional printed books.

   E-books have many advantages. They can offer people immediate access and allow them to carry as many books as they want with no extra weight. They cost less money because they don’t need to take up so many resources, which is rather environmentally friendly.

   However, still many people prefer traditional books for their unique functions, such as being kept as a collection or sent as a gift. Therefore, those who love reading might be willing to keep a printed copy even though they have read the electronic form of it.

   As far as I am concerned, I like both of them because traditional books today are still the leading method of reading daily. However, with the development of information technology and the popularity of the Internet, e-books will replace traditional books in the future, I believe.

  Unit 2 Growing pains



  1.He didn’t give us a ________________________(合理的解释) about his ________________(无礼的表现).We all thought it was his ________(过错),but he deserved no ____________(惩罚).

  2.It’s a universal ________(真理) that ____________(无私) is quite ________(宝贵的),while ________(自私) is really ________(愚蠢的).

  3.It’s ________(令人吃惊的) that what ________(使……感兴趣) me ________ (使……厌烦) her.


  be crazy about,be mixed up,be angry with,after all,go out,be hard on,make no difference,take sb’s advice,argue sb.out of,wait one’s turn

  1.Whether he will come here or not ________________.

  2.Don’t be a queue­jumper.You’d better __________________________________.

  3.Our teacher ________ so __________ us.

  4.The boy ________________ computer games.

  5.______________,Mike isn’t a boy any more.

  6.At last his wife ________ him ____________ buying so expensive a car.

  7.The fire ________________ when the firemen got there.

  8.Don’t ________________ me.I didn’t do that on purpose.

  9.If you ____________ my ________,it would have been better.

  10.We ________________ after his explanation.



  He went home,__________ by his daughter,________ very slowly.


  We ________ the book ______________ you referred ________ not worth reading.


  ____________ you ____________ there,tell us something about it.


  The man ____________ you shook hands just now is my teacher.


  ________ I wish I ____________ to the Shanghai Expo!


  He raised his hand ________________________ to say something.


  1.Mr.Zhang didn’t believe the reason ________ for his being late for class.

  A.he explained

  B.that he expressed

  C.how he explained

  D.why he expressed

  2.He is a person who is always ________ fault with other people.




  D.looking for

  3.Mum ______ to us,“Be quiet!Your little sister’s sleeping.”





  4.The dead man’s wallet and mobile phone remained untouched,so the ________ for the killing could not have been the theft.





  5.He asked us to find a book ________ the word “WAF”.

  A.marked with

  B.being marked with

  C.marked on

  D.being marked on

  6.—I’m sorry I didn’t help you out.

  —Never mind.________,you have tried your best.

  A.Above all B.In all

  C.At all

  D.After all

  7.People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her.________,she was a great musician.

  A.After all

  B.As a result

  C.In other words

  D.As usual

  8.Don’t be too hard ________ the boy;he didn’t mean ________ it.(2010·黄山模拟)


  B.on;to do


  D.for;to do

  9.The children were left ________ of a neighbour when they were on holiday.

  A.in charge

  B.in the charge

  C.under charge

  D.at charge

  10.By nine o’clock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,__________ appeared a rare rainbow soon.

  A.of which

  B.on which

  C.from which

  D.above which

  11.Eric received training in computer for one year,______he found a job in a big company.

  A.after that

  B.after which

  C.after it

  D.after this

  12.Please remain ________;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.



  C.to seat

  D.to be seated

  13.He was busy writing a story,only ________ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.

  A.to stop


  C.to have stopped

  D.having stopped

  14.________ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.


  B.To wait

  C.Having waited

  D.To have waited

  15.I wish I ________ such a promise to her.

  A.didn’t make

  B.don’t make

  C.not make

  D.hadn’t made.课文信息填空Acts Characters Things they do How they feel

  Act one Mom and Dad Just coming back from 1.________ Finding the room in a mess and the dog tired and hungry,they feel 2.________ and angry.

  Eric Playing 3.________ at home Seeing parents back early and angry at them,he is surprised and 4.________.

  Daniel Stay in another room However,he hopes to give an 5.______ at first but then feel angry with parents.

  Act two Daniel 6.________ his anger with parents He is so angry with his arms crossed.

  Eric 7.________ his brother He tries to make Daniel 8.________ and not angry.

  Mom Talking about the things that happened today Thinking they are hard on their children,she feels sorry and 9.________.


  He is stubborn,insisting on 10.______ Daniel.


  One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like __1__,whatever it might be,__2__ I tried it.Over the years I’ve come to __3__ how much of my success I owe to my __4__ of those words as one of my values.My __5__ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I __6__ what I wanted to do as a career(职业).__7__ I believed I would work for a few years,get married,stay home and raise a family,so I didn’t think the job I took __8__ that much.I couldn’t have been more __9__.I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会) to __10__ through the company into different __11__.I accepted each new opportunity with the __12__,“Well,I’ll try it;if I don’t like it I can always go back to my __13__ position.”But I was with the same company for the past 28 years,and I’ve __14__ every career change I’ve made.I’ve discovered I __15__ a large number of different talents(才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being __16__ trying new opportunities.I’ve also discovered that if I __17__ what I’m doing and work hard at achieving my __18__,I will succeed.That’s why I’m so __19__ to be a part of CareerFables.com.I think __20__ has come and I am determined to make it a success.(2011·益阳统考)

  1.A.everything B.somethingC.everybody D.somebody

  2.A.until after B.ever sinceC.so that D.long before

  3.A.consider B.argueC.include D.realize

  4.A.suggestion B.explanationC.acceptance D.discussion

  5.A.hard B.bestC.extra D.first

  6.A.determined B.examinedC.experienced D.introduced

  7.A.Actually B.GraduallyC.Finally D.Usually

  8.A.helped B.requiredC.expressed D.mattered

  9.A.careful B.mistakenC.interested D.prepared

  10.A.look up B.take upC.move up D.put up

  11.A.situations B.choicesC.directions D.positions

  12.A.thought B.replyC.action D.advice

  13.A.easier B.newerC.earlier D.higher

  14.A.permitted B.countedC.organized D.enjoyed

  15.A.show B.possessC.need D.gather

  16.A.lucky for B.slow atC.open to D.afraid of

  17.A.think of B.give awayC.believe in D.turn into

  18.A.business B.goalC.fortune D.growth

  19.A.excited B.curiousC.surprised D.helpful

  20.A.dream B.timeC.power D.honor


  Recently,scientists attending a meeting in Chicago presented new

  studies showing how food and its production affect global warming.They offered some suggestions for how to eat in a more environmentally friendly way.

  For many years,scientists have warned us that our planet is getting warmer.If current trends continue,animals may start to die off and life could get very difficult for everyone.The temperature is rising because humans have been releasing massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,which surround the planet and keep heat from escaping.One of these gases is carbon dioxide.

  Most carbon dioxide we produce comes from the process of making and eating food,the scientists reported in Chicago.The production of meat contributes to a lot of carbon dioxide.And much of meat’s contribution comes from beef,which is responsible for releasing even more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

  The process of making a hamburger,for example,requires a lot of energy.A cow has to be fed and raised,and cow’s wastes are a major source of greenhouse gases.After the cow is killed,the meat has to be processed and shipped to a consumer,which takes fuel.And most of the cow won’t even be used for meat people eat.

  By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate,it has taken a heavy toll on the environment.It is believed that the process of making a half­pound all­beef burger adds about 19 times the weight of hamburgers in carbon dioxide.

  The message is clear:We can greatly reduce the production of greenhouse gases by eating less beef.Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environment—at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released.Nathan Pelletier,a scientist at Dalhousie University in Canada,reported that if everyone in industrial countries ate chicken instead of beef,we would cut the Earth’s greenhouse gases by more than half.

  All kinds of meat,the scientists reported,are harder on the planet than vegetables.To grow and eat a pound of potatoes,for example,sends less than one quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air.So shifting our diet to less meat and more vegetables may do the world some good.

  1.The text mainly tells us ________.

  A.what we eat can affect the whole planet

  B.the way we live affects the environment

  C.how we can save energy on the Earth

  D.how we can produce environment­friendly food

  2.What is likely to happen if the climate is getting warmer according to the passage?

  A.Sea level will continue to rise sharply.

  B.Human beings won’t have enough food.

  C.It would be very hard for man to survive.

  D.All the animals and plants will disappear.

  3.Why does the author mention the process of making a hamburger?

  A.To show meat is usually part of a hamburger.

  B.To illustrate that our food contributes to greenhouse gases.

  C.To prove making a hamburger is a complex process.

  D.To suggest a lot of energy is needed to make hamburgers.

  4.The author believes one effective way to fight global warming is ________.

  A.we should eat no pork and no chicken

  B.we should eat more chicken than beef

  C.we should eat not meat but vegetables

  D.we should eat less meat and more vegetables

  5.Which of the following statements would Nathan Pelletier agree to?

  A.Eating pork and chicken is more environmentally friendly.

  B.Meat consumption is the main cause of greenhouse gases.

  C.People in industrial countries consume more beef than fish.

  D.Eating more beef is a more efficient way to save more energy.


  Some people believe that greed and selfishness have become the basis of modern society, and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?

  In this fast­paced world, many values are undergoing major changes.While people traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self­absorbed and self­concerned.

  Modern people act selfishly to survive the harsh competition of life.They say that it is a jungle out there.To survive, you have to fight with whatever means that come handy.Obviously greedy and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas.In a company, employees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position,even at the cost of colleagues.We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct.It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to the outside influences.

  In spite of common practice, it is hard to conclude that modern society is built on greed and selfishness, both of which are not newly invented vocabulary.In ancient times people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were more condemned then.But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively more isolated life and faced less pressure compared with their modern counterparts.

  Are we happier to share with others and be generous to them? There is no fixed answer either.Some people take great pleasure helping and giving care to others while others feel happy doing the opposite.But I personally think that people should not be too selfish.Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.

  In conclusion, modern people appear to be more self­centered than those in the past due to the strong outside pressure.However, we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and to build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.

  Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish?

  Main comparisons Contexts

  1.________ are changing In the past people put caring, sharing and generosity in the first 2.________.

  Nowadays, people seem to be more 3.________ about themselves.


  are changing too People in the past appeared to be modest and self­effacing(谦让的).

  People now may strive to achieve their own 5.________ at the price of their co­workers.

  The author’s understanding

  6.________ for the changes in author’s eyes Fierce 7.____________ and great 8.________ on modern people may be responsible for the changes.

  The author’s

  9.________ towards topic A relationship which can 10.________ two sides should be established.





  (1)explained to (2)①explain to us ②explanation for

  (3)D [in explanation of是固定词组,意为“解释”。句意为:老师问:“这一次你将用什么话来为自己经常迟到辩解?”]


  (1)in/at fault (2)finding fault with (3)shortcomings;fault





  (4)C [fault表示“(承担错误的)责任;过失”;error 强调“违反某一既定标准,不经心而做了错事,产生偏差、疏忽或行动上的错误”;mistake 指由于“粗心、不注意或由于理解、认识或判断上的不正确而造成行动或看法上的错误,有时这种错误是无意的”。]








  (2)D [此处是定语从句,where作地点状语,相当于in which。]


  (1)marked with (2)B


  (1)(should) go (2)stick to;insist on

  insist on,stick to

  (1)insist on坚决要求,坚持认为,是对“要求、看法、意见或主张”的坚持。

  (2)stick to是对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、意见、理想或某种理论”的坚持不渝。

  (3)D [句意为:Sam坚持说他没犯法(应用真实语气),坚持他不应受到惩罚(应用虚拟语气)。故选D项。]


  (1)spare no effort (2)①spare time ②spares no effort to help ③spare his family any time

  (3)D [句意为:让我们尽最大努力来完成这项计划。A、B、C项都有此意。]



  (1)(should) be started (2)he was from

  (3)①advise ②suggested ③suggestion


  (1)advise后可跟带不定式的复合宾语,即advise sb.to do sth.,而suggest则不能。

  (2)advise的名词形式advice为不可数名词,如a piece of advice;suggest的名词形式suggestion为可数名词,如a suggestion。



  (1)advise后可跟带不定式的复合宾语,即advise sb.to do sth.,而suggest则不能。

  (2)advise的名词形式advice为不可数名词,如a piece of advice;suggest的名词形式suggestion为可数名词,如a suggestion。


  (4)B [suggest doing sth.固定用法;第二个空由于主句中suggest的意思为“暗示”,固其后的宾语从句应用陈述语气。]


  (1)deal with;dealing with;do with

  deal with,do with

  (1)这两个短语都可表示“处理”,但用法不同。用于特殊疑问句时,deal with常与how连用,do with常与what连用。

  (2)deal with还可表示“与……相处;关于;与……有生意往来”。

  (2)D [由于句中有how,所以应用deal with,表示如何处理;handle with应去掉with。]


  (1)to have arrived

  (2)C [句意为:火车应该于1130到,结果晚了一个小时。be supposed to应该。]


  (1)went off (2)when the telephone rang

  (3)D [考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你可以帮我检查一下这个表格填得是否正确吗?take off脱下;起飞;look after照顾;give up放弃;go over复习;仔细查看。]


  (1)feel myself (2)you feel like it

  (3)B [由句意可知,应是“感到不拘束”;feel at home感到不拘束。]


  (1)from now on (2)Now that dinner is ready

  (3)D [句意为:既然工作没了,Lucy已在考虑重返校园,但她还没有做出决定。now that=since既然。]



  (1)With so many essays to write

  (2)With winter coming on

  (3)with his homework finished

  (4)B [介词with的复合结构。句意为:经济危机正变得越来越严重,政府正寻找办法提高人们的生活水平。]

  (5)A [“with+宾语+宾补”结构中,宾补表示完成时用过去分词。]



  (1)had nobody (2)had me find

  (3)have that bad tooth pulled out

  (4)D [have sth.done叫人做某事。答句意为:——我想叫人称一下包裹,女士。]



  Ⅰ.1.reasonable explanation;rude behavior;fault;punishment 2.truth;selflessness;valuable;selfishness;silly


  Ⅱ.1.makes no difference 2.wait your turn 3.is;hard on

  4.is crazy about 5.After all 6.argued;out of 7.had gone out 8.be angry with 9.had taken;advice

  10.were mixed up

  Ⅲ.1.supported;walking 2.thought;to which;was

  3.Now that;have been 4.with whom

  5.How;had been 6.as if/as though (he was going)


  1.A [选项A为省略了that的宾语从句,the reason应与explain搭配。]

  2.C [find fault with sb.固定搭配。]

  3.A [由语境可知,此处应是“小声说”,故选A项。]

  4.C [由语境可知,此处指的是“杀人的动机”。]

  5.A [be marked with...标有……的记号。过去分词短语作定语,其完整形式为:that/which was marked with the word “WAF”。]

  6.D [后一句意为:没关系,毕竟(after all)你已尽力了。]

  7.A [after all毕竟;as a result结果;in other words换句话说,也就是说;as usual和往常一样。只有A符合语境。]

  8.B [be hard on sb.对某人冷酷/严厉,mean to do打算……。]

  9.B [句意为:他们外出度假时,孩子们由邻居照顾。in the charge of...由……负责/照看;in charge of...照看/负责……。C项应在under后加the。]

  10.D [考查非限制性定语从句,which指的是the top,故D符合语境。]

  11.B [从句子结构可知,此处应是考查非限制性定语从句。]

  12.B [分词作表语。逻辑主语(you)与seat之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。]

  13.B [分词作伴随状语。逻辑主语he与stop是主动关系,且分词的动作与句子谓语动词动作同时发生,故用现在分词的一般式。]

  14.C [分词作时间状语,逻辑主语the old man与wait是主动关系,且分词的动作发生在句子谓语动词动作之前,故用现在分词的完成式。]

  15.D [wish 后的从句应用虚拟语气,从句意可知这里是对过去的虚拟。]

  Ⅴ.1.vacation 2.disappointed 3.soccer 4.frightened 5.explanation 6.Expressing 7.Comforting 8.calm 9.regretful 10.punishing


  1.B [考查语境中不定代词的辨析。不管是什么事情,“我”尝试过之后才会说是否喜欢。此处something“某事”,指不确定的事情,符合题意。everything每一件事,语意不恰当;根据本句中的it可知此处指的是“事情”,而不是“人”,由此可排除C、D两项。]

  2.A [考查固定句型。本句是“not...until...”句型,表示“直到……才……”。此处是指直到尝试过之后“我”才会说是否喜欢某事。ever since自从;so that用来引导目的或结果状语从句;long before很久以前,都不符合语境。]

  3.D [考查语境中动词的辨析。多年以来,“我”开始“意识到”自己的成功在很大程度上应该归功于父亲传授给“我”的价值观。结合本句中的“Over the years”和“come to”可知此处是指“我”逐渐意识到的过程,因此A项在语意上不恰当;include包括;argue争论,与语意不符。]

  4.C [考查语境选词。“我”后来意识到自己取得成功的主要原因是把父亲的话作为了自己的价值观之一。此处强调的是“我”对父亲的那些话的接受,故答案选C。]

  5.D [考查上下文暗示。根据本句中的“until”可知“我”在选定职业之前只是想先找一份工作暂时工作两三年,由此可判断此处是指“我”的“第一”份工作。文章中没有提“我”此前已经有了一份工作,所以C项不正确。]

  6.A [考查语境中动词的辨析。“我”决定先暂时尝试一份工作,工作两三年后再“决定”自己的职业。后三项分别表示“检查”、“经历”、“介绍”,都不符合语境。]

  7.A [考查语境中副词的辨析。结合上一句中的“a couple of years”和本句中的“a few years”可知,“我”“实际上”认为自己会一直工作若干年,然后结婚生子,养家糊口。B、C、D三项均不符合上下文逻辑。]

  8.D [考查语境中动词的辨析。由上文可知,“我”认为自己所从事的工作并不太“重要”,此处matter表示“要紧,有重大影响”。A、B、C三项分别表示“帮助”、“要求”、“表达”,不符合语境。]

  9.B [考查上下文逻辑。下文提到“我”不断尝试新的挑战,从而掌握了不同的技能。由此可推断“我”当时的想法是极其“错误的”。本句中否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。]

  10.C [考查语境中动词短语的辨析。“我”掌握了岗位要求的技能后又得到了“升迁”的机会,此处move up表示“提升”。look up查阅,抬头看;take up占用,从事,接受;put up举起,张贴,都不符合语境。]

  11.D [考查生活常识。因为“我”敢于尝试新的挑战,所以在公司中被提升到不同的“职位”,此处position表示“职位,岗位”。前三项分别表示“情况”、“选择”、“方向”,都与所给语境不符。]

  12.A [考查上下文照应。根据本句后半句引号中的内容可知这是“我”当时内心的“想法”。文章中没有提到“我”需要回答别人的询问,所以B项不正确;此处显然也不是给别人的建议,因此D项错误;action行动,与后面引号中的内容不符。]

  13.C [考查上下文逻辑。“我”当时抓住机会去尝试,心想如果不喜欢所从事的工作,总可以回到“先前的”岗位上去。此处没有提到工作的难易,所以A项不恰当。]

  14.D [考查语境选词。由上下文可知“我”在同一个公司工作了28年,并在不同的岗位学到很多不同的技巧。由此可知“我”非常“喜欢”每一次职业改变。前三项分别表示“允许”、“数”、“组织”,都不符合语境。]

  15.B [考查语境中动词的辨析。上文提到“我”在公司中不断升迁,从事过很多岗位的工作,由此可知“我”“拥有”了不同的才能和技能。此处是指“我”在不同的工作岗位上得到了锻炼,所以A项的语义不恰当。]

  16.C [考查语境中形容词短语的辨析。“我”之所以拥有了不同的才能和技能是因为“我”敢于尝试新的挑战,此处open to表示“思想开明的”。上文提到父亲的话对“我”产生了重要影响,所以此处强调的不是幸运,因此A项不恰当。]

  17.C [考查语境中动词短语的辨析。此处是指“我”“相信”自己所从事的工作。think of想起;give away泄露,赠送;turn into变成,都与所给语境不符。]

  18.B [考查语境中名词的辨析。“我”认为如果相信自己所从事的工作并持之以恒地为实现目标而奋斗,就可以成功。achieve one’s goal表示“实现目标”。business商业,生意;growth增长,语义不恰当;fortune财富,不是文章的侧重点。]

  19.A [考查语境中形容词的辨析。由上文可知“我”此时已经是一名成功人士,此处表示“我”为目前的成就感到无比“兴奋”。B、C两项是同义词,可排除;D项侧重个人的作用,不符合语境。]

  20.B [考查逻辑推理。“我”认为“时机”已经来临并决定在工作中取得成功。dream在文章中没有信息支持。power权力;honor荣誉,都与所给语境不符。]


  1.A [主旨大意题。文章的第一段通常表明文章的话题。结合本文第一段和全文的内容可判断出文章的话题是食物对全球气候的影响。]

  2.C [细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,如果全球变暖的趋势持续下去,动物可能开始灭绝,人类的生存更加困难。C项的陈述与第二段中的“life could get very difficult for everyone”意义相符。]

  3.B [推理判断题。第三段的第一句告诉我们:科学家们认为,人类在食物生产的过程中制造了大量的二氧化碳,而二氧化碳正是造成温室效应的气体之一。在第四段中作者用制作汉堡的例子来证明自己的观点。]

  4.D [细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,科学家发现所有的肉类对地球的危害都比蔬菜大,饲养动物比种植蔬菜消耗的能量多得多。因此,如果我们能少吃肉多吃蔬菜,就会对地球有益。D项的陈述符合最后一段的意思。]

  5.A [推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中Nathan Pelletier所说的话可知,鸡肉比牛肉释放的温室气体要少一些。]

  Ⅷ.1.Values 2.place 3.concerned 4.Behaviors

  5.goals 6.Reasons 7.competition 8.pressure

  9.attitude 10.benefit


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